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by Hiccan
Rated: GC · Fiction · Erotica · #2174672
Klein and Clarine are captured by Loki
Klein had a bad feeling about this ambush. He stared across the clearing to where his sister's force was supposed to be. He and his sister Clarine were to ambush the Muspellian forces here led by Surtr's strategist Loki. Apparently, the devious cur had been leading a force in search of heroes so now the two had put together an ambush to turn the tables on her. His forces lay in wait just across from his sisters, prepared for a pincer movement.

Not for the first time, he bit his lip in worry. Clarine had acted strangely the last time he'd seen her. Still, it was too late to change anything now, he drew an arrow and with a wave, the Archer General signaled to his men to prepare to charge as the Muspellian's drew past them.

He looked to the other side for his sisters signal to start the charge but instead saw a series of light flashes from her hiding spot accompanied by the unmistakable sound of combat. His knuckles tightened on his bow at the sight of his younger sister charging out of her hiding spot towards the Muspell forces on foot for some reason. Throwing caution to the wind the blonde archer rushed out with the intent to protect his sibling despite her strange actions. He loosed arrows as he charged dropping Sword Fighters taking steps towards her as he went, She raised her own staff in kind.
However, when Clarine's Pain staff went off it caught her brother full in the chest. The betrayed archer went down like a sack of bricks as the Muspellian forces charged past him and into the forest to fall upon his still confused regiment of ambushers.

The sound of his forces fighting a losing battle filled Klein's ears but he couldn't take his eyes away from his sister as she sauntered over towards him and became enveloped in a shimmering light. Klein had seen that trick before when serving alongside the Askran army and knew immediately what it meant.
"Loki!" He spat while still struggling on the ground under the influence of her Pain attack.
"What have you done with my sister?! Where is Clarine, you fiend! You had best not have laid a hand on her!"
The devious strategist of Muspel stepped forward and smiled at the archer. She knelt down and pinched the cheek of the angry mercenary while waving her hand to undo the magic.
"Such a precious boy. In the hands of the enemy but the first thing on your mind is your sister. Still, do not speak to me in such again you naughty boy."
"Where is my sister?!" Klein shouted lunging at the strategist but was instead restrained by one of her soldiers.

"Give me back Clarine you hag! Give her back!"
"Such a darling. Still, I will warn you against speaking one last time. Now don't worry about your adorable sister. She's safe and taken care of, In fact, she's waiting for you there. Spiritedness runs in your family it seems. Even trapped down in the dungeons she still's the little firecracker. Nothing but rebellion and spunk ever since I carried her away from your camp. She's just so sure that her big brother is coming to save her."
"I warned you, my dear." Loki teased as she tapped her staff to Klein's chest. It glowed and Klein's words died in his throat.
"You can speak again when you have something worthwhile to say. Like pledging yourself to me when you surrender."
"Oh yes, I've become quite taken with your sister my dear. However, she's having some trouble settling in I believe. So I thought since she's so fond of the idea of you saving her why don't I go and get you as a gift to her? Maybe the sight of you as a broken tickle toy will drive it home for her."
"Oh but you will my sweet boy, you will. This extra little curse will make sure of that."

Loki's staff glowed as she tapped it to Klein's chest as some kind of strange magic pulsed over the muted archer. Klein struggled in the grasp of the Muspellian soldiers to escape it but was held firm. Eventually, he stopped when he realized that...nothing had happened. He had expected to be shrunken or transformed into a doll or something but instead, he felt no different from before. He looked to Loki baffled only to receive a tap on the nose from the sorceress and be laughed at.
"Don't fret my baby, it worked wonderfully. I'll see you when you surrender. Release him!"
The soldiers let go of Klein's shoulders and roughly shoved him away from the group. He turned back to see Loki waving him goodbye cheerily. Still, he didn't waste a second of this good turn and took off into the forest at top speed.

After a good pace of running for a bit to put some distance between himself and the Muspel forces, Klein stopped to take a moment and collect his thoughts.
He still couldn't speak due to Loki's strange magic, instead, all he could make was some strange sound of concern. Still, he'd escaped them due to Loki's failed spell. When she'd begun speaking of tickle toys his blood had run cold. He and the other heroes were aware of the fate of Prince Corrin of the World of Birthright. He had personally been there when Surtr had trotted out the broken warrior before a clash with the Askran army and treated both sides to his slave's silly dance before tickling him red then milking him for all to see. Klein was glad he wouldn't be at the hands of that lunatic to see whatever torture had done that to him.

Klein heard the snapping of a branch in the brush and whirled to the source of the sound reaching for a bow he no longer had out of complete instinct. His embarrassment was compounded by the fact that in his hasty maneuver he'd caught his boot on a tree root and fell flat on his face after coming out of the footwear. Klein looked around for his lost shoe and couldn't find it but instead lay eyes upon a fearsome fox, which was apparently the source of the noise of that had begun the noble's entire comedy of errors. The creature drew closer as Klein simply had to shake his head and laugh.

