Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2166430-The-Drakes-of-Heaven-and-Earth-4E
Rated: ASR · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #2166430
Fairy Tail OC story. Earth Dragon Slayer(Male). Final half of Galuna Island Arc.
After some rest, Erza and Clay went to go to Natsu, while Magma and Griffin stayed at the Village's Storage Area.

Clayton Grimm:[Whispering] Ok, he's sleeping up ahead, under that large tree...

Erza Scarlet:[Whispering] OH! I'll wake him up alright...[Erza requips a mace.]

CG:[Whispering] Wait! I have an idea...Before you reveal yourself to him, I'll pose as an archeologist wishing to explore the Moon Temple, I'll offer him some coffee, but you'll "serve it" to him, then I'll reveal my true self. He'll get one hell of a rude awakening...What do you think?

ES:[Whispering] It's feasible, but you should look the part![Erza use her requip magic to put the mace away, then to summon a khaki aventurer's pith helmet, handing it to Clay]

CG:[Whispering] Nice...Hold up![Clay folds his hood in a way to look like a collar for his coat, he then proceeds to tighten all, but the top buckle straps as tight as he could, then used his ColorS to turn his coat the same khaki color, after all that, he finally dawns the pith helmet.] How do I look?

ES:[Whispering] Like an archeologist...but how are you going to make him a hot drink?

CG[Whispering] Easy! I can use my Abiotic Eye to make the pot and mugs, my Biotic Eye to make the coffee (Very similar to his Abiotic Eye, except he can alter plant life into the plants he so desires, as well as aid him in combat. It also can work similar to Doll Magic, but instead of just controlling animals and spirits, to call them to his aid, he can also communicate with them, as well as use their senses as his own. Only allows him to telepathically communicate with Exceeds. Doesn't work on most anthropomorphic beings.)[Points to his right eye.], some lava to start a fire, and geothermal heat to roast the coffee and to heat it quickly! He'll wake up, I'll offer him some, leave to "grab a spare mug" while you sneak up behind him and dump the coffee all over him, he'll get pissed, only to see you being the one to dump it! In the meantime, stay out of sight. Got it?

ES:[Muffled chuckle, Whispering] Very well.[Erza takes her position.]

[Clay got to work exceedingly fast to get the raw elements of the Earth, into a cast iron pot, some ceramic mugs, roasted grounded coffee, a cellulose-paper filter, almond milk for creamer, sugar from some fruits he actually made for breakfast, dried leaves, twigs and wood chips for the fires fuel, with a ring of stones to prevent it from spreading, a fingertip of lava to start the fire, and water he got from a hand pump well he made. After he got all that he needed, he started to brew both his pick-me up, and Natsu's wake up call.]

Natsu Dragneel:[Sniffs the air for the brewing coffee.] Mmmm...What smells so good? Huh?[Gets up quickly, thinking an enemy is nearby. Sees Clay.] Hey! Who the heck are you?

CG:[Acting] Ah! So your finally awake! The name's Clarence Garvey! I'm an archeologist.

ND:[Struggling] Archi...aloe...what?

CG: *Chuckles* Just means I study history through exploring ancient sites and old ruins. I actually just recently came to this island to study the old temple. But it looks like whoever's occupying it now isn't taking visitors. The local villagers told me that some guild wizard was trying to liberate it, so I sought you out and well...Here I am!

ND:[Suspicious of him.] Hmmm...If you've really met the villagers, then who's their Chief?

CG: A man, despite his monstrous appearance, called Moka. He said that they hired a group of wizards to lift the villagers' cursed forms by, and I know it sounds crazy, destroying the Moon! He doesn't seem to be all up there...

ND: Yeah, that's him alright...Wait? Was Gray, Happy and Lucy there with them? Where are they anyway? The village was destroyed!

CG: Ahhh...So that explains the giant crater I fell into...Well as for where the villagers are holding up, they say it's a Supply Area, not to far from the crate--I mean! Where the village was. And if that's the people that still look human, and have similar marks like the one on your shoulder, then I'm happy to tell you that they're alive and well after I healed them up! You see, On top of being an archeologist, I'm also an earth mage as well! I even dabble in some earth-based healing spells! I'll have to stay though, I never thought I'd see a cat that not only talks, but can fly!

ND: Man...You sure do talk a lot...But I'm glad they're all safe! So what are you doing here?

CG: Why I've come to help you of course! I may not use my earth magic all the time for fighting, but you'd be surprised as to what a couple of large rocks to the head will do! Anyways, would you like some coffee? I just washed some extra mugs and hung them out to dry.

ND: Hmmm...I'm don't usually drink coffee...but it smells SO GOOD! Sure!

CG: Great! While I get you a clean mug, I hung some burlap sacks full of fruits on the branches of a small tree not too far behind you, just to keep it away from the wildlife. Please! Help yourself!

ND: Awesome! Say...Do you mind if I eat that fire of yours?

CG: Eat my fire? Is that even possible? The only person I've heard that can eat fire is...Wait?
Are you the famous wizard, know as The Salamander?

