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Enlightens us on how to let the will of God be instead of using our own reasoning |
THEME: LOGIC/REASONING AGAINST THE WORD OF GOD BY SAMUEL OTU. Winners chapel Ghana - akosombo Reasoning is the act of thinking and decision making caused by rationality and motive. This can also mean persuading by logical argument to act in a particular way. Science and precedence has always been the proof for logical reasonable decision making. Logical thinking/reasoning has been the cause of mans falling from the grace of God from day one of creation. On the other hand, the word of God is full of commands, principles and promises that are sure to come to pass in the lives of children of God if only they are obedient. Should we fall on God or our reasoning in times of decision making? What does the bible tells us about relying on our own abilities? Whose voice are we suppose to listen to? Gods or our own thoughts? Has the discerning spirit of God lead us right? Relying on reasoning mostly leads to evil. THREE EXAMPLES OF HOW GODS CREATION RELIED ON THEIR OWN THINKING. ADAM & EVE - GEN 3:2-6 God gave the command not to eat the fruit. God even gave the outcome of disobeying this command. The woman clearly understood and even added her own precaution ( we should not even touch it). The devil (serpent) gave reason for the woman to doubt and disobey the command of God. God didn't hold back anything from man right from creation but man still doubted God and was burnt on getting more knowledge. Man finally became disempowered ABRAM AND SARAI -GEN 16:1-5 Abram and Sarai had issues with bearing children. Not that God was not pleased with Abram. God wanted to come in at the right time as he has promise to make Abram the father of many descendants. Gen 15:5 Abram deduced sense in his wife's reasoning/logic to Gods promise and went ahead to sleep with their slave girl to have a child Sarai later got pregnant and had her own child and started having issues with the presence of the slave girl (Hagar) and her son. Hagar and her son(Ishmael) had to run away from the kind of treatment that Sarai was giving them. HEAVENLY BEINGS AND THE EARTHLY WOMEN -GEN 6:1-8 Heavenly beings saw that the earthly women were beautiful and so pick some and slept with them Their seeing brought up the motive to have them Their reason for having them was just that they were beautiful so they too wanted to enjoy them, forgetting that God will not be pleased with such an act. God changed his original plan of making man live forever. Then God gave the age ceiling of 120 years. CONCLUSION In all situations we find ourselves, we should consult the Lord and not rely on our own reasoning Logic/reasoning may sound right but always end up wrong. Remember that by your own thoughts and strength, there is nothing you can do. Let God direct you in all your doing and you shall never regret. GOD BLESS YOU |