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Super talented scientist extraordinaire, Analiese, takes Girl Power to new heights! |
EPISODE 1 – VIAL CREATURES SLEEPING AROUND Lakshmi, Analiese and John all worked in downtown Toronto at BrainQuest Labs. The three were part of a team to alter the DNA of the human genome to help cure diseases. The secret lay in human growth hormones or HGH and the ‘Breakthrough’ Team as they were so called by the company’s execs were on the verge of something big. The three had toiled through the weekend and into this Monday morning, pausing only to sleep and eat. The company had put the threesome up at the luxurious Fairmount Hotel across the street from the lab on Bay Street, allowing the toiling trio the ability to work late without commuting back to their respective residences. John and Analiese were definitely an item, always flirting in the lab, not officially dating, but rumor had it the two were sleeping together. Their teammate Lakshmi was jealous, watching the amorous pair making eyes at each other and holding hands during this long scientific endeavor. Worse yet, Lakshmi was enraged with jealousy seeing John and Analiese head into the same hotel room at the Fairmount over the weekend. SPITEFUL BITCH Lakshmi arrived early at the lab on this Monday morning, arriving at 5AM. It wasn’t just that the cute Indian girl with the beautiful long dark hair and olive-toned complexion wanted to complete the clinical trial on this new cure, the brainy beauty was preparing something ‘special’ for John and Analiese. “Haha, that was amazing in that part of the story you wrote, John” Analiese could be heard giggling as she and John arrived at the lab all bright-eyed and bushytailed. “Hey, Lakshmi, good morning!” John quipped to Lakshmi as he put on his white lab coat, Lakshmi sipping on a cup of coffee. “Hello, Analiese. You two sleep well last night?” Lakshmi asked with a slight disdain in her voice. Analiese smiled at John, rolling her eyes in a playfully dismissive way. “Didn’t sleep much. The pillows weren’t to my liking,” Analiese giggled as she sipped on freshly brewed coffee. “So, we need to have the DNA Registration Sample Numbers ready for the presentation this afternoon. It’s 7:30AM now, so we have to really hurry up” Analiese insisted to Lakshmi and John. As the most senior, and clearly most talented of the team, Analiese was the Project Lead and oversaw all aspects of the research. “Yes, ma’am!” Lakshmi retorted curtly. Analiese stood between John and Lakshmi at the center counsel, among the test tubes, Bunsen burners, flasks and vials containing the ingredients of their research. “Yuck! What the fuck!” Analiese gagged, spitting out coffee all over the table and dropping the cup of coffee in a panic, its hot contents splashing on Lakshmi and John. John was horrified. “Analiese!! Analiese!! What happened?” John asked in a panic as his blue-eyed, blonde haired colleague coughed and struggled for breath. John momentarily caught a glimpse of Lakshmi nervously dabbing her skin and clothes with water. “What did you put in this coffee, Lakshmi!?” John asked in panic. ERECTION John looked at the coffee stains on his hand and at Lakshmi. John began to panic as Analiese started to transform..even growing in height. “Analiese?...” John shouted. “John, help! Something is happening to me!” Analiese cried in distress. John looked at Lakshmi in horror. “What did you do to her?!” Just then, John and Lakshmi also began to grow, the three lab rats now 7 feet tall as their heads began to close in on the basement ceiling. “You guys!! I’m so sorry! I just I got…so….jealous and….I spiked your coffee to make you nauseous…but…” John was pissed off as the three people kept growing and now were pushing through the ceiling of the basement lab, its structural supports giving way as their heads burst through into the first floor, the few people in that early screaming and running for their lives. BrainQuest employees sounded the fire alarm and called 911 as Lakshmi, Analiese and John grew through the modern building’s upper floors, their clothing long since a memory. The lab’s staff screaming and crying as they raced for the exits, the 15-story structure crumbling at the whims of the trio’s growth. DRIVE TIME “Shit! We should’ve just gotten an Uber,” Beth bitched to her boyfriend, Carl