Well more accurately he had to go
"...!?!" Which was all he could do when the animal jumped upon his other boot and started to rip at the laces with its teeth? Klein tried to kick at the beast to drive it away but it clung so tightly onto his boot so that all he was doing was waving it around. Still, the beast went about its work until eventually, his boot sailed cleanly off his foot with the little monster still riding it. The projectile and its passenger flew a few feet through the air before landing in the brush together.

Klein breathed heavily in disbelief at what had just transpired. Was this apart of Loki's strange curse? Before he could even think any further a squirrel dove down out of a tree upon the Hero. Quick as a flash, it dove down through Klein's collar. The little vermin's claws scrambled around under the boy's jacket, tickling the boy's chest and back like the dickens. He danced about in surprise slapping at his shirt and looking like a fool.
"...!!" The little varmint managed to keep its claws just lightly pressed enough to pinch and tickle at Klein's ribs and stomach but light enough not to hurt the hero. It continued to try and get beneath his undershirt but he just kept managing to chase it off at the last second before it could get a hole big enough to fit through.

Klein caught the little monster for a second but instead caught a nose full of the creatures fluffy tail and lost his grip when he broke into a giggly sneeze fit. He fell back against the tree just in time for the fox to return and resume its attack on his socked feet. It tore holes in the socks easily and snuck it's little tongue through to peck at his sensitive feet, while the squirrel's tail now feathered at the soldier's ears. Klein slapped and danced from foot to foot in just the kind of foolish dance he'd feared having to perform for the mad king.
The fox nipped at Klein's toes through the holes it managed to rip through his sock. He was going wild at the attacks from his furry torturers. In a burst of energy, he ripped his jacket off catching the squirrel inside and threw it down to the ground on top of the fox. He ran as fast as he could with the little monsters nipping at his heels.

Klein was breathing hard after shaking the furry pair for a moment and looked for somewhere to hide in case they found him again. He doubted bushes would offer him much help and settled on picking a large tree and climbing it to find a hiding place amongst the branches. While hiding in a tree might not seem the brightest of ideas to avoid a squirrel, he doubted he'd be able to outrun either of the beasts so he wasn't left with many other options. He looked down and saw the squirrel and fox he feared so much run by and sighed in relief. He stretched for a moment as he thought of what to do now. Eventually, he settled on resting for a moment here in the tree to catch his breath.

He thought back on how he and the rest of his Lord Roy's army had defeated evil generals, kings, and dragons and thought of now how he cowered in fear from a squirrel. He was forced to laugh, not from the situation but because something that felt like a feather swiped across his neck at lightning speed.
"...!?" he giggled as he looked around for whatever had done it. Perhaps the squirrel had doubled back and found him? He clutched the long sleeves of his tattered undershirt subconsciously as he searched for what could have done that. He was almost defenseless in this situation with all the holes in his undershirt and socks from his losing battle earlier and couldn't defend himself very well sitting on the tree branch so he tried to climb down.

Just as he was lowering his feet to the branch below it was back. This time the soft feeling swiped over the tops of his toes through one of the many holes that had been ripped in it. He sputtered and almost lost his grip at the unexpected tickle attack but managed to calm down and keep his grip. He had to get out of here and fast. A fall from this height would definitely hurt and leave him totally at the mercy of this unseen foe and eventually Loki he'd wager. Steeling his resolve he climbed down to the next branch only for the worst attack yet. His sensitive ears were attacked again by the feather but Klein was able to catch a glimpse this time and see that his attacker was no more than a small bird. It swang back to use it's feather tips to tickle at Klein's other ear in a second attack. That was the breaking point as Klein clapped his hand to his ear, he lost his balance and took a fall from the branch. In his tumble, though the archer's luck shone through as his ankle ca
ught on a forked branch that was sturdy enough to hold it there and stop the boy's descent.

Klein swung back and forth, hanging there from that branch. He couldn't seem to pull his ankle free despite his best efforts. He was effectively stuck here upside down in this tree with that bird swinging back around for another attack. Now he could see that the little bastard was a blue jay which was odd as Klein prided himself on his eyes and he swore that the bird was red before. The feeling of feathers swiping along his side proved him right as another RED bird zipped past him with another successful drive-by tickling.

"...??!" which meant "So there's two of you?!" a statement which was quickly proven wrong by another feather sweep attack to his neck. He giggled and swatted at the third bird which left his armpit open for the first bird to strike there. When he clamped his arms down after that, it let the fifth bird that came from behind tickle his ribs. Klein heard tweets, squawks and caws of all kinds as a flock of all different kinds of birds flew continually divebombed with their ticklish dive bombs. To make matters worse he could feel a determined little beak working on the sock protecting his trapped foot.

He was afraid to struggle too much in fear of breaking the branch that was holding him and dropping to the forest floor on his head. The birds may or may not have been aware of his fear but they certainly seemed interested in testing it as their feathery drive-bys were making Klein squirm and thrash despite himself. The last remnants of his undershirt started to slip off him due to gravity, forcing him to clamp his hands to his hips to keep his last little bit of armor against this suddenly tickle mad world. However, putting himself in a fixed position was the worst thing he could do in this situation as the entire flock swung back around for a coordinated attack as one. Their wingtips all clipped by and got the brave hero in a number of different spots. His tummy, sides, and hips were all targeted and hit by the dive bomb squad, while his navel, ribs, and armpits received only glancing blows due to his thrashing off-setting the courses of his attackers. In addition, the surp
rise attack by the hummingbird division upon his ears was a smashing success even forcing some tears. The greatest success though came in news from the other front where the brave little sparrow had introduced a fuzzy caterpillar down into one of the holes in Klein's sock, where the creature was wreaking havoc in tormenting the archers pinned sole.

