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this is the second part to the vampire knight fanfic. i do not own the characters or anime |
Chapter 7 Loss. Zero knows that Elena must be hurting. That kiss didn't help anything tonight. That kiss, The beautiful kiss. Zero never experienced anything like it. He knew he loved Yuki. After that kiss, he just knew it more. She was with Kaname. She wasn't leaving him. Who was Zero kidding? The woman that really loved him, was somewhere on campus. Feeling that he didn't want her or his child. The thought hurt him. He knew he had to find her and talk to her. He needed to fix this in some way. He would have to push his feelings towards Yuki behind him. Feeling that if she really wanted him, she wouldn't have left with Kaname. Now with the current situation maybe it was better that she did. Zero still didn't feel he was ready for any of this. He wasn't sure. He wanted to marry Elena. Not even sure if he wanted to be with her past graduation. Yet not wanting his child to grow up without him. Knowing how the last five years, he wished his father was here. That he would give anything for that. He didn't want his own child to have to feel that way. To think he abandons him. For what? Yuki? Who he wasn't even sure would leave Kaname for him? As he was thinking all this, he walked to the girl's dorm. Looking into Elena's room. Not finding her there. Getting a little worried. He walks to the girl's bathroom. Seeing the light on. Smelling Elena's scent. Knowing she is there. He opens the door that was left unlocked, to see her curled up on the floor. Crying. Her makeup all smudged. Hair all around her head and dress wrinkled up so she could sit on the floor. "Get out." She yells. "No. You didn't wait for me to respond. You just walked away from me. You didn't give me a chance." Zero states. "Why? Why Wait? I know how you really feel. I know you want her and not me. I can't live in the dark anymore. I see the light. I wasn't thinking. We never used anything. It was all my fault. I was just so happy being with you. " Elena answers. "I was there too. I am just as much at fault. I do have feelings towards you, Elena. I care deeply for you." Zero states. "You don't love me. You will never love me. Like you do her. I see that now. I can't hold you back either. Just go." Elena yells. "You're carrying my child. I am not going anywhere. I want to raise it with you. Be a part of its life. I want it to have both parents." Zero says. "What good is that? I trapped you? That's not what I wanted. You will only stay because of the child." Elena cries. "Not really. I am sure we can make a life and be happy. You once asked me to try. Now I am asking you." Zero comments. "You know. I want you more than anything. I just am not sure I want you this way. There was a time, I wouldn't care. But after seeing that kiss. You're always going to be dreaming about her. How I kept you away from her." Elena announces. "Not really. Your not keeping me away from her. She is. She left with Kaname. She always leaves with him. She isn't going to leave him for me. I can have a real family with you. I want to make that work." Zero states. Walking over to her, Cleaning up her face. "I must look like a raccoon," Elena says. "Yea a little. but its cute." Zero says. Pushing her hair back. Lightly picking her up. Bringing her to his Dorm room. {r-ep:65} He lightly places her onto his bed. Laying next to her. She curls up close to him. Still filled with hurt. Not really sure if this is going to work or not. That as much as she loves him, what she saw tonight hurt her to the core. She knew if Yuki would leave Kaname. Zero would go with her. Not even thinking twice about her. That the only real reason. He is staying is because of the child. That isn't what she wanted. The only way she got him was to trap him. She was terrified that in years to come. He would hate her. Resent her for this. It just brought more pain to her heart. That someone she loved so much, couldn't feel the same towards her. She wondered maybe in time, he would. She just wasn't sure. {r-ep:66} During the next month, Zero does everything in his power to prove to Elena. That he will be there for her and his child. Watching her tummy get bigger only brings joy to Zero. One that he didn't think. He would ever have. He hears the child's heartbeat while Elena sleeps close to him. It makes him feel closer to her. They are both getting ready as the time for graduation is near. Taking their exams and getting ready to move on into the real world. They still haven't told anyone about there relationship or the child. Zero being very closed mouth about it all. Elena still able to hide her growing belly. {r-ep:67} One day while walking down the hall, Elena spots Yuki. A panic in her chest arises. She runs after her, throwing her inside an empty classroom. "What are you doing here? What do you want?" Elena shouts. "I am here to speak to my father." Yuki answers. "Why are you really here? It's for Zero, isn't it? " Elena yells. "I wouldn't mind seeing him. While I am here. How he is?" Yuki asks. "He is fine. As long as you stay away from him. He is mine." Elena reveals. "Oh. I didn't know. He had a girlfriend." Yuki states. "I am more than his girlfriend. I am carrying his child." Elena states. Yuki's eyes glow crimson. She tries to fight the hurt inside. Just staring at Elena's small belly."I guess congratulations are in order." Yuki comments. "Yes. Stay away from him. Do you hear me?" Elena yells Grabbing onto Yuki's arms. Shaking her. "Get off me. "Yuki walks out of the classroom in front of the stairs. "I am