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action, fantasy, scifi, chemistry, giant crab monsters...we got it all |
Apollo sighed nervously, tension filling him up, as the speaker droned on and on repeating name after name inching ever so slowly to his. And the tension didn't end with him seem to be spreading from every member of the line slight twitches nervous taps hands chittering quick shutters Apollo thanked what god there was that no one had thrown up yet. And still the names continued closing inexorably in on him. Name w name x name is Y. 3 more names, three more people who left the line never to rejoin it again. Name Z one the girl next to Apollo shuddered. The air around her Seeming to bulge with her fear. After a single hesitant footstep her body and courage seemed to fail at the same time. Go on Apollo Mumbled the girl glanced back and seemed to swell slightly before continuing Forward. Apollo felt a slight warmth flushing out the side of his neck apparently he had said that louder then he had meant to. Apollo xxx the speakers rang out and then it was Apollo's turn to feel that nervousness swell out of him like he was sweating it out. Then with a slight shrug Apollo stepped forward a grin slowly running across his face as his mom and dad cheered madly for him from the front row. He felt the warm flush extend further up his face. Then before he knew what was happening his degree was in his hand and he was heading down the steps to mill around with the rest of his high school class. The cheer that erupted from their raised voices seemed both impossibly loud to Apollo and slightly sad. Like the soft echo of some forgotten thought. Then he was jostled from such thoughts as about half of the student's caps fell around him and people began trying to find theirs. Moving with the crowd Apollo held his own mortar board in his hands, after all a gentle little toss was all he needed. Soon he found the flow of people opening up around him as the crush moved deeper into the center looking for hats. Heading out from the people Apollo felt someone behind him shoved him aside in their own questing search. Slowly his weight seemed to shift forward beyond his control. Followed swiftly by a faltering tumble into someone bent over in front of him. A grunt of pain flew from his mouth while a curse seemed to slip out of the tangle of limbs beneath him. Rolling to the side Apollo looked over at Name Z trying to pull herself out from under Name P, unaffectionally known as Lard by his classmates do to his rather tremendous size. Though few had dared called him that to his face, and those few who had had come to regret that fact.
Apollo quickly scrambled over his on his hands and knees his floundering robes tangling around his feet. Struggling to shove Name P up Apollo saw Name Z shoot him a grateful look as she crawled out. "Thanks" rumbled Name P as a slab of a hand seemed to latch on to Apollo's arm. Apollo almost screamed as his arm seemed to be wrenched from its socket while Name P raised himself to his feet. 'No problem' Apollo gasped as he rolled his arm. ....apollo get invited to the party..... Apollo growled "Change your fucking light" as the street light in front of him silently maintained its red glare. Looking at the time on his dash he watched as the little green lights flashed from 10:21 to 10:22. Apollo swore again and again, 'of course the light would be red' he grumbled 'after all NO ONE IS COMING!' his grumble rising to a full-throated scream. Still the light shown on impassive to the abuse being hurled at it from the 16-year old's rundown beater that he believed might have once been a car. "Why am I always running late?" the car seemed to bawl to the night from its one permanently open window. As if in response to the cry the light blazed green and the old beater of a car flew through it. Not that things would be any easier Apollo saw as he slowly approached XXXX DeVille Drive. The road side and driveways were packed, it seemed as if his whole class had arrived before him. Muttering to himself he slowed down to a crawl trying to0 find anywhere he could park. Soon he was past the house and still nothing. Apollo felt his fingers tighten on the wheel as if he could strangle it. Damn his mom and her stupid photo shoot and family dinner. He had barely been able to leave at all, thank god his dad had intervened or he would have been the only one not to make it by the look of things, not that it seemed to matter he noticed as he made his way to the end of the street. Sliding his car in to rest next to the stop sign leading to the rest of the neighborhood. Kicking his door open he slid out of his car, his mouth thinning as he looked back down the block to the party and back at the stop sign beside him. Then his eyes lit up as he stared at that stop sign. With a grin he dove back into his car its engine shuddering to life. His door had barley closed before he was off around the corner and pulling up in front of an empty house seemingly