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Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Drama · #2169147
Chapter 2 of the book I've been working on.
2 – Sean
         What a day! 10 broken dishes, a table of free meals, and one of my servers didn’t show up for work. No call or text to let someone at the restaurant know that he wouldn’t be there. I sat at the desk in my office with a write up form in front of me. This is the third one for him and he isn’t going to like what I have to say. I have a simple policy for my employees, if you’re going to be late or absent, let someone know. Anyone, I don't care, as long as the word gets back to me that way I can plan the rest of my day accordingly.
         I rubbed my eyes to try and wipe the burning drowsiness away; my body was exhausted. Owning a restaurant is no picnic but I do my best to keep my employees happy. It would just be nice if they would try to make my job a little easier sometimes. I finished filling out the form and left it lying on my desk.

         I drove the 10 miles home in silence. I normally listened to the radio but today I wasn't in the mood. It was late, almost midnight when I walked through the door, but I was hungry. My fridge offered little to be desired but I found a couple of tortillas and some shredded cheese. I combined the two on a plate to make a quesadilla and threw it in the microwave for a minute. I grabbed a beer while I waited and popped the top.
         The moment the liquid touched my lips, I instantly regretted my beverage choice. The taste was not what my mouth was expecting having grown accustomed to Jack and coke with dinner for the last 6 years. I put the opened beer back in the fridge and grabbed a highball glass from the cabinet above the coffee maker.
         After the day I'd had I added a little extra Jack to my drink to take the edge of the day off. The microwave dinged, I grabbed my dinner and made my way to the couch. Not much on TV at 12am so I switched it to the Netflix app.
         The first thing that popped up under my suggestions based on past viewings was the romantic comedy that I took my ex-wife to on our 5th wedding anniversary. Nostalgia set in and before I knew what I was doing I hit the button and started the movie.
         The movie didn't progress very far before memories began to flood into my mind. I could clearly picture Debbie next to me in the theater with her head on my shoulder, and grabbing a handful of popcorn from the bucket we shared. The memory was so vivid I could almost smell the perfume she wore that night. I remembered laughing with her at different parts during the movie. I caught myself smiling when those same scenes came on the screen.
         At one point during the movie she had to excuse herself to the ladies room and I watched her perfect figure walk away and then down the steps toward the door of the theater. I smiled at that memory.
Just then my phone dinged pulling me back to reality. I picked it up and saw a Facebook message from my son.

Could I get your help with something this weekend? I have a project due Monday and I need a second and third opinion.

I beamed with pride knowing my boy wanted my help with schoolwork, especially since his mother was the brainy one.

I'm guessing I'm the third opinion? Lol

yeah Mom's already gone to bed but I'm going to ask her tomorrow morning before school. And since I'll see you after school, I'll get your help with the final touches then.

I'd be happy to help son. Now get some sleep. It's late. What would your mother think about you staying up so late on a school night?

Like I said she's already gone to bed.

What a poignant smart-aleck. I know where he got that. I laughed to myself.

Ok son, just don't stay up too much later.

I won't, night dad

         I put my phone down and focused my attention back on the movie just as the plot twist happened. I remembered watching that part with Debbie. We later discussed that particular scene of the movie in detail wherein we put ourselves in the main characters' shoes and speculated on what we would do if presented with the scenarios that played out during the rest of the movie.
         It was just one of the mind games, I guess you could call them, that we did together and it was usually fun. Sometimes we would have a "heated difference of opinion". That's what Debbie would call it. It was one of the terms she used that screamed "therapist" and probably one of the only things that she did that I could not stand. I was never one for shrinks and I certainly never thought that the woman I married would become one.
         Debbie and I met in high school; we had English together our junior year. To this day I still remember the first day of eleventh grade. I walked into 3rd period English and there she was sitting right up front with her gorgeous, wavy dark brown hair and dark rimmed glasses. Our eyes met as I walked by her. She smiled and I melted inside. She never knew this but I was hers from then on. As the years went by, the one thing that always killed me about her was her smile.
         My reminiscing was cut short by another ping from my phone. I looked at the time and realized it was after midnight. Who in the world would be sending me a message at this hour? I picked it up and it was another Facebook message but this time from Debbie.

Happy Birthday Sean.

         My heart skipped a beat. Even though we were divorced, she never missed a birthday. It was then that I realized that I was in fact another year older. Time certainly goes by faster as you get older. How had I not realized that my birthday was right around the corner?

Thank you Debbie. I hope you are doing well.

         There's nothing more awkward than simply being polite to someone you used to share a bed with. Still after 6 years, it was hard to hold back the desire to just pour my heart out to her and tell her I wanted her back. To tell her that I'm sorry for whatever I did to cause our marriage to fall apart. I wanted so badly to say that I love her still and that I'd never stopped loving her.

Well enough. Thank you. How's the restaurant?

Doing good. I may have to let someone go though. He didn't show up for his shift tonight and didn't call to let me know.

How did everyone else do with him not there?

We struggled, it was a really busy night. Definitely not a good night to be short-handed.

I know it must be difficult for you to make these kinds of decisions.

         "There she goes with her shrink talk." I thought to myself, rolling my eyes. I-statements and acknowledging challenges in my day to day life. I could never understand why she sometimes treated me like a patient instead of her husband.
         But then again, whenever she did that, I usually felt better afterwards. She was always able to help me work through my issues, no matter how big or small. I was able to talk through my frustrations and come up with constructive solutions to the problems I was facing. I’d always thank her but she would point out that I came up with the solutions on my own. Without her help and guiding questions though, I don’t know that I would have been able to come up with those solutions on my own.

Yeah is it difficult but it needs to be done. I’ve given him second chance after second chance and I can’t keep doing that. Enough is enough.

I understand. It wouldn’t be fair to the rest of the team if one person was getting preferential treatment.

          “She totally gets me. It’s like she’s in my head.” I thought to myself. Why did I not recognize this when we were married? Why couldn’t I just look past the way she operates, given her profession, and see that she was simply trying to help me? Why was I so pig-headed?

Yeah exactly

Well I gotta get to bed. Got another long day ahead of me tomorrow.

          “Wait, she’s signing off already? We just started talking.” I thought to myself, not immediately noticing that I sounded like a teenager in the beginning stages of his first real relationship. I was enjoying our conversation and she was about to end it. I didn’t want it to end; I wanted it to continue. I then realized I wanted more than that. I wanted to find out what this conversation could amount to in the long run. I wanted Debbie back.
          I couldn’t let her sign off just yet.

Hey do you think we could get together sometime this weekend? I’d like to get your advice on how to let someone go in a calm and collected way. I know this employee isn’t going to like hearing that I have to let him go and I’m worried about how he may react.

          Waiting for her to respond was nerve-wracking. It almost seemed like she’d already logged off and gone to bed. I just sat there waiting; my heart was beating so hard, I could hear the “lub-dubs” echoing in my ears.

I’m free Saturday…

          “Ohmigod! I can’t believe that worked!”

Great. What time works for you?

Wanna just do dinner?

Yeah that works. 7?

Sure. ttyl night. :)

Ok. Goodnight. ;)

          I put my phone down and turned my attention back to the TV to see the credits scrolling up the screen. I looked at the clock on the cable box and decided that 2am was a good time to go to bed. I got up and went to the bedroom and changed into my pajama pants.
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