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Rated: XGC · Fiction · Erotica · #2172095
Joshua gets better acquainted with one of the neighborhood moms.
The sweltering sun stood high in the sky as it beamed its light down onto the world below. Summer, that magical time of the year where everyone's problems just seemed to cease to be. Kids were getting out of school, families were preparing vacations, and everywhere you went you would be met with the sounds of laughter and joy. Truly a spectacular time of the year...

That is, unless you were a certain Joshua Nichols. The 15-year-old son of Anna and Martin Nichols sighed as he trudged through his empty house, a half-empty can of soda in one hand while his other tapped mindlessly away at his phone. His parents had gone away for a few weeks- a second honeymoon, hoping they could rekindle the spark that had brought them together in the first place- and had left Josh alone in the house with money to buy pizza or whatever other delivery he wanted for lunch and dinner. Well, he wasn't technically alone; his neighbors still came by to check on him every day, but it was close enough that, under normal circumstances, he would've been ecstatic. So why today's depression?

THERE WAS NOTHING TO DO! He was only one week in and he'd already exhausted his supply of video games, most of them lying in various states of near- to total-completion. He couldn't buy more because he wasn't willing to risk spending his food money just for some cheap entertainment, and on top of that he couldn't even go out with his friends because his parents had expressly forbid him from leaving the neighborhood unless he was accompanied by one of the neighbors, and there was no chance in hell he was gonna be followed around all day by one of these suburban moms! So now all he had left to do, really, was wander his house while repeatedly checking the same few apps on his phone, hoping for a new update on anything that could keep him entertained for at least the next few minutes.

...Well, it's not like he was entirely out of options. Josh's mind and gaze both wandered upstairs to his room, where he knew an unopened package was lying at the foot of his bed. He had bought it a month ago, at the start of summer, with his allowance. He had planned to use it to really spice this summer up, but a certain trepidation had prevented him from so much as opening it. He always told himself he was just looking for an excuse to open it, but what better excuse was there then a near-complete lack of entertainment available to him?

He was brought out of his reverie by a sudden pounding on his front door. Quirking his eyebrow in confusion, he wandered over and pulled it open. "Who is iiiiiiiiiiiii-" He trailed off as his eyes fell on the beauty before him. Glorious golden-brown skin met him, a pair of burgeoning breasts wrapped in a leopard print top so tight they seemed to threaten to spill out. His eyes traveled down, past the slightly pudgy exposed stomach to the thick, gapless thighs and wide hips hiding a big, bubbly ass, all wrapped up in a pair of faded ankle jeans. Wrenching his gaze back upwards, he was met with warm, chocolate brown eyes and a gentle smile, perfectly framed by long locks of dirty blonde hair.

Elizabeth Rockford (better known around the neighborhood as Mrs. Rockford) giggled lightly, seemingly taking notice of the effect she had on poor Joshua, and leaned forward, giving him an even better glance down her caramel cleavage. "Hey, Joshy~." Her tone was light and playful, not at all what you would expect from a single mother of two. "I heard your parents are out of town, and that you're all alone in this big ol' house by yourself." Her smile morphed into a small pout. "Is that true?"

Josh stuttered a bit, still taken aback by Mrs. Rockford's sudden appearance at his front door. Eventually, he gave up entirely on speaking and simply nodded his head, upon which the older woman's expression shifted into a wide grin. "Oh goody! Well, my kids are with their dad for the month, and I'm all alone too, sooooo..." She idly began tracing a manicured finger along his chest, causing his cheeks to turn bright red. "Why don't you and I spend the day together? We could hang out by my pool, swim around, you could lotion me up~." She giggled playfully. "Come on, it'll be fun! Whaddya say?"

The teen couldn't believe it. Was this really happening?! Had Mrs. Rockford AKA the MILF of his neighborhood really come to his house and asked him -him! Joshua Nichols!- to come spend the day by the pool with her?! And even, albeit indirectly, asked him to lotion her?! His hand pinched his side, wanting to make sure this wasn't a dream, and the resulting pain told him this was definitely beyond real. Immediately, his thoughts turned back to the package in his room. He had wanted an excuse to use it; well, one had just come up and invited him to her pool! A shaky smile formed on his lips as he nodded just a bit too quickly. "Y-Y-Yeah! Yeah yeah, yeah, sure! Totally! Just uh, just g-gimme a minute to change and I'll come by, alright?"

