Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2166042-The-Great-Hunt
Rated: ASR · Fiction · Nature · #2166042
Don't jinx the hunt!
"Graeme, you're not supposed to be here. The Elders will be furious if they discover you've been standing on these sandy shores today."

"Don't frown at me like that, Talia. I'll only be wiggling my toes in the salty waves long enough to dig out a harvest of clams. See? I've already filled my basket halfway."

"Go home, Graeme. I see through your innocent ploy. You wish to watch the hunt but your presence will only bring me ill luck."

"Pooh! There is no such thing!"

"Nonetheless, I must hunt the Great White alone, you know this."

"What if—"

"Do you doubt my skill? If you cannot trust my strength and cunning in this matter, how will you ever trust my leadership when I am your wife?"


"Your fears will bring bad luck, Graeme. This is why the Elders forbid your presence during this time. It is well known that you men are far too emotionally weak when it comes to the hunt!"

"It isn't weakness to worry about the woman I love! Despite your training and skill, the jaws of death can still catch you! Instead of partaking in this madness, let us run away together!"

"Run away? Graeme, this is the only home we know! Where would we go?"

"Away from the crabs that scuttle across the yellow sand, to a land where the seagulls no longer scream above our heads..."

"That land doesn't exist, Graeme. The ocean, the beach, the clams and sea turtles and this life…its all that's left."

"That's what they tell us but—"

"Oh, Graeme! I see the concern in your eyes but running off to look for a world that no longer exists is not the answer. Have faith in me, love. I will slay the ocean beast and weave its teeth into your beautiful beard, claiming you as my own for all eternity. We will live happily ever after, just as the old books teach. Now go, the waves call for me."

"You women are so stubborn!"

"And you men wouldn't have it any other way!"

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