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Rated: 18+ · Article · Activity · #2172362
Fall Newsletter for the SuperPower Reviewers
*Starfishr**Starbl**Pumpkin2*Autumn 2018 SuperPower Newsletter*Pumpkin2**Starbl**Starfishr*


An image for newsletters


Hello, Power Reviewers!

Happy October!

The leaves are only just thinking about changing colors in my area, but I can already feel the hint of colder temperatures yet to come.
I can't help but smile as I see all of the pumpkins everywhere, and the excited faces of those choosing their Halloween customs for this year.
We, adults, get to have our butternut squash and pumpkin spice lattes. I've even seen apple cider donuts around!

Whatever you're doing in your part of the big blue world, and whatever the temps may bring, I hope you are well and happy.
Hey, why not make a post over at "Superpower Reviewers HUBOpen in new Window., and let us know what's going on with you...Especially if you have a carved pumpkin or custom image to share! *Bigsmile*



Many newer members have been asking for reviewing help and tips, so back by popular demand, I thought I'd add some of that in this newsletter.

If you've heard this all before, that's great! Please help your "WdC SuperPower Reviewers GroupOpen in new Window. peers over at "Superpower Reviewers HUBOpen in new Window., or post your added ideas there.
Have you done an amazing review which you want to brag about? Post it there, too. We'd all love to see and maybe learn something from it.

Reminder: We ask that you please make sure to affiliate your reviews to "WdC SuperPower Reviewers GroupOpen in new Window., so the group leaders can find and credit them.
Your reviews need to be 250 characters or more, not counting WDC ml.

We ask that you use a "WdC SuperPower Reviewers GroupOpen in new Window. image.
You can use one of ours: "Master Book of Shared Group ImagesOpen in new Window.,
...Or, make one of your very own.

Don't worry if you can't use a sig -- You can add our group's link:

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WdC SuperPower Reviewers Group Open in new Window. [E]
Join the fun! We inspire reviewers through kindness and learning! Winner of eight Quills!
by Maryann Author Icon

And you can always get creative with colors and happy faces or some other creative art. Like:

*Pumpkin2**Pumpkin2**Pumpkin2* WDC SUPERPOWER REVIEWER *Pumpkin2**Pumpkin2**Pumpkin2*

As long as your reviews are affiliated, we will find them for crediting.

If that's all you can do, that's fine. Everyone loves a random visit to their ports!

If you want to send something nice...Maybe you donated a review at an auction, for example.
...Or, maybe you're interested in getting a bit better at reviewing
...the following ideas might help.


The following entry from WDC 101, is very well-written. I highly recommend that you take a moment to look it over.

Let's examine one excerpt from it...

" ~How did the writing make you feel? Did it invoke any emotions?
~Can you relate to the writing through a personal experience?
~Did the plot interest you? Were the characters believable? Did the dialog flow naturally?
~Did the time, place and other setting characteristics work together?
~What did you like most? What did you like least? Did anything stand out?
~Is there anything you would change within the writing?
~Was the writing memorable? Why or why not?
~If this were your own writing, what would you want to know from a reviewer?"

If you simply give a report about what you read, that's not very helpful to the author. It would be as though someone told you, "I read your story."
The author might wonder, "You read my story but what did you think of it?"

If you follow the guide about the opinions above, you would have given the author a helpful review. Let's look at how that guide might work with an actual item...

I opened up this random poem:
"A Wagging Tale"  Open in new Window. by Don Two Author Icon

Here is a stanza from it:

"There was a Labrador costumed so classy, there was
a Pekingese parading in a fine design.
One of the Collies looked a lot like Lassie, and she
sported wrappings that appeared to be A-line.
Collie coats, cast our votes for the best costume;
There were a lot of dogs to judge in Doghouse,
All the rears were open-ended so they had some room."

If you simply wrote a 'report' about that poem, you might say:
"The author noticed several dogs at the dog contest. They would be judged in Doghouse."

How would that be any help at all to the author? She already knows what she wrote.

If you follow the guide that I mentioned above, you will find so much to offer to the author...

