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Serena's parents have died of a punishment and its up to Tugger and her friends to helpher |
Serena's Life By: Patsy Derrell Prologue:The following story that you're about to read contains scenes of graphic violence, mild language and some suggestive content that is not suitable for younger audiences. Also, be on the lookout for some gruesome imagery and it makes you feel squimesh, anxious, mentally emotional, phsycally sick, disturbed or even uncomfortable. It also contains themes of love, freedom, violence and destiny. On a side note, it's going to be a commentary on child abuse and homelessness. Keep in mind, it does get a little disturbing at times. Also, there are some spoilers ahead, so spoiler alert. And one more thing, you must ask your parents if you can handle some of the subjects that are displayed in the story that you're about to read. So, I bit you farewell and remember to look out for some gruesome imagery ahead and some scenes that are not suitable for the younger crowd. And one more thing before you read this story, The 2 messages of this story are whenever they try to abuse you, just walk away and talk to your loved ones and for every tragedy, there will always be a light at the end of the tunnel. Anyways, let's begin our story folks. Chapter 1 Once there was a young 12 year old girl named Serena. She had duckling yellow hair with ocean blue eyes and a friendly smile. She had a strong mother, a caring father and 2 lovely older brothers named Oswald and James. They lived in a village in Denmark called Maribo. The family lived a very glorious life until something bad happened. One day, There was a fire in the village and it killed her whole family including her brothers. Moments later, Serena was mourning the death of all of her family members and the house was burned to the ground. The other people didn't care about the death of her parents or her home being burned down and whipped her for no explaned reason. This made Serena even more angry and even very depressed at some points. But one person who felt very sorry for the tragedy and his name was The Rum Tum Tugger. Tugger asked in a soothing tone, "What's wrong my dear?'' Serena sobbed, "My whole family was killed by the fire and some people didn't care and they just abused me and are trying to kill me and also, my house was burned to the ground!'' Tugger was shocked to hear that part. He soothed her by coming to his house and told her to cry all she need as long as he'll be here. After she was crying, Tugger let her sleep in his lap and told her that he'll be her guardian angel. Tugger petted and kissed her head in addition to saying some soothing words to send her to sleep. Chapter 2 When he carried Serena to bed, Tugger sang Ave Maria to her in his soft yet angelic tone. So, he started to sing in his powerful and soothing voice, ''Ave Maria, Now your ageless bell, So sweetly sounds for listening ears, From heights of heaven to brink of hell, In tender notes have echoed through the years, Aloft from earth's far boundaries, Each poor petition, every prayer, The hopes of foolish ones and wise, Must mount in thanks and grim despair, Ave Maria.'' As he sang the second stanza, he petted Serena's hair, kissed her cheeks and rubbed her back. Then he sang the third and final stanza with great soothing strength, "Ave Maria, Heaven's bride, The bells ring out in solemn praise, For you, The anguish and the pride, The living glory of our nights, of our nights and day, The Prince of Peace your arms embrace, While hosts of darkness fade and cower, Oh save us, Mother full of grace, In life and in our dying hour, Ave Maria~'' After that, Tugger kissed her forehead and told her, "Sweet dreams my love~.'' Then Serena was falling fast asleep after he went going to his bedroom after he watched her for 2 whole hours. Chapter 3 Then, Serena was having a weird dream about the other people planning to kill her and use her in the dungeon and killed her in a chair that's filled with spikes and blood over it. After the other people almost killed her, she screamed than ever before, breathed uncontrollably and went to Tugger's room and cried harder and harder. Tugger woke up and wrapped his arms around her and asked huskily, ''What's wrong?'' "I just had a nightmare on the other people who tried to kill me and execute me to a crime I didn't commit!" Serena