Klein couldn't stop laughing and in spite of himself clapped his hands over his mouth despite the already silent quality of his torment. The sight of his undershirt giving up the ghost and rushing past his head made him swallow hard as he realized just how much new land he had to defend. In seconds the birds were flashing all around him targeting his belly, ribs, sides, and navel as well as his now exposed nipples. Any thoughts of trying not to break the branch disappeared as he swung and swatted wildly at while cackling like a madman with the sound off.

To somebody standing on the forest floor, it would've been a sight to behold. The pretty boy pinata going mad as he hung upside down trying to ward off the birds that continued to relentlessly tickle his upper body. Nobody was there though, not that it mattered because even if they were it's not like Klein could ask for help with Loki's other curse on him. The breaking point came when the fuzzy hitchhiker in Klein's sock, curled itself around his littlest toe.
The addition of the new fuzzy toe ring drove him right into a thrashing fit, that snapped the branch holding him. Just as he expected.

He plummeted right down but in a fit of battlefield awareness that surprised even him, he tucked and rolled at the last second to minimize damage. He caught the side of his head on a rock and drove his foot into something that went squelch. He was clear though and despite the stars dancing in his vision, he ran off with a flock of pursuers right on his tail. Eventually, after a daring chase, he managed to shake them by taking refuge in a cave. He hid inside listening until the sounds of beating wings faded into the distance and eventually grew silent.

The archer let out a relieved sigh at another pursuit he'd evaded and hugged his knees to his chest at the thought of how many more would be to come. It was clear to him now that this was all the result of Loki's damned curse. He'd thought that Surtr's intense tickling of the unfortunate Prince Corrin had been an isolated incident due to the mad king's own perversions but apparently his strategist shared his tastes. He did his best not to think of what was happening to his sister Clarine in Loki's hands but couldn't help but worry as an older brother. His head throbbed as he thought of what he'd do when he got his hands on the damned villain Loki, and it continued to pound as he calmed himself down.

He occupied his mind by investigating the strange smell emanating from his socked feet and found them sticky to the touch. Acting on a hunch due to the sweet smell of whatever it was he'd stepped in, he touched a finger to his ruined socks and tired feet and sampled it. Yes, it was indeed honey as he'd suspected. He'd stomped a honeycomb at some point in his flight earlier. He supposed he was lucky that he hadn't angered the bees but with how Loki's curse worked, he was surprised they hadn't somehow tickled him.

His head was killing him and he was sooo tired. He leaned back against the cool stone and peeled off his ruined socks. The feeling of the cold air on his tired feet was sensational. Suddenly he was acutely aware of how tired he was and how heavy his eyelids were. Klein lay back and closed his eyes as he drifted off to a needed rest. He dreamed of finding his sister Clarine and saving her from Muspell, of the two of them returning to Etruria. He was happy and content until Loki appeared in his dream and cast a spell to trap him beneath a rock. The boulder pinned his legs and kept him in his sitting position against the wall. Loki looked at him with a hungry expression before kneeling down to his exposed feet and producing her tongue.

Klein awoke at the white-hot feeling of a long and powerful tongue dragging up the top of his sweaty and soft size 7's. He found the boulder from his dreams was not only real and pinning him but in fact seemed to be producing hot breath as the tongue tortured him. Klein pushed on the boulder as he laughed soundlessly and discovered that it was covered in fur. In fact, it seemed that his tormentor was a huge bear that had decided to set itself upon his legs and enjoy the honey-soaked feet that Klein had brought into it's home and presented. It had positioned itself in a way where it wouldn't crush the boy but also wouldn't let him go.

Its long prehensile tongue would curl and sample three and even sometimes four of Klein's helpless toes at once.
"...!!" Was all Klein could say as he used all his might to try and shift the massive beast off of him, still not even managing to get its attention. It's tongue tickled away at the balls of the archer's feet as he banged his fists against its hide in futility. Klein pulled at his hair in frustration at the realization that he could do nothing but sit here as his feet and toes were treated as this animals salt lick. He cursed Loki in his mind as the assault continued and wondered through the ticklish haze how this could get any worse.

The air in the cave grew ice cold as the bear froze with its tongue an inch from Klein's cute big toe. Klein struggled to see what had happened past the animal until he felt a manicured and distinctly feminine pair of nails raking over his soles. The shock would have produced an adorable squeak from the hardened warrior had he been able to make a sound and Loki pouted at the realization that she wouldn't get to hear it. Klein did his best to scowl at the witch who'd treated him so but his face quickly split into a grin at the pinching of her nails on both of his index toes. She giggled at the ridiculous expression the boy made as he pulled at his hair.