ND:[Glad to be recognized] *Humph* Guilty as charged! My name's Natsu Dragneel, Fire Dragon Slayer, from Fairy Tail!

CG:[Buttering him up] I never thought I'd have the honor of meeting The Salamander![Bows to Natsu.] I'm honored to fight along you side Dragon Slayer! Please, go ahead and eat my fire! The pot should keep it hot enough for awhile.

ND: SWEET![Natsu eats the fire right from where he stood.] *Ahhh*Alright! I'm all fired up!!! Guess I'll go eat some of that fruit while you get me some coffee...Say...Is there something wrong with your eyes? They look really weird...

CG:[Internally infuriated, externally jolly.] *Laughs* I was born with heterochromia, meaning I was born with different eye colors...Got one color each from my late parents...

ND: Well...They sure look strange...Anyways, I'm gonna dig in to some fruit! See you soon!

[As Clay waves goodbye as Natsu leaves, Erza comes from her hiding spot, about to fill a mug with coffee, only for Clay to slap it out of her hand, he then created a bucket, then dumped over half of the large coffee pot's scalding-hot brew.]

CG:[Serious] Use this...[Hands the bucket to Erza.]

[As Natsu gorged on a fifth of the fruits, Erza crept behind him a few meters away, bucket in hand, with Clay close behind.]

CG:[Still in an act.] Hey! Natsu! I'm back!

ND:[With his back to the others.] *Ahhh* Just in time, too! I think I had my fill of fruits,[Turning around, with his eyes closed.] But, I sure could go for some coffee! *SPLASH!*

ES&CG: Here's your coffee...

WHAT THEY HELL'S THE BIG ID...ea...[He says after forcing his eyes open, to see Erza was the one who thew the hot coffee at him.] AAAAAH!!! ERZA!!! What are YOU doing here!?!

ES: What does it look like I'm doing here? Saving you idiots!

ND: Hey! Clarence! You didn't tell me Erza was here! What the heck!

CG:[Speaking normally] MY NAME'S Clayton Grimm.[Changes coat back to chestnut brown, then returns the pith helmet.] That whole "archeologist" stuff, was a facade...And the next time you say any crap about my eyes, I'll have Griffin and Magma play catch with you...

ND: Who and who?

CG: They're with the others, genius...

ES: Right now, we need to stop these wizards from completing their ritual...and when we get back to Magnolia...All of you will face your just punishment from Master Makarov!

ND: So your not gonna kill us...yet...but you are gonna help us...Alright! But who is this guy Erza?

ES: He along with Griffin are Fairy Tail's newest members. As for Magma, she will become our newest member when we return to Magnolia.

ND: So...You brought rookies to help bring us back? Didn't know you were so desperate Erza...

CG: Hey! I'm NOT a ROOKIE! Me and Griff beat Gildarts Clive, back when we were with our old guild!

ND:[Laughs hysterically] Yeah, right...No one can defeat Gildarts!

ES: It's true Natsu...By the way...How did you do that, anyway?

CG: Well...Griffin and I came up with a plan...I'd use my Earth Dragon: Osmium Cranium[Turns his skull and forehead heavier than Osmium.] to make my head-butt monumentally stronger, while Griffin grabbed me like a bat and smashed my head against his...I had a concussion for four weeks after that...

ES: So...Griffin really defeated Gildarts...

CG: Hey! I took the hit! He didn't even join the fight until the last minute!

ND: Really? This "Griffin" guy sounds crazy strong! Maybe I could fight him when this is all over...

CG&ES: It be more of a massacre than a fight!

ND: Wait? Did you say, EARTH Dragon Slayer?

CG: Yep! I'm a Dragon Slayer, just like you!

ND: Do you know anything about Igneel? Where he's been? Or any of the other dragons?

CG: All I know about Igneel is that he's the Fire Dragon King, as well as one of my dragons' brothers...[Lying] I don't know anything about where any of the dragons are...Sorry...

ND: Damn It! Wait? One of your dragons? Wait? Brothers? Can someone please explain?

ES: From what Clay's told us...He was raised by a Dragon Couple. His foster mother being Gaedey, The Earth Dragon-Goddess Queen of the Overworld, and his foster father Gednus, The Earth Dragon-Demon King of the Underworld, who apparently, is a brother of Igneel.

CG:[Greatful] Thanks for explaining it...

ND: So...We're kinda like cousins then...

CG: Yeah! That's what I thought...So...Do you have a plan of action for taking these wizards down?

ND: Well...When the Moon's out at night, it's light went straight down the temple in some weird spell thingy. So I figured if we could destroy one side of the ruins lower supports, the whole temple will be out of line.

ES: That's actually smart! Natsu!?! Are you feeling alright? Your usually not like this...

ND: Hey! I can be smart too!

CG: Our dragons didn't raise no fools! Now let's eat some fruit and coffee real quick before we head out! It's not wise to fight on an empty stomach!

