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Rated: E · Essay · Educational · #2167819
A essay I wrote in 7th grade.
The Alamo

February 21, 2008

In a point of Texas history, revolution occurred. It started when Stephen F. Austin, a Texan leader, led American settlers into Texas, which at that time was located in Mexico, in 1821. Settlers poured into Texas. Stephen F. Austin went to Mexico City to try to gain Texas independence, but failed and was imprisoned.
When he was released September 1835, he returned to Texas. S.F. Austin, found the settlers ready for a revolution. Santa Anna, the Mexican dictator, saw the Texas rebels as treason. Santa Anna’s army marched onto Texas soil. Santa Anna’s army reached San Antonio de’ Bexar where Fort Alamo is located. When he arrived, he raised a blood red flag, signaling “No Mercy.” Fort Alamo was once a Spanish mission, now a place for a revolution.
The ones inside the fort include Jim Bowie, a slave trader before he came to Texas. Davy Crockett, a famous frontiersman and crooked politician. William Travis, Texan general, deserted his pregnant wife and child to travel to Texas. Sam Houston, Texan general, a heavy drinker. “Many felt they were following in their footsteps, who had fought for freedom from Britain” said Justin Ewers, author of Misremembering the Alamo.
The battle of the Alamo started on February 1836, it was a surprise attack. Travis sent for help, but none arrived. On the day of March 6, 1836 after a 12-day siege, the Mexicans attacked. On day 12 of the siege, Travis drew a line a on the ground and said, “If you will stay and fight, cross the line”. Colonel J. Bowie, by this time deathly ill, asked to be carried across. Only one man chose to escape. Travis firing his gun was one of the first ones to die at the Alamo. Santa Anna’s army finally climbed the walls in several places. The Texans moved from the walls, to the barracks and other buildings. Hand-to-hand combat, muskets used as clubs and knives were probably used. Crockett and his volunteers fought until they died. Crockett and Old Betsy, his gun, lay side by side. Others barricaded themselves in buildings. Until the Mexicans blew the buildings apart.
On Jim Bowie’s death, people say he killed two Mexicans as they entered his room and was stabbed to death by others. Santa Anna spared only women, children and slaves. Santa Anna sent Mrs. Dickinson, the wife of a volunteer, to give a message to General Sam Houston. The message said, “Santa Anna is coming.” She did deliver the message to General Houston. After the Alamo, Santa Anna and his army continued their march into Texas. Some Texans fled to Louisiana and other places in fright. Others chose to stay and fight for the final battle. Sam Houston got a large enough army to strike back, an estimated 750 men. The Texans sprung a surprise attack against Santa Anna’s army at San Jacinto near the coast, now Houston, Texas. The famous battle cry “Remember the Alamo” poured out from the Texans. The Texans killing the Mexican army, they killed hundreds, suffering few losses of their own. They captured him and made him sign a treaty, making Texas independent, later disavowed. Sam Houston was elected the first President of Texas. Texas fought further for their freedom against Mexico. The Texans had come a long way since Stephen F. Austin, the first settlers of Texas and the Alamo. It joined the United States in 1845 becoming the 28th state.
San Antonio is simply the largest city in Texas. San Antonio today is a mix of cultures. If you should visit San Antonio and the Alamo, the original chapel still stands, next to the chapel is the Long Barrack Museum and Library. In the museum, the wall displays items from Texas and Alamo history. Near the Alamo is the IMAX Theater. Paseo Del Rio also known as the River Walk, is in the heart of San Antonio. Down further on the River Walk is the Arneson River Theater. Also in San Antonio is the Institute of Texan Culture, which you can learn about Texas history. You can visit Hemis Fair Park where San Antonio’s 250th birthday was celebrated. These places are where I would go if I where to go to San Antonio. That is the tale of the Alamo and San Antonio, as well as the places I would visit if I where to go San Antonio and the Alamo.

Works Cited

Wade, Linda Alamo: Battle of Honor and Freedom Vero Beach, FL 1999, Rouke Inc.
Jakes, John Susanna of the Alamo San Diego, CA Gulliver Books
The World Book Encyclopedia Chicago, IL World Books Inc. 2001
Ewers, Justin “Misremembering the Alamo” U.S. News and World Report 136.12c12 April 2004 Ebcohost.com
Hivle, Todd “The Alamo” Our States: Geographic Treasure 2006 Ebcohost.com
Landaur, Victor “Alamo” Junior Scholastic 106.9 December 8 2003 Ebcohost.com
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