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Rated: ASR · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #2167663
Fairy Tail OC. Earth Dragon Slayer(Male)
Narrator: As our hero was resting after saving everyone from Changeling, he had a flashback in the form of a nightmare about one of the Etherious demons that attacked Freesia. Because of her, he has a traumatic fear of rabbits.

Child Clay(ton) Grimm:[Screaming] AAAAAAAHHH!!! Get away from me, bunny lady!

Lamy: Aaawe! Are you gonna cry, kid!?! I just wanna have fun![Her weird laugh.]

CCG: In case you haven't noticed, demons are attacking my home! What kind of fun are you planning to have!?!

Lamy: Oh, destroying some stupid little town no one cares about isn't going to hurt anyone!


Lamy: Hmmm...You got me there! We are hurting people! Too bad their pathetic lives are worthless! I've seen no one worth turning into a demon...well...My friends might let me turn you into my personal servant![Singsong] It'll be fun...[Sinister look] For me...[Laughs] I'll have you at my beck and call, doing whatever I want, getting whatever I need, rubbing me anywhere I want you to rub me! From head, to toe![Laughs] And when your older...that's when the real fun begins...

CCG: AAAAAAAHHH!!! STRANGER DANGER![Lamy successfully grabbed the young six year-old.] LET ME GO! I DON'T WANNA BE YOUR SERVANT! SOMEONE! HE-E-E-ELP!!![Muffled, incoherent speech as Lamy squeezes his small head into her torso.]

Lamy: Awe! It'll be okay little guy! Once I start changing you into a demon, I'll wipe all of your worthless memory...[Sinister tone] and make it so you enjoy serving me...[Laughs] Now...how about a little kiss from your new master...[Grabbing him by the head, slowly forcing his mouth towards her puckered lips.]

Voice: Clay? Clay!?!

CCG/CG: Dad?

Griffin: CLAY!

Clay(ton) Grimm: AAAHHH![Heavy breathing.]

[Clay jerks from his nightmare, seeing he's in a newly furnished bedroom with his personal belongings all over.]

CG: Hey Griff! Where are we?

Griff: Our new home of course. Come on...get dressed. Breakfast is already done!

CG: Okay...breakfast sounds good right about now![He quickly gets ready for the day, putting on his running gear for his morning run after breakfast. Then proceeding into the duo's new, beautiful kitchen.] Wow! You did this all when I was out cold?

Griff: I had help...[Griffin gestures to the rest of the people at the dinning room.]

Grant Chanty: Oy, pops! Yer awake already! It be about time!

Mary/Polly/Molly: Let him be Charlie...if it weren't for him, I'd still be that blonde bimbo with the heavy chest, and Griff would be that stripper boy! Good thing we managed to taste something sweet before he changed us back, right Griffin!?!

Griff:[Nodding in agreement] Yes...quite a good thing...thanks to our little exchange, Molly, Happy, and I are now able to taste sweetness in our true forms...our minds must have retained some processing of how sweets taste...In your face, Panther Lily!

Magma Grimm-Scarlet: Uncle Griffin? Whose that?

Griff: Oh, just some old subordinate of mines back in Edolas...he was the only exceed that I knew that could taste sweetness...Until now...

CG:[Mistaking Magma for her mother] Hey Erza! How's it been? How's Magma doing?

MSG: I'm Magma father! Mother told me to keep an eye on you...She then clarified she wanted me to personally check on you!

CG: Right...right, right...

Clairissa Suede:[She's essentially a gender swap of Clay, to commemorate his unborn sister. She was created by Clay when he was seven, his first successful casting of Earth God: Secret Art: Human Golem Creation. Her eye colors are swapped, and she also has a frizzy head of hair, almost reaching her shoulders, as well as freckles on her cheekbones. Her outfit varies from time to time, like Lucy. Voice to reference: Keke Palmer.] So Clay...Looks like I've got a new nephew and niece! You've been busy...

CG: The same could be said about you sis! Your taste in interior design and decor are as on fleek as always!

CS: You know it! Now...Let's eat!


[After they all digged in, Clayton realizes that across the canal was the home of his fellow wizard friend, Lucy.]

