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Rated: XGC · Fiction · Erotica · #2173121
Olivia has a run-in with a real slick customer.
"Come on, honey!" The high-pitched voice cut through the background noise of the crowds marching through the open-air mall, its owner easily stepping between and around everyone in her way on her quest for material goods. She was a tall woman, almost exceedingly so, with a full figure that more than matched her height. Her soft, jello-like breasts were squeezed into a tight, form-fitting white t-shirt which itself was covered by her crimson letterman jacket, while her wide, chunky ass was hugged by her apple-bottom jeans, the denim clinging tight enough to her figure it almost seemed like a second skin. White strap sandals covered her feet, while a pair of thin-framed glasses rested in front of her baby-blue eyes. Her appearance was topped by her vibrantly orange hair, trailing behind her in a long pony tail that just barely reached the base of her neck.

Olivia looked behind her, a small smile on her face as she saw her son struggling to keep up, loaded down by bags and boxes of all shapes and sizes. Most of them were from the various clothing stores they had visited today, though there were a few from electronic stores and the like that he had wanted to go to, which she had acquiesced since it was only fair. She wasn't one of those mothers that treated her kids like a slave-driver, after all! Hell, if she was, she probably wouldn't have arranged for this trip in the first place! In fact, she had tried to get Daniel to share the load with her, but he had insisted that he carry it all by himself! Oh, what a sweet young boy! She would have to make a note to give him something extra special later today for being so helpful...

Sadly, whatever happy thoughts she was having were brought to a swift end as she heard a loud CRASH behind her. Focusing her vision, she saw that Daniel had fallen to the ground, scattering their things all over and forcing people to go around him as he desperately tried to gather everything up. "S-Sorry! Sorry! I-I got this! Sorry!" The boy called out desperately as he grabbed at shoe boxes and clothing bags, trying to get it all together again so he could pick it up again. A small smile graced Olivia's lips as she slowly shook her head, falling back in order to help her son gather everything up. She couldn't say this was entirely surprising. If anything, the exact opposite was true: she knew something like this would happen, but he had been so adamant about carrying everything that she allowed it anyway. Well, hopefully this would at least open him up to the idea of letting her help...

"Oooohhhhh...." Olivia froze, her hand on a Payless shoe box, as the groan hit her ears, her brow near-instantly furrowing. That... almost sounded like a woman. Was someone in trouble? "Ooooohhhhhhhh...." And there it was again! Olivia's ears perked up as she pulled away from the discarded box, Daniel still scrambling behind her as she rose to her full height and looked around. The groans continued to sound out, and slowly, cautiously, Olivia began to follow them, eventually stumbling upon their source hidden away in the scant gap between a pair of stores, almost completely covered up by the signs covering it up.

It was a woman, yes, and a rather attractive one at that: large, burgeoning breasts contained in a black band t-shirt (Slayer? Is that what that said?), and a bubble butt that wasn't at all hidden by her black jeans. White converse sneakers covered her feet, while her long, chestnut brown hair was splayed out behind her like a curtain. Olivia gasped as she took stock of her. She seemed to barely be conscious, and was obviously in some amount of pain, judging by the groans she was making. Based on how crumpled her body was, it looked like someone had literally just tossed her into this alleyway. Had she been drugged? Maybe molested? How had she even been dumped here in the first place, this was the middle of a public mall? The answers to these questions and more would have to wait, though, as Olivia's expression became set in determination.

Shoving the obstructing signs aside, she stepped over the woman before crouching down and sticking her hands underneath her. With a grunt of effort, Olivia fluidly picked the woman up bridal-style and carried her out of the small alley. "Daniel, honey?" She called out to her son, who had just finished gathering up the items he had spilled and was sitting on the ground next to them. The teen perked up as his mother called his name, only for his expression to fall again when he saw the unconscious woman. "We need to go, dear! Grab our things, quickly!" The teen nodded before bending down, quickly getting a handle on all the clothing and etcetera they had bought today. With both of them carrying their respective loads, the duo began trekking out of the mall, intent on dropping this strange woman off at the nearest police station in the hope they would be able to help her with... whatever it was that had happened to her.

