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Rated: E · Draft · Sci-fi · #2174681
A draft for a possible map project.
10mya - alesian civilization begins making colonies outside their star system
10.5mya -alesian civilization collapses on their homeworld of gergasia
5mya-the descendants of the alesian civilization on their homeworld diverge into seperate species while all the alesian colonies die out except for one on the planet of Udraal
4mya -graguans become a spacefaring civilization
2mya -graguan colonies have diversified and are no longer under a centralized state
1.8mya- the cleomites create cyborgs which allow them to space travel
1.7mya- the graguan faction known as the Imperium uses the first ftl travel (wormhole highways) to expand into other graguan colonies, starting a campaign to unify the graguan species by assimilating or exterminating other graguan subspecies
1.6mya- cleom develop their own ftl travel by manipulating gravity
1.4mya- some of the remaining graguan species form an opposing faction known as the Vrau confederacy
0.1mya- a parasitic species known as the serlniks infect a few cleomite cyborgs on the serlnik homeworld
300kya-the serlnik-cleom wars begin as serlniks infect large regions of cleom space
260kya a group of cleom cyborgs form a faction known as Cyglea
5000bu- humans reach the AI singularity and begin to colonise nearby star systems
4000bu- humans and AI on the star system of Prios become independent of the humans on Terra and create a new faction called neo terra
3500bu- humans abandon their colony on the Rinusa system after an artificially created virus is exposed to the colonists and mutates them
3000bu- serlniks ally with the vrau confederacy
2500bu- the serlniks win the serlnik-cleom wars, cleom are exiled from their homeworld
2200bu- serlniks invade the planet of Tauria and enslave its population to build a fully automated space armada
2100bu- Neo Terrans discover the Alesians
1800bu- The countries of Terra unify into a single federation to strengthen their power against other spacefaring entities
1500bu- serlniks and the vrau defeat the graguan Imperium
1450bu- Alesians return to Gergasia and create a secret city to restore the Alesian species on Gergasia
1400bu-the Vrau confederacy is reorganized into a republic
1300bu- Control of the Taurian system is transferred to the taurians by the serlnik empire
1150bu- the city of cephopolis is founded on Tauria
0u- the vrau republic, taurians, some terran factions and gergasians create the galactic federation

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