CG: Hey! Lucy lives right across from us! How crazy is that! We should invite her over to have some breakfast!

CS: Before we do that...I think Maggie needs a makeover...

MGS: I agree, auntie Claire...How about this...[Magma's entire body is engulfed in a bright golden light. After the light dissipated, Magma's hair was layered with almost black, brown hair like the rest of The Grimms, having her hair look like magma. She also had central heterochromia, resembling her father's left eye, instead on her normal brown eyes. She also had freckles like Claire. Her armor also lightly glowed scarlet red, and it's color scheme was now more volcanic in appearance.]

CG: Your mom's gonna love it! You even have both our eyes! Now...I'm gonna wake Lucy up...[Using his Abiotic Eye to once again project sound, this time from Lucy's front door.] Lucy! Wake up! It's me, Clay! We still have some breakfast if you want it!

Lucy Heartfilia:[Wakes up] *Yawning* Well...at least he hasn't broken into my home...[Raised voice] Be out in a bit! Let me get ready real quick![Of course, she took a good half hour to finally open the door.] Huh!?! Wait where are you?

CG:[Shouting from across the street] Over here![His outfit consisted of a tight athletic shirt with his typical earthy color scheme, and baggy athletic shorts to match it. His coat was tied around his waist. He had a olive drab green seamless bandana holding his dreads away from his face. He even had his footwraps match his outfit. Walking towards Lucy.] Isn't this crazy! We're neighbors!


CG: Huh!?! AAAHHH![Pretending to fall into the canal, but in reality, he was doing hand stands on a makeshift path he was creating from protruding earth, underneath the canal.] Hahaha! Got ya![He walked with his hands towards Lucy, his front facing her.] You really thought I was gonna fall into that river!?! I was joking! Huh!?! Hey Lucy! Why are you staring up there...for...[Clay realised that his shorts were well below his waist, exposing his, well above average "family jewels" bulging from his charcoal grey briefs to the attractive young mage.] *Wow!* AAAAAAAHHH![He got to his feet, fixing his shorts, tightening it's drawstring.] So...Uhhh...Breakfast...You want some?

LH:[Breaking out of her daze] Uhhh...Sure! I just need to do something really quick...[She went back into her home to change her "Perfect boyfriend list" putting Clay at the top of it, unaware that he was seeing the whole action, but deciding to ignore it.]

P.s: No Nalu fans...I'm not shipping them together. I'm gonna pair Clay off with a girl, that as far as I know it, doesn't have a romantic pairing.

LH: Okay! Breakfast sounds nice! It's better than paying for someone else's meal...It's good to be treated to a meal!

[After escorting Lucy to his house with his makeshift path, he introduced Lucy to Clairissa, and helped her to a plate of hot food.]

LH:[Finishing up]*Ahhh!* Thanks for the meal! And it was nice meeting you Clairissa!

CS: Likewise! But please, call me Claire!

LH: Sure thing! So Clay? If you don't mind me asking...how much are you playing for this place? It definitely is bigger than my apartment!

CG: Well...I'm not bragging, but three-stories, a basement, four bedrooms , two baths, crazy spacious rooms...It's quite a place if I do say so myself...and it only costs me 35,000J a month!


CG: That's a decent price for your place...but I'm a hell of a haggler! Learned it from my dad!

Griff: That, and he agreed with the mayor on this price, in exchange on working and maintaining Magnolia's infrastructure...

LH: Man...wish you came to Magnolia sooner...could have gotten me a better deal on my place...Huh!?!...Hey what's with your eyes?


LH:[Cautiously] Uhhhm...not any of your eyes...her eyes![Points to Molly, pointing out here complete heterochromia. Her typically covered left eye, being ocean blue.]

Molly:[Death stare] You talking about my eyes, bimbo?

Everyone: 😨

LH:[Stammering] Uhhhm...Yeah? They're be-*BAM!*[Molly drop kicked Lucy through the front door, straight into the canal.] Beautiful...😵

[Natsu and Happy came bursting out of Lucy's home.]

Natsu Dragneel: Lucy! Hang on![Natsu jumps into the canal to bring Lucy to dry ground.] Alright! Who the hell knocked Lucy into the water!?!