But unbeknownst to either mother or son, this entire time they had been watched. Sitting on a bench not too far away, holding up a large newspaper to hide her expression, was a young, deathly pale woman. She was dressed in a pitch black tank top, a dark grey jacket, and black jeans. Her snow white hair fell around her in a cascade apart from a single strand that seemed to curl upwards in the back, her bangs falling over and covering one of her eyes. But it was this uncovered eye that was most startling about her appearance, as it was a deep, unnatural, blood red that even seemed to faintly glow in the bright light of the mall. The unknown woman peered over the top of her newspaper at the retreating mother/son pair, licking her lips as her eyes fell on the woman's jiggling backside. "Yes, she'll do..."


Some hours later, and Olivia sighed as she sank down into the tub, full almost to the brim with warm water and plenty of bubbles (courtesy of the bubble bath Daniel had given to her for her birthday, of course~). The warmth of the water seemed to soak into her form, washing the stresses of the day away. And what a stressful day it had been, too. Not often you find an unconscious stranger at the mall, after all. Thankfully, she and Daniel had managed to load her in the car and get her to the police station safely. She had even started to wake up during the trip, though was far from lucid, based on how she kept muttering about 'the black slime'. After hearing that, Olivia had been convinced more than ever that the woman had been drugged. But ultimately, they dropped her off at the police station, told the officers what had happened (to the best of their ability), and were on their merry way. With their mood soured after such an experience, they decided to return home instead of continuing their mall trip. Which brings us to now: Olivia needing someway to cleanse herself of the day, and there was nothing better for that than a nice, hot bubble bath!

She moaned lightly as she rolled her shoulders, sending a slight jiggle through her chest from the moment. The bubbles in the tub acted almost like a censor, amassing around her breasts and covering up her fat nipples. It was something she was thankful for, in all honesty. She didn't know what she would do if Daniel happened to enter the bathroom and caught sight of his mother's naked form. Probably die from embarrassment, if she had to hazard a guess. Not that it could happen, of course; she always made triple sure that the door was locked whenever she decided to take a bath specifically to avoid that scenario, after all!

Olivia was pulled from her thoughts as a low rumbling filled her ears. Sitting up in the tub (bringing her breasts out of the water and exposing her nipples to the open air, at the same time), she looked around the room, already on high alert. The rumbling was growing louder, but where was it coming from? Her head swiveled around like a parascope, swaying forward and back slightly as she tried to find the source. It seemed to be coming... from the pipes? And it wasn't that the rumbling was getting louder, it was getting closer!

At the same time she realized this, the faucet on the tub began shaking violently, the echoes of the rumbling coming through it before it all at once stopped as something began pouring out of it. The substance was thick and pitch black in color, as if someone had turned a starless night sky into a sludge. Olivia watched as it poured down, but instead of entering the water, it suddenly froze before turning upwards, splitting in half and heading for either edge of the tub. More and more of the strange, black sludge came out of the faucet, more than could be explained by any sort of plumbing error. No, it wasn't a black sludge, Olivia realized with horror. It was a black slime! Whatever this thing was, it must've been the same thing that had gotten a hold of that woman from earlier! And now, it seemed as if it was going to do the same thing to Olivia...

The mother simply sat there in the tub and watched, frozen in fear, as the tarry substance began to coalesce together. Its shape became much more defined, shifting into a more humanoid form. Legs, waist, breasts(?), and, with a groan, a head made itself known as the seeming last of the slime exited the faucet. A set of bright, shining teeth- no, fangs- curled upwards in a manic grin on the thing's vaguely misshapen head while a pair of bright red, glowing eyes stared at her with an obviously malicious intent. "Why, hello there, dear~!" The thing's voice was female, but it was distorted, echoey almost, as though it were speaking through a filter. Its eyes ran over Olivia's naked body, causing the milf to press her back against the well as she subconsciously tried to distance herself from the threat. "Oh, you look so much better without all that wrapping! So nice and..." The slime ran a tongue along its 'lips'. "Meaty~!"