"Such a darling boy. Originally I was just going to use you to surprise your sister but after watching you struggle through this little adventure I've put you on. It's all I can do not to gobble you up right here in this dirty cave!"
Klein pushed and shoved at the bear as he tried to get free from this trap but only served to get himself red in the face. Loki cooed at his futile struggles before waving her hand and working her magic to make a pot appear in her hand. She giggled as she looked inside it and Klein paled at the sickeningly sweet aroma that wafted from it. Loki grinned and snapped her fingers to cast another spell, she disappeared from Klein's vision and instead, now Klein's vision was filled with the cave wall. Loki had flipped him over under the bear with her dastardly spellweaving. What's more now Klein's arms were trapped under the beast as well?

The feeling of a hot and sticky liquid being splashed over his upturned soles caused him to jump. He was calmed down though by the feeling of skilled hands ministering to his tired and abused feet. Loki worked her thumbs into balls of Klein's feet to distribute the honey while Klein did his best not to melt. He knew that this was nothing more than a precursor to another round of torture but he was still glad that Loki couldn't hear the undignified noises he'd be making if he had a voice.
"...!!?" was what he said but the sound he would've made wouldn't have been a word anyway as more hot honey was poured onto his feet and worked tenderly into each of his wiggly and bubbly toes. Loki paid even more attention to his arches kneading and massaging them and even giving them light spider tickles to keep them open and relaxed.

Klein probably wouldn't have enjoyed this massage nearly as much if he could have seen the look on her face as she delivered the attention. Like a jackal looking at a meal, she was just short of drooling as she tended to the distribution of honey on the soles that she just couldn't wait to own. Loki was taken aback at just how soft these feet of Klein's were, she knew the boy was a noble as well as a warrior but his skin seemed almost baby soft and smooth. If Loki had known of Klein's late-night deals with Commander Anna for creams and oil to tend to his skin and hair she would've probably squealed at the delicious irony of how this was working against him.

Klein had always tended to himself as a matter of principle, taking pride in his good looks even if he did blush when people described them as "boyish" rather than handsome. He had led Clarine and his comrades to believe that it was because the romancing and sweet talk of ladies of the house were expected from one of noble birth but in reality, Klein just had the mildest streak of vanity that he'd inherited from his father, Pent. Klein just found that it felt good to look good and so he'd purchased a number of Commander Anna's products from other worlds and outrealms. Things for skin and hair care even a small stone that served to clean the feet, Klein pampered himself in secret. He'd never let it interfere in his mission like a certain former foe of theirs turned ally but he must admit that it was one of his guilty pleasures how much he had gotten to indulge in it since taking up residence in the lavish castle that the Askrans had provided the Order of Heroes with.

Klein was roused from his dozy ruminations by the pinching of his cheek. Oh, how he wished that it was just one of his allies being cute as he roused him from this nightmare to return to fighting at Lord Roy's side but instead it was damned Loki teasing him.
"Did you doze off my pet? I do not blame you as I am quite skilled, most who I tend to with my massages do eventually. They always wake up fully rested and loose though. I might have pushed a bit too hard on a particular nerve though..."
Klein didn't understand what she meant by that and as she produced a jug of water and let him sip from it while she stroked his hair.
"I must say that you surprised me. You do not slack whatsoever on the battlefield so I have no idea how you manage to keep your skin so wonderful, especially those darling feet of yours. Oh, it was all I could do not to just take you home with me right now. I truly cannot wait for you to surrender and be my slave. Ohh the fun we'll have well into the night. Well, I'll leave you to play with your new friend. Remember though, I'm just a surrender away."

Loki smiled and faded away before Klein's eyes leaving the boy to his fate as the bear slowly roused itself. The creature blinked and looked around in confusion at the unfamiliar smell that clouded its home, how it's treats had changed position and the strange pot that had been left near it. Its eyes clouded though as an unnatural compulsion overtook it and calmed its temper. The beast looked down at the honeyed treats laid out for it and extended it's tongue to partake.
"AHHHHAAAHAHEEHEE NOOOHOHOO PLEEHEEHEHSE NOHOHO HEHEEEE!!" was what Klein would have screamed. The boy's bright red ears would have been as relentlessly assaulted as his feet were but by his own manic laughter echoed back at him mockingly. He couldn't manage a sound though so all he could do was hurt his own throat by screaming his silent pleas as he discovered what Loki was referring to earlier about the nerve she'd worked too hard.

Loki had apparently worked a nerve in Klein's foot so hard in her massage that no matter how the boy struggled and strained he was unable to curl his darling toes in the slightest. The little digits wiggled frantically as the bear's tongue slurped them down like the tastiest morsels. Klein's face was just as bright red as when Loki had him but for a different reason now. Tears flowed freely down the boys as he kicked the foot the bear wasn't currently sampling in desperation.

He thought nothing of the sound of ceramic breaking due to how the bear's teeth were currently just brushing over the juicy balls of his feet, scraping away at the last of the honey there. When his tormentor actually stood up off of the boy and wandered away Klein actually stayed on the ground giggling away at nothing for a solid minute. Eventually, after he calmed himself down and the tingling in his feet subsided a bit he hazarded a look. The bear was occupied with the spilled honey from the pot left behind by Loki. It was so entranced by the substance that it didn't even notice Klein sneaking away.

