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The Devil steals our freedom right before machines make an past easy life easier. |
I don't want to get all religious and stuff, but have you ever noticed how the Devil can enslave or trap a person right before they get a blessing? For example, look at our grandmothers. They washed clothes in a wringer washer and dried them on a clothesline. Many Amish and Mennonite women still do this. The worst part was getting their hand caught in the wringer. I think many of us kids had that happen as well. Today we have washing machines. We put in bleach or detergent, throw in the clothing and do something else while the items get washed or dried. The hardest part is sorting the clothes. We can wash dishes by hand or use a dish washer. They could only wash dishes by hand. While the dish washer runs we can do something else. What took them hours to do we can do without laboring. We can actually do something else, which makes a full day of work for them last a couple of hours for us. Most of the manual labor is gone. Just think of the free time. That's the time I mention with my friend Cindy. My grandmother slaved all day to do her chores and never complained or spoke about how much she was worth. Her husband worked all day so they each had their role. He made money for bills and she supplied a clean house, clothing, and hot meals. She knew her importance without putting a dollar sign on it. Our pride can ruin us if Satan has his way. I cook and clean and raised children in half the time my grandmother did. I probably only used half the effort. Other women who feel that being emancipated has brought great freedom, work a job and then come home to work. They take on both the male and female role when it is so unnecessary. After doing the men's traditional role of working to supply they come home to do the women's traditional role of cooking, cleaning and nurturing. They are wore out and it's no wonder. They have enslaved themselves through feminism and a desire to be equal. I may not be a college educated girl but I realize that I can't pee on a wall standing. I'm not a man. My husband can't bear a child. He's not a woman. It's really just common sense. We can see it when we bury our pride and take on the traditional roles of times past. Why should I want to make more work for myself and wear myself out just because of pride? I'd rather just be a housewife who is in subjection to her lord and do as the word of her Lord says. It's easier, safer, less time consuming and enjoyable. So what if I have to obey rules and get my bottom tanned when I disobey? If I'm a bad girl and Tom spanks me the pain is only for a short time. It reminds me that I did wrong. I'll remember it the next time I am tempted. It sure beats working all day and coming home to work all evening and then trying to raise children while doing all of that. There is order in our home and no confusion about who does what. Can you imagine how happy our grandmothers would have been if they had our modern conveniences? Can you imaging how much more time they could have spent at the gossip fence? Can you imagine how they could have had longer knitting parties, quilting bees and tea times? Right before we had all of these wonderful machines made to make our life so much easier Satan raises up some women who show the world that their pride is better than common sense. It robs future generations of women from experiencing the joys of womanhood and femininity. It makes slaves of free women under the idea of freedom. I have friends who are single and work. They make a great amount of money. After work they are either too tired to spend it or end up at a gym working out to stay in shape. My open bottom all in one hugs my body. It reminds me of my weight and even helps control it. It compresses my back, sides and tummy. That makes me use the bathroom more often. It also controls how much I eat. Some women use a corset for sex. They know it drives some guys wild. My corsets do what my all in one does for practical reasons. It helps fight weight gain and unwanted inches. So many girls today say "That's too tight." I used to think that way. Then I started using the common sense of my grandmother and women of yesteryear. Most people who wear loose clothing eat more as nothing compresses their tummy. They gain weight and buy bigger clothing. Then they get heavier and buy larger clothing. It's what they call a vicious circle that never ends. When my corset or girdle tells me there isn't any more room for food I stop eating. It handles the weight problem for me just as it did my grandmother and great grandmother before her. The result is that I don't have to worry about weight gain. I started using girdles and corsets as soon as Tom took control of my life. Over the years those corsets are cinched just as tight and the all in ones are about the same size. I did put on a little weight over the years. Most of us do. Especially with childbirth and just the way our body matures. I just never had my weight get our of hand. Some do for medicinal reasons, so there are some who have gained weight for valid reasons. I'm blessed that I never had that problem. It seems my grandmother was wiser than my mother. She submitted to the traditions of her mother and women before her. She never complained or worried about if her work was as valuable as her husband's. The roof over her head, food in the house, their love making and even his discipline, all showed her she was a treasured possession. She knew she was of value without being paid in currency. She knew her worth. It was one half of a union, with both halves being equally important. They merely had different callings and stations in life. Order was kept by her husband over her. He controlled his house and punished any who disobeyed. That included my grandmother. Today that seems so evil, and yet they had love, respect and order, without everyone trying do what they wanted with little regard for others. Tom and I have carried that on. I never saw it before. Like most, I was only looking through pride and what I wanted. I was enslaved and didn't know it. Tom took me and kept me. He taught me and guided me. He set limitations for me and punished me when I crossed his lines. Yes, being a traditional wife has brought me freedom. The spankings are rare and yet mean so much. They remind me he loves me. If he didn't care he would let me do things which might get me hurt or killed. Worse yet, he would just leave without giving the chance to submit to that which has always worked. I am kept, controlled and disciplined. I am free. I am loved. |