Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2164982-The-Shadow-Among-Us
by Krest
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Fantasy · #2164982
A peaceful village is being terrorized by someone.

In the south-west of the *realm* Falimbor, there was a small, independent village called Faraway. In this dreamlike place waterfalls scourged the land and valleys bloomed with multiple different-hued flowers and the *luminous* sea begged you to swim in its crystal waters and the majestic sea caves were ready to be explored. Here the news and troubles of the rest of the world had no impact on the villagers who stood united, living a calm and happy life amongst themselves. Now, the summer has faded into memory and the first dark clouds have suddenly appeared in the sky to perverse the village's peaceful image.

The sun was now setting and across the darkening fields, a man was running into The Badman's Inn shouting from afar ''Marie! Come! Get up!'' but the laughter, the talking and the stroke of ale hitting the table was louder than shepherd Bran. He pushed the inn's door so hard, it would hit the wall and turn everyone's faces to him. Wrathful but weak he looked as if ready to cry when painfully he managed to say ''Please come, she's dying.'' Everyone then rushed to Marie but Brianna was the one leading the *rabble* crying to her friend's side. Dim was the room and rough the howling wind which came from the half-open window next to Marie's bed where she laid. Her daughter looked upon her *cadaverous* flesh with grim eyes unflinching as everyone rushed into the room. ''Here child...have this. It's yours'' as Marie made the desperate effort to grab her *talisman* off her neck and gave it to her sweet Rose. ''Believe in it and it'll believe in you...grow and become a beautiful lady.. ere this day is gone I'll be too and you'll be on your own...but don't fret for you have friends and as long as you are with them they will protect you.'' With a murmuring hiss, she passed away and the hour was filled with lamentations and as one by one they left, Bran felt empty and broken as if a part of him was gone. Rose's friends Arthur and Peter would stay and sleep with her for that night.

The next midday the funeral was almost over when Bran gave the last speech which ended rather controversially ''..My friends let's not belie to ourselves. We were here a week ago when Ol' Jacob passed away believing it was his time but here we are today for Marie, a woman fine of health who died yesterday. Yes, we've all seen her deformed body, her pale as death skin and her fractured, decaying bones which looked like a thing out of nightmares. This is no infection, it is the work of a beast. Yes, I see you all gather together angry but terrified, united but distant-looking...this is a thing bigger than us and it saddens me to say we cannot fight it.''

''But what can we do?'' Shouted Robert Badman with dismay.

''We send a pigeon into the heart of Falimbor, the city of Aragnor, to the bounty hunter of greatest renown, Asher the beast tamer. We'll pledge him land and gold. Believe me, he'll rush his way here.'' He ended as everyone went to their jobs as long as the sun was reigning.

The inn was open again and a merry aura came from within. Now Bran came in and walked to the bar where Robert greeted him.

''I understand what's tearing you apart, my friend. We all do.''

No reply.

'' Ugh...It's such a pity, I remember good Marie with a smile always on her face and her manly vigor, the spark of determination that was always upon her. She was protective and she also was kind. A great lady.''

''Wasn't she?'' as Bran finally lifted his head to unfold his bright, sparkling blue eyes. He was obviously enlightened and somewhat relieved with Robert's words.

''You know, she might be watching us from where she is now. I wouldn't think she'd want to see you like this, right?''


''So, now, let's drink to her, wherever she is but promise me you'll go rest now and come back your good ol' self my friend, yes?''


As Bran turned to leave he was followed by a short elder. He spoke to him silently- almost whispering:

''Bran, my boy, something hitherto unheard of has been haunting our village. And, oh, I know it is no infection. Jacob was alive and well when last I saw him...and, oh, I did sense It that day. 'Twas like a black vapour encircling the sky. Oh, I can still hear the foul screeches of the birds and that disgusting smell coming and going beside me. It is a beast and its intentions we may never know. What I know 'though is that it had the mind to kill two of the liveliest persons in all of Faraway.''

A week had passed but nothing had happened, no sign of any beast so life in the village continued with nothing *untoward* happening. Rose and her friends were strolling alongside on the road to the forest. The valley was filled with flowers covered with *gossamer* which blew in the morning air in parallel with the waves of the sea down yonder. Now they climbed the hill and entered the old *tropical* forest of Faraway where the trees stood tall and the shadows were darker.

It was midday so they decided to rest and eat before going deeper.

From the forest, the village looked picturesque and tranquil. Rose watched from afar the seagulls soaring above the harbour and familiar faces working below and she smirked. The first since her mother's death.

''What's the matter, Rose? Something in your food?'' Arthur roared.