ES: You make a good point. Besides, fruit will not encumber us like other forms of sustenance. As for the coffe, it will give our waking minds and bodies a pick me up! Let's finish quickly and be on our way!

ND: Can I have some coffee?

ES: Do you want me to serve it to you like last time?

ND: Nevermind...I'll stick with water...

[As the three wizards enter the lowest levels of the temple, they finalize their plan.]

ES: Alright! Let's go! Natsu! Take the columns on the right! Clay! Take the one's on the left! I'll take the ones in the center...

CG: Hold up! There are people in the higher floors of the temple.

ND: So? We'll just kick their butts after the temple is tilted!

CG: I have a better plan...

[As Clay explains he can project a voice through the entire temple, warning them to leave, The Cold Emperor, Lyon Vastia, was scolding his follower Toby Horhorta, while his mysterious advisor, Zalty, A.K.A: Ultear Milkovich, came to inform Lyon that they need to finish the ritual by tonight.]

Lyon Vastia: How pathetic, your the only on left standing, Toby.

Toby Horhorta: *Groans*

LV: Those Fairy Tail wizards...They're quite impressive.

TB: Hey, can we keep that whole "Shocking myself" thing, a secret!

Zalty: This unfortunate turn of events could put the resurrection of Deliora in jeopardy...

LV: Zalty...Your as stealthy as ever...

Zalty: If all goes as planned, the demon should awaken at some point tonight, but we have to keep an eye on those wizards...If they were to interrupt the Moon Drip Ceremony, then Deliora would forever remain entombed in ice, Salamander, Titania, and Nidhogg, are quite powerful, they could easily foil our plans...


LV: What the hell?

Zalty: What sorcery is this?

TH: AAAAAH!!! The voices are back!


LV: Who is this were speaking to? What are you? Why reveal yourself now?


LV: Very well...I am the Cold Emperor, Lyon Vastia! We've brought the frozen demon of destruction, Deliora, to this temple of yours to free him from his prison of eternal ice, using the dispelling power of the Moon Drip. Once I free him, I will destroy him, to prove to all that I am a better wizard than my late master, Ur.


LV: No. I do not...


Zalty: Impossible! Everyone knows Nidhogg is an Earth Dragon Slayer...


LV: *Humphf* I don't need anyone's help...I'll defeat Deliora with my own magic!


TH: How does a building kick out people inside of it? Do you sneeze us out?

Diana: NO.THIS IS HOW I WILL FORCE YOU TO LEAVE![Clay uses his Abiotic Eye to summon a continuous ambush of earth golems(Not to be confused with Human Golems, which are technically human, and technically not. Golems are just bodies of elements with sentience, but few human-like characteristics.) to attack the three wizards, being relatively easy for them to beat, but only meant to exhaust them.]

[Meanwhile, back with the three wizards.]

CG: Alright...I've freaked out a lot of the wizards...Let's smash these support pillars...*Groans*[Clay was holding his left eye in discomfort.]

ND: Hey! Cuz! You feeling good?

ES: If you need time to heal up, Natsu and I'll take your pillars as well...

CG: No, no, no...Just need to replenish myself...making that voice go through the entire temple took a bit more out of me than I thought...Hang on...Earth Dragon: Tectonic Turret(A ranged variant of Tectonic Fists. Travels as hard and fast as he punches. Will keep going at an accelerated speed until it breaks apart, or goes too high in altitude from where it was casted. Can be casted in rapid succession.)[As the volleys of Dragon Slayer Earth crumbled the pillars on the left, Clay inhaled all the debris from his work, to replenish his magic.] Mmm...This old rock is chalked full of magic! Alright! Time to hit the grit!!!

ND: Hey! Nice catchphrase...Alright! My turn! Fire Dragon's Claw![Natsu used the spell to kick apart, and rapidly between the pillars.]

ES: Good job, boys! Now it's my turn...Requip![Erza requipped her Heaven's Wheel Armor.] Circle Blade![Erza sends her circle of swords towards the last of the pillars, destroying them into rubble. After that was done, the whole temple shook until it collapsed on the no longer supported side.]

CG: Well...Looks like that takes care of that...Shall we meet with the head honchos?

ND: Heck, Yeah!

ES: Yes. Let's go!

Gray Fullbuster: Not so fast![Gray appears from another temple entrance.] I'm coming with...[Sees Erza, thinking she's with Lucy and Happy.] Erza! What the hell! I thought thought you were with Lucy and Happy!

ES:[Being caught up by Magma, she came up with a lie.] I was. Then Griffin came to help out after making sure the villagers were safe. He then took me to join up with Clayton,[gestures to Clayton.] and Natsu. Afterwards, he said he'd return to aid Lucy and Happy.

GF: He must be one fast flying cat...Wait? You let a cat fight along side another cat and Lucy? Are you insane? Lucy might as well be alone to defend herself!

ND: Wait? Griffin's a cat, just like Happy? And here I thought I could fight him in order to be able to beat Gildarts one day...

ES&CG: Don't underestimate Griffin.