warning you. Stay away from him. I am not letting you have him. Go Home to your Kaname." Elena barks. Going over and shaking Yuki harder. Yuki trying to get out of her grip, Pushing Elena hard. Where she loses her balance and tumbles down the flight of stairs. Yuki gasps at the sight in front of her. Not meaning to do that. Zero walks up behind her to look down at the site. {r-ep:68} "What did you do? Oh my god. Elena are you ok?" Zero says. Running down the stairs to Elena's aid. Who is now unconscious from hitting her head. "What did you do Yuki? How could you?" Zero says. "I didn't mean to. She wouldn't let go of me." Yuki says with tears. "Call 911 Now!" Zero comments. {r-ep:69} They get Elena to the hospital. Zero feeling beside himself. Honestly worried for the sake of her and the child. Zero never wanting any of this to happen. Yuki sitting next to him. Waiting to hear if Elena was ok. {r-ep:70} "Zero I swear I didn't do this on purpose. She came at me like a mad woman. She told me to stay away from you. It was like she was possessed." Yuki says. "She is in a way. Possessed by love. She doesn't see straight when it comes to me. She is a smart beautiful woman, that I can destroy with four words. " Zero answers. "What are those?" Yuki asks. "I don't want you." Zero comments. "Oh. She told me she is pregnant." Yuki states. "Yes. I found out the night of the ball." Zero responds. "Is that why you are with her?"Yuki asks. "Yes. The child is a big part of it. Also, I know she cares for me deeply." Zero replies. "I care for you deeply also. I miss you so much since I left." Yuki responds looking sadly to the floor." I feel the same about you Yuki." Zero says. Holding her hand. The doctor coming out. Mr. Kiryu. Are you with Ms. Knight?" The doctor asks. "Yes. How is she? How is the child?" Zero gets up asking the doctor. Yuki sees how he cares. "I am sorry to inform you, but Ms. Knight has lost the baby. She has some broken bones and a concussion from the fall. But she will be fine." The doctor answers. Zero feeling a pit in his stomach. "Did you tell her yet?" Zero asks. "Yes. She is very upset. She asked for you. Mr. Kiryu." The doctor responds. Zero looks at Yuki, Who feels terrible. "Zero I am so sorry. Really I didn't want this." Yuki says. "Please, she needs me. Go home." Zero responds. Going into Elena's hospital room. {r-ep:71} FInding her curled into a ball. "Elena are you ok?" Zero asks. Walking over to her, Placing her in his arms. Elena wraps her arms around him, crying. Now more terrified than ever, that he will leave her. What was holding him to her. Is now gone. "I am so sorry. It's all my fault. I let my rage take over me. I lost our child." Elena says with sadness. "It wasn't your fault. This whole thing has been my fault from the start. I should have known better. I am sorry to have put you through all this." Zero says. "I Guess. You are free now. There is nothing holding you to me anymore. I managed to even ruin that." Elena states. Sobbing on his shoulder. Her arms wrapped around him tightly still curled into a ball. Zero sees what he turned this smart beautiful woman into. The pain he brought to her. He knew he needed to comfort her at this moment. Not make it worse. She was there to comfort him. He needed to do the same. He held her close not answering what she asked. Not really knowing where they went from here. Just at this moment, he didn't need to make things worse. It wasn't fair to her. He was in pain also. More than he ever thought he would be. In the end, he saw that he wanted that child more than he let on. A feeling of great loss washed over him. Needing her comfort at the moment as much as she needed his. {r-ep:72} Zero stays with her the whole night through. Seeing how lost and sad she is. How small and frail she looks in that bed. "What the hell was he doing? Hurting the one person who loved him no matter what. She would have never gone after Yuki. If it wasn't for that kiss. He knew Yuki made Elena feel vulnerable. She was her weakness. What Yuki said to him this afternoon, went over and over in his mind. She missed him. She cared for him. He couldn't think about that right now. He needed to be there for Elena. {r-ep:73} The next day he took her home. Zero asked Kaien if she could just stay in his dorm room with him. Not wanting to leave her out of his sight. Kaien agreed under the circumstances. What more could they do? He knew they both needed each other right now. He let them have it. Elena didn't talk much. She just stayed in Zero's bed. Feeling that when this was over. She would ever see him again. She figured as hard as she wanted Yuki out of his life. She just opened it up for her to step right back in. How her losing control let her lose everything she loved dearly. She just lied there defeated. That no matter what she tried it didn't work. It would only backfire on her. {r-ep:74} Zero just watches as she just isn't herself. He tries to get her to eat which is very little. It pains him to see her like this. Knowing the girl he first met was so different. So happy, full of life. Talkative. Doing everything she could to make him happy. Leaning toward her goal of becoming something. Now just laying here falling apart. He knew in just a short few weeks they would be graduating. That if he left her here, she would never be the same. He felt he owed her to help pick her up again. Making her whole. Instead of leaving her broken and half the person she use to be. That if she never went near him. She would never be going through this. He knew he let his vampire desire to win over his human side. Which lead to this mess. If he