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Rated: XGC · Fiction · Erotica · #2174359
Moonlit walks on the beach are always better with two than one.
The moon hung high in the air, illuminating the darkened world below with its pale light. Sunvolt City, a resort town famed for its beaches, was finally settling in for the night, with the peace of the world disturbed solely by the occasional car as someone finally got off work or a group of tourists passed through on their way to parts unknown. Indeed, most of the souls of the city were already fast asleep, but for one unfortunate citizen, the world of dreams seemed to be actively denying her access...

Sarah tossed and turned in her bed, thrashing under her blanket while her head impacted against the pillow. She rapidly turned between lying on her side, her back, and her front, and how much or how little of her body was actually covered by the blanket seemed to change every second. Eventually, though, a low growl emitted from her lips and she tossed her blanket onto the floor before sitting up in bed. Moonlight shined through the window, revealing her generous figure: wide, meaty hips, creamy thighs and a bubbly ass barely covered by a pair of pink panties, a soft, pudgy belly, massive, jello-like tits that strained against a "Hello Kitty" bra, all topped by a kind, gentle face framed in golden locks that extended all the way down her backside. Her warm, chocolate-brown eyes looked around the room as she hummed to herself, a slight scowl in her expression from the difficulties she was having sleeping.

It was quite the predicament. Sarah had never had this much trouble falling asleep before. Normally she could just rest her head on anything remotely soft and be out within seconds. And yet tonight, it was now (her eyes suddenly shot to the small LED clock on her bedside table) 12:47 AM and she was no closer to being asleep than when she had first crawled into bed. Sighing, she began getting up, the bed groaning as her hefty frame was lifted from it. She started wandering through her modestly decorated house, from the bathroom to the living room to the kitchen, her body seemingly on auto-pilot as she pondered what to do. This was the first time experiencing this sort of trouble, so she didn't have any medications she could take to knock her out, and she didn't much care to head to a local pharmacy to pick something up. Her lactose-intolerance prevented her from drinking warm milk and the like. What to do, what to do...

Glancing out a window, her eyes wandered to one of the local beaches off in the distance. It (along with every other beach within the city limits) was technically closed for the night, it's not like anything was done to enforce that. No guards, no gates, not even a sign saying "Please do not enter". Her mind buzzed lightly as an idea crept into her thoughts. Maybe a change of scenery was what she needed? Spend some time outside, taking in the sea breeze, maybe even laying out a towel and sleeping out there... Slowly, a smile spread across her lips as Sarah nodded. Yeah, that sounded like just what the doctor ordered. Turning around, Sarah quickly made her way back to her room, gathering together a bag of things she would or could need as well as changing her 'outfit'. Within minutes, Sarah was leaving her house, her underwear traded out for a revealing, crimson two-piece bikini, and a bag slung over her shoulder as she began making her way to the beach, a subtle sway in her hips with every step.

The walk was peaceful, unsurprising, and altogether boring. She didn't encounter so much as a single soul, not even a single car driving along, which was really all for the better. The last thing she needed was to run into someone in the middle of the night while she was wearing her swimsuit and heading for a late-night beach trip. But eventually she made it to the entrance to the beach... and her heart sank as her perfect streak was ruined. Standing there, leaning against a nearby pillar, was a teenager dressed in a simple t-shirt and shorts, his messy black hair hanging in his eyes while a lit cigarette stuck out of his mouth.

The teen, quite stereotypically, looked bored and uninterested in the world around him, until he laid eyes on Sarah and his eyes widened in shock. All of a sudden he straightened out, even pulling the cigarette out of his mouth and stomping it into the ground before looking up at Sarah with a wide smile. "Uh, h-hey there! W-What brings you down here, so late?"

Sarah rolled her eyes as she paused and looked at him. "Got bored and thought it'd be fun to head down to the beach. Don't tell me you're gonna try and stop me?"

The teen hissed, as if in pain, and stuck his hands in his pocket. "Aw, gee, miss, I don't know about that. People aren't really supposed to be on the beaches at night. But uh..." He looked up at her with a cocky smirk, wiggling his eyebrows. "If you were to... 'do something' for me, maybe I'd be willing to let it slide~..."