Griff:[Blushing] Lucy's right...Your eyes are beautiful...

Molly:[Blushing] Y-you really think so?

Happy: Oh! Wow! They're in Love! *Boom!*[Griffin once again sent Happy into the ground, this time, at the bottom of the canal. Water was thrown all over like rain.]

ND: HAPPY! Not again! Why you *THWACK!*[Griffin and Molly both smashed Natsu into the ground below the canal. Water rushed back in to refill the canal.]

CS: *Sigh* Well kids...looks like we're fishing for fools...

GC&MGS: Right father![Grant and Magma used their branch of life spells to retrieve the unconscious fools.]

[After they all regained consciousness, Natsu and Happy asked if Lucy and the others wanted to join them for fishing in the East Forest. Griffin and Clayton agreed, Lucy was forced along, while the others said they'll meet them later at the guild hall.]

LH: *Sigh* Come on, I have a novel to write you know! Why'd ya have to drag me along on your stupid fishing trip!?!

ND: Agh stop complaining! Besides, you just said you had writers block!

Hap: Aye, and nothing can gets your creative juices flowing like a chance of pace!

LH: Yeah, but why does it have to be fishing?

Hap: 'Cause fish is my most favoritest food of course!

LH: Your missing the point! I'm asking why I have to fish for YOUR favorite food!?!

CG:[Concentrating his ocular magics, waiting to spear some fish from the bottom of the water] If you keep complaining like that, you ain't gonna catch a damn thing...

LH: Says the guy not even using a fishing rod! At least Griffin is using a fishing spear!

CG: I don't need to waste bait to fish...all I need is patience...You should learn some...Natsu and Happy already beat you to it...Surprisingly...

ND: Hey! What's that suppose to-[Natsu has a bite.] Woah! I got one!

Griff:[Flying in with a whale-of-a-fish] At a boy Natsu! Show that thing who's at the top of the food chain!

Hap: Watch out! Looks like a flopper!

ND: Leave it to me! *Grunts!* [Natsu manages to reel in a dolphin-sized fish.]

Hap:[Amazed] It's huge! Whatcha!

LH:[Confused] What does that even mean!?!

Reedus Jonah:[Chuckles as he finished his painting of Natsu's catch] Look at that...Just like the good old days...

Hap:[Full of Joy] Fishy Wishy, Nummy Wummy! Get in my tummy![Whopping and bouncing with joy.]

LH: I know you were immature...but this is a new low...

Griff:[Picking fish from his teeth with part of a rib bone of the stripped-clean fish he caught and ate by himself] *Ahhh!* I don't know if you realize, but he's only six years old, even for an exceed that's still considered a child...

Hap:[In an outburst that scared Lucy and Griffin off their feet] WAAAH!!!

ND:[Finishing his flame-grilling of his catch] Oh, yeah! That looks tasty!

Hap:[Whining] You ruined it! Fish tastes better if you eat it raw!

Griff:[Patting his full belly] *Burp!* Well...That's just like your opinion, tom..

ND:[Agreeing] Yeah! He's right! Besides...Why would I do that, when it only takes a sec to grill it up!?!

Hap: 'Cause that's how I wanted to eat it!

ND: I caught it, so I eat it my way! If you're gonna complain, go catch your own!

CG: He makes a fair point Happy...

[Natsu raises his catch by it's skewer, readying to eat it.]

Hap: Don't do it![His plea is ignored as Natsu eats every bit of his catch.]

LH:[Disgusted] Ewwwe...He's eating it bones and all...

CG:[Still concentrating] And!?! The bones are some of the best parts in food![Clay can eat the bones and shells of his food to get an extra boost in his vitality and magic. However, if it's fossilized, his body processes it much slower, resulting in both an even greater boost of power, with the drawbacks of excruciating indigestion symptoms, can happen if he eats limestone without purging it from his system.]

ND:[Satisfied] Ahhh! Man that hit the spot!

Hap:[Quietly] How could you...[Running off, outbursting.] FINE! OUR FRIENDSHIP IS OVER NATSU!