would have just stayed away. It was too late for that. He had to get this woman up and going again. To take those exams and do well. Letting her graduate the valedictorian that she was. She worked so hard for it. He wanted her to have it. {r-ep:75} Chapter 8 Graduation. {r-ep:76} Its been a week, Elena has stayed with Zero in his dorm room. He does his best to be there for her and with her. Part of her is dead inside. She is lost and broken but she knows. She needs to get up. Finish her exams and move forward. She also knows. No matter how much it pains her, She needs to let Zero go. "Why stay with someone who wants someone else? Who doesn't love you? What has it gotten me? Nothing but pain. I look at him and cry. I wanted so much more and better with him."Elena tells herself. {r-ep:77} Zero walks out the door, going to visit Yagari. Needing to make plans for his upcoming new job. "Hey, there is my boy. How are you doing? How is Elena?" Yagari asks. "I am hanging in there. She is hanging on by a thread." Zero admits. "That was a lot to handle. Zero if you really don't want her, Now is the time to let her go. Before something like that happens again." Yagari states. "I know. She is just so broken right now. I don't know what to do. I don't even know what I want." Zero admits. "Well, you need to figure it out soon. In a few weeks, the school will be over. You will move into your new apartment from the association. Have a new job and life. You need to figure out if you are taking her with you into this new life? Or leaving her behind?" Yagari states. "I know. When will I be able to move into the apartment?" Zero asks. "Any time now. Its all ready for you. I made sure. I got you a nice one. I thought you were going to have a family. So I gave you one with extra room." Yagari comments. "Thank you." Zero remarks. Leaving Yagari's classroom. Still not sure of what he really wants. He knew now was the time to get out, but how? It would hurt her terribly and at the moment she didn't need any more pain. {r-ep:78} Zero walks back to his dorm room. Seeing Elena sitting up, gathering her things. "Are you ok?" Zero asks. "Yes. I am getting my things together. I know. I can't stay in your dorm room forever. It's time I move on." Elena says. Looking at the floor, trying her best not to break down or fall apart. Even though she is trembling and her heart is beating so fast it feels like its coming out of her chest. "Zero I want you to always remember that. I love you. I am sorry for everything, pushing it on to you. When I knew you loved someone else. I hope you get all that you want. And she makes you happy. Since I can't."Elena says. Wrapping her arms around him. Her eyes close and she does her best to hold back the tears. "I am sorry Elena. I couldn't be all you wanted."Zero replies. Elena picking up her bookbag and clothes heading out the door as fast as she could. As if she stayed even a minute longer, she would have fallen apart. She enters the hallway, where she stands up against the wall trying to catch her breath. Her body trembling hard and tears overtake her. She does her best to get her self together. Walking to her own dorm room. Just falling onto her bed. {r-ep:79} The next few days Zero doesn't see any sign of her. She finished up her exams and made sure not to bump into him. Staying away trying to keep herself together for the next two weeks. Till this was over. Zero feels lost and empty. His friend no longer there for him. His dorm room is cold and just leaves sad memories. Ones of Elena and ones of Yuki. How he lost both. Was this what he wanted? She made him free. She didn't let him make the choice, she knew he couldn't. So she did it for him. He thought this was what he wanted. To be free of her. Yet he missed her. Thought about her. There was a pain in his heart and empty space. What should he do? {r-ep:80} Elena goes to talk to Yagari. Yagari seeing this frail, sad woman walking into his classroom. Not the one that had everything together. "Master Yagari can I please have a word with you?" Elena asks. "Of course What can I do for you?" Yagari asks. "I wanted to first thank you for the job. You gave me at the association. When I asked. I don't believe. I will be able to take that now. Also if you could do me a favor and let Kaien know, I will not be taking the teacher job either." Elena states. "You worked very hard for both of them jobs. You do wonderfully. Why are you giving them up?" Yagari asks. "I can't stay here. I can't teach here with all the memories. Or know that I can bump into him at any time. He might not want me. But I do him. To get over him, I am going home. I will take a teaching job there. Try to move on from what took place here. This is where he lives, Where he comes from. It's just better I leave."Elena comments. "I know your hurting. I understand it. I can see it. I am not taking either job away from you. I want you to take the summer off. Get yourself together and let me know if, you feel this way at the end of Aug. If so then I will reassign. Until them, both jobs are yours. You are a very smart woman Elena. Don't let this take you down. I am sure there is a man out there, that will love you. Like you love him." Yagari remarks. "Master, I can't love anyone the way I love Zero. To be honest I am glad about that. I never want to feel like this again. I don't even think I want another relationship ever. Once I get myself back, I am just going to concentrate on work. " Elana remarks. "You always were a smart cookie. I am sure in time the other will come. It was a pleasure to teach you.."Yagari states. {r-ep:81} Elean walks out and