Sarah simply offered the boy a smirk of her own as she pointed down to the cigarette he had thrown on the ground. "And kids like you aren't really supposed to be smoking, either at night or during the day. So I'll tell ya what: you let me have my late-night beach trip and I won't rat you out to the cops!" She punctuated her sentence with a fake giggle as she pushed past the teen, the boy being too stunned to do much more than stand and watch as she descended the stairs and step out onto the sand. Sarah's mocking expression shifted into a natural, genuine smile as she felt the sand between her toes, the blonde woman already beginning to feel more relaxed and comfortable. Looking around, she happily noted that the beach was abandoned apart from herself and the teenager she passed. 'Perfect.'

Humming happily, Sarah began walking along the beach, each step sending a light ripple through her flesh as her feet pounded against the sand. This would be a perfect time for a jog, but with her figure, that would just end poorly, so she simply elected to speedwalk at the most. The sound of waves lapping against the shore, the sight of the moonlight dancing across the ocean's crests, the smell of the salty sea breeze gently blowing in the wind... All of it together, Sarah momentarily forgot she wasn't but a few feet away from civilization. "This is... This is nice. Peaceful. I've gotta start making it a habit to do this more often." She giggled lightly as she patted her pudgy belly, fingers slightly sinking into the soft skin. "Maybe all this late night walking could do some good for my figure..."

Eventually, Sarah felt her eyelids beginning to grow heavier. Sighing, she paused in front of one of the beach cabanas, dropping to her knees as she dug through her bag. With a small 'a-ha!', Sarah pulled out a large, rolled up pink towel and began spreading it across the sand, evening it out. Nodding to herself, she placed her bag down next to her on the sand and laid down on the towel, sighing in content as she used the soft sand as a makeshift bed. Crossing her hands over her stomach, Sarah closed her eyes and began drifting off to sleep. Within minutes, the sound of the lapping waves was accompanied by the blonde's soft snoring as she finally got some sleep.

Unfortunately, though, her rest would not go uninterrupted. The sounds of scurrying, of something moving about, could be heard behind the cabana, followed by feet hitting the sand. Out from behind the cabana popped a teenager, seemingly the same age as the one Sarah had encountered at the beach's entrance, though this one had a head of sandy blonde hair, a face full of freckles, and was dressed solely in a pair of crimson swim trunks. The new teen's head swiveled about, as if scanning the area for danger, before emerging from behind the cabana fully and jogging over to Sarah's sleeping form, revealing he held an odd pendant in his hand: some sort of crimson jewel, carved into the shape of a heart, suspended from a golden chain, with a number of metallic 'thorns' wrapped around the heart's form.

The teen looked over Sarah's body hungrily, a wicked grin stretching across his face as he licked his lips. "Oh-ho ho ho ho man, Michael wasn't kidding! You're a real big girl, ain'tcha?" He quickly dropped to his knees, lifting his free hand up as if about to touch her. "God, I'm gonna enjoy this..." With his grin growing ever wider, he brought the pendant up and rested it on Sarah's chest, the heart-shaped jewel falling into her cleavage as he suddenly pulled his hand away. Almost immediately, the gem began shining with a crimson light. All of a sudden, the chain began moving on its own, unclasping itself and wrapping around Sarah's neck before coming together again. The chain tightened, pulling the gem out from between her tits and up to hang just underneath her neck; it wasn't tight enough to strangle her, but if she were awake, it would be very difficult for her to get it off without help. And then, finally, a wave of light emitted from the gem, passing over Sarah's body from the top of her head to the tips of her toes as its magic took hold.