LH:[In a sarcastic tone] Your quite the drama queen, aren't you...[Turning to Natsu] Gonna follow him?[Natsu refuses to respond.] Oh, give me a break...Keep up that tough-guy act, and you'll never get the girls to like you...[Natsu has his flashback of Lisanna.]

[Before Lucy's last comment, Clayton successfully speared a dozen of those giant fish using the tree roots as spears, protruding from under the waterbed.]

CG:[Celebrates] Wooooow! In your face Lucy! I caught enough fish to feed the whole guild, AND the Exceed Crew! All without your fishing rods! Huh!?![Clay notices his foster cousin's heart and subtle body language, knowing all too well that it all appears to be from remembering a painful memory.]

[Natsu gets up to his feet.]

LH: Alright! That's the spirit! Go apologize to-

ND:[Angrily Interjecting] JUST SHUT YOUR MOUTH FOR ONCE![He heads off alone.]

LH: What was that all about!?! Scary...

CG: You really should think before you talk...

LH: What's that suppose to mean?

CG: What you said to him caused him to subconsciously remember a memory...a painful memory...

Griff: Perhaps we can find out what at the guild's archives...Let's go...

[Lucy, Griffin and Clayton headed all the way to the guild hall, finding it's archives.]

LH: Huh!?! Hey Mira! What are you doing up there!?!

Mirajane Strauss: Just a bit of reorganizing, that's all!

LH: Oh!!! I can help with that!

MS:[Short chuckle] Are you sure you want to!?!

LH: Yeah! I'm good with boring stuff![Plue appears behind Lucy in support.]

CG:[To Griffin] If only she was good with sensitive stuff...[Griffin nods and grunts in agreement.]

LH:[Annoyed] I can hear you...

CG: Then you're hearing the truth...

[Lucy explains the situation to Mirajane.]

LH:[Finishing her explanation]...And then he just stormed off! What a jerk, right?

Griff: Your naivety is no excuse for judging Natsu...You fail to know his perspective...

LH: Perspective!?! What perspective could a jerk like him have? He's a jerk, right Mira!?!

MS:[Giggles] Maybe, but that's what makes him so cute!

LH: You really think so?

MS: Of course! You're attracted to Natsu's boyish charms too, aren't you!?!

LH:[Caught off guard] What!?! Errrgh..Aaah! *Crash!* [Lucy fell from the ladder.]

MS&Griff: Lucy! You okay?

LH: Yeah...I'm fine! Something must have broke my fall!

CG:[Muffled] I think you mean "Someone"[Clay said with Lucy's junk and trunk squashing against his face.]


LH:[Embarrassed] AAAAAAAHHH! You perv! What are you doing down there!?!

CG:[Still muffled] First; I seem to be breaking your fall. Second; I was holding the ladder, remember! Third; Don't be a hypocrite, miss "Perfect boyfriends List!"

LH:[Even more embarrassed] WHAT!?! How do you know about my list, you snoop!?!

CG:[Yet still muffled] Call me a snoop again and I'll leak your entire list to Sorcerer's Magazine! Now GET OFF ME!!![Lucy lifted her butt, allowing Clayton to get up freely.]

MS: A "Perfect Boyfriend List!?! Wow! So! Whose at the top of it!?!

CG: Who do you think...She put me at the top after she stared at my "Family Jewels!"

MS:[Giggling] I don't blame you Lucy! He's really hot!

LH: More like a real jer--Huh!?![Finds an old painting of the guildmembers.] I found an old painting!

MS: *Waha!*, I remember that!

LH: Is this everyone when they were kids?

MS:[Confirming] It sure is!

LH:[Looking at the painting] This must be Gray...And who's that next to him? Cana?

CG: They kinda look like a couple smiling like that next to each other...

[Meanwhile, at Phantom Lord HQ.]


Totomaru: Geez Juvia...First tea cups, and now wooden studs!?!

Juvia Lockser:[With a crushed wooden stud in her clutches] What the hell is wrong with me!?! One moment I'm my usual gloomy self, the next...I'm breaking property...

Sol: My, my! You really ARE in dire need of a vacation...

Aria: As you can see Master Porla, Juvia hasn't been herself lately...As her superior, I please ask that you allow her some personal time...