goes back to her dorm room. Packing and boxing all her things up. At the moment, she has made up her mind. No matter what Yagari has said. She knew to get over Zero. She had to leave here for good. To see him alone or even with Yuki would kill her. She would never move on. Just relive it over and over. This whole campus was filled with memories of there time together.. Good and bad.. Maybe in time, she could return, but not now. {r-ep:82} Zero finishes up taking the last of his exams. Taking in that this will be the last time, he is in these classrooms as a student. The last years here being very upsetting. He is glad in a way it is over. As he is walking down the hall, he bumps into Yagari. "Hey. How are you doing?" Yagari asks.. "Heh, It been a weird few days. "Zero responds. "What do you mean?" Yagari asks. "I thought. I would feel free, relieved now that Elena set me free. Its just been the opposite effect. I miss her." Zero admits. "You two went through a lot of adult situations Zero. She will be leaving us. She isn't taking the jobs. She is passing them up. So she doesn't see you. She is going home. She is pretty hurt. She doesn't even look like the same woman anymore." Yagari states. "I know. When she left my room. She was trembling. She was falling apart. I didn't stop her thinking it was for the best. But now I am not so sure." Zero says. "My Boy, once she leaves here its over. It will be the same thing like Yuki. You let her go. You didn't stop her. IS this what you really want? You need to make up your damn mind and fast. You may not be in love with her, but I am sure some very lucky man would be."Yagari replies. "I see your point." Zero answers. Walking away. {r-ep:83} The idea of her with someone else bothers him. He was her first and only at the moment. He liked that. He liked there was no sharing her with anyone. She only had eyes for him. No one else existed to her. It was nothing like Yuki. Having to listen to her babble about Kaname. How handsome he was, how well put together. How she loved him. Elena felt all that towards Zero. Then he thought if he let her go, maybe it was in her best interest. He was torn. Just something deep inside of him didn't want her to leave. The thought of never seeing her again bothered him. "Maybe I can make this work? Then what about Yuki? I do still love her. Freaking Kaname. He isn't letting her go." Zero thought. {r-ep:84} Zero walks over to the girl's dorm. Feeling a little nervous inside. Wondering if Elena would even talk to him. He goes to her room, her door is open. Zero peeks in seeing her fill boxes with her stuff. Getting ready to leave here. Yagari was right. She was going home. "Hey." Zero says looking into the room. Elena was taken by surprise. "Hey." She answers. "You leaving here?" Zero asks. "Yes. Heading back home." Elena responds. "Can I talk to you?" Zero asks. "I think we pretty much said all we needed to." Elena answers. "Not really." Zero comments. "Ok, What's on your mind?" Elena asks. Sitting on her empty bed. Zero coming into the room. Sitting down next to her. "The last few days have been terrible. I miss you. I miss talking to you." Zero admits. "I can't be your friend Zero. If that is what your asking. It would make things worse for me." Elena states. "I don't want you to just be my friend. I missed you in every way. I miss touching you." Zero confesses. "Zero please, you know how I feel about you." Elana responds. Zero moving in closer to her. "Yes, I do. What I wanted to ask you is. For the summer, if you would give us a chance? Move in with me. I am getting my own apartment. We can see how it goes. Just me and you. " Zero asks. Elena not sure. She heard him right?" Move in with you?"Elena asks. "Yes, That way we can see where our relationship can go. What do you think?" Zero asks. "I am not sure. What happens after the summer?"Elena asks. "Well, if the relationship is working we take it from there. If you still want to go home, Your free to go. But we can say we gave it a chance first." Zero responds. "Zero there is no sense if you still want her." Elena says looking down at the floor. "I am not going to lie to you. I do still have feelings for her. She is with Kaname. That's not changing. I need to move on as well. The best person to do that with is you. I see you care for me and only me. That means a lot. I want to try. I want to make up to you all the wrong that took place." Zero comments. "Ok. I will move in with you." Elena says. A smile appearing on her face. One that Zero hasn't seen in a while. He puts his arms around her, and she melts into them. He knows this woman cares deeply even after all that took place. {r-ep:85} They graduate Cross. Getting there honors and enjoying the day. Elena little by little getting her self back. Still, pieces missing but doing her best to make it through. She asked Kaien to please make sure that the Day class and night class had different ceremonies. And that if Yuki was planning on coming to make her be in the night class. Otherwise, she wouldn't go to graduation. Kaien agreed and did as she asked. Keeping them far away from each other. Zero didn't get involved in it. He knew how Elena felt. He wanted her to have this day she truly worked for. Yuki's grades were nowhere near Elena's. Not to mention she missed a year. She was too busy following Kaname around. She didn't need to be here for this. As much as he loved her. He wanted this day for Elena. He felt it was the least he could do. He had taken so much from this woman. He wanted her to have some joy and peace. {r-ep:86} Chapter 9 Movin in. {r-ep:87} Graduation night Zero and Elena head