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We choose the leaders who represent our visions most. But will those visions be realised? |
“Our nation needs to prosper “Our people deserve to thrive “But the old ways do not foster “The betterment for which we strive,” These words dawn at every campaign And that part, at least, is true But truth erodes with each subsequent claim On who would be the best for you Those faces emblazoned on every walls Captioned by the grand promises made They set themselves on high pedestals They stand with virtue-banner waved Whatever dreams the masses most support Such are the ideals they’d represent Their own beliefs they must distort To wield that worthy mantle of ‘president’ They promise liberty and peace To build a better future for us all They preach of security and justice With them at lead, we’ll never fall “So, come, raise your voices,” they implore “Your trust in me would make us great “And our opponents; oh, how we abhor “They hinder Progress, deserving our hate” Then comes the day to cast our votes That would pave way to a new era Then the elect must honour their words To realise their promised utopia And we would wait with bated breaths For the victor’s name to be declared The verdict, to some, befell like death While others rejoiced with much fanfare But it’s no time for celebration For the journey’s just begun Will the four-year duration Be enough to get things done? These we must ask, as cabinets reshuffle The promises we voted for, will they be betrayed? Will the lies be revealed, as their plans unravel As some cede in compromise, while others get delayed? Perhaps we’ve all underestimated How quickly time goes pass And the process gets restarted With much still at an impasse Yet we are hopeful, and so we wait still For an advocate, pure and clear of blame To someday appear, who would rise and fulfill Those very words they always proclaim “Our nation needs to prosper “Our people deserve to thrive “But the old ways do not foster “The betterment for which we strive.” Line count: 48 |