cloaked in light and sound from its backyard. Apollo's eyes danced as they saw just how easy it would be. Looking away he made to to pull up further so that he seemed to rest between the two yards before he hoped back out of his car. Stepping into the yard he looked back his whole body swelling with self-importance, anyone who looked would think he was visiting one of the two houses, that way neither would know he wasn't here at all. Turning back A quick glace around told him all he needed to know about the backyard. He was glad to see no fence leading into the backyard, with only a wood privacy fence now separating him from his goal. With no one in sight he quickly dashed across the back to the fence. Grabbing the top, the tried to hoist himself up only to get about halfway up. The whole of the party sprawled before his eyes people yelled, danced, splashed and joked everywhere he could see. Leaning forward he felt himself slip over the fence and into the yard. His intrusion hadn't gone unnoticed though as Name Z's boyfriend, Name G, and some of his friends made their way over to him from the patio and around the pool. And from the expression on his face Apollo guessed Name G was anything but happy to see him. Apollo's eyes roved the gathering, searching for a way out of the mess he had inadvertently stepped into. Unsurprisingly his eyes were first drawn to name P slowly kicking up massive waves at the edge of the pool, it was hard not to notice the 6 foot 6 giant in the room, so to speak. The only problem was Name G's friend Name F already was between him and Name P. Apollo quickly plastered a fake smile across his face yelling out cheerfully "Hey Name A, I've been looking everywhere for you!" While quickly striding over to Name F. Just as Apollo had guessed Name F turned to look, after all he had always seemed to have his eyes on that little brunette. As Apollo strolled pass him Name F never even seemed to notice, after all he was too busy trying to find someone that probably wasn't even there. As he closed in on name P Apollo felt a sudden grip on his shoulder. "Oh, what have I here? It's something that just crawled over the fence and should crawl its way back." Whispered a familiar voice drowning in its all too familiar spite. Turning to see the face attached to the arm Apollo felt his stomach plunge as he beheld a slightly panting Name G. "Name G perfect man, maybe you could help me." Apollo flowed straight into his lie without even thinking. "Name Z called me since I was finishing some stuff at home before coming over; she said you were running low on beer and asked me to snag a few cases before coming over." Name G annoyed expression turned to a dazed confusion as Apollo continued making his fake shit eating grin shift into a real one without him even realizing it. Name G's friends had come over to join him by this point, exept for Name F who was now wandering around looking no doubt looking high and low for name A. Name G seemed to exchange a worried look with his friends. "So can I get some help from you or what. I couldn't exactly carry 6 cases of beer down the block so I had to come looking for you guys to help me." Everything would have ended there Apollo had no doubt if one of Name G's mindless friends hadn't managed to latch onto the single flaw with the lie. With a voice that sounded like it belonged more to a confused child just starting in puberty than a full grown teenager he asked "Then why did you jump the fence?" Apollo groaned inwardly but then again he had always had a way with talking and his words flowed around the new obstacle like a stream around rocks, without slowing or even missing a beat. "Well obviously, Apollo continued "I was worried you guys would be helping the plants like them." With a curt gesture he thumbed back at two people heaving into the Gardenias near the fence line. "After all I know you guys like to pound them hard, and I was worried when I first came over and didn't see any of you, but I should have known better after all you guys aren't light weights like them." As he went on Apollo could now see he had them swelling with their own egotistical pride. "Now if you guys will go ahead I'm parked down at the end of the block by the stop sign. I'm just going to tell Lard I'm here and see if I can get him to help us bring back all the new booze." It was all Apollo could do not to ruin this by laughing at those blank bovine faces as they turned and started joking and jostling each other out of the back yard and no doubt down to the end of the block. Watching them leave Apollo could feel his smile fading, after all he knew he had only solved the problem momentarily, they would be back soon enough pissed and ready to go once they realized he had tricked them. But that would be easy enough to handle on its own, after all his mouth seemed to have already seen the problem coming before his head realized it and had setup its own solution. His mouth slowly curved at its edges as he moved on over to Name P. |