''No, nothing food's good! It's just that I've been looking back to all the memories I've made in this place with you and...mom and all the others. But I can't help but wonder what life beyond this forest is. There is so much this world surely offers that I wouldn't want to miss out on. When I grow up I'll go on an adventure and I'm taking you guys with me!''. Rose declared.

''Well, lunchtime is certainly a strange time to reminisce. Let me tell you something as a migrant from Aragnor. Not every place is as peaceful as our small community. In the civilized world, there is a rivalry between everyone and the bar is always set too high so most just give up and stay in the lower class. There they find grief as the contrast between them and the better-fated widens as they watch them live the good life while they barely get enough to eat. I've lived the life of a poor boy long enough to understand this Ms. Rose but with you by my side, I'd happily go on any adventure!'' Peter sighed as he concluded.

''I'm not sure I follow the chat you guys are having but I'm glad you liked the food. I mean of course you did as it was cooked by-''

''Let's move on. We got to be back ere sunset.''


The three children were headed toward a fountain in the forest where they would usually swim and go back home. To their surprise, they found a man on his knees gently washing his head with the fountain's water. He looked like a refined man from places far away wearing leather boots, a long hat and a fine-looking tunic.

''I can't believe it guys it's Asher! He's finally here.'' Rose said with sparkling eyes as she rushed to greet the renowned beast tamer.

''H-Hey mister Asher. Thank you for coming.''

He now silently stood up, turned to see her and started cuddling her head. Suddenly, Rose fell to the ground and the man disappeared into the shadows of the forest. The boys were left awestruck by the scene mindlessly rushing to see the deformed body of their friend and then screaming in agony to get back to the village safe. Everyone heard of their coming (but shepherd Bran who was herding his sheep in the valley) and listened to their story and the village clouded by happiness had come to know grief and fear so that every house and Badman's Inn would be locked all night. Robert Badman himself would go tell his friend who gave away a menacing cry followed by swearing and curses. Bran stayed at Badman's that night but said nothing to no one and only stared outside the window.

In the meantime, there was a terrible storm outside but amidst the thunders and heavy rain pouring down the howling of a wolf could be scarcely heard. It was coming from the forest and a man could be seen upon him under the moonlight. It was Asher, the beast tamer. He could sense the murderous intent of the unknown man so he quickly stepped on his own two feet then pulled his sword, turned back and met him face to face, sword with knife. The man enveloped in shadow hissed like a serpent and Asher roared like a lion and at every clash, the ground tremored and the sound of steel echoed.

Finally, Asher hit the knife so hard it would break and stabbed the defenceless man in the heart. The man stood there and laughed maniacally and bellowed ''By the sword of a murderer I cannot die.'' and disappeared.

Soon as the storm faded Bran, who had noticed the battle from the window, ran towards the forest. But he stopped soon after as Asher already got into the village. He had long brown hair and wore *crooked*, sweaty clothes

''Greetings sir. Didn't expect to see anyone this late. Do you perchance have a bed for one more? Asher by the way.''

''Finally. Bran. Come.''

When they arrived at Badman's, Bran gave him some bread and ale and then Asher explained the battle in the forest.

''...I know who he is and why he's come here. Legend has it Theo was once a very honourable man but being motivated by envy and greed to achieve more he miserably failed and with no one in his life left to support him, he decided to kill himself. But he was so miserable that even Death himself didn't want him dead so he cursed him and told him ''only by the hand which has known love may you die now''. So Theo found out about this ethereal place and realised he may finally rest in peace here.'' Asher concluded.

''Well, that settles it. Give me your sword, this ends tonight.'' Bran declared. He now walked, sword at hand, to the centre of the village where everyone could clearly hear him shout ''Come now and heed my warning Death accursed! Appear before me now and repent or vanish away from my fathers land forever.''

Theo then walked and stood in front of him but in the darkness of night, only a pitch-black shadow could be seen from the other side.

''Hello o bravest one is it revenge you seek? Do you loathe me for taking away your loved ones? Do you feel as if your life has no purpose now? I welcome you to the real world. Filled with hatred and greed and betrayals. But come, I'd like to see you try to kill me although *blunder* as it will prove for there is surely hate inside you now.'' Theo scolded.

At the time of his speech, the villagers peeked from their windows only to hear the words of a weak-minded, confused man. In seconds, the whole village gathered at Bran's side and stared pitifully at the old man.

''See? These are my friends, my family. We live a simplistic life and are content with less but we are all happy at the end of the day. You've walked in the darkness for far too long and now I shall take away the gift you call prison'' said Bran as he stabbed Theo.

And his body became ashes which flew away as the eternal sunrise bestowed its light to reveal yet another bright day.

© Copyright 2018 Krest (krest at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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