It wasn't until Klein was sneaking back into the forest that he heard the bear stomping after him. Klein didn't dawdle this time and ran like everything in the forest was chasing him. He ignored the branches whipping him in the face as he heard the flapping of the birds finding him again. Klein started at running into the squirrel and fox duo from before tripping over a root and taking a tumble down the riverbank. The unlucky archer's head caught a rock as he fell and his vision went dark as he fell into the water.

This time there was no dreams for Klein. Just the feeling of floating lazily down the river. Eventually, an unknown set of hands pulled him from the water and when he awakened it was to a soft bed. Klein could see through the window that the sun had set. His head still ached from his injury but he found that somebody had bandaged the knot that had formed there. He tried to touch his hand to the dressing but found a hand holding his wrist. Klein lifted the sheets over him to find a sleeping village girl draped over his chest.

He tried to gingerly lift her arm to get himself free but accidentally woke her. Her eyes fluttered open and she smiled at him, an expression which he nervously returned. From her dark skin and pinkish hair Klein could tell that he was still in the lands of Muspel. She put a finger to her lips and shushed him as she gently trailed her nails along his bare belly while cuddling closer to the weak archer. Klein giggled and squirmed trying to get away but found the girl oddly strong despite her appearance. She pulled Klein and puckered her lips and blew a kiss to the snickering patient who was noticing the series of lipstick marks over his stomach and chest. She took a deep breath and a blew a deep raspberry into Klein's quivering belly. Klein went wild kicking and flailing and knocked over a glass on the end table next to him and the little tickle gremlin that had him trapped him.

Hilda released her boy blanket and pouted at her fun being interrupted. She stood up off the bed and stretched as a taller girl entered the room. The new arrival shook her head at Hilda before sitting down on the bed and placing her hand on the still panting Klein's forehead. She smiled as she and Hilda helped Klein up from the bed. They may have bandaged Klein's head but for some reason, they'd also stripped him down to his boxers. He tried to cover himself in modesty but the two villagers seized an arm each and led the barefoot dreamer out the door and into their village.

"We thought you'd never wake up my friend." the other girl said as Hilda cozied up close to resume her belly based games from earlier. They pulled Klein along as some village children came running out to greet them.
"What's your name, my ticklish friend? We were curious you see. It's not every day we see someone of noble birth come floating down the river."
Even if it wasn't for Loki's spell. Klein couldn't have answered the girl due to the giggly fit he was having due to the village children. They'd pulled reeds from the river and were tracing the fuzzy stalks of the plants over his belly while the devilish Hilda held his arm and laughed at the silly faces he was making.

"My name is Brynna by the way. What's yours?"
Klein could only shoot a pleading expression to her before one of the children scored a direct hit and managed to get their reed right into Klein's navel where it stuck as they spun it around. Klein went limp as the children began chanting "Cootchie, Cootchie Coo! Just for you!" but was dragged up and along by Hilda, Brynna and a few more villagers who had joined their merry procession through town. A post on a hill loomed ahead as Klein was carried their bodily by this giggling mob.

"Look, sweetie, you're obviously not from around here. In fact, I can't tell where you're from at all." Hilda spoke in a low tone as she used a length to bind Klein's wrists together while he was held still.
"That leads me to believe that your one of those "Heroes" that Askr is fond of. We've arrived at the conclusion that the only reason somebody from Askr who refuses to speak would come to our village is to spy on us for them. Am I wrong? Just say if I am."
Brynna looked expectantly at Klein for an answer but after a moment shook her head in disappointment before setting to work in tying his ankles together behind the post so as to force him onto his knees in the dirt.

"I've no idea what you could be trying to learn from a village like this but the people are afraid. They're also very distrustful of how you remained silent. You didn't even groan or snore while you slept! So we've decided to keep you somewhere we can all keep an eye on you as we try to get you to open up. Unless you want to say something? Maybe deny this?"
Klein struggled in his bindings and opened his mouth to do just that but of course, no sound came out only "...!!"
Hilda shrugged and began helping several villagers hoist Klein's hands above his head and over the post he was already bound too. A hook rested on the opposite side from Klein which is where they left his bound wrists and on another below, they placed his bound ankles.

Now Klein's knees were almost a foot above the ground as he hung there with his body bent just like his bow. Brynna put her hands on her hips before him as she asked again.
"Last chance handsome. Talk now or things are gonna get really bad for you and you won't get a chance for a while. We probably should hand you over to King Surtr but we've heard the tale of what happens to his prisoners. We don't wanna do that unless you give us no choice. We're simple folk so we're not going to hurt you."

Hilda trailed a finger from Klein's hip slooooowly up into his armpit where she twirled it around in the sparse forest of blonde hairs in there. She blew into the sensitive cup of Klein's ear as he bit his lip.
"We're wasting our time. He's clearly been trained extremely well to hold his tongue. We'll get him to talk Brynna"
Like a ravenous pack of animals, the villagers descended on Klein with various strategies and tricks to torment him.