to Zero's new apartment. Their stuff was brought here a few days before. The apartment was fully furnished. Giving them everything they needed. A gift from Yagari. The apartment had two bedrooms, one bath, a nice size kitchen, and living room. It was great for a couple and would of even fit a child. Elena was excited to move in with Zero. She was hoping that things would go well and it could remain this way. Even maybe in time get to be more. Even though in the back of her mind, The thought of Yuki was still there. She knew that Zero didn't stop loving her. The only reason he was trying was because, she was with Kaname. Kaname was the only thing saving her. At the moment she was thankful to him. She knew of him and who he was, but never really talked to him. One on one. She just knew he was another in love with Yuki. Which made Elena just sit there and wonder, what did this woman have. That she had these two men so in love with her? In a way, it ate at her. That she gave so much, and Zero still wanted Yuki. She just new to make this work. She would need to put that in the back of her mind. If he wasn't going to bring her up. Elena sure wasn't' {r-ep:88} That night they walk into there new apartment. Elena just taking it in. Smiling at Zero. "Do you want me to unpack your stuff tomorrow? While you're at work? Or do you want to do it?" Elena asks. Still in a way scared to overstep. "You can do it. I just have some clothes and bath items. Just put them where you think they should go. You know me better than I do. I'm sure it will be fine." Zero answers. "Ok. Its ok for me to use the closet?" Elena asks. "You can use anything in here. It's not only my place but yours. I want you to feel like its home. You don't have to ask to use anything here." Zero states. Elena seeing a different outlook from Zero. One she liked." Ok. No complaining when the closet is filled with shoes."Elena says with a giggle. "Oh please, I saw your closet back at school. I know what to expect." He replies with a smile. "Wow, it's a queen size bed. We normally sleep in a twin. Not to mention this is the first time, we don't have to worry about getting caught. It feels a little weird." Elena states. "Yea I know. Finally, I don't have to worry about Headmaster busting in, Asking for a freaking hug. Or his crying fits." Zero snaps. "He wasn't that bad."Elena says. " You don't know how like I do. He is bad." Zero replies. Sitting on the queen size bed."This is nice." Zero adds. "Yes, it is." Elena remarks. They haven't slept with each other in a few weeks. They were apart and now she was still healing from the miscarriage. Zero didn't push. He just got into bed. Laying next to her. Where she couldn't help herself but to put her arms around him and putting her head on his chest. Zero didn't mind. He missed it. If nothing else he liked being close to her in this way. He would just wait till she was ready to take it any further. {r-ep:89} The next morning Zero gets up to go to work. The smell of coffee in the air. Not to mention eggs, bacon, and toast. He turns over noticing that Elena is already up. Which made sense from the smells. He gets himself up. Walking slowly to the kitchen. Where the smells get better and better. "Good Morning. Would you like some coffee and some breakfast?" Elena asks. "Sure. Everything smells great. You did all this?" Zero looking over to the cut up fruit, scrambled eggs, bacon and toast line up. "Yes silly. You need breakfast before work. I also made your lunch." Elena says. Zero just looking up at her. She makes him a plate of food and sits down next to him. To eat breakfast. "I hope you have a good day. I got the summer off so I am just going to remain home. Catch up on some sleep and undo our boxes."Elena says. "Ok. You need sleep. I know at cross you didn't get much. The boxes can wait. I want you to get back to yourself." Zero answers. "I will. This place is really nice. I think we can be happy here."Elena replies. "I think so too."Zero responds. "What time will you be home? I can make us some dinner." Elena asks. "Around 5:30. You don't have to unless you want to." Zero says. "I want to." She replies with a smile. Zero just enjoying the home-cooked meal. It was delicious. Nothing like Kaiens crazy concoctions or Yuki's burned toast. This was real food. Zero could get used to this. So far his decision was a good one. He saw how happy she was. She kissed him goodbye for work. Going straight to the boxes to unpack. He knew she was happy to be there with him. He liked her there so far as well. {r-ep:90} Zero's first day at work was a good one. Everyone already knew him. He was working there through school. So it really wasn't much different. He did what he needed to do. Getting done and finding he couldn't wait to go home. He looked forward to seeing Elena. {r-ep:91} When he got home, he walked into the apartment smelling even better than when he left. The smell of freshly baked biscuits filled the air. Not to mention all the boxes were now gone. She managed to unpack everything. Keeping it. Making the apartment spotless. Even washing the sheets and bedding. Making everything refreshed. {r-ep:92} "Zero your home." Elena says with a smile. Walking over to him. Giving him a kiss. "Yes, the place looks great. You kept everything?" Zero asks. "Yes, all the boxes are done. Clothes are washed and kept. Dinner will be served in a few minutes. You have enough time to unwind first. "Where did you learn to cook like this?" Zero asks. "I came from a family that was old school. We sat down at the table every night together. No matter what. We also would help mom with dinner. Its