"Goody!" Mrs. Rockford practically leaped up into the air at that, lunging forward and pulling Joshua's head into her bosom in her excitement. "I'll be sure to leave the backyard gate unlocked for you, Joshy! Just come on by once you're ready!" Releasing him, her eyelids suddenly drooped as she gave him a half-lidded gaze. "I'll be waiting for you~." And with that, she walked off back to her house, her hips swaying mesmerizingly as she did so. Josh simply stood there, staring at Rockford's ass until she finally stepped into her home, upon which he finally snapped out of his stupor.

Slapping his cheeks a bit, Joshua slammed the door shut and retreated upstairs with the speed of a man possessed. Before he knew it, he was bursting into his room and leaping at the package by his bed. Grabbing the knife he kept on his desk, he stabbed the blade into the cardboard and pulled, tearing the box open and digging into it. Tossing packing peanuts and bubblewrap all over his floor, he grinned as he felt his hand finally wrap around something and pulled his prize out, holding it up in the air triumphantly.

"Magi-Tan Tanning Lotion(TM): For the body of your desires," the label read. Upon it was a cartoon sun with a purple witch's hat and a pair of sunglasses, along with the usual sort of information you'd find on any normal bottle of suntan lotion, but this was anything but. If the occult site he'd ordered this from was to be believed, all he would have to do is rub this into Mrs. Rockford's skin, and then he'd be able to... just slip inside her, just like that! Or at least, that's how the instructions described it. It was a longshot, to put it lightly, but Josh had every confidence this would work. After all, the site had some absolutely raving reviews, with people describing how well the products worked in excruciating detail. What other explanation was there than that he had found an actual online magic shop?

With the bottle of Magi-Tan secured, Joshua began stripping off his clothes, tossing his shirt, jeans, and underwear into a hamper in the corner before sliding on a simple pair of red swim trunks as well as some black flipflops. Sliding the lotion into his pocket, he dashed downstairs and out the front door, catching more than a few stares as he ran across the cul-de-sac to the gate leading to Mrs. Rockford's backyard. He didn't even bother knocking before swinging the gate open and stepping 'in', his jaw dropping slightly in amazement as he looked around.

The majority of the yard was taken up by the pool, an expansive mass of beautiful, crystal clear water that seemed to refresh him just by looking at it. A few deck chairs stood nearby, along with a picnic table with a large umbrella stood in the center of it. Off to the side, a tall tree rose out of the ground, a tire swing hanging from its branches, while myriad pool toys and floaties laid scattered about. And yet, for as impressive as this all was (for him, at least), he couldn't help but notice that Mrs. Rockford was nowhere in sight.

"Hey, Joshy~!" Well, speak of the devil. Turning around, Josh opened his mouth to greet the woman, but the words caught in his throat as he saw Mrs. Rockford's choice of swimming attire. Apparently, the caramel mother either held no shame or simply wanted to flaunt what God had given her, as she was currently sporting a low cut, leopard-print bikini that left practically nothing to the imagination, barely covering her nipples while riding up into her cooch. A smile graced her lips as she stepped outside, her hips swaying seductively with each step as she made her way to one of the deck chairs. Sitting down and reclining back, she turned to Josh with a smirk. "Is that a bottle of lotion in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me~?"

The teen laughed nervously at the joke before suddenly remembering he actually did have a bottle of lotion in his pocket and quickly pulled it out and showed it to her. "N-No, i-it's just lotion! I-I mean, that's not to say I'm not happy to see you, just uh-"
"Perfect!" With a groan, she began turning over, her breasts threatening to pop out of her top as she flipped herself onto her front. "Why don't you come on over and lather me up, bad boy~?"

With a gulp and a nod, Joshua began padding over to Mrs. Rockford's side. Kneeling next to her, he took a second to take in the sight of the beautiful mass of woman before him, laid out like a dessert read to be eaten up. He could see now that the straps of her bikini were digging into her skin, just barely able to fit her, while her ass cheeks swallowed up her bikini bottom like it was a thong. Gulping, he opened the bottle of Magi-Tan and poured a glob of it into his hand before beginning to rub it onto Mrs. Rockford's back.