Master José Porla: Hmmm...I see what you mean...fine then...I hereby authorize all the Element Four for 48 hours of R & R, starting now.

Sol: All of us!?!

Aria: Thank you for your generosity Master!

Totomaru: *Humph* Maybe you should get more breakdowns often Juvia...

JL: Please...You know I can't control it...It's more embarrassing than anything...

[Back at Fairy Tail.]

LH: *Woah!* Macao and Wakaba!?! They look so young!

CG:[Laughing] Elfman looks like a dork!

Griff: You shouldn't be taking...At least he doesn't look like a toddler...Unlike some kids!

CG: Hey! I couldn't help being so short as a kid!

Griff: When you were twelve, you were hardly taller than me...

LH&MS: Awe! You sound so cute as a kid!
And now you look so hot as an adult!

LH: Huh!?![Realizing what she last said, trying to change the subject.] Uhhh...Who else is here![looks back at the painting.] *Chuckle* Oh I recognize that spikey head anywhere...Natsu hasn't changed a bit! And...What's with the little blue dragon?

MS: That's Happy!

LH,CG&Griff:[Shocked] Huuuh!?!

LH: I don't know if you even know this, but how did Natsu and Happy meet?

MS: Let's see...When that picture was painted, I haven't been a member of Fairy Tail very long myself...

[Watch the rest of Season one, Episode twenty, Natsu and the Dragon egg. I'm using the rest of this story to explain how Clayton and Griffin met.]

[Clay noticed Mirajane showing the same heartbeat and similar body language that Natsu had earlier.]

LH: I see...That was a really cute story![Referring to Natsu and Gray.] Really hate to see those two fighting...

MS: The closer two people are, the more they fight! It's fine...

Master Makarov Dreyar:[Jumping onto a nearby railing] Hey Mira! Think you could come help me for a sec?

MS: Of course![She leaves with Master Makarov.]

LH:[Continuing] Now let's see...There's Erza, Gray and Mirajane...That's Laxus...And this girl must be Lisanna![Clay pieced together why Natsu and Mirajane were acting off, because of the late Lisanna, youngest of the Take-Over Siblings.] That's weird...If she's Mira and Elfman's sister, how come I haven't met her yet?

CG: Just how naive are you...

LH: Huh!?! What's that suppose to mean!

Griff: Anyone who's ever done research on the Take-Over Siblings knows Lisanna Strauss passed away some time ago during a mission...

LH:[Realizing] *Gasp!* Oh my gosh! I never knew! They never talked about it in Sorcerer's Magazine!

CG: And why would they!?! To remind all of Fairy Tail, especially Mira and Elf, that she's dead!?!

Griff: We should go check on them...Let's go...[The three head out to check on the duo, to see if they've made up. To their delight, they did. Afterwards, they all headed back to Fairy Tail.]

[Shortly after they arrived. Magma, Grant and Claire arrived at Fairy Tail.]

Erza Scarlet:[Yelling with delight at Magma's new appearance, Squeezing her with a hug] MY LITTLE GIRL LOOKS EVEN MORE ADORABLE THAN BEFORE! I DIDN'T THINK IT WAS POSSIBLE!

Fairy Tail & Eceed Crew:[Quietly] Narcissism much!?!

MGS:[Blushing with embarrassment] Mama...Your embarrassing me in front of everyone...

CS: Hi everyone! My name's Clairissa Suede...But you can call me Claire...I'm Clay's sister...

Fairy Tail Men & Exceed Crewmen: WOW! SHE'S SO HOT!

Loke:[Making a move to seduce her] So...You doing anything later tonight?[Dreamy eyes]

CS:[Unimpressed] Yeah...Getting a restraining order on you...

[Loke fell from the shocking rejection.]

MGS: I don't think I've properly met you Master Makarov...My name is Magma Grimm-Scarlet! Me and my aunt would be thrilled to join your guild![Claire nods in agreement.]

MMD: My, my...What cuties you two are! Tell you what...I'll make you both S-Class wizards for a little kiss! *THWACK!*

[Clay smashed the perverted old master through the floor, nearly through the basement floor below.]