Olivia whimpered softly as the slime bent down, getting uncomfortably close to her. "I thought it would be a while before I found my next host, and a while until someone found my last one. What luck that you happened to come by and kill both birds with one stone!" The slime licked its lips again as Olivia simply stared in horror, her mind not quite processing what it was saying. The slime brought its hands up, gently caressing Olivia's cheek and leaving a black smear on the previously unblemished skin. "Now, open wide for me~."

It was at this moment that something finally seemed to click in Olivia's brain and she opened her mouth to scream for help. Unfortunately, it was far too late, as the moment her lips parted, the slime struck, forcing itself into her mouth and down her throat. Instead of a scream, the only sound that came from her was a gurgle as the sludgy substance blocked her windpipe. The mother's body tensed up, freezing in terror, as the slime continued forcing itself into her. Her neck bulged from the sheer mass of the invading substance flowing through it. The slime was strangely, deathly cold, a sharp contrast to the delightful warmth of her bath and, indeed, the heat from her own body. The bathroom was silent except for her panicked gurgles as the slime violently shoved itself inside her, the woman unable to so much as grasp at her own throat as finally, with a final 'slurp', the last bits of the slime entered her.

Olivia panted, falling over and draping herself over the edge of the tub in exhaustion. She could still feel the slime inside her, churning her stomach around worse than any food poisoning she'd ever had. She had to get out, to warn Daniel, to call the police, to do something about this... body invader! But even as she made up her mind, the slime worked against her; she could feel it leave her stomach and begin spreading out through the rest of her body, bulges forming under her skin as it flowed into her limbs, seizing control of the woman's delectable body for itself.Her hands clenched up and she was forced back, further from the door than she had started. She couldn't even feel her limbs anymore, the very nerves inside them having been stolen from her. All Olivia could do was pant and whine, tears forming in her eyes as one last, particularly large bulge flowed up through her throat and into her head. As the slime pumped itself into her brain, Olivia's eyes rolled into the back of her skull, and her final thoughts were filled with the slime's vicious, victorious laughter. And it was with that, that Olivia finally lost consciousness.

Seconds ticked by, almost agonizingly slowly, the only sound filling the bathroom being that of Olivia's slow, gentle breaths. Eventually, the woman opened her eyes, revealing her bright baby-blues had been replaced with a startling blood red. She smirked as she stood up in the tub, water sloshing around her as she stepped out of it. Her gaze passed over her body lecherously, one hand cupping one of her meaty tits while the other groped her creamy ass. "Mmmm, you don't just look good, you feel good too~." She chuckled wickedly as she looked at her reflection in the mirror. Apart from the red eyes (which she could totally change if she felt like it), nobody would ever know she was here! "I just might have to make you one of my permanent hosts, you're far too good to simply visit once~."

Her expression suddenly shifted into a facsimile of Olivia's own gentle concern, the expression she used whenever something seemed to be wrong with Daniel that he wasn't telling her. "Oh, no, Raven, please! Please don't use this naughty mommy's body however you want! Please don't walk around with dildos in my ass or wrap my massive tits around my son's cock!" And her expression shifted back into a smirk as she sniggered lightly to herself before humming. "Actually, that last one doesn't sound so bad~." Turning around, the newly-named 'Raven' unlocked the bathroom door and stepped outside, not even bothering to dry off Olivia's body as she made her way to Daniel's room.


Daniel moaned lightly as he was roused from his slumber. He had been having an amazing dream, one where he was a mega millionaire who surrounded himself with super models all day, so his first instinct was to try and go back to sleep as soon as possible in an attempt to continue it. Sadly, it became swiftly apparent that that wouldn't be happening, as he hadn't just woken up by random chance. No, something was messing with him, messing with... his cock? He blinked in confusion, his eyes slowly adjusting to the darkness. There was something wrapped around his cock, something warm, wet, and tight. On top of that, something big and heavy was lying on his legs, pinning him down.

