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Journal of a possibility. |
Personal Note Monday the 1st of October I went to the mall today and the strangest thing happened. I saw some black stuff on the walls. It was in various places all up high and close to the ceilings. In some places the spots were big and some were small. Some of the spots were in bunches and some were connected. Why write this? Because I had the strangest feeling when I noticed these spots. I had a feeling of doom and darkness, a kind of death that was also alive. Yeah, I know that doesn't make any sense, but there it is. Side note: (I'm not a psychic or anything like that so this really freaked me out. Since I was so disturbed in my spirit I thought I might need to be focusing on this and find out what it is, so I'm writing this journal. Today is actually the 8th of October, I'm starting it from memory.) Thursday the 4th I couldn't get it out of my mind so I went to the mall again. Only this time the spots seemed to have grown some. I sat at one of the benches in the middle of the hallway and just looked around. I asked an old man, that stopped to rest while his wife shopped, what he thought they were. He told me, "he didn't see anything but if there was something there it was probably mold from a leaky roof." I figured he must just have bad eyes since he was elderly. I thought I'd just ask someone else if given the chance. But the chance never arose. I thought about asking one of the maintenance men that walk around sweeping and emptying the trash but I couldn't get up the courage. I didn't want him to think I was some goofball trying to point out flaws all over the place. Note: (I think today's the day that I first noticed a person with a spot on their neck. They walked right by me. Even their shirt had a stain that looked like it came from the spot/wound thing. I thought it was paint or something but they were dressed in office clothes, not something you would walk around in with an ugly stain like that on it. (It reminded me of the blood stains you see in the movies.) Saturday the 6th I was at the grocery store and saw the same spots on the walls and ceiling there. I asked my friend Jane, who I ran into there, and she said I was crazy there weren't any spots. Then I saw another person with that same splotchy spot, just above her collar. She also had a small amount of the messy stain on her shirt too. Sunday the 7th I really thought I was going crazy today. I went to church and some of the people had that same spot on them. I didn't count the number of people because I was in shock. They all had it in the same place on the right side of their necks. I noticed some of the people didn't have the stain thing but did have the black splotch. These spots kind of look like the spots I'd seen at the mall. Monday the 8th I just got back from work this afternoon. (I'm still at the bookstore every other week, just to keep me going. I don't want to sit around and do nothing. An idle mind is the devil's playground.) Am I going crazy? Have I sat around too much and have I just imagined all this? Today was really crazy those same spots are at the bookstore, in fact, they were at the gas station too. And when I pumped my gas I could see in the laundromat and there were spots in there too. But the people, there are more and more people with this thing on them. I pray it doesn't get on me. I'm going to the mall tomorrow and will look around again. I just had to stop and write so I wouldn't forget to write the latest findings. Summary: there are more and more spots in more buildings and I've noticed more people have this spot thingy too. Tuesday the 9th Mall... Oh my, I don't know how to write this. Something bad is going on. I've got to get my mind right or my spirit. I'm not sure which. I'm really scared. I'm packing after I get this written I'm leaving here. I'm not crazy. I don't want to die. What I saw was: I went to the mall and sat on the same bench. It's down by the theater like almost at the end of the mall. Well, I looked in the direction of the theater. To the right and the left of the theater entrance, there are entrances to the outside of the mall. And it looked like the tile floor was caving away just between the left entrance and the theater entrance. It was beginning to shift and twist. I thought I could even feel a rumble in the floor. But no one, but I seemed to notice. I was a good distance from this area and when I started to stand up I felt really lightheaded and I had to sit back down. I thought I would faint right there. The floor started to drain out into a black hole. I know, crazy right? But it swirled like a drain the tiles began to crush as they were pushed together and dirt and plaster from the tiles all mixed together in a swirl. I didn't hear anything more than just a rumble like a truck going by outside on the road. The drain thing was steadily getting bigger. All I could do was stare at it. By this time, it almost took up the entire floor area. Then someone walked into it. She came from the outside entrance on the left. She was just sucked up and went down. She screamed a god awful scream. I jumped up, thinking I would save her. But how on earth can I save her? This thing just sucked her right up. She didn't have a chance she just walked right into it. Then someone