CG: As a matter of fact, don't piss off Griffin! So...are you going to join us, or what?

GF: Fine. But Lyon's mine. Just make sure you keep the others off me!

ND: No way man! We were here first we get dibs on who to fight!

CG: Damn straight!

GF: Don't you idiots realize this is my fight?

ES: He's right! This is a personal matter for him. The Cold Emperor, Lyon Vastia, was actually a fellow student of the wizard Ur, Gray being the second student...

CG: Wait? Ur? Griffin told me about her! He said he traveled with her the first three years after arriving from his homeland about eighteen years ago. What about Ur?

GF: So...The cat knew Ur...Back in the year X774, the very same demon who Lyon's trying to free was headed to Brago to destroy the town. I tried to stop him...because...

ES: That's the same demon that destroyed your home town...

GF: Right. I was way in over my head. Even Ur and Lyon could barely hurt it...But as Lyon tried to perform Iced Shell to defeat Deliora. Ur stopped him, and casted the spell herself, freezing Deliora in an eternal prison of unmelting ice...

CG: But it's an Eternal Spell...Just like my dad used on some more Demons from the Books of Zeref...he must have fled with the rest of the demons who high-tailed it out of Freesia years before...but if that's the case...

GF&CG: Then Ur's still alive.

CG:[Holds the talisman on his necklace.] Just like mine still are...[Yes. His talisman is all that's left of his parents.]

GF: So...You know why I've gotta telling him what happened to Ur, don't you?

CG:[Nods in comprehension] Then let's get going...Earth Dragon: Terraform: Rising Plateau![Clay lifted the ground below them, using it like an elevator to bring them all to the throne room, Clay parted the roofs above them to clear their ascension.]

[After arriving at the throne room.]

CG: Hey, hey, hey!

LV: So...You must be Nidhogg...and I assume the pink-haired fool is The Salamander...As for her, she must be Titania, Queen of the Fairies...

GF: Don't forget about me, Lyon.

LV: *Humphf* So it's three powerful wizards...and my old peer...Am I supposed to be afraid?

ES: If you keep harming our friends and the locals,[Erza Stare] then I'll give you something to fear...

ND: What are we just standing around here for? We got butts to kick!

GF: Stay out of this guys...He needs to know what happened to Ur...Then we'll see what this leads to...Lyon, Ur's may not be here as you wanted, but she's still alive! She's the very ice used to keep Deliora entombed. If you melt it---

CG:[Interrupting] He already knows...

GF: What? What are you going on about? How do you know, what he knows about Ur?

CG: His heartbeat was completely constant. If he wouldn't have known, it would have fluctuated from such a revelation...

LV: I'm impressed. I've heard rumors about your ability to detect the heartbeats of other...and to think, they were true...

Zalty: Cold Emperor...I bet that The Nidhogg also used a form of magic to project that voice we've heard of before, calling itself "Diana" am I wrong Nidhogg?

CG: *Pfff!* You caught me red handed! I "was" Diana. However,[Takes off his coat and jacket.] I wasn't lying about being a Valkyrie![Turns around to show him his mark of the Valkyries.] Your improper performance of what you call "The Moon Drip Ceremony" is actually what the Valkyries call-ERZA!!! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!!![As Clay was telling Lyon how they butchered the ritual, Erza began rubbing his deltoids like she did back at Fairy Tail.]

ES: I'm sorry. Your deltoids are just too exquisite to resist rubbing!


ES: Asides from the fact that Aquarius was already doing that, both Griffin and Magma were present then. Magma's far too young for her to be picking up suc a bad habit like this...

Zalty:[Ultear getting aroused] Hmmm...He does have an irresistible physique...

CG: AAAAAH!!![Rushes to put clothes back on.] LOOK MAN, IN DON'T SWING THAT WAY!...Huh!?![Looking closer with his 6th sense, he realized that "he" was a she.]

ND: Geez Erza! What kinda relationship do you and the new guy have anyway?

GF: I'll say...Never thought I'd see you acting so perverted!

ES:[Blushing] I'm not perverted! I was just...

LV:[Interrupting] Rubbing his shoulders like you're a masseuse...And what was that all about Zalty?

Zalty:[Blushing under mask] I have no Idea what you're talking about my lord.

[Snapping out of it] So! Are you actually serious about killing Deliora, mister Cold Emperor?

LV: Of course I am!

CG: Then why would you refuse to ask for a Devil Slayer's weapon? Only Eternal Magic and Devil Slayer Magic is guaranteed to stop demons...You should know this!

LV: *Humphf* I don't expect you to know just how powerful I am, but my magic is powerful enough to kill Deliora...

GF: And what if it's not?

CG: Yeah, what if your magic isn't enough?

LV: If you must know, I do know an Eternal Spell...

GF: Lyon! Your crazy if you're thinking of using...

LV&GF: Iced Shell!

CG: So...You're willing to sacrifice your own life to kill Deliora? Why? What has Deliora taken from your life?

LV: My ultimate goal...To defeat Ur!