how I learned. I would like to do that with my own children someday."Elena states. "I think that's great." Zero responds. Sitting at the dinner table. Filling up. Taking a bit of everything. Zero takes a big bowl of the beef stew and at least four biscuits. He doesn't talk much as he is too busy stuffing his face. Elena just looks at him and laughs. "What?" Zero asks. "Nothing. You are the cutest thing I ever saw." Elena remarks. "If you say so." Zero replies. Taking another biscuit. {r-ep:93} After dinner Zero goes to sit down in front of the tv. Just taking some time alone. Elena knows that Zero likes his alone time. So she gives him space. She cleans up the kitchen putting everything away. Then heads to the bathroom to take her shower. When she is done, she just gets into bed and starts reading her book. Still giving Zero his alone time. Knowing that he can get cranky at times. So she watches not to do that. In a way, Elena is still on edge feeling she may do something wrong. She has never felt like this before. She just knows how Zero can get. So she goes slow. {r-ep:94} Zero gets up from the sofa and takes his own shower. Enjoying the alone time. Thinking this is something he can get used to. So far everything was very nice. He appreciated that Elena gave him space. She did know him so well. After his shower, he heads to the bedroom. Seeing Elena there reading her book. He just gets into bed, putting the tv on low. So he could watch and wouldn't disturb her. "Is this low enough?" Zero asks. "That's fine. I was about done anyway. " She states. Putting the book on her night table and taking off the light. She moves herself close to Zero. Snugging up. She kisses his chest moving her thigh onto his. Zero feels the warmth of her body on his. He just doesn't want to move to fast. He rather she does it. He looks down at her and she looks up at him. Placing a tender kiss on his lips. She moves her body now fully on top of his. Zero now knows what she wants. He is so glad in a way. He wanted it for a while now just behaving himself. She pushes herself up kissing him passionately. His hands rubbing her back and down to her bottom. He lifts up her nightie pulling it over her head. Kissing her again. Rolling her over Till he is now on top of her. He kisses down her neck and licks and sucks on her nipples. Her body pushing itself against his. He stops for a minute opening his nightstand, grabbing a condom. Elena just watches. A little hurt in a way. She understands he is taking responsibility. Just in another way she so wanted to have his child. She felt that he was making sure he wasn't stuck with her again. Even though in her reality her mind knew. This was no time for babies. Their real relationship just started. Zero just had a way of making her let go of all reality. Wanting things sooner than need be. Zero slides the condom on, going back to her. Taking off her panties and sliding slowly and deeply into her. Making her moan and wrap herself around his body. He keeps going in and out harder and faster till they both climax. Holding each other and falling asleep in each other's arms. The rest of the summer goes about the same. Elena takes good care of Zero. Making a very happy content Zero. He never had anyone like this. He didn't mind her staying home from work either. He didn't mind taking care of the bills. She cooked cleaned and took care of everything that had to do with the apartment. It was like they were married in a way. He especially liked the nightly sex. They couldn't lay next to each other without one or both going onto the other one's side. Without worrying to get caught and the large bed to play in. It just made things better. There were times Zero would find himself at work just dreaming of going home to her. Not able to wait till bedtime. His blood thrust was still there. He just used the level E's not taking any blood from Elena. There was no point. It didn't stat him. He would only leave ugly bruises on her neck. And he didn't want that. But the other Stated him to the fullest. He enjoyed her. Never sleeping with Yuki. So he didn't know what the felt like. He would still wander here and there. Remembering how hot just that kiss was. He couldn't image what it would feel like to be inside her. He just knew he had to be happy with what he had. He was trying. Chapter 10 Yuki's engagement. It is now September, Elena has started her teaching job at Cross. On the weekends, she goes to the Association to work. Filing and answering the phones. Yagari held the jobs for her like he promised. Hoping these two would make it back to each other. That Zero would wise up and have some happiness. Their relationship has been going smoothly. They both enjoy being around the other. Zero still thinks about Yuki but doesn't let on. Not wanting to hurt the relationship or Elena. He still isn't madly in love with her. But his feelings for her have grown. When Zero is at work, Yagari comes into his office. "Zero, you do know that there will be a ball in honor of Kaname and Yuki coming up. It's for there engagement. We will be working that night." Yagari states. "Do I have to?" Zero asks. "I am afraid so. You are considered one of the best hunters. They want you there." Yagari states." I want Elena to come with me as my guest." Zero states. "That will not be a problem. We will have to stay close to her though. You are taking a human with you." Yagari states. "I know. But if I don't she will wonder what took place. After the last ball, I owe her a good one. I want to make it up to her." Zero replies. "Ok. How are you going to feel watching this?" Yagari asks. "I don't