*Infov* How did the writing make you feel? Did it invoke any emotions?
You might let the author know that you chuckled at the thought of so many dogs in a fancy costume parade. You smiled as you imagined what the dogs must have looked like. You cried because it brought back memories of your childhood doggy experiences.

*Infob* Did the plot interest you? Were the characters believable? Did the dialog flow naturally?
In this case, we really don't get to know the characters so well. We do, however, get an idea of what the author tried to express. Perhaps you found the idea of this 'Doghouse' place really fascinating. Maybe you enjoyed the rhyme and thought it flowed nicely.

*Infog* Did the time, place and other setting characteristics work together?
You might let the author know that you felt she kept to the theme well and that her words helped you imagine the scene at the doggy parade.

*Infor* What did you like most? What did you like least? Did anything stand out?
Did you like the rhyme of this poem the best? Maybe you appreciated that the author named particular dog breeds. Maybe you felt that she could have used better rhyming words - Give her examples of what YOU would have used. What stood out in your opinion - Maybe you loved how she made the comparison of the Collie dogs to Lassie.

*Infov* Is there anything you would change within the writing?
Perhaps you might let the author know if some part of her wording didn't sound right to you. I actually didn't quite understand the last line of that stanza. I would have let her know. She might want to edit the last line to make her thoughts more clear.

*Infog*Was the writing memorable? Why or why not?
Most authors want to know that their writing touched you in some way. Will you remember this story the next time you see dog costumes at Pet Smart? Let her know that.

*Infor* If this were your own writing, what would you want to know from a reviewer?
This is a very good idea to keep in mind. If this had been YOUR poem and someone wrote you a review about it, what would you want to hear? Would you be grateful if someone pointed out a word which you spelled wrong? You have the ability to fix that, but you would never know if someone simply said..."I read your poem." Would you want verification that some parts of it were well-done? Would you want advice about something which might be changed a bit?



Templates, though not required, are a good tool to use. They can help to keep your reviewing ideas on track.

If you go to the left side of your screen and click on 'my account', you will be able to then click on 'my review tool' and follow the prompts to create a template. This will make your reviewing much easier.

You will then be able to concentrate only on doing each review, rather than having to set it up each and every time. ..And the reviews might be quicker and easier to do because it's like a 'guide' to your thoughts.

You can get creative and make any template you want...I think there's a nice link to templates at "Helping LinksOpen in new Window. ... but here's a quick one here which you can copy and use or change around the way you'd like (...adding colors, centering, different image, no image, more ideas, etc.):

Hello {suser:}

{b}My Thoughts:{/b}

{b}My Favorite Part:{/b}

{b}My Suggestions:{/b}

{center}Write On!!{/center}



*Star*If you notice in the template above, there is an opening greeting, followed by thoughts. You might take the opportunity to say something really nice in your opening thoughts:
--How did this piece make you feel?
--Did it remind you of something?
--Continue being honest, positive, encouraging and helpful throughout your review.

*Star*You will notice in the next part of the template, you mention your favorite parts of the item. Even if the piece you read was incredibly terrible, you can always find something positive to say.
--Was their idea creative?
--Did their descriptions make you smile? Cry?
--Did something about it really touch you in some way?
If the piece was so perfect that you can't think of anything that might improve it, let the author know that. Letting the author know that you really loved the piece is also a big help. You are saying that the author is on the right track.

*Star*The next area in the sample template is the suggestion area. This is where you can truly shine and be helpful. It's always a great feeling to know that you are able to really help a writer.
--Try not to be rude. We don't want to send anyone away in tears...We want to get them excited about the new ways you pointed out that might improve their work.
--Did you notice anything about the story plot that might be improved?
--Was the rhyme of the poem off?
--Could more descriptions eliminate confusion?
--Did you notice any spelling/grammar errors?



Setting Your Signature Block

Some of you might have already set up a template, but it's also fun to set up your own sig block.

Go to the site navigation area at the top left of your screen right under your handle and click on , 'Edit Bio'.
It's that easy!

Also, you might be surprised at what you can do at your, 'My Account' section. Have fun!