cried. Tugger soothed, "Aw, you poor thing, here, lay down on my chest ok.'' And Serena did what's required of him. She sobbed in his chest and Tugger cooed to her, "Shh, It's okay Serena, don't cry.'' He rubbed her shoulders as way to show affectionate love for her. He hummed the reprisal of the first, second and third stanzas of Ave Maria once more in his angelic tone to help her calm down. After she stopped crying, she went to sleep in Tugger's arms and was so safe with him after the nightmares and went on to have some very angelic dreams while sleeping with Tugger. He kissed her forehead and told her in a tender voice, ''I've got you Serena and I'll always be with you even if your parents and house have died,'' ''I'll be right there if you need me or if you have another nightmare ok.'' Tugger continued and Serena nodded. ''Good night Serena, I love you.'' He whispered soothingly while kissing her head once more. Serena fell asleep soundly in Tugger's arms while dreaming some better dreams for when she woke up for tomorrow morning. Chapter 4 The next morning, Tugger rolled over to Serena, kissed her cheeks and told her in his smooth tone of voice, ''Good morning darling~'' ''G-good morning Tugger.'' Serena told him back shyly. ''What do you want for breakfast today Serena.'' Tugger asked. Serena thought, ''I think I want to have some white bread with cheese.'' Tugger wanted to have wheat rolls with jam. They both woke up and got their breakfast by their maidens named Jessica and Penelope. The maidens got their breakfast in less than 4 minutes. ''Thank you so much for making the breakfast for us!'' Serena called to the two maidens. "You're welcome!'' The maidens called back. They ate breakfast as they talked about what they're going to do together in the weeks ahead like taking a walk around the village. Their breakfast was done and they took their plates in the sink and the maidens washed the plates with water and put them in the dryer. After breakfast, They went to a store that sells clothes, shoes and jewelery. The shopkeeper named Iori Minase asked in a very enthusiastic way, ''What would you like to buy my dear sweet child?'' Serena looked around and picked her clothes for home, school and special occassions. Then, Serena chose and shoes for home, school and special occassions. Finally, she found some jewelery like necklaces, bracelets and earrings for some special occassions. When that's done, Serena gave Iori the clothes, shoes and jewelery that she picked out and Iori put her clothes, shoes and jewelery in a bag and Serena gave Iori the cash and Iori told her and Tugger, "Have a very great day my dear Serena and have a amazing day to you too Tugger!" "You too!'' Said Tugger proudly. Chapter 5 After they went to the store, Serena and Tugger went back to the village and Serena went to her room and watched some movies and tv shows. Suddenly, the mail came in and there was an invatation that said, "Kooru and Wallace's Jazz concert is tonight at 8:30 at the karaoke bar in Copenhagen for girls and moms featuring special guests, Miki, Yukiho and Chihaya and our conductor Ritsuko.'' ''Serena I've got a suprise for you my dear!'' Tugger called. Serena went downstairs to see Tugger and he gave Serena the invitation and she was so filled with happiness that she went to her room in excitement and wrote invitations for her friends Yui, Yayoi, Takane, Rebecca, Eri and Hotaru. At 7:30pm, Her friends came to Serena's house and all went to get dressed in the bathroom. Before they went to get dressed, They met Tugger and Tugger was very pleased to see them and gave them a hug and kiss on the cheeks one at a time. When Serena got to the bathroom, Her friends helped her get dressed, get her makeup on, put her hair in a braid and get her jewelery on her neck, ears and her arms. Once she got dressed, Serena looked at the mirror and her friends loved her new blue dress. Then, Serena went downstairs to show Tugger her new look and he loved it to bits. Her new look was as lovely as a unicorn with a new mane. Then, Serena told Tugger, ''I'll see you later dad.'' ''See you after the jazz concert sweetie!'' Tugger told Serena back. Serena and her friends went to the karaoke bar and went to take a seat and got some water and some juice. Yui asked, ''How was your life been Serena?'' ''It was a mixed bag of emotions.'' Serena answered. "Why is that?'' Takane asked suprisingly. Serena