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A secret sect of druids is formed during the Great Kingdom's early years. |
Sometime after the rise of the Great Kingdom, around the beginning of King Milo's reign, there began secret meetings of a druid brotherhood in secret. King Milo never knew of this brotherhood, and very few citizens knew of it either. It's founder was a man named Icabod, who turned out to have been not fully human, but part vampire. It was believed by later scholars in the Great Kingdom that this Icabod character had traveled from the realm of darkness into the land of the living with the help of Zall, god of war and the mystics of the green mountains. Icabod was, in reality, one of the fallen messengers that had been created by the Spirit of the Green Shadow. He fell with Zall, Xa, Bac, Si and the thousands of other messengers/spirits created to do good. Banned to the realm of darkness, Icabod (or his true name, Xexxon) spent nearly one thousand human years trapped in the realm of darkness, plotting his revenge. Then, Zall came to him one day and had a dark mission for him. Xexxon jumped at the chance to be free, and accepted Zall's mission. Using dark magic, Zall called upon the most powerful mystics from the underworld, and they sensed his call. Some of the mystics were afraid and fled, but were captured and killed for their dissobedience. The remaining mystics used their dark magic to bring both Zall and Xexxon into the land of the living. Once there, Xexxon was sent to the Great Kingdom under the cover of darkness wearing a hooded cloak. He was not noticed because he was using strong magic. Once Xexxon was within the belly of the Great Kingdom, deep beneath a hidden chamber inside the castle dungeon, he secretly began calling on followers telepathically to join his evil cause. These followers were common, ordinary folks. Citizens of the Great Kingdom that no one would have suspected anything from. By day, they were husbands, fathers, brothers, sons, farmers, peddlers, and bakers. By night, they caused all sorts of terror and problems for the poor citizens of the kingdom. They would steal, swindle, start fires, commit terrible acts of vandlism and worst of all, spread untrue rumors about the good, hard working citizens. These events mainly went unnoticed by the complacent king Milo, who seemed to have other interests, like filling his pockets with gold. This brotherhood went into hiding during the barbarian captivity. Most of the members, including the long lived Icabod/Xexxon, traveled to the southern town of Vido where they tried to blend in. They stopped practicing magic until the new kingdom was formed under king Chad, then traveled back to the Great Kingdom to cause more trouble. By this time, there was a new up and coming druid named Zed who was threatening to over throw Icabod and the whole brotherhood. But when Icabod exposed Zed's trechery, Zed started a new secret organization called Zedion. This group only lasted a few years. As for the brotherhood of druids, a particular druid named Ebeneezer soon joined the group and ended up bringing down the whole organization along with Icabod. Icabod was destroyed in a fire after a battle broke out within the walls of the castle during a seige to try and sieze the kingdom for themselves. While Ebeneezer esacaped, most of the other druids were captured and imprisoned or banned from the kingdom. Only one druid was executed because he tried to kill king Chad. Chad survived. The Great Kingdom also survived the brotherhood of druids. No other brotherhood of druids or and other kind of dark wizards ever rose up again with in the kingdom. As for Ebeneezer, he attempted to ressurect Icabod using magic and digging up the skull of his former master. But in the end, the spirit of Icabod destroyed Ebeneezer in a fire, the same way Ebeneezer had killed Icabod. |