as they drove to work together. The pair were stuck in heavy downtown Toronto rush hour traffic as Beth sat behind the wheel at 8AM on this very warm summer morning, the sun shining brightly off the lake. Cars lined the streets, traffic backed up for miles. “Fuck! The office is only a couple of blocks from here, but it might as well be 100 miles away,” Carl bemoaned. “Yeah, patience, dear. I think that Formula 1 race near the Bay is starting today…like time trials or something and there’s that Cosplay Convention at the Metro too. So it’s gonna be a long week of commuting,” Beth sighed. “Hear that?” Beth asked Carl as Beth turned down the radio. “Yeah, what the fuck?!” Carl exclaimed as he looked at Beth as their Audi A4 sat in traffic among thousands of other vehicles downtown. People all around the pair in traffic slowly began to exit their cars, talking amongst themselves. People could be heard saying that reports are that a terrorist attack had struck BrainQuest Labs, the 15-story structure having collapsed. But then…. Beth, Carl and other commuters stuck on the four-lane expanse, looked at each other in horror, when in the distance, a wave of screams could be heard, the hair-raising cacophony of screams seemed to be heading in their direction, along with ominous….BOOOM!.....BOOM!...CRUNCH!...THUD! “What’s going on?!” frightened people asked standing among the multitude of vehicles, car horns blasting. The sound of crashing cars, crunching metal and ever more screams got louder. Car horns seemed to be cut off at each thud. PEOPLE, RUN! “RUUUUUUUN!” Carl screamed as three enormous large human shadows appeared from around the bend. Beth, Carl and thousands of other people began to run in a panic, a simultaneous wave of terror bursting in the atmosphere. Throngs of people ran between cars, sometimes trampling each other, when some five cars flew through the air and landed into office buildings and apartments with a crash that could only be described as spine-chilling. A booming voice could be heard above the screaming people, crashing cars. “Lakshmi, you’re such a bitch!” John exclaimed from roughly 150 feet above thousands of people and cars. “You turned us into giant people, Lakshmi!” Analiese followed suit as she wiped crushed cars off from the bottom of her feet.. Lakshmi smiled evilly. “Analiese, you think you’re the smartest and most talented woman at BrainQuest, but I just showed you!” the cute Indian girl teased as John stared at Analiese’s sexy giant boobs, nipples and of course, her giant pretty face. Analiese blushed back at John, forgetting for a moment that the three of them had stepped on several people already. Lakshmi evilly bragged, “Um…now, careful. That little concoction I brewed…erm….it can make giant people super horny.” Lakshmi then rubbed her ass against John’s 20-foot long cock. John moaned by accident. Analiese was beside herself with rage, not so much about being a giant, millions of people seeing her gorgeous body or that her soles were a stinky bloody mess no pedicure could remedy, but that Lakshmi dared flirt with her naked giant boyfriend. John blushed and gasped as his penis began to harden as Lakshmi just ever so slightly brushed her finger against it. Just then, the towering trio could hear the sounds of hundreds of police cars and ambulances attempting to make their way through backed-up traffic and wave after wave of panicked commuters screaming and crying for help. “Ok, which one of you called the cops?!” Lakshmi pouted cutely as she posed a power pose, her breasts bouncing. OFFICER, CAN YOU HELP A LITTLE GIANT GIRL? Analiese spotted several police cars in the distance and began cutely waving at them. “Yoohoo, little police cars!” Analiese awkwardly summoned as she then slowly cutely tiptoed amongst the screaming throngs, abandoned cars up to a pool of squad cars hopelessly making their way through the mayhem. John and Lakshmi stood two blocks back as they watched the blonde-haired, blue beauty of a giant ask the police for assistance. “Stop right there, miss!” several police megaphones commanded the giant Analiese as she stood 150 feet above some 20 police cars and 50 cops pointing guns up at her. “Um, but…officers…” Analiese awkwardly began addressing the puny people at her pretty pink toes. “If you’re looking for someone to arrest for all this