else came in from the other mall entrance, the right side entrance this time - also in front of the theater. But he didn't act like anything was going on and he walked right on down the hallway past me, to my right. I turned and watched him walk by. Then I saw a group of 3 ladies walking towards me on the left. I just knew they were gonna get sucked up too. I started to go to them but I was cemented where I stood. I couldn't say a word or scream or move a hand. I thought this thing has got me trapped where I stand. I managed to turn my head and look towards it and it had grown. Now the walls were being sucked down. The whole was bigger and getting bigger by the second. The rumble was getting louder. It was getting darker in there too. I turned my head again toward the group of ladies and tried for all I was worth to at least make a sound to stop them. They couldn't see it. I noticed that they had that same strange spot on them. It was on each of their chests those same blood-soaked looking areas on their shirts. I couldn't scream nor move my hands to cause a commotion. They walked on and were not looking where they were going because they were distracted by a display in the window of the store they were in front of. And as the walls and the little Subway sandwich store entrance, that was on the left (the next store down from the ladies to their right), was demolished and sucked down, they just stood there. I saw trash and Subway napkins and cups all being sucked down. The area looked like it turned into water and was draining away. The three ladies started screaming and grabbing each other to try to save themselves. They fell to the floor and tried to grab ahold of the floor. The swirl was as big as the hallway now. The wind from the thing sucked them right down the hallway and into the debris. And down the drain. I got to get out of here was all I could think. I couldn't help the ladies, they were gone, just plain gone. I was so scared. Only the rumble of the floor was all I could hear. It appeared that the drain had stopped growing. It was just swirling there. I started crying and screaming. Somehow I could move again. I ran away from the thing headed to the next entrance out of the madhouse. Note: I think that man that didn't get sucked in, didn't have that ugly spot. ...I don't have that spot either. Like I said I'm getting out of here. I had gone out the southeast entrance of the mall and everything seemed normal. Some people looked at me like I was crazy since I was running. But I decided if they were dumb enough to go in there I wasn't going to stop them. They wouldn't believe me anyway. I did notice one person, as I got in my car, she was running through the parking lot too. She got in a car. It was a young lady, so maybe I'm not the only one that sees this thing. I was going to drive over to her but she sped out of the parking lot before I could get to her. I drove home as fast ask could. I had the radio on and they didn't make any announcements about any strange things happening at the mall. I know I'm not going crazy. I just can't be. Wednesday the 10th I left home, I drove to the big city and thought I'd be safe here. But the same black spots are here. I thought I'd find safety in numbers. But all I've found is more destruction to go with the bigger number of people. There are several buildings that have fallen into what looks like black holes, just like the one at the mall. After I got here I broke into what used to be my grandmother's house and slept there. I had a nightmare and it had the same spots in it. I dreamt I was in a hospital that looked like a church. It appeared to be full of the aftermath of a war. People were laid out on stretchers with more lying on the floor for lack of stretchers. Doctors that looked like priests were tending to the people and telling them it was sin that was eating them alive. Beware of the sin. Repent. The sin is cancer and it's destroying people by the hundreds. They had stains on their shirts and some had towels and whatever they could find to stop, what looked like, the black splotched places were erupting. I noticed that some of the people's spots were healing. But somewhere not. Some the splotches were all over the person. It was the strangest dream. I awoke with such a shudder; I can still feel it. I instantly started praying and wondering if this is really what all this is. Can I be saved from it? "Please, I prayed, forgive me my sins. I repent of all my wrongdoing and vow to not do it again." I began saying this out loud so everyone could hear me. Whoever's in charge, I want to be sure they hear me. I don't want to die. It has to be the answer as to why some people have the grotesque spot on them and some don't. I don't know why the mysterious drains are here and why it would destroy buildings. Thursday the 11 Today, headed home, I passed, what looked like, a bum on the corner. He had a sign that said "The End Is Here! Be Prepared to Meet God NOW! Repent!" And my mind remembered the dream. Could that really be it? Could this be how the end comes? These large black hole drains just swallowing up the material things of the world. And the sin of the soul just eating people whole and alive. I have to go back home and tell my family and friends, warn the people there. I think we can be saved from this .... |