have a choice, do I? She chooses that bastard. I will have my own date there." Zero remarks. "Is that the only reason. You're taking her with you? To throw it in Yuki's face? Yagari asks. "If you would have asked me that months ago, I would have said yes. Now not so much. I really do owe her a nice time. We have been getting along great. I want it to stay that way. It seems now more than ever I made the right choice. She is marrying Kaname. I had no chance anyway. "Zero remarks. "That is a really suck ass reason to be with Elena though. I can't get the one I want. But hey you will have to do." Yagari chuckles. "Seriously, I am glad you are with her. She is a great choice. She really loves you."Yagari adds. "I know. It's the only reason I am trying."Zero comments. Zero goes home that night to Elena cooking dinner in the kitchen. He goes in and takes a seat at the island. "How was your day at work?" Zero asks. "It was great. I really do love teaching. I thanked Kaien about a hundred times for the job." Elena states. "I am so glad." Zero replies. "How was yours?" Elena asks. "Pretty good. Yagari came in today to tell me that there will be a ball for Kaname and Yuki. I will need to attend." Zero comments. Elena's nerves hit and the plate she is holding drops to the floor. Zero gets up to help pick up the pieces. "When will this event be?" Elena asks. "Saturday. I was wondering if you would come with me? I owe you a proper ball." Zero says Looking into her eyes. "Sure. I would like that." Elena replies. Even though deep inside she could die. That bitch was back. She was always showing her ugly face. Would what happened last time? Happen again? Would Zero stop her from marrying Kaname? The few months of peace that Elena had were slowly going away in her mind. Could she really live the rest of her life in fear like this? "I guess if he goes with her Saturday. I won't have to." She thought Sitting at the dinner table, just picking at her food. "Not hungry?" Zero asks. "No. Not really. I had a big lunch. To be honest, I just want to go to bed." Elena states. "That's fine. You can go get your shower. I will take care of the dishes. I don't mind." Zero says. "Thank you." She replies going into the bathroom. She takes her shower and gets ready for bed. She does see that Zero doesn't seem phased by it. His actions towards her haven't changed. She just snuggles up against him. Holding him tight. Before you knew it Saturday was here. It was time to get ready to go to the ball. Elena did her best to hide her true feelings. Knowing it wouldn't do her any good anyway. This time Zero puts on a tux. Combing his hair and putting on everything brand new. He looks incredible. Elena just can't stop staring at him. His long lean body, in the black tux. He was totally gorgeous. She goes into the bathroom and puts on her makeup, and curls her hair. Then she slides on a black tight off the shoulder dress with a very deep slit in one leg. She puts on black high heels and heads out of the bathroom. Where Zero just stares. "What's wrong?" Elena asks. "Nothing you look gorgeous," Zero says. Pulling her close to him. I think. I may have a problem though." Zero adds. "What?" Elena asks. "Those nasty ass vampires are not only want going to want to bite you. They are going to want your body as well." Zero smirks. "Well, that shouldn't be a problem. I have the best Vampire hunter by my side." Elena answers. "Yes, that you do. IF any one of them touch you. I will kill them." Zero replies. Kissing her passionately. They both finish getting ready and head to the car that is there to pick them up. Heading to the ballroom. Once there Zero and Elena go in, hand and hand. This time Zero making sure everyone knows. This is his girl. The vampire's take note. Some not believing, The nasty hunter got such a pretty woman. The music starts and Zero grabs her hand taking her onto the dance floor. "I believe. I owe you a proper dance?" Zero says. "Yes, you do." She replies. They stay on the dance floor for a while. Enjoy the music. Zero just strutting his stuff holding on to her till the music stops, They announce that Lord Kaname and Lady Yuki are walking in. All eyes on them. Yuki doing her best to find Zero. Spotting him right off the bat. Zero's eyes spot her as well and they just stare. Zero's heart beats fast and it feels like butterflies are in his stomach. He just watches as Yuki takes the dance floor with Kaname. Feeling defeated once again. He does his best this time. Not to let Elena see what he is doing. Not wanting her hurt. He holds her close and dances with her. Resting his head on hers. So his eyes can watch, but Elena can't see where they are. He talks to her and does his best to engage her. Not ignoring her like last time. Yet his eyes still manage to focus on Yuki. "I will be right back. I need to go to the men's room. I want you to stay right here with Yaragi. Promise me?"Zero says. "I will." Elena states walking over to Yagair."You ok?" Yagari asks. "Yea, it's just a blast watching the man you adore. Watch the woman he truly wants. He thinks I don't know how he is watching. I don't know what I am doing here. I shouldn't have come." Elena says. "He is trying. He does care."Yagari comments. "I see that. Just no matter how hard he tries, he can't stop himself."Elena answers. "You know being with him, it's going to take time. He believes he is in love with her." Yagari answers."Believes?" Elena says. "That was kid shit. He just wants, what he can't have. Not to mention he can't stand to lose to Kaname. What is real is right in front of him. He just has to see that. I just hope he does before