Time ticked by painfully slowly for the eager teen, who waited with bated breath for the wave of light to finally return to the gem, signalling that the pendant's work was done. Slowly, he reached out once more and poked Sarah's forehead. Instead of stopping as it hit her skull, though, his finger sank into her head, her creamy skin rippling like a pool of wider. The teen's grin finally reached a breaking point as he pulled back and stood up. "Finally! I've been waiting for this!" His breathing hitching slightly from pure excitement, the teen stuck his foot out and began pressing against Sarah's forehead. Like his finger, it sank into her with ease, swallowing his foot up to the ankle without any visible problems. Sarah didn't even make a peep, didn't move an inch despite having a foot sinking into her head. The boy felt a tingling come over his foot, like it had fell asleep, only for it to slowly pass. Once it did, though, it felt different, like it was pressing against something soft. Wiggling his toes experimentally, he saw the woman's foot, lying on the towel, do the same. "Excellent...!"

Wasting no time, the boy brought his other foot up and slammed down into Sarah's head, the limb easily joining its twin as the tingling overtook it as well. Without his legs supporting him, the boy suddenly fell down as if into a hole, the rest of his legs getting swallowed up by Sarah's head. His rapid descent only stopped when he stuck his arms out and braced himself against the ground, his heart beating fast as he narrowly avoided this experience ending too suddenly. 'Don't want this over with too quickly...' The tingling had completely overtaken both of his legs, like ants crawling underneath his skin, but slowly it began to fade and feeling returned to him. Kicking out randomly, his heart soared as he saw Sarah's leg do exactly as he had commanded. The woman, for her part, simply continued snoring peacefully, blissfully unaware of the alien things happening to her body. With his face twisted into a sinister smirk, the teen slowly began lowering the rest of himself into Sarah's forehead.

Waist, stomach, chest, all of it sinking slowly into the blonde's head, the teen purposely working to go as slowly as he could to savor the experience. With each inch of him he shoved inside, that tingling took him and shifted his sense of touch. He could feel the soft, fluffy towel pressing against 'his' back, the tight bikini digging into 'his' waist, and most of all all of 'his' wonderful new fat! Finally, though, he had sunk up to his armpits, and he sighed as he realized this lovely experience would be coming to an end. Sighing, he suddenly pulled his hands off the ground, gravity immediately taking effect to pull the last bits of his body into Sarah's head. With a final 'shlurp!', he disappeared, Sarah's forehead rippling slightly before returning to its normal smooth state.

For a few moments, the scene returned to as it had been, with the waves lapping against the beach and Sarah's snores filling the air. Then all of a sudden the woman shot up, gasping as her shook rapidly, looking around as if she was in danger. Startlingly, though, her eyes were no longer brown, but a deep, almost blood red. Slowly, her breathing evened out and a grin stretched across her face as she looked herself over. Immediately, her hands moved to her tits, groping and squeezing the mammoth mammaries with a groan before they began moving down, gliding over her soft stomach to her chunky thighs and squishing them eagerly. A moan escaped her as she finally pulled her hands off of herself. "God, so roomy in here, so soft~. I've gotta tell Michael about this, we've gotta take more of these thick chicks in the future!" A twisted smirk spread across her gentle face and, with a huff, she began pulling herself to her feet. Looking down at her ass, 'Sarah' slapped both her cheeks before walking off, not even bothering to gather up her towel or the rest of her things.

Soon enough, she had made it back to the beach's entrance, where the teen she had met earlier seemed to be waiting for her. His eyes lit up as she saw her and he quickly jogged over to her, his excitement clear. "H-Hey! Hey, hey man, is that you in there!"

Sarah didn't answer, instead smirking as she leaned down and draped her hands over the boy's shoulders. A brilliant blush broke out across his cheeks, but before he could protest, she was pressing her lips against his, moments later slipping her tongue into his mouth and entwining it with his own. For a few moments, they made out, both parties moaning lightly before Sarah finally pulled a way, a thin strand of drool connecting their mouths before breaking. "Sarah. Her name is Sarah."

Michael's blush increased as he chuckled lightly. "A-Awesome! Well the, uh, 'Sarah', you reconsidered my offer from before, I guess. Is, uh, is she on the pill?"

"Who the fuck cares about the dumb pill? Let's just go."

And with that, the two locked hands and left the beach together.
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