MMD:[Coming out from under the floor, using his giant magic, ready to retaliate. Bellowing] YOU DARE STRIKE ME!?! I'LL SHOW YOU WHY I'M THE MASTER HERE, BOY![When Makarov's fist contacted him, Clay's Valkyrie Mark kicked in, nullifying the Master's magic, causing him to fall on his face on the first floor.] *Groans!* What happened...

Griff: You do realize any magic the giants use won't work on anyone with a Giants Mark, do you?

MMD: No...No I did not...

CG: Unless you have a Giants Mark of course...You know Lucy...Hearing how Natsu and Happy met is reminding me of how Claire and I met Griffin and the rest of the Valkyries...

CS: I remember it like it was yesterday...


CCG:[Struggling to carry the life-size remains of his parents] Okay...How much further do you think untill we find this Adrianna Smith lady!?!

Child Clairissa Suede: Beats me...hope it's soon though...

Griff:[Hidden from their view, using a magic cloak] What do you two children want with Adrianna?


Griff:[Coming into their view] My name is Griffin. A guardian of the Moon Village of Selene, the True Moon. Whom might you two be?

CCG&CCS:[Confused] A talking cat!?!

Griff:[Annoyed] I'm not a cat. I'm an Exceed! Big difference. Can cats fly!?! No. Can Exceeds fly!?! Yes.[He shows off his wings.]

CCG&CCS:[Amazed] Wow!

CCG: Well anyway...We were told to find her by Gaedey and Gednus...after-[Realizing they're telling a story.] After they disappeared...Supposedly she was a student of the Grimm family...our family...

Griff: Hmmm...I don't know who either of those are...But if anyone would, it'd be Adrianna...She is the leader of the Valkyries after all...let me carry what ever that is boy! Then you can follow me...[Grabs the statue-like object, then proceeds to escort them to the edge of the Moon Village.] Here we are...wait here for a moment...I'll get Adrianna here...

[As the two young wizards waited.]

CCS: Hey Clay!?! How do you think she looks like?

CCG: Can't tell...they must have the village enchanted...I can't sense anything...

[Loud, thundering footsteps shook the earth.]

CCG&CCS:[Hugging each other] What the heck is that!?!

Griff:[Flying back to the two of them] I'm back...Adrianna's on her way...You can even feel her coming...

Adrianna Smith:[Adrianna's skin is chestnut in color. Just like Claire, she has freckles, dark brown hair, hazel eyes, and is just a tad smaller than the giants in the Sun Village. Wearing a blacksmiths outfit, and gladiator sandals. Bellowing] So...You two are from the Grimm family bloodline!?!

CCG&CCS:[Screaming, still holding each other] AAAAAAAHHH!!! A GIANT WOMAN!!!

[Meanwhile, in Steven Universe's Universe.]

Steven Universe:[Singing] 🎵A GIANT WOMAN!🎵 *Sighs* Okay, you can go now!...I have an Alien Cell to rot in...

[Back in the Fairy Tail Universe.]

CCG:[Begging] P-p-please! Don't eat me and my sister![Grabs Griffin.] Take the cat! They're considered delicacies in some cultures!

Griff:[Ticked off] Hey! She's not a cannibal! And why are you offering me as a sacrifice!?!

AS: Relax...Us giants haven't eaten humans since well before some dragons started to stop...Now...Why are you looking for me?

CCG: Uhhh...Gaedey and Gednus told us you were taught how to use Forge Magic by Abraham Grimm...Is it true!?!

AS: You could say that...After all...He was my dad...

CCG&CCS: Wait!?! So your...

AS: That's right...My full name is Adrianna Dianne Grimm-Smith.

CCS: So...Was Abraham a Giant too!?!

AS: No...He was born human...but thanks to the use of Giant Magic, he and my mother took a trip to the Giant's Sacred Caverns and...Well...Here I am...

CCS: So...Your half giant, half human!?!

AS: That's right...And because I'm a hybrid, in addition to being immortal to time...I can shrink down to human size without the need of magic like the others...[Scales down to an above-average human height.] Speaking of shrinking down...hand me your necklace kid! Don't worry...I'll return it really quick!