Images and the October Raid

The October Review Raid, as usual, was a great success. Many of you joined in for the fun event which was hosted by Maryann Author Icon and Choconut Author Icon

If work, school, or something else kept you from enjoying the raid, it's not too late to take a look at the item. There are many fun Halloween items included in it, as well as lots of "WdC SuperPower Reviewers GroupOpen in new Window. group images on share which you can use.

Once again, here is that link: "October Super Power Review RaidOpen in new Window.


Items to Consider

*Star*Super Power Fundraisers*Star*

A big THANK YOU to all of you who keep our group going with your important and appreciated fundraisers. The following are a few of the activities benefiting our group which are going on right now.

If you have a fundraiser which will benefit "WdC SuperPower Reviewers GroupOpen in new Window., please send your link to eyestar~* Author IconMail Icon, who will add it to her announcements. ...Or, send the link to any captain, who will add it to the leader's board.

Remember also, that you can post those links at our chat forum for all to see: "Superpower Reviewers HUBOpen in new Window.

*Right* 100% will go to "WdC SuperPower Reviewers GroupOpen in new Window. *Left*
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SuperPower Animals Auction for Charity Open in new Window. [13+]
An auction to benefit WdC SuperPowers Reviewers Group and The Livestock Conservancy.
by Schnujo's Giving Away GPs Author Icon

*Right* 25% will go to "WdC SuperPower Reviewers GroupOpen in new Window. *Left*
(Please consider donating a package to this new one.)

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The Four Seasons Auction and Raffle Open in new Window. [E]
A time to celebrate the four seasons.
by Legendary❤️Mask Author Icon


*Star*Other Great Items*Star*

Helpful Videos from "Writing.Com 101Open in new Window.
"Video: Set Up Your Portfolio TabsOpen in new Window.
"Video: Navigation & Moving AroundOpen in new Window.
"Video: Linking to an ItemOpen in new Window.



Merit Badge in Quill Award
[Click For More Info]

Congratulations on winning the 2017 Quill Award for Best Group for  [Link To Item #1300305] . *^*Smile*^* For more information, see  [Link To Item #quills] . Merit Badge in Quill Award
[Click For More Info]

Congratulations on winning the 2017 Quill Award for Best Community for  [Link To Item #1300305] . *^*Delight*^* See  [Link To Item #quills]  for more information.

Signature for winners of Quill Awards for 2017
Two Awards:
Best Community and Best Group
Just another animated divider

Signature for winners of the 2016 Quill Awards

Best Community
Just another animated divider

A signature for Quills nominees to use
Just another animated divider

Signature for 2012 winners
Best Group

First Place Winning Team
Game of Thrones, 2014

Merit Badge in G. o. T.
[Click For More Info]

  Thank you for participating in  [Link To Item #1157596]  2014 competition and for winning 1st Place! *^*Trophyb*^* As a group, you guys did an amazing job! You should definitely be proud of yourself for all your hard work. *^*Glass*^* Here's to a successful year and I hope to see you in 2015! Cheers! ~ Gaby

Second Place Winning Team
Game of Thrones, 2015

Merit Badge in G. o. T. Supporter
[Click For More Info]

  Thank you so much for your generous donation to  [Link To Item #1994693]  which supports the  [Link To Item #got] ! The game wouldn't be possible without people such as yourself. *^*Heart*^* Thank you! ~ Gaby

Third Place Winning Team
Game of Thrones, 2016

Merit Badge in G. o. T.
[Click For More Info]

  Thank you for participating in  [Link To Item #1157596]  2014 competition and for winning 1st Place! *^*Trophyb*^* As a group, you guys did an amazing job! You should definitely be proud of yourself for all your hard work. *^*Glass*^* Here's to a successful year and I hope to see you in 2015! Cheers! ~ Gaby

Second Place Winning Team
Game of Thrones, 2017

Merit Badge in The Crown
[Click For More Info]

   Congratulations on winning 2nd Place in  [Link To Item #got]  2017! That is an amazing accomplishment and maybe you can join us next year for the last round of GoT. *^*Heart*^* ~ Gaby

A spectacular video from the past. One we never want to lose.

© Copyright 2018 Maryann (mhicks at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Writing.Com, its affiliates and syndicates have been granted non-exclusive rights to display this work.
Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2172362-Superpowered-News