Hilda had staked a claim on one of his armpits, yes but the other was taken up by the town's midwife who'd brought along a brush that she'd formerly used to scrub floors. Now it went up and down as it was used to scrub this dirty sneak of a spy's armpit as he bucked and yelped silently. Occasionally she'd drive a pair of fingers into the sensitive hollow than smirk at the manic expression that the boy would make. She was secretly impressed, She'd brought many a child into this world and taken care of most of them as young'uns. She considered herself quite a tickler and she'd never seen one who could keep quiet like this youth.

Hilda chuckled as Klein thrashed and whispered in his ear.
"You aren't really a spy are you?"
The village children had been shooed away from Klein's stomach by the village tailor. He was a strong man but with delicate hands and...different tastes than the norm. He'd built up the calloused fingertips of a weaver over the years and as he ran them over the smooth skin of the villages captive he started to realize something, as he pinched the boy's navel and inserted the reed he'd taken from one of the children into the small opening and swirled it. Mundi the weaver made himself a promise as scratched his nail under the navel. When he went into town the next day he'd go to the home of the handsome blacksmith who'd invited him over and see where the night went. He wanted to thank this spy almost but that wouldn't do since he was an enemy of the kingdom, he settled for being silently impressed by his fortitude.

Hilda waved over a woman of imposing stature who stared at the red-faced prisoner with a hunger. She seized him by the cheeks and crushed their lips together in a swift motion.
"That's good. Get some air into him while you're at it. We wouldn't want the poor boy passing out."
The large woman nodded before, running a goose feather along Klein's neck and giving him a barrage of kisses upon his cheek.

Klein's mind was in a ticklish hell of muddled thoughts but the voice of Loki spoke directly to him through another of her spells.
"What a situation you've gotten yourself into this time you silly helpless boy. To think that simple folk could come up with such devious torture."
Yet another villager took up position behind Klein and applied a brush with some soapy water to Klein's dirty soles. She scrubbed away at his dirty soles humming a song while Loki giggled in his mind.
"Oooh, what did that one say back there? Ahh, she's a patient one, that's nice. She'll wait till the others are gone and come back tonight for some one on one. Wild games of this little piggy? Oooh, I'm jealous. I can't wait for you to surrender so the two of us can do that."

Klein shook his head in response but only ended up getting more mouth to mouth and neck tickles, while Loki giggled in his head. The kids had returned with a bag full of the fuzzy caterpillars from earlier and poured them down the backs of Klein's knees where they wriggled and squirmed driving Klein to tears. The same evil vixen from earlier plucked one of the tickle-pillars out and placed it on Klein's upturned soles. With one hand she took both of Klein's big toes and stretched them back and with the other chased the little bugger around the stretched taut skin.
"Ohh that is DEVILISH! Now that is a woman with an evil mind. I'll need to invite her to the castle and pick her brain. Oh, these people are just destroying my poor baby. It must be unbearable. Them just tickle, tickle, tickling your sensitive tummy and going cootchie cootchie coo all over your poor feets. Ohhh why don't you just give up? I'll have a bath all drawn up and we'll just drop you on in with your sister!"

Klein was bright red as he was getting attacked from every angle except one. His mind was full of nothing but ticklish agony and the mocking voice of the one responsible for it. He could barely hear Hilda in his ear or her hopes that the others would let her keep him after they'd all realized that he wasn't a spy. The children were led away to their beds as one more thought cut through all the noise and taunting. The instinct of staying strong to protect his sister. A few of the village women fumbled with his underwear. Klein bit at his lip to try and brace himself for this new front but was denied even that as the same large woman instead went for another kiss on him. She held him and he could feel both her tongue invading his mouth and the night air on his manhood.

The children's confiscated reeds from earlier were dragged up and down his shaft, swirled around his tip and feathered under his balls. He went wild instantly screaming and begging for mercy from these people but with no sound. All this really served to do was allow the tormentor at his lips to finally get some of his tongue in play. When Brynna ran her around the tip that was it. Klein came like a volcano and if he wasn't silenced would have screamed like a trapped animal. He panted as the devilish faces around him closed in now all with the tiniest bits of white on them. They smiled back at him before going right back to their work all humming along with the washerwoman tormenting Klein's soles.

Klein came again in seconds no less explosively and this time they never even slowed. They just all hummed their merry tune and worked on his body which could do no more than hang there helplessly. Klein came a third time when Brynna licked along his ticklish shaft. At this point, Klein was only getting air from his appointed partner as all he could do was scream silently and think of protecting his sister. When he came once more to the placing of those damn caterpillars atop his cock, his mind went white. All he could think of was the tickling. Loki's voice returned to his head and told him exactly what he wanted to hear.

"Just say you surrender to me. I can make it stop and save you. Just surrender to me and it will all be OK. We'll be so happy together..."
The feeling of a finger swirling around his asshole caused Klein's resolve and manhood to both pop at the same time.
Klein's vision went dark and all the villagers saw was a cloud of purple descend and upon the post. They jumped back in fear at the strange phenomenon and listened to their supposed spies screaming laughter trail off into nothing. Once it had dissipated they were surprised to find him not only missing but Hilda gone as well.

