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A young Boy is forced to Discover the truth about himself and his world. |
Coding of the Greeks! "Welcome to Computer science unit 3201" The lecturer began He swept his arms across the lecture theatre facing up to the ceiling. His pompous figure rippling with every and any movement he took. Yet even with such sluggish composure , he had a slight charm to him.Eyes shining with every statement he made. Genuine laughs booming out from a seemingly infinite echo chamber within him. Pyro Ugaas sat near the top right corner of theatre. Relaxing in the warmest part of his room,sequential sudden warm blasts of heat met his flimsy clothes. The red velvet seats engulfed his thin figure like blood soaked clouds. However even with all these luxurious distractions he was attentively listening to the lecturer, the short balding man seemed to be jumping out of his skin. "Before I begin the lecture today , there seems to be a new revelation from the International Union of Computer scientists" he bellowed. "As you all know, my name is Anakon.I have been given the opportunity to have access to the coder bonanza !" he continued , grinning ear to ear. Pyro edged off his seat, curiosity beginning to peak.Something was different about this guy he thought, something peculiar about his cheeky smile. His moustache almost drooped off his face as he twirled it methodically! "Now if anyone wants to know about this ! visit me after the lecture !" He abruptly began walking towards the freshly painted wooden podium. with a sigh, Pyro slumped back into his seat. "So much for fun" he mumbled "Now does anyone know about Network Matrix Configuration...." Anakon began. The lecture continued for the next two hours. Computer science theories were rehashed and revaluated, sucking the life of all the students. Even the lecturer couldn't keep up his chirpy personality. "Ok, I think that's the end of the lecture! Make sure you attempt all the practice problems and begin forming modulated networks by tonight!" He ended , only to be met with a groan. Pyro jolted upwards eager to meet the lecturer. Pushing himself out of his personal beanbag he stumbled down the waxed wooden stairs.As he reached the bottom of the flight of stairs he slipped , colliding with a large man. "Watch out mate" he sneered. "Sorry..." Pyro mumbled as his eyes darted away from the mans face. The man stared at Pyro for a few seconds, his body turned in the direction of the door.After a slight pause he turned completely away in huff . Strolling out of the lecture theatre. "Great" Pyro thought " I have already made enemies,what a great way to start the year" As he waited in line pyro began looking around . The lecture theatre was larger than he thought , superimposed from all sides by LED lights. The Walls were plastered with holographic faces. Under all of these hauntingly life like pictures were engraved golden plates. Even lower than these were the crimsom blood colored seats running from right to left , interrupted only by freshly waxed hickory wood. As he scanned the room Pyro began looking at the holographic faces more intently. He had heard stories of these scientists since birth. One face especially garnered his interest, it was of darker complexion than his compatriots yet had more of a spark to it. Pyro,feeling he knew this person from some where,wandered away from the line.The sound of his footsteps eaten away by the ambient chatter. Roaming the room like a child at Disney land he edged his way to the glass holographic figure. Its plate half worn due to age. "In Dedication to Garaad Macaalin alburmujiaat " Pyro said under his breath as he placed his hand across the cool holographic glass exterior. Something about the Young man in the wall hit a note with him , there was something about this character that seemed eerily familiar to Pyro. He couldn't quiet grasp what was it about him , possbily his stained teeth or his dimples.Perhaps it was the peculiar name which flowed from the tongue like his own surname of Ugaas.Whatever it was , Pyro was losing himself in a world of fantasy and thought. He edged his way even closer to the glass pane.Virtually leaving skid marks across the wooden floor.His heart beating rhythmically with anticipation.Pyro placed his sweat soaked fingers lightly on the gold plate.Tracing the engraved words, feeling the marked areas as he entered a hypnotic trance.His right hand lifted up to the glass , caressing the glass. "AHH excuse me! , don't touch the glass!" The lecturer suddenly yelled . Pyro jerked his hands backwards immediately. "S-s-s-sorry sir" He stuttered "No worries champ!" He smiled " Now what can I do to help you" continuing while waddling over to Pyro. "You said something about a discovery sir , I don't remember the name but it sounded interesting" Pyro said as he returned his smile. "Ahh yes! It couldn't have been that interesting , no one else showed up!" the lecturer chuckled. "Well boy , come over here and take a seat next to the podium." He briskly walked over to his bag. There Fumbling with the sticky strap , the lecturer continued jabbering. Pyro , however, was still somewhat caught in a trance.He kept recalling the smirking holograph. His mind and heart seemingly racing for apparently no reason. "Who was he, why in the world did he look familiar.Why am I sweating!" He thought , almost fainting due to the stress. "Okay pyro , just breathe. Stop being irrational. Imagine being such a wimp to faint about a picture" He thought , chuckling. "Ahh! Here it is!" Anakon exclaimed as he whipped out a thumbdrive. "Well,everything you need to know about the discovery is in here. but let me give you a brief introduction!" He said starry eyed. "Throughout history Great scientists such as Feynman,, Einstein or even Newton all did one special thing." He paused for, building up expense "What do you think that is boy?" "Uhh , solve maths questions sir?" Pyro answered, once again stuttering "Ahh , yes but that was the easy part.What did they do before that?" "Idk sir, study hard??" "No son!" He snorted "They asked the right questions!" "Ahh okay sir, but what doe.." Pyro began "Everything!" Anakon begun while throwing up his arms. His enthusiasm infecting even Pyro. "The Question at the coding bonanza has spurred fervent intellectual conversations throughout the world!" "Ahh.. what was the question?" "Its something to do with finding the inverse of mesh matrices in network utilisation." Anakon stated matterof factly. "Oh" It will make more sense when you read the file." He winked while placing his equipment back into his small bag. Heaven knows how he fit so many papers into such a small purple bag.Pyro noticed the weird title stuck on the top of the pristine bag "Freemantle Dockers 2045 " followed right below It by "We will win this new year! Virtual Football 2045 " "Ok well, here is the file! I have to head off to a meeting .Ill see you out uh.... What was your name" "Pyro, Pyro Ugaas" Pyro chirped "Ok Pyro here it is , lets head off " Part 3: Whoosh Outside of the cozy lecture room the wind blew menacingly.Tossing rain and snow all over the campus pathways and fields.Young students haphazardly ran across the newly formed snowfields out of either enjoyment or sheer exhillaration. The usual buzzing chatter was stolen by the sharp wind.Throughout all of this Pyro was trudging hiself over the snow laden pathways.His boyish frame nearly tipping over many times. After trekking for a solid 5 minutes of no slipping and sliding his luck ran out. Pyros foot caught the edge of the ledge. "God Damnt" He swore while falling face face first onto the snow. "Fucken always being pushed around ! " he then thought vulgarily "Yo , Pygaas are you okay!" an all too familiar voice yelled pantingly behind him. Pyro was lifted up by olive colored sausage fingers . "Ileen.. ye i kinda fell" he flushed "Dude you look fucken hillarious" Ileen bursted out laughing Part 4: "What ? fk off" Pyro angrily snapped back. Unnerved at pyros attempts at push back Ileen whipped out a jelly like silver square.Its edges curved succinctly , morphing with every press by ileens sausage fingers. "E-Holo MX mate!" He chirped as a flash emulated from the silver box. "Lets just go " Pyro mumbled unimpressed "Not yet, just look at this pygaas! 5 seconds of pre rendering time for the halo, i can watch the best stuff ..." Ileen began excitedly, salivating over his goods. "Im going anyway.." Pyro yawned with an eyeroll "Fine loser" The two boys began walking towards the stop , trudging through the harsh environment. "So what have you been up to over the holidays mate?" Ileen continued with a sluggish stretch "Nothing much , just gaming with KiteStone. Have you..." "Dude i told you to stop playing that childish shit, we arent children anymore." Ileen sighed "Meh, i like playing it. I got to level AlphaX , its got like God mode every 5 secs.You should play it man" Pyro enounced , slightly hurt "Nah dude, its a waste of a time." "And your E-Holo isnt it? All you do is text and watch projection images on your mums sheets" he snorted "Where did this come from!" Ileen said bursting in laughter "Sorry dude, ive been like ..." "Dont be a bitch and apologize... anyway we're here" Ileen smirked while pointing to a Spherical amber object hovering above what used to be an asphalt road. Bright green lights emitted from its uppermost point, illuminating the snow topped heavens. Underneath the emission point were engraved red letters: "Ilamos Rey transmuter" Suddenly it began spinning rapidly covering the line of people. Funnily enough most of the students stood unphased by the spectacle on display. Some were in conversation, others looked intently at silver boxes. "Awesome dude we got here in time!" Ileen pronounced "X-Destination Imminent, Please make sure