CCG: Uhhh...Okay...[Hands over the necklace.]

AS: Okay...[Using Giant Magic, she shrunk the statue of Clay's parents into a small talisman, then fastened it to the necklace.] Here you go![Hands the necklace back to Clay.]

CCG:[Scratching himself frantically] Thanks...*Ughhh!* Don't suppose you could change the interior of this coat, could you!?! If you can, you'd need to use one of this Freesian Lion's claws to pierce through it...[Takes a claw from the necklace, handing it to Adrianna, Then his coat, with a rugged interior.]

AS:[Grabbing the items] Hmmmm...I've never got to work on Freesian Lion's hide before...I'll sow something special into the interior...Should make it soft, but powerful...But first...[Grows back to her giant form, grabbing the others to place on her left shoulder.] Let's get you two into the village...It's getting dark...

[End of flashback.]

Griff: And that's how we met...She was the one who raised them until Clay was 16...She also further taught them Forge Magic...Four years later, Clay found Victoria outside the village, as she was looking for her long lost younger sister, they both realized that they're both Dragon Slayers...So Clay, Vicki, Claire, Mya, Lya and I, have traveled all of Isgar to help Victoria in her search...Along the way...Orion and Incognito joined us, eventually, we formed Sorciers Sans Frontiéres...And years later...Here we are.

LH: Wow! So you were raised by your distant relative who's a Giantess!?! So cool!

CG: Yeah...She gave me just as much "Tough Love" as she did regular love...Just wish I could find and return Habaraki to her...

GF: What's that!?!

CS: A powerful Magic Spear Adria's mom and dad made for her...It was stolen by some thieves a few decades ago...

Captain Havoc: Oy! Boy! Over here![Clay walked over to the Captain, whom was sitting with his crew.] Can I have everyone's attention![The guild hall was silent, everyone facing him.]I'm proud to announce that we are no longer privateers...But a legal guild! Our guild be named after our vessel! Hargeon will be our headquarters!

Exceed Crew:[Cheering]

CH: And for you Clayton Grimm...I give you this![Hands Clay a ship in a bottle, resembling The Flying Exceed.] Whoops! Sorry! Wrong ship...HERE![This time, the ship's hull was ebony black, it's decks were bloodwood crimson. It's sails were as black as night.]

CG: No way!

Laki Olietta: Is that what I think it is!?!

CH: Ay...The Leviathan...

CG&LO: The Grimm Reaper's personal Man-of-War...

LO: I can't believe I get to see such a masterpiece of wood molding magic!

CH: Ay...I have no use for it...Only a Grimm can use it!

LO: Oh My Gosh Clay! You have to show me it sometime!

CG: Sure thing!

LH:[Grabbing a request of the board] Hmmm...This looks like a good mission to do by myself...

ND: More like a great quest to do as a team! Who's with me!?!

Hap:Aye! Count me in!

LH:[Stampering] Wait! I...

ES: Me too...

MGS: Me three!

Gray Fullbuster: Count me out...

ND: Wasn't gonna ask you anyways! Clay! Griffin! You coming!?!

[Before they could answer, Laxus and the Thunder Legion entered the guild.]

Laxus Dreyar: We're back...

Freed Justine: With another successfully completed mission of course...

ND: Laxus! Your back! Fight me!

LD: So..Your alive after all Natsu...I'll fight you...If you can call it a fight...

ND:[Charging at Laxus] Raaaghhh! *Bam!*

[Laxus knocked Natsu near the bar.]

ND:[Failing to get up from the floor] So...You mad that you lost your music thingy?...

Cana Alberona: That's right...I was almost gutted for that Natsu...*Crash!*[Cana gets up and smashes her barstool on the already disoriented Dragon Slayer, knocking him out.] That's for nearly getting me killed...

LD: So...Clay and Griffin, was it? Me and the Thunder Legion are only stopping by for a little bit...We're leaving later for another quest...If you want to see real wizards in action, you can tag along...

CG: Sounds awesome! I'm in!

Griff: I'll accompany you as well...

P.s: This next story will take place before the Phantom Lords Arc, but I'll skip it for now.

>> To be Continued >>
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