Clarine was led through the castle in rags. She'd been in the castle dungeon for only two days despite it feeling like an eternity to both her and to her brother. She was marched through the castle in chains on her way to Loki's private quarters. When Clarine had been abducted by the Muspellians, she and her brother had been planning an attack on the witch. Though she hadn't gotten to participate in the attack she'd heard from Surtr's ridiculous dancer boy about how it had been turned around on her brother. His force was wiped out and he'd fled capture. Now as this smug new Mage of Loki's pulled her by her chains she refused to believe what she was told.

"My brother would never surrender to wretches like yourself and that sow Loki. You should think about your lies more carefully so that they won't be so obvious."
"You can think what you want Miss Noble. I was there and I heard him beg for mercy as she carried him away."
"Oh, you'll see. Things have been way more eventful for him lately than you. You'll have a lot catch up about."
They arrived at the door to Loki's quarters and with a whisper of "Tell him Hilda says hi." Clarine was shoved inside and the door sealed behind her.

The sight of Loki lying atop a ridiculously extravagant bed in the center of the room greeted her. Her eyes flicked to her for a second but the nightgown-clad strategist made no moves to get up or to even sit up. Instead, she lay in her bed and on her pillows giggling. She reached behind her and fluffed then giggled again before curling up. Clarine tried to open the door while she was distracted but found it stuck tight from the inside.
"Clarine comes over and join us," she said without even looking up.

A chill ran straight up the spine of the Refined Noble as she continued to try and get the door to open so that she could escape. She needed to find her brother and get out of here as soon as possible! Loki sat up and placed her hands on her hips in frustration.
"Come and lie down Clarine. Don't you want to see your brother? He's done so much just for your sake."
"Klein?! Where is he you hag! What have you done with my brother! If you've hurt him-AHHH!!"

Clarine's threat was interrupted by Loki snapping her fingers to cast another spell. The defeated Troubador found herself floating off the ground against her will. She tried to get down by reaching for the ground or anything to hold onto but found herself floating towards Loki's bed regardless of what she tried.
"Oh of course."
In an instant, Clarine fell onto the soft downs of the bed and was snapped up instantly by Loki who wrapped herself around the dainty noble and fell back on the pillows while holding the struggling girl.

"Come now, Clarine. I invited you to my quarters after treating you wonderfully as a prisoner. Try being abit more gracious my dear, you're much prettier when you smile."
Loki stroked a finger up Clarine's armpit and chuckled at the silly smile that replaced her scowl. She tried to climb out of the bed to safety but instead found her wrists seized by tactician who pulled her back into the bed. Clarine caught a glimpse of a pair of feet sticking through the headboard who's upturned soles were covered in lipstick marks.

"Admiring my pillows Miss Grumpy? There so wonderfully soft that it's like sleeping on a cloud. Not even to mention the wonderful little bundle of joy they come with."
With a flick of her wrist, the stocks shot open and a bedraggled Klein tumbled into the bed atop both Loki and his sister.
Before Clarine could even react her almost naked brother dug into her armpits.
"Tickle, tickle stranger! Who is this tickly girl that my lady has brought?"
"Whaha?!? Kleihin I ahahm your sister!!"
Clarine bucked and thrash under her brother but he'd always been significantly stronger than her and as such he held her and now began tormenting her flat belly.
"Sister?! My lady never told me about a sister. So you must be lying! Liars get raspberries to teach them not to lie!

Klein pinned his sister's wrists above her head with one hand and looked her in the eyes. Clarine saw the glazed over look in her brother's eyes even as he grinned manically just like...Loki. He put his lips over her navel and blew out a long wet raspberry into his sister's stomach.
"Eheeehahaha Brohohther stahap!!"
"I'm not your Brother you liar! PBBBPPTT!!"

Klein was about to blow another one but found himself seized by the back and pulled into the lap of Loki. To Clarine's horror, he didn't resist in the slightest and instead his arms shot up and his face broke into a huge grin.
"Yay! Tickles! Please! Please! Tickle me, my lady!"
Loki stroked a finger up and down each of Klein's armpits and smiled at how the boy not only laughed but shuddered with pleasure. She glanced at Clarine who's mouth was agape and slowly mouthed a taunting "He's mine now" at the Troubador.
"Oooh, they're so smooth and wonderful. I told you that shaving out that dirty hair in my baby's pitties would be something you'd like. Don't you just love how much easier it for me to tickle here?!"
"Ahaha it tihihickles so woohoahnderfully my lahaday! Ooohoh it ihihtches though!"
"Does it? My poor baby let me help you scratch it. Does that feel better pet?"
Loki scratched her nails up and down Klein's hollows and as the boy shook with whooping laughter still he never lowered his arms. He kicked his feet and threw his head back and forth in Loki's lap but never stopped smiling. When she stopped to run her fingers through his hair he actually pouted for a second at the end of his treatment before his goofy grin returned at the new attention.