ND: Wait? So your doing all of this because this demon is why you can't fight Ur? That's pretty dumb...

ES: At least Gray and Clay have lost and suffered greatly from this demon...

Zalty: None of your opinions matter. All that matters is the will of The Cold Emperor...

CG: Yeah, so tell me...Are you here to help defeat Deliora?

Zalty:[Lying] But of course! The Demon of Destruction has destroyed far too much, from far too many...I seek it's demise just as the rest do...

TH: Yeah! Lyon will kill that stupid demon, then all of our losses won't be in vain!

CG: You do realize that I can forge a weapon capable of killing demons, it wouldn't even take a minute to forge it!

LV: We don't need a blacksmith to waste our valuable time making a sword!

CG: I'm not talking about smithing one...Earth Devil King Forge: Exorcist's Gladius![Clay forged a Devil Slayer Gladius from Earth Devil Silver, Wood Devil Bloodwood, and Earth Dragon-God Obsidian(Fusion of Earth Dragon and Earth God magic.). Making the entire blade of Exorcist Silver, the grip of Exorcist Bloodwood, and the obviabis and guard of Earth Dragon-God Obsidian. He then made a scabbard of thickly-woven Black Earth God Cotton. All within five seconds.]

LV: Incredible! That's not any form of Molding Magic...

GF: That's Forge Magic...

ND: Forge Magic? What's that?

Zalty: A Master-Level variant of Mold Magic...Instead of making temporary constructs of a particular substance, Forge Magic constructs are capable of being permanent, and astronomically more powerful than their Mold Magic counterparts...It's suppose to take a monolithic amount of magic to perform even the simplest of constructs, not to mention unparalleled concentration...

GF: But it's only been possible for wizards who were born from the bloodline of it's creator...

CG: Abraham Grimm...My ancestor...

LV: What? That's impossible! There hasn't been a Grimm in years...

CG: No. I AM a Grimm. Like my father before me, and his father, and his father, and so on until Abraham Grimm. The Father of Creation Magic itself...This blade I just forged is not only capable of killing demons, but can be imbued with any form of magic, but only once, then it can channel that magic for the rest of time...If I imbue it with the Moon Vapor, it should be able to dispel any magic, with a single swipe. If you really want to kill Deliora, take this, expose it to the Moon Vapor, then kill Deliora...

LV: No...


LV: Like I said before...I will kill Deliora with my magic alone...Toby! Strike him down and take that blade!

TH: You got it, Lyon! Heeeyaaagh!!![Toby pounced on Clay, scratching his Freesian Lion Coat only, after Toby kicked off Clay from his scratching fury, he looks at his nails to see them a normal length, and as dull as possible.]
Huh? What happened to my nails? They're all short and stubby!

[As Toby was preoccupied with his nails, Clayton secured the new blade onto his hip with some Earth Dragon Vines, securing it's scabbard to his side.]

CG: Okay! My turn! Earth Dragon: Seismal Shoes![ Clay charges at Toby with a flying kick with his new boots, sending the poor fool flying out the temple.]

LV: What the...

Zalty: How did his nails not even lay a scratch on him?

CG: It's because my father made this coat from a rare, rabid Freesian Lion's pelt!

ES: A cursed beast! But a Freesian lion's curse is being impervious to all magical and physical damage! How could you even kill one?

CG: My dad said he forced his arm down it's throat, then ripped out It's heart! He then ripped it's fangs and claws out to skin and stitch it together...So as long as I wear this coat of mines...I'm invulnerable!

LV: Will see about that!

Zalty: I'll leave you to deal with these weaklings, but I'll return to aid you...

LV: Very well.

[Zalty leaves to repair the temple.]

CG: Gray! Put this on![Throws his coat to Gray.]

GF: Thanks, but I don't need any help either...

CG: WIZARD![Instead of the N-word.] Your already injured! Plus, I just want you to put something on...

GF: *Sigh* Fine. Whatever...[Gray puts on the coat.] Man this thing is warm...

LV: I'll end this quickly! Ice Make: Eagle Migration![Similar to the actual spell, but with more eagles attacking multiple targets.]

GF: Ice Make: Shield![It works successfully.]

ES: Requip![She dawn's her Adamantine Armor, easily blocking the oncoming eagles.]

ND: Fire Dragon: Iron Fists![Natsu easily evades and destroys the oncoming swarm.]

CG: Earth Dragon Make: Cambrian Cataphract![Full-body armor, made of Earth Slayer Granite. Barely gets eroded by the eagles.]

GF: Is that all you've got, Lyon!?!

LV: Far from it! Ice Make: Stampede![Just sends multiple ice familiars out, each different creatures.]

[A Snow Tiger went for Gray. A Puffer Fish rushed Erza. A Snow Dragon charged Natsu. And an Ape headed for Clay. As the others easily took out their hostiles, Clay merely side stepped the Ape, removed the granite helmet he had, and call for everyone to stop.]

CG:[Gesturing for a time-out.] WOAH! Hold on! Hold up! Time!...Yo man! What the hell!?!

