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20 years has passed in the Kingdom of Ryuju, Kaiouden continues from its origins. |
A straight descendent of a noble family, a young girl named Harumi Hayata unknowingly possesses the strongest Kai Spirit ever conjured by the Mystics of Saga. When her village is destroyed by the Kingdom of Ryuu-ju, she vows revenge on King Shimomura and sets on her journey unaware of the connection she has to him. The rain fell endlessly as the night watch finally reached the main look-out post. The little town of no more than 200 slept peacefully while lighting dominated the sky. The rain sung a sweet lullaby for the guard who forcefully stared at the main road, humming childhood tunes. A flash of lighting in the distance revealed a group of soldiers riding towards the main gate. The guard fell off his chair and quickly sounded the alarm, frantically yelling at the top of his lungs. Harumi ran happily on an endless field, stopping abruptly as a dragon formed from the clouds falling from the sky. The radiant sun fed its rage, creating fire typhoons surrounding her. The dragon let out an abnormal screech; spitting fire at Harumi, igniting her, waking her in a cold sweat. Her pupils’ flickered red as she held her head, breathing heavily, sitting up on the bed. She wondered why she had been having the same dream lately for quite some time, when her mother motioned to quickly hide. The soldiers quickly reached the main gate, the leader of the group demanded the gate be opened. The mayor forcefully agreed and quickly routed the now recognized General to the main court yard. The General stood 7 feet tall in thick plated armor that uniquely showed his person. His hair stood straight up as struck by constant lighting; however his eyes gave off an eerie sense of despair. The Mayor cautiously approached the General nervously speaking in a low toned voice. The General's tired eyes slowly wandered, studying the small town. The mayor asked: What does the Kingdom of Ryuu-ju want with a humble isolated town? General Tentoujin spared no words to the damned. With a flick of his thumb he unsheathed his sword, splitting the body of the poor Mayor in half. The village screamed in panic as a stray lightning bolt struck the once calm General, making him a madman in an instance. He then ordered his soldiers to find the two fugitives. Ella kept Harumi hidden in the secret compartment as she heard the cries of her fellow villagers filled her ears with unbearable screams. She knew the soldiers came from the neighboring Kingdom of Ryuju and that they were seeking her child. A soldier reached her hut, forcing the wooden door open. Harumi quietly watched as her mother fought the shiny clothed person. The soldier reached for her hair only to be countered with a left kick to the face. Ella leaped gracefully over the soldier grasping his arms, choking him and then powerfully kicking him unconscious. Fellow soldiers heard the brawl as they approached Ella's hut. She destroyed the front door, sending splinted wood at incredible speed killing one soldier. She then engaged four soldiers, with her weapon of choice. Her short sword flew strong and true, blocking a soldier’s fatal blow. The sound of clashing iron rang threw the horrid sounds from the villagers as Ella fought bravely against the small army. Ella managed to gain the upper hand with her elegant swordplay, slicing through their impenetrable armor like butter with expertise. Harumi stared in awe as the soldiers fell one by one. The general couldn’t believe there was someone like this in such a small town. He knew this was the one he was looking for. He then walked towards Ella, disappearing as a lightning bolt hit’s the nearby ground blinding her. Ella stood still with her eyes closed, trying to sense the general’s aura. He was using the lightning bolts as a diversion, using them at will. A lone bolt reveals the general behind Ella, standing as if he slashed, sheathing his sword. Ella stood there, forcefully turning her head, coughing up blood, falling to one knee. General Tentoujin ordered his remaining soldiers to bring the women and children in the main court yard as the town burned. He confidently explained the unlawful wife and child of the prince lived in this village and was to be executed by the King's highest order. The mad General lined a child and a women one behind the other to be executed. As the soldiers carried out the unbelievable task, blood filled the ground while the screams of men filled the still air. Ella amazingly stood up and boldly screamed that she was the wife of Kieru, prince of Ryuju. General Tentoujin smiled as he grabbed Ella by her hair, dragging her through the lifeless bodies. Harumi made her way out of hidden compartment to the front of the hut. She watched the adjacent huts burn and heard the screams of the victims cry out for mercy. She unwearyingly hid behind a barrel watching a dragon crest flag flicker in the wind and her mother being choked by a scary man. General Tentoujin violently shook Ella, interrogating her to give up her daughter. Ella didn't give in to the torture and the General grew weary of her quickly. Annoyed, he ordered his men to gather all the women and children in the church and burn it to the ground for he knew her child will die if not already. The horrid screams echoed through Ella's head as she dangled helplessly. With her last breath, she cried out Harumi's name slowly becoming unconscious. The mad general threw her up, unsheathing his sword, slicing her in half. He embraced the sweet taste of her warm blood as it showered over his body. Harumi stared with tear filled eyes fleeing to the forbidden forest. The Generals horrid laugh resonated through the village like a twisted lullaby song to the dead. Morning came as quick as the night passed while Harumi slept peacefully in the quiet forbidden forest. A lone drop of morning dew fell gently on her cheek, waking her up. She wondered why she woke up in the forest and that her mother was nowhere to be found. After walking a few steps, she violently paused with wide eyes; the air around her began to pulsate beneath her feet. She fell to her knees grasping a nearby tree for support. Flash memories of fire, a dragon on a flag, her mother being sliced in half, and the laugh of the General enraged her. She fell to her knees facing the sky as she let out a scream. She began to pound the ground with her fist, then a nearby tree. The ground shook with massive force, the tree now unrecognizable. Her pupils’ glowed red as a shape reveals itself; a massive dragon encircled her, screeching in fury. Harumi without seeing the dragon started to walk, as the dragon vanished in the silent wind. A wandering merchant felt the massive earthquake. He ordered his donkey to halt and began an investigation. After walking a short distance, he stumbled across a young girl. At first the merchant was cautious; he could sense a powerful force very faint but near. He examined the surroundings and noticed the tree the young girl laid in front of was almost broken in two. He then checked her vitals, picked her up and laid her in his wagon. |