"Wh-what?! Wh-what have you done to my b-brother?! You witch!"
Klein made to jump back atop Clarine but was restrained by Loki who pulled him back and raked his belly with her nails until he was nothing but a giggly mess.
"Nobody tahahlks to my lahaheedy lihihike thahaheeheht!!"
"Such a sweet boy. Ready to fight even his sister for me! I guess that means he loves me more?"
"Y-you-you've c-cast s-some kind of sp-spell on him!"
"Maybe, or maybe I didn't do anything and he just prefers the life of a lovingly pampered pet to endless battles and wars for a foreign country. The only way for us to find out is to repeat the steps and see how it turns out with you. The powder I developed may erase your memories and make you subservient. Or maybe it justs shows that all you "Brave Heroes" want to do is whatever somebody tells you so that you can shut your brains off."

Clarine had heard enough. She scrambled to get away suddenly feeling like she was drowning in a sea of silk sheets and sugared words. Somebody dived atop her and took hold of her ankle before scratching five fingers up and down her tender size five's. Clarine turned and saw none other than her boxer clad brother pulling her back by the leg to an expectant Loki.

She scrambled for any way to escape but knew she couldn't overpower her brother. So she seized his ankle and used an old trick that her mother would use on her big brother back when they were children. She bent the toes of his foot back, placed her lips to the taut sole and blew the biggest wettest raspberry she could manage. Their mother had called it a blueberry after the colors of her babies eyes and while it always made Clarine laugh it had never failed to turn her brother into a wreck of giggles and snivels. That streak held as the brainwashed boy squealed at the top of his lungs but he was an adult now and in his muddled brain fighting for his love. So he dug deep and held onto the girl's ankle and used his own trick. He dragged his fingernail on a track of slightly paler skin on Clarine's sole just above the heel and held the foot still so that it couldn't go away. The Troubador went nuts as he tickled along the line of her riding stirrups. She had told her brother tha
t in confidence and if she wasn't currently getting her brains tickled out on the way to a life of being a ticklish house pet, she would've been glad at the sign that he was still in there.

Clarine released her hold on Klein's foot and held her sides to keep them from bursting as she was dragged back right back to The Trickster Loki. The villain seized not only her foot but also took hold of Klein's and unleashed both of the newly learned tickle tricks that the siblings had revealed about each other. She blew big sloppy blueberries on her tickle pets tickly paw and smiled at the new lipstick marks she left all over the foot. Before switching and running a devilish tongue along that damn trail on Clarine's foot and finishing by planting kisses all over the nobles toes and sole.

Clarine didn't have anything left. The ticklish assault had sapped her of any strength she'd had left and now all she could do was lay there stare at the ceiling and take it, gasping for breath whenever Loki took a turn on her other pet. She did her best to ignore the hot feeling under the rags. She tried a tactic from her childhood of looking to her brother but saw him completely consumed by the sensation with his manhood having slipped free of his boxers, quivering and leaking with pre-cum. Her face would have flushed at the sight if not for how it was already tomato-red from Loki's tongue traveling along her erogenous zone. Klein's hand grabbed his erect cock and squeezed until his knuckles went white. Clarine's own hand drifted downwards until she seized it like it had a mind of its own but not before her torturer noticed.

Loki pulled her charges in closer placing her bare size 12's against Klein's manhood and stroking it up and down.
In seconds Klein erupted, spraying semen not just over himself but on Loki's large feet as well. Clarine winced at the sight of her spent and smiling brother until she saw the other foot coming towards her. Clarine weakly tried to bat it away with her hands but only managed to scrape a nail over the skin. Loki chuckled breathily at this but was then quick to work her foot under Clarine's rags and begin rubbing at what she found under there.

"UnnNNGH y-y-you wi-witch! Dis-disgu-disgustNNNOO GET AWAY FROOHOM THERE!!"
Clarine most private area was rubbed and circled by Loki's big toe as the strategist released her brother and focused on her.
"N-no my-my lady, please. I'm al-all you need...." He mumbled weakly.
"Mmm sooo wonderful. We'll have to have Hilda give you a shave like your brother before we clean you up in the special bath but still, this is wonderful. Just the noises you're making alone..."
Clarine bit her lip and struggled to calm herself down but when Loki blew a stream of cold air upon her opening that was it.

"AHHUUNGGUUaaaaaahhh no, no, no, no!
Clarine gushed over Loki's foot just like her brother had before but this time making even more of a mess. As her thoughts disappeared in a wave of white.

Clarine lay exhausted and drooling giving in to sleep almost instantly. Loki scooped up both her and her brother and carried them up the bed. She lay both siblings gently on the pillows before putting herself between them and smiling at how quickly they wrapped around her in their sleep. Loki sprinkled a bit of the powder she'd developed for the erasure of memories on Clarine's sleeping face while stifling a yawn herself. When the noble awoke she'd have no memories of the war, her friends or much less herself. Loki would do just as she had with her brother and mold her into a perfect servant after cleaning up the mess her and her brother had made. Well having Heidi clean it. She smiled and planted gentle kisses on the crowns of both of her new playthings heads. Her eyes grew heavy as she thought once again of how this war would change, and what was to be done with all these cute new toys...
© Copyright 2018 Hiccan (hiccan at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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