LV: What?

CG: Don't you "WHAT" me! You know exactly what I called time for!

LV: I don't.

CG: Well let me spell it out for you, Jack Frost! Out of all these animals you sent to attack us, you just had to send ME the Ape?

GF: What the hell's the prob...lem...Ohhhh...

ES: Well Gray! It looks like your former peer is a bigot...

GF: Guess so...

ND: What the hell is going on?

LV: I'd like to know as well...

CG: So, you see nothing wrong with sending the ape to me!

LV: What? No!!! I see nothing wrong with that! Why?

CG: So do you just send apes at all the black people you see? Or just the ones your fighting?

[Zalty fixes the temple, despite no one in the room noticing.]

LV: Are YOU implying that I'm racially targeting you!?!

CG: I'm not implying anything! Your actions are!


CG: Then why send the Ape at the ONLY black person, in the ENTIRE room!?!

LV: I'm NOT RACIST towards BLACK PEOPLE! Many of my loyalist subjects are black!

CG: OOOH!!! So we're your SUBJECTS! That explains EVERYTHING!!!

LV: No! Wait! That came out wrong!

ND: Hey, Pal! I don't appreciate you being such a jerk to my cousin!

LV: He's the one putting words in my mouth!

GF: Damn, Lyon! If Ur was in a grave, she'd be turning over right now...

LV: Shut up Gray!

ND: Now that I think about it...The only wizards you sent after us were just as white as all four of us!

CG: What's wrong COLD EMPEROR!?! You couldn't find one black wizard in ALL of the world, who'd want to help you in you quest to destroy Deliora?
LV: Uhhhm...

CG: Well, of course not! You wanna know why?

LV: Uhhhhh...Why?

CG: Because you'd send ice apes at them!

LV: ENOUGH! Besides, if I'd attack the others with it, THAT could be considered racist, because of what it's made from!

CG: That's Snow Ape! Not Ice Ape! Besides, with that leap in logic, I should be twice as offended, because my mom was white!

LV: So...You're not even TRULY black!

GF,ES&ND: Oooooooooo...

CG: I'm a mulatto, idiot! My dad was black, and my mom was white!

LV: So! I can't attack you with My Ice Apes because of your race!?!

CG: No! Next time you send some stupid Ice Apes, make sure you attack EVERYONE with them!

LV:.ENOUGH OF THIS!!! I'LL SEND AS MANY ICE APES AS I WANT, TO WHOEVER I WANT! ICE MAKE: AP---*SMASH!*[Gray smashed Lyon into the ground with his Ice Hammer.]

GF: That takes care of that...

LV:[Laughs] Don't be so sure, Gray![Lyon shatters apart, revealing it to be an Ice Clone.]

GF: What the...

[Lyon appeared behind Gray, ready to cast a spell.]

LV: This is the end for you! Ice Make: Panther![As Lyon tried to impale Gray with his Ice Panther, it failed due to the Freesian Lion Coat.]
What the...*Bam, Bam!*

[Gray and Erza struck the foolish emperor back to the temple wall.]

ES: It seems he's forgotten about the coat...

LV: *Humph* Oh, I didn't forget about the coat![It was another clone.]
[Grabbing the back of Clay's head.] Ice Make: Panther![This time, it was successful, Clay's headless body collapsed to the ground, shattering the Ice Panther.]

GF: NO!!

ND: CUZ!!!


LV: *Humph* Damn fool...You should have kept your coat!

CG:[Right behind him.] And you should catch up...

LV: What!!! Impossible! *THWACK!* Aagh![Clay did a Splitting Earth Dragon: Secret Art: Armored Seismal Shots, smashing the third Ice Clone of Lyon, and sending a Earth Dragon boot, enhanced by Clay's Earth Dragon: Cambrian Cataphract, straight towards the real Lyon, heading for the exit.]

ES: Clay!

ND: Your alive!

GF: But how!?!

CG: *Humph* I'll explain...When Captain Cold over there used his first Ice Clone, I could tell from the get-go...What he didn't expect me to do is to Make an Earth Golem Clone of myself, the moment I stopped the fighting! Then as he was sending his Ice Clones, I could tell where he really was thanks to my 6th sense! Uhhh...I'll explain it on the way back home!

LV:[In pain]So...That whole argument...*Groans*...It was just a ruse?

CG: Yep! You fell for the old Race-Bait & Switch!

Zalty:[Returning] You should have known better, Vastia! Nidhogg is known as "The Wizard who can See and Hear All," you can run from him...

CG:[Finishing] But you can't hide from me! So...Would I be wrong to say you fixed the temple?

Zalty: Correct! I bet you don't know what magic I used to fix it?

Griffin:[Appearing from Zalty's Hair] I bet he does...

CG&ES:[Glad] Griffin!

ND,GF&LV: Griffin!?!

Zalty: Griffin...How long have you been in my hair?

Griff: Long enough to catch a ride back here...Everyone! The Moon Vapor has almost freed Deliora! We need---

GF:[Interrupting] To stop the ceremony...