mess…..arrest that giant woman over there!” Analiese exclaimed. “That’s Lakshmi and she turned me and my boyfriend into giant people,” Analiese pleaded, hoping the police would lower their weapons and not arrest her for being a sexy naked giant. GIRL FIGHT John smirked with disdain at Lakshmi. “Girl, I hope you’re ready to spend the rest of your life in jail, because people are pissed at you for turning us into giants” Lakshmi huffed and giggled. “Yeah, right! I’m a fucking giant, you fucking asshole!” Lakshmi snorted at John, who watched in utter shock as the dark-haired beauty reached down into the street and picked up a car with people in it and threw it at Analiese. “Ow! What the fuck!?” Analiese cried as the $100,000 BMW struck the behemoth beauty in the ass cheek and landed on some cop cars, several people on the ground crying in pain, crushed by the car. “You fucking bitch! Lakshmi, fuck you!” Analiese then pulled a 50-foot tree out of the ground in the sidewalk and threw it back at Lakshmi, who simply stood out of the way as the tall tree slammed into the side of a building, crashing into offices where people had been hiding. “What a waste of life! You killed that tree!” Lakshmi joked as Lakshmi watched with delight as people in the office building screamed in terror, as she discreetly reached down to caress John’s penis. “Lakshmi, how can you think about sex when you’ve caused the death of all these people?” Lakshmi smiled and laughed. “Babe, that giant bitch over there threw the tree,” Lakshmi moaned as she sensuously began to slowly amble toward Analiese, the lanky Lakshmi hoping John would drool over her sexy giant figure. Not giving a fuck what…or who…she stepped on, people screamed as Lakshmi’s feet crushed people and cars like a Goddess. Analiese and John were somewhat awed, stunned and a little turned on by her power. “Girls….girls” John fretted, don’t fight. Analiese watched as Lakshmi’s giant form dominated the city, her cute face and body dictating the mood of the people at her feet …which meant a mood of pure terror. INTOXICATED With every footprint, rattle of the ground and scream of people at the carefree and the less-than-careful Lakshmi’s red toenails, Analiese became infatuated and aroused by being a giant. Lakshmi smiled at Analiese as John followed behind Lakshmi to join Analiese above the bevy of police cars and ambulances at their feet. Lakshmi stared at Analiese, seemingly hypnotizing the blonde behemoth beauty. “You two fuckers should join me and destroy this place. It’s gonna be sooo hot…hot…hot,” Lakshmi moaned. John was sooo turned on by the expression of power coming from Lakshmi, but always loyal, positioned himself beside Analiese, stroking his giant girl’s shoulders as Analiese sighed, instinctively purring with power, a moan escaping her lips. “Ooopps! OMIGOD! I can’t believe I just moaned like that,” Analiese confessed as her pretty face turned red. Analiese let her shoulders relax as John caressed them and Lakshimi scanned the city, looking up as some ten police and news helicopters circled the fearsome threesome. “Mmmm, John, I bet the news wants to interview us,” Analiese groaned sensuously to John as Lakshmi stood close by. Analiese, now feeling carefree, sexy and wanting to show off, innocently tilted her back and cutely blew a lite kiss toward the choppers, waving cutely. “Hi, Toronto. We love you!” Analiese greeted. “Ooopsy!” Lakshmi giggled as the three looked up. PUSSY POWER “May Day! May Day!” the pilots of three helicopters screamed into their headsets as they lost control of their aircraft, sending them spinning hopelessly. “Oh fuck! Did I cause that?!” Analiese asked in stunned disbelief, her hand over her mouth. The choppers sputtered and spun, crashing into buildings before crumbling, bumbling and crashing into the ground, killing all the pilots and several more people on the ground. Analiese gasped. “Those poor people! I didn’t mean to kill them…I just wanted to blow them a kiss!” Analiese pouted as John stared at her cute nipples. John’s erection was commentary enough when Lakshmi simply teased, “Aaaaaw..poor people. Analiese, stop acting like you’re one of these puny people and start acting..well, like me! A fucking giant!” Lakshmi stomped cutely on lines of cars and began chasing a crowd of some 20 people attempting to hide in an office