Turning over the best he could, he fumbled in the darkness before finally hitting the switch on his lamp, turning it on and instantly (and quite literally) shedding light on the situation. Whatever was messing with him, it was hidden under his covers, so without hesitation Daniel threw them off, only to gasp in shock as he saw what (or rather, who) had woken him up. "M-Mom?!" Indeed, his own mother was lying on top of him, completely naked, his erect penis wrapped in her soft, plush lips. Her eyes were closed as her head bobbed up and down, and Daniel suddenly realized he could feel her tongue running along his shift. Eventually, she finally pulled back, his member freed from her mouth with a soft 'pop!', his head glistening with her saliva. She opened her eyes and looked to him, her bright red irises seeming to bore into his soul. "Hi, sweetie~!"

"M-Mom, wh-what are you doing?!"

Olivia purred as she ran a manicured hand along Daniel's pajama-clad chest. "Oh, well, you were just so helpful today, carrying all those things for me like the big, strong man you are, that mommy decided she needed to do something extra special as a reward. So mommy, thought, and thought, and thought, and she realized: what teenager wouldn't like a BJ from a sexy milf~?" She smiled wide, as though her answer was obvious and innocent. "So that's just what I'm doing! Now if you'll excuse me~." And before Daniel could protest, she lowered her head and took his dick back into her mouth, her tongue running along it once more as she continued her blowjob.

Daniel didn't know what to do. On the one hand, this was his mother, the woman who had raised him, made him the man he was today! She had changed his diapers, for crying out loud! They shouldn't be doing this, they shouldn't even be thinking of doing this! But on the other hand... He would have to be blind to not realize how attractive his mom was, and if he was entirely honest with himself, the thought of... doing things to her had crossed his mind more time than he could count. His morals had always lead him to bury those thoughts in whatever ways he could when he had them, but now his darkest fantasies were coming to life before his very eyes, and he was quickly finding he was unable to help himself. He reached out and rested his hand on his mother's head, but instead of pushing her away, he pushed her down, forcing more of his cock down her throat in a silent sign to continue.

Olivia seemed more than happy to oblige, a low moan escaping her as her lips slid down the length of Daniel's cock, taking it in to the base as she deepthroated her son. Daniel moaned lightly, unused to the sensations he was feeling. He was, or rather, had been, a virgin. Sure, he'd fantasized about getting blown, even fantasized about getting a BJ from his own mother, but the pleasure washing over him right now was like nothing he could've ever imagined! In fact, it even seemed to be too much as his cock twitched in the warm, squishy confines of Olivia's throat. With a growl, he brought both his hands up and grabbed hold of her head, forcing his mother as far down as he possibly could as he came deep into her throat, his hot, fiery spunk shooting down and into her stomach. For a solid half-a-minute, he came, wave after wave of pleasure washing over him until he finally fell backwards onto his bed, his cock going flaccid as he was completely spent.

Olivia pulled away again, exposing his cock to the open air once more before she pulled his underwear and pajama shorts back up. Looking up at him, she smiled, a glob of his cum still visible on the corner of her lips, though she seemed to realize it as her tongue suddenly darted out and ran along her lips, pulling the spunk back into her mouth before she swallowed his entire load. Beaming brightly, she crawled forward, resting her naked breasts on his chest, her erect nipples poking him slightly. "So, how was that, sweetie~. Did you like mommy's special surprise?"

Daniel nodded, still panting from the exertion. "Y-Yeah, that was... That was just... wow, mom..." A blush crept into his cheeks. Even he could see just how piss-poor an attempt at describing it that was. But how was he supposed to describe it? He couldn't very well tell her that she had just fulfilled one of his deepest fantasies... could he? Considering what had just happened, maybe he couldn't just tell her, she would even be willing to help him fulfill some of his others...

Olivia, for her part, simply giggled. "Good, good. Mommy's happy to hear~." Her smile became a bit more wicked as she suddenly leaned in, her breasts pressing harder into Daniel's chest as she whispered in his ear. "And if you're a good boy, mommy will have even more surprises in store~." Her tongue darted out, dragging along his ear in a slow, sensual lick before she pulled away, hopping up and off the bed as if nothing had ever happened. "Well, good night, baby! Hope you sleep well~." And with that, she strutted out of the room, hips swaying softly as Daniel continued to lay there. His cheeks were red as tomatoes, and his mind was racing a mile a minute, but eventually, he got a hold of himself enough to lean over and turn his lamp back off, ready to at least try to go back to sleep.
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