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This is who I am as a wife, mother, and lady in a domestic discipline marriage. |
You may have seen me. You may have walked right past me. You didn't see any scars, cuts, bruises or look of despair. You may have even laughed or snickered as you strolled by me. You were probably thinking "Is she dressed for Halloween?" That lady who may have had on an above the knee dress with a swing skirt, or maybe an ankle length dress, wearing platform heels and maybe even back seam stockings, well that might have been me. Maybe you saw a woman who paid for her purchase with satin glove clad hands, or spoke to the cashier through a netting birdcage veil. Maybe she was in front of you in line and you noticed her infinity chapel veil or a mantilla which hung over her hair. Maybe you have never seen me. I may be one of two dressed similar. We may have been strolling through the mall or a store, laughing and talking about our newest clothes, or what we might make for supper. You may have seen us sitting on a bench talking about what our husbands were doing after work. We may have had on lace gloves; and then again, maybe not. You probably thought we looked odd. You may have even made a joke or two. Maybe you laughed at how ridiculous two women could look. What does it matter though? You see, we're happy. We enjoy being traditional wives in a world where women are afraid to look different; afraid to look feminine. We enjoy being in subjection to our husbands. We enjoy having a man rule over us. We have no desire to be men or even be slightly masculine. What so many women fail to see is that when our husband is our master having all say it means he has all responsibility as well. He has the headaches that come with day to day life. Yes, they make our rules and punish us when we disobey. They use their hand, their belt or a paddle. They make us cry; but when the tears are gone and our lord is done, our rebellion or foolishness is forgiven and forgotten, never to be mentioned again. Our submission is embarrassing at times. It's not easy for an adult woman to raise her skirts and lay across her master's lap to have her bottom blistered. It's not easy to be spanked like a schoolgirl and be expected to thank your husband afterwards. But it's for our own good. It's worth it. If you saw us in the store you, would never know from the smile on our face that we were expecting a butt tanning when we get home because we overspent. You would never suspect that those skirts would be raised and a paddle or belt would turn those bottoms red. Pride keeps women enslaved. I know because I was there. I lived an enslaved life thinking I was free; always having to please an employer and then do housework. I was always tired and on edge. Tom set me free when he told me if I would submit my self fully to him he would be my protector, provider, guide and disciplinarian. I wouldn't have to make many decisions or handle much responsibility. He set me free to do my cooking, cleaning, laundry and childcare duties at my speed. His only request was that I never disobey him or disrespect him. More rules followed. It was no surprise. He told me they would. I know he makes my schedule because he can motivate me to be the best woman I can be. That is why he is strict and yet fair. He loves me enough to bring out the best in me while keeping me free of any bondage that modern women fall into and fail to recognize. In return for his love and discipline I try to give him my best. You see, I want him to be a man. Not a man only in bed; nor a fake man, but a real man. I want to be as feminine as possible so he can be as masculine as possible. I do things which probably repulse some ladies. I curtsy to him now and then. I don't have to. It shows subjection to one in authority. I love to do it in front of his guy friends. I remove his shoes and massage his feet. They might smell but not many men have a wife who has a wash cloth and washes their feet and then massage them. Sometimes I sit at his feet and just let him rest his hand on my head. I'm like a child before him, awaiting a command so I can serve him. I call him lord and master. He doesn't require it. I want to do that for him because I love him so. Some would say that Jesus said call no man Lord or Master. Some may use that for an excuse to retain their pride. Sarah called Abraham lord. I don't call Tom Lord. I call him lord. There is a difference. Even Paul said though there be gods many and lords many, we have but one God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. I don't look for ways to be equal. I enjoy being the weaker vessel. I enjoy Godly femininity. I embrace my womanhood. I am kept. I am controlled. I am disciplined. I am happy. I am a submissive Christian wife. I am Stephanie. |