its too late." Yagari reveals. "I never thought about it that way. I just thought she was his one true love. I am just the standby."Elena states. "You are both kids. You don't really know what love is. You know a bit more than him. He was hurt so many times. It's just hard for him to let anyone in. He does and they disappear. He is a good kid he just needs someone who can take the time that he needs." Yagari replies. "I am trying my best."Elena answers. "I know." While Zero is off to the bathroom, he bumps into Yuki. Who saw him leave the ballroom and followed him. "Zero." Yuki says, going for his hand."What do you want? To throw it in my face that you're with Kaname?" Zero replies. "No, not at all. I just need you to know how I really feel." Yuki says. "What good is it? You're not leaving him are you?"Zero snaps. "I can't. It's not that easy." Yuki answers. "Then there isn't much else for us to say."Zero hisses. "I love you Zero." Yuki reveals. "I love you too. Not that it's doing either of us any good."Zero snaps. Yuki pulling Zero close to her, giving him a long hot passionate kiss. One that makes Zero loose feeling in his legs. Never feeling that with anyone. Yuki lets go, looking into his eyes as she gets on the elevator to go back to the ball. Leaving Zero more lost than he was before. He just takes a seat outside of the restroom. Trying to compose himself before going back to the ball."Why did she have to do that? God how good that felt. She is marrying that bastard anyway. Fuck it." Zero says to himself. Getting back up and going down to the ballroom. Zero goes over to Elena and Yagari acting as if nothing took place. Zero's limbo now taking control from that kiss. He kisses Elena. Who kisses him back putting her arms around him. Holding him close to her. Yuki just watching with tears in her eyes. Kaname seeing what is going on. Just growls under his breathe. "Yagari could I have a few minutes with my girl? Do you think you could watch this mess for a bit?" Zero asks. "Sure, get out of here." Yagari replies. Zero grabbing Elena's hand and taking her out into the garden. Zero pawing at her and wanting her right there. "Zero what has gotten into you?" Elena asks with a giggle." I want you! Now." Zero states. Pushing her up against a tree and sliding his hand into the slit of her dress. Rubbing her womanhood. Elena gasps at his touch. He slides her black lace panties off of her. Undoing his belt and pants, sliding her black dress up. Sliding roughly inside of her. As he kisses her. Feeling all her body in his. Imaging its Yuki, there instead. His thrusts get harder and fiercer with each one. Pounding into her like never before. He just closes his eyes and lets loose till he climaxes. Kissing her again and pulling down her dress. "I need my panties. Mr. Kiryu." Elena states. "Naw, I'm keeping these in my pocket. " Zero responds. Elena none the wiser of what really took place. As the ball goes on, Elena is getting tired. She Goes onto the terrace to get some fresh air. Just waiting for this to be over. As she is out there, Kaname comes walking out. "Hello, Elena." Kaname says. "Hello, Kaname. " Elena answers. "I think we have a mutual interest."Kaname replies. "Oh, you mean those two? Good luck with that."Elena answers. "I see you do know what's going on?" Kaname asks. "Yea, its been going on through my whole relationship. Yours as well. They want each other. Not us. I don't know about Yuki with you. But I am just here because she hasn't left you yet." Elena responds. "You're ok with this?"Kaname asks. "Not really. But I love him very much. So I deal. It looks like the same goes for you." Elena states. "Yes. Do you think there is any fix for this?" Kaname asks. "Yes. don't make them see each other again. When he is away from her, he lets go some. He has been trying. He sees her again and I have to start all over. If she already didn't get to him. " Elena says looking sideways at the wall. Not at Kaname. "She won't leave me. You don't have to fear that. As much as she does want him. She will marry and stay with me. I will do as you said and try my best not to make them see each other. There will be some occasions I can't help though. "Kaname remarks. "Well, whatever those are. You will be on your own. I am not coming to anymore of these things. Its bad enough to sence it, to watch it. Is even worse."Elena hisses. "I know my dear. Kiryu has himself someone very special. I hope he does see that."Kaname comments. "When she is around he doesn't see anything else. No matter what I do. It's always her." Elena huffs. "I understand. I have the same problem. I am sure if we work together, we can fix this. If you are willing?"Kaname asks. "Of course. It won't be easy. You know that right?" Elena states. "Nothing worth fighting for is."Kaname answers. Walking away. The ball is finally over and Zero and Elena go home. Elena not mentioning meeting Kaname. She didn't see the asshole that Zero saw in him. She saw a man that was fighting for his love. Just like she was. They were both in this same mess. Could they work together to get what they wanted? Who knows. She thought. She was just glad the night was over. {r-ep:108} Where Zero, on the other hand, couldn't stop thinking about that kiss. It was driving him mad. He used Elena all that night to try to get out his desires. Just thinking of what it would truly be to touch Yuki in this way. To share all this with the woman he truly loved. He couldn't get her out of his head. He just knew it didn't matter. She wasn't leaving Kaname. Even after that kiss, she went right back to his side. Which only made Zero more pissed. |