answered in a matter of fact way, ''On one hand, I got a new home and a new mother, 2 brothers and a father,'' All of her friends are very pleased with her getting her new father and living in his home village. ''On the other hand though, My house was burned to the ground, some people are trying to hurt me and my whole family died in a fire!'' Serena answered in a depressing manner. Her friends were so shocked and Yayoi comforted her by patting her back and telling her to just stay calm and that they would always be with her every step of the way. Suddenly, The lights dimmed and Kuroo and Wallace walked on stage and Kuroo exclaimed, "Welcome to our jazz concert tonight moms and daughters all around the world!'' "We have got some songs for you to sing for you tonight.'' Wallace told them with a seductive smile on his face. Then the jazz band played the first song and Kuroo sang, "Macavity The Mystery Cat, He's called the Hidden Paw, For he's the master criminal who can defy the law, He's the bafflement of Scotland Yard, The Flying Squad's despair, For when they reach the scene of crime, Macavity's not there.'' Kuroo swayed his hips and flashed his signature smirk as he continued to sing in a husky tone, "Macavity, Macavity, There's no one like Macavity, He's broken every human law, He breaks the law of gravity, His powers of levitation, Who make a fakir stare, And when you reached the scene of crime, Macavity's not there, You may seek him in the basement, You may look up in the air~, But I tell you once and once again, Macavity's Not There!'' Then, Wallace steps in and sings while putting on his sensual smile, ''Macavity's a ginger cat, He's very tall and thin, You would know him if you saw him, For his eyes are sunken in, His brow is deeply lined with thought, His head is highly domed, His coat is dusty from neglect, His whiskers are uncombed, He sways his head from side to side with movements like a snake, And when you think he's half asleep, He's always WIDE AWAKE, Macavity, Macavity, There's no one like Macavity, For he's a fiend in feline shape, A monster of depravity, You may meet him in a by-street, You may see him in the square, But when a crime's discovered, Then Macavity's not there.'' Then Kuroo and Wallace took turns singing until they sang together enticingly in harmony. The first song was over and Wallace got a solo song called What A Wonderful World. The concert went on until 9:30pm and all her friends applauded The 2 seducers and the special guests the Centurettes. They went back to Serena's house and as they went inside, Tugger asked, ''Did you enjoy the concert?" All of them nodded. Chapter 6 All of her friends went inside their house and had a slumber party with Serena and Tugger. Suddenly, There was a knock at the door and it was Serena's B.F.F named Julie. Tugger went to make Serena, her B.F.F Julie and all of the others some snacks for her slumber party and her friends brought some comedy movies like Hot Shots:Part Deux, CaddyShack, Ghostbusters, Scary Movie and some of the Charlie Chaplin movies. While Tugger made the snacks and drinks, Serena, her B.F.F Julie and her friends got changed into their nightgowns and did some fun activites like pillow fights, playing flashlight hide and seek and putting on a spa, hair and makeup salon. The snacks that Tugger made are: Popcorn, Goldfish Crackers, Cheeseballs, Chocolate brownies with sprinkles, Pepperoni pizza rolls, Chocolate dipped potato chips, chocolate flavored popsicles and oreo pie. And some of the drinks that he made includes: Kool-Aid orange and lemonade flavored, Ice tea with lemon, orange juice, hot cocoa with marshmellows and some smoothies like a fruit smoothie and a ice cream smoothie. Tugger called the girls downstairs for their snacks and drinks. Before they got their snacks and drinks, Tugger sang Santa baby and did a seductive dance that made the ladies swoon and Tugger interacted with them by blowing kisses, kissing their cheeks, winking and getting meowed at. After that, he did a sexy pose and the ladies swooned at the performance and they got their snacks and drinks on the trays and watched the movies on tv. After they ate and watched the movies, They went to Serena's bedroom and got ready for bed with their sleeping bags while Serena brushed her teeth and got her self ready for bed. Tugger kissed everyone on the cheeks seductively to tell them good night. |