Griff: No...To kill Deliora...

GF: What!?! But if you free Deliora, you'll kill Ur!

Griff: Incorrect...It will free her...

Everyone else: WHAT!?!

Griff: Iced Shell turns it's caster into the very ice it bounds it's target with...But it also binds their consciousness...If we free her, she will be one with the oceans of the world...That's the closest we can come to freeing her! As for the demon...It must die!

Zalty: *Humphf* I can't allow you to kill Deliora!

CG: Of course you can't...

CG&Griff: Leader of the Seven Kin of Purgatory!

Zalty:[Shocked] HUH!

Griff: You smell the same from before...

CG:[Continuing] When me, Griff and the rest of S.S.F. infiltrated the Balam Alliance Meeting years ago...

Zalty: My, my...I completely forgot you two are from Sorciers Sans Frontiéres...Your guild has always been a thorn in our side...

[Griffin flies to Lyon.]

Griff: Were you oblivious to her intent?

Everyone but Clay: HER!?!

Zalty:[Evil chuckle] It no longer matter...Once Deliora has finished warming up on this island, me and my guild will retrieve it with our airship...This is the end...[Zalty leaves, out of Clay's POV.]

ND: Huh!?! Hey cuz! Your sword is gone![Natsu points out the empty scabbard.]

ES: You mean this sword?[Pulls out the silver blade.]

GF: What!?! So what did he steal?

CG: A decoy...

There's no time to waste! We must get to where there holding Deliora!

LV: Take me with you...

Griff: Fine.[Griffin carries Lyon.] Let's go!

[The seven of them make it to the demons holding area. Seeing the Ice is nearly all gone.]

Griff: Clay! Imbue the sword with the Moon's Magic!

CG: Got it!

LV: I'll come with you!

GF: Same here!

CG: Okay...Earth Dragon: Terraform: Rising Plateau![Clay, Gray and Lyon rise to where Toby was performing the ritual.]

TH: Hey! Lyon! What are you doing with the jerk who broke my nose?

[Magma flies in with Black Wing Armor, impersonating Erza.]

Magma Scarlet: We're here to help Kill Deliora!

GF: Erza!?! What the hell are you doing here?

MS: Making sure that "Zalty" person doesn't steal the sword!

LV: Good call...Toby! They're here to help us...We are here to imbue the Moon's Magic with this blade! Then we'll finally kill Deliora!

CG: Just keep doing the ritual...try not to get distracted when I'm imbuing the sword...it can be pretty flashy!

TH: Thanks for the heads up![He continues the Moon's Veil ritual.]

CG: Alright! Here goes![Clay let's the purple light of the Moon Vapor cover the entire blade, causing it's Obsidian parts to start lighten into a more purple color. Clay then thrusts the blades tip towards the Moon, having his Valkyrie Mark glow the same purple hue as the Moon Vapor. The light then enveloped him in a circle around him, the light growing more intense, brighter and brighter, until the light outshined the Moon. When it was all done. The Bloodwood turned magenta in color, the Obsidian glowed the same color as the Moon's Magic, even the reflections in the blade had a slight violet tint to it now.]

[Deliora roared below. Free from the Iced Shell.]

It's done...I call this blade "Moonbreaker" Now we can--What!?!

[Clay used his 6th sense and Abiotic Eye to see that Deliora was already dead. Just a husk of a demon. Lyon and Gray struggled to take the blade from Clay's iron grip.]

LV: What the hell are you doing!?! Give me the sword so I can kill it!

GF: No way!!! If anyone's going to kill it, it should be me!!!

MS: Both of you!!! STOP!!! Do you hear that?

[Dead silence was all they could here.]

GF:...Is it...

LV:[Realizing] Dead...

CG: Ur killed it...All that's left was a husk...Let's head back to the others...[Clay lowers the plateau back to the others with everyone, including Toby and Magma.]

ND: Hey! What's the heck just happened!?!

GF: Clay finished the sword...

ES:[Being informed by Magma.] But it was all for nothing...Deliora was already dead...

GF&LV: Yeah...Huh!?!

GF: Erza! How'd you get there so fast!?!

ND: What the hell are you yapping on about!?! Erza was with us the entire time!

GF: No she wasn't! She came with us up to finish the sword!

LV:[Point towards Magma] See! She's right...[Looks back at Erza.]...here...Hey! I don't know if I have a concussion or not, but it looks like there's...

ND&GF:[Seeing what Lyon was pointing out.]

[The two rivals held each other, both cowering in fear.]

GF: N-n-n-n-n-natsu!

ND: Yeah, Gray!?!

GF: I know we never really got along, but...You we're the best friend I've ever had...

ND:[In a fast ramble] Gray! I used your necklace to unclog my toilet!!!

GF: Wait? What did you say?

[Clayton and Griffin were both dying of laughter.]