"Brrr!" The older woman fake shivered as she felt the cold substance be spread across her smooth skin, but otherwise offered no resistance to the action. As Josh began to work it into her skin, she purred in contentment. She made a mental note to ask the kid where he had gotten this lotion; whatever brand it was, it felt amazing. Her entire body felt strangely, yet pleasantly, tingly, like someone was tingling all her nerves. Even her head was feeling the tingles! But soon enough, she started to realize something was up, as her thoughts were getting muggy and her vision was starting to distort, the world blurring together and even fading out of view a bit. "Hey, uh, hon? What... What kinda lotion is that? I'm... starting to feel a little funny..."

"It's, uh, it's a foreign brand. The label warned me about those funny feelings. Just... lemme finish rubbing it in and you should start feeling better!"

Mrs. Rockford nodded, not even noticing how Joshua almost immediately grabbed onto her ass cheeks, groping the caramel flesh in a way decidedly not meant to rub lotion onto them. He was a good kid, after all. Sure, he might've looked at her just as much as the other neighbor boys, but unlike them, she trusted him not to try anything funny with her. That's why she had invited him over to her house in the first place, so she could maybe try and repay some of that trust. Even when Joshua pulled her bikini bottom down, exposing her asshole to the open air, she didn't make a peep. It wasn't until she felt something begin to prod her exposed hole that she spoke up. "H-Hey, Joshy? Wh-What are you doing back there?"

"I-I'm just oiling you up, Mrs. Rockford!"

"B-But that's my... That's my butthole, you goof~..."

"Y-Yeah, well, I-I gotta make sure every bit of you gets covered, right?"

That made sense. Or at least, she thought it did. Mrs. Rockford offered no further resistance as she felt Joshua slip his finger into her asshole, followed by the rest of his hand, and then... his arm? She bit her lip, trying to stifle the moans building up in the back of her throat as waves of pleasure slowly began to spread across her body. Jeez, just how far was this kid willing to go to oil her up? She felt her asshole get pulled even wider before something else slid in- his other arm? The limbs reached inside, groping around before latching onto... something and holding tight. Something else began to press into her, Joshua's head, followed by his torso. This kid... such a nice boy! He was really planning to oil up every bit of her, wasn't he? Not just her skin, but her insides too! She would have to give him an extra special reward when he was done, but for now...

A moan finally slipped past her lips as the pleasure grew too much for her. By now, Joshua was waist-deep inside her ass, and she could feel him crawling around inside her, her stomach bulging and contorting unnaturally from his movements. His legs flailed wildly as they were lifted into the air before being pulled inside her ass, eliciting another groan from the caramel milf as, finally, Joshua managed to stuff his entire body inside her. The teen wriggled around, each movement sending ever-greater waves of pleasure crashing over her. She could hardly think, her mind going numb from the ecstasy of having her trusted neighbor wiggling in her stomach. She didn't even notice as the bulge in her stomach shrank, and all of a sudden she could feel or move her legs anymore. The bulge shrank again, and she lost her arms as well. The remaining bulge moved upwards, sliding into her head, and the world faded from her sight.

Mrs. Rockford lay there for a minute, completely, almost deathly, still. Then, slowly, she blinked. Or at least, her body did. 'She' looked around, confusion apparent on her face, before looking down. All at once, her expression shifted into a manic grin as she flipped herself onto her back before reaching up and cupping her massive breasts. "H-Holy shit, it worked! It actually worked!" Mrs. Rockford, or rather, Joshua in Mrs. Rockford's body, groped 'her' breasts excitedly, enjoying how they felt and the small shocks of pleasure that ran down her spine from the action. He had expected it would from the start, and realized it definitely would by the time he'd managed to fit his head in her ass, but even still, he could hardly believe it! He was actually in control of the hottest woman in his neighborhood!

Joshua licked his new lips hungrily as he swung his legs over the side of the chair and sat up, stretching and pushing his new chest out before rising to his feet. That bottle of Magi-Tan (currently situated inside Rockford's body with himself) would definitely be making his summer, and possibly the rest of the year, much more interesting. Already, his head was abuzz with ways to use and abuse the mystical lotion. But for now? He needed to get better 'acquainted' with his new form. Giggling lightly, 'Mrs. Rockford' opened 'her' sliding screen door and stepped into 'her' home.

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