building. “Aaaaw, how cute,” Lakshimi teased the people as they panicked and tramped each other to get into the office building lobby. Lakshmi got on her hands and knees and smashed in the lobby windows and began plucking the people out with her fingers. HAND OUTS Analiese and John stood in stunned silence at the sight before them; a giant cute Indian girl holding five people in her fingers as they screamed. Analiese blushed as her vagina moistened with arousal and John’s hardened dick drooled onto the street below. “Oh….ok….um….so…what are you gonna do with those people?” Analiese asked with hesitation, her mind blown at how big she was compared to the puny people in Lakshmi’s fingers. Lakshmi remained silent as her long dark hair flowed in wind, puny people screaming in her sexy long digits. Without a word or movement of her face, Lakshmi slowly brought the people to her lips and bit down. Analiese and John were smitten with power as they marveled at the power Lakshmi reeled as she ate the people. Analiese purred under her breath. John moaned as he touched himself, Analiese noticing. Analiese bit her lip and reached for John’s dick, whispering in John’s ears, “I know what you want…mmmm….so watch.” TRAIN STATION TERROR Thousands of people had crammed their way into the Metro Train Station, its massive and cavernous main terminal packed to the gills with commuters hoping to catch a train out of the city. It was a scene out of a disaster movie as station personnel attempted to bring order to an anxious populous, virtually everyone on their phones following the events unfolding only a few blocks away. “Holy shit! Did you just see that girl eat those people?” commuters could be asking each other in disbelief. Over the loud speaker, train schedules and departure times were announced, peppered with assurances that the city was adding trains to the schedule to get people out as quickly as possible. “Will you honor my ticket for the Red Line so I can get a train on another route I’m worried those giants will eat everyone in here?” a man could be heard pleading as the collective rumble, chaos and confusion manifested itself in the wall-to-wall of humanity that was the central Toronto train station. GIANT BITCH ALERT BOOM….THUD….BOOM…the some 2,000 people crammed into the station went eerily silent for about five seconds…BOOM…THUD…BOOM. A massive shadow overtook the large stain glass windows overlooking the interior. “It’s a giant woman!!!” people began to scream as Analiese slowly knelt down in front of the main entrance to the station. “Run! She’s already eaten people!” others yelled as Analiese lowered her pretty face at street level, her knees having crushed some taxis and Uber cars trying to drop off people at the station. “Hi, people. Going somewhere?’ Analiese playfully asked as she moaned and licked her lips. Peering into the station with her gorgeous blue eyes, her 60-foot long blond strands draping the street and stopping any hope of escape for thousands of commuters in the station. People screamed at the sight of the giant woman. “Mmmmm, all the people in there look so cute” Analiese then slowly began to place her fingers, then her hand into the entrance of the station, people flipping out as giant pink fingernails started plucking people from where they stood, lifting them in the air, teasing other people as she demonstrated her power, the giant merely moaning and breathing heavily under breath. Feeling sexy as fuck, Analiese, punched her right foot into a large truck abandoned behind her cute ass, sending it flying into a Chipotle. Analiese laughed. “Haha, see people, I took out a Chipotle, no more people getting sick,” she joked to the people in the station as she again squinted to see what was going on in the train station. Analiese flicked the people she held in her fingers, sending them flying into an open-air restaurant in the station. She then began walking her fingers amongst the trapped crowd amassed in front of ticket booths. BOOM! BOOM! THUD! ‘Girl, what the fuck are you doing?” a booming man’s voice emanated seemingly from the sky. Analiese, somewhat startled, looked up at the giant John who has a raging hardon standing next to a smiling Lakshmi. Analiese slowly removed her arm, hand and fingers from the station, holding fiver screaming people. “Lunch anyone?” (To be continued) |