CG:[Shushing] I've got an idea...[Clay summons Gemini, via pricking his palm until it resembles Gemini's constellation, then staining the ground with his blood.]
[Whispering]Gemini! Come forth![From the blood stained ground, Gemini's symbol formed, causing the twin spirits to emerge from a temporary blood gate.]

Gemini: Clay!

CG:*Shush!* Hey! You two! See those two idiots holding each other in fear?

Gemi: Yep!

Mini: It's hard to miss!

CG: Well if you transform into her,[Points to Erza] you'll freak them out even more, but in the meantime, hide until a blonde chick and a blue flying cat come in, got it!?!

Gemini: Sure thing![Gemi and Mini hide behind some stalagmites.]

[Lucy's and Happy arrive.]

Happy: Natsu! Your alright! Huh!?![Sees Erza and Magma.] AAAAAH!!! MY NIGHTMARE I HAD CAME TRUE! THERE REALLY ARE TWO ERZAS!!!

Lucy Heartfilia: I kept trying to tell you!

ES&MS:[Commanding] YOU TWO! JOIN THE OTHERS![Pointing towards Natsu and Gray.] NOW!!!


[Lucy and Happy joined Natsu and Gray.]

ES: You three have disregarded guild rules by taking this quest![Shows a copy of the S-Class request.]

MS: And you Gray! You abandoned your mission to return them, over a petty rivalry!

LH: I told you guys there were two Erzas!

ND: First time I'm hearing about it!

GF: I just thought the moon was making you crazy!

Gemini:[As Erza] You think there are only two of me!?!


Griff:[Whispers] Nice one boy!

CG:[Whispers] Ooo, I'm just getting started![Clay then used his magic to create a small army worth of golems that look exactly like Erza, outside the chambers entrance, commanding them to enter in a march.]



LV:[Sheepishly] Excuse me...

Erza and the Erzas: YES!?!

LV: Can me and my friend here leave? This seems like a personal matter...

Erza and the Erzas: VERY WELL...

LV:[Greatful] Thank you! Come on Toby! Let's get out of here!!!

TH: You don't have to tell me twice!!!

[The two of them high-tailed it out of there. Rejoining with the rest of their team. Later joining Lamia Scale.]

CG: 😅

Griff: 😹

Gemini: 😅[Turning back into their true forms.] That was SO GOOD! Thanks for that Clay! See you later!

[Gemini returns to the Celestial Spirit World. The rest of the Scarlets(Except Erza and Magma) crumble away.]

LH: Wait!?! That was Gemini!?![Facing Clay] Do you have their Gate Key!?!

CG: No no no! I have a blood contract with them, and all the Celestial Zodiac Spirits, plus some others...

LH: Blood contracts? That's some rare magic! No one even bothers making any because they take too long to create, and aren't as effective as having a contract with the gate keys! Not to mention that it uses way more magic to get them through the gates! And it looks painful...

Griff: We'll have plenty of time to chat later, but now we have to return to the villagers and fix their problem.

ES: Agreed!

ES&MS: Let's go!

[The Fairy Tail wizards return to the Village, repaired by Ultear. ]

ND: We're back!

LH: And the people at the temple are no longer using it and long gone!

Lulu: But...Why do we still look like monsters?

Moka: Because, the fools neglected to destroy the Moon!

CG: No worries! I'll get right on it! Alright Griff! Fly me to the Moon!

Griff: You mean "throw you", right?

CG: Right!

Griff: What a relief...[Griffin grabs Clay, throwing him towards the Moon above.]KOBE!

[As Clay was heading high in the sky, he had a thought.]

CG:(Hmmm...I wonder what would happen if I eat all that Moon Frost...Only one way to find out!)
[Clay smashed through the veil.] *YEET!*[Before the Moon Frost dissipated, Clay inhaled and consumed all the crystallized Moon Magic, feeling his body process it. As he casted his Earth God: Icarus Wings, he used his mind-link with Grant to tell him they're all ready to be picked up. He lands safely back to everyone else.]
And that takes care of that!

LH: Uhhhm...They still look like monsters...

CG: Not monsters...

ES&MS: Demons...

Gang: What!?!

Griff: This village was appointed by the Valkyries because they knew they would be unable to abuse the Moon's Magic.

Bobo: Because we're all demons...

Moka: Bobo!?! Son? Your alive! But how? We killed you!

Bobo: It'll take more than a measly sword to the chest to kill a demon! I'm just glad everyone finally got their memories back! I was the only one who still had mines!

CG: Speaking of "Swords" Erza! Here! As the one who created this, I hereby give you Moonbreaker! May it serve you well.[Hands Moonbreaker to Erza.]

ES: Thank you, Clay! I'll wield it with honor![Sends Moonbreaker into her Pocket dimension.]

[After celebrating with the demons for a while, Yuka Suzuki and Sherry Blendy came to apologize to the wizards and villagers for there actions, they are forgiven. The next morning, Grant and the rest of The Flying Exceed crew arrive to bring them to Hargeon's Harbor. Then with a newly repaired TERRA, in an SUV-Form, they headed back home to Magnolia.]

>> To be continued >>
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