you place your card into the Beam" A robotic voice called from within the sphere. "Aight , dude catchyas later" Pyro yelled over the looping voice. "Catchyas PYGAAAS" Ileen yelled back as he flashed his card into the green beam. Ileens whole figure began fading into the snowy background, fading away as if a stain on the universal fabric. Pyro always was slightly nerved by this weird form of transport. Its unnatural display of travel hit a note with him ,a strange feeling yelled from deep within. "Stop being stupid pyro , just get over with it." He rationalized as he placed his card into the light. He slowly began loosing feeling all over as he saw the world fade away from him "This... must be what death feels like" he whispered ominously as he too faded away. CHAPTER 2: "You're late honey" A voice called out to an unconscious pyro. "Urgghh ... " Pyro groaned. He woke up staring at a bright blue sky.Above him stood a women of middle age wincing at the boy.The air was awaft with the sweet dry smell of lavender, This coupled with the Transmuter side affects sent Pyros mind spinning uncontrollably. "Honey..." the voice continued only to be interrupted by the revolting sound of pyro vomiting "That's enough dear , just breathe" "Im fine mum, its just ... blurghh" Pyro heaved onto the flowers, slowly altering the violet bed to a green slush. Shuddering, his mother quickly turned his face away from her prize winning flowers. "Pyro, Please stop" She stuttered only to be met with his splutters and heaves. Pyros mother always rationalized her sons allergic reaction to transportation as a temporary effect. However each time she saw him like this , she could hardly stop herself from falling into utter despair. "I should never have let him go all the way to Sal Yerok, damn't Jasain you made a promise" She cursed The Late afternoon sun shone on her scrunched face , reflecting off her icy blue eyes onto Pyros slumped lurching figure.Weirdly enough the continues movements reminded her of the tides around her village. "That's enough Pyro , come inside " Jasain sighed "Ok... gulp.... I think It's done now.." Pyro replied as he pushed himself up off the sludge. Jasain placed her arm under his armpits .With their combined efforts Pyro stood up a few inches higher than his concerned mother.However instead of moving back to the cozy bricked up cottage he stared out into the distance. With a new found energy he looked up into the vast cloud soaked sky.Something caught his attentive eyes. Strange crimson colored birds cut through the sky, resting only on sporadic oak trees. Pyro wondered how did they land on Treetops with such accuracy, with such seemingly effortlessness. Every landing sending a small lot of leaves onto the surrounding rooftops. "That's enough, you are sick dear. Lets get you some of the Gherskin Soup" Jasain Said as she placed her hand on his shoulder. "But im fine mum , I just.." "No buts! Get inside now and make sure you wipe your feet!" She scolded "Fine.." Pyro Grumbled as he ambled his way back to the cottage He pushed the almost century old oak door open , only to be met with the shrieks of the hinges. "Weird" Pyro couldn't help but feel slightly disturbed by the atmosphere in the dim yet freshly furnished room. Across the hallway subtending from the entrance was a large green screen. Near it a bright silver object emitting ruby red and emerald green lights. "kRRRRK" Suddenly the machine discharged fine silvery particles onto the swamp like screen. A holographic image of a fit balding man played onto the screen He wore sharp military fatigues with enumerable medals of various colors across his chest. "Good Afternoon Mr.Ugaas " He calmly begun "it has come to our understanding that you are in violation of Act 15 War Reperations subsection 3i.With respect to that you shall be immediately transferred to ilimite holding facility SMLA60600.." "What.."Pyro quizzed "This is a recorded pre-selection taken in holding 763 of the dynamical hyglosophere.." Before he could even gather himself Pyro was swung viciously around.Out of sheer anticipation trickles of sweat began gushing down his back. "Wait!" He yelled Only to come face to face with his wide eyed mother. "Pyro out of the door now!" She hissed. Pyro had never seen his mother so terrified before. "What do.. do you mean mum?"He stuttered His heart began to beat uncontrollably and his hand tingled at the fingertips. "Don't faint..." A voice deep from inside him sternly called. "Don't Ask Questions! go now!"His mother yelled "Ok" He gulped. "Whats happening, why are they after me.."he thought as he ran faster down the hall. "Circle it out now!, Secure the package!" A voice roared from behind Pyro. Arriving at the backdoor the young man frantically fumbled with the knob. Unfortunately for him,He came face to face with a party of people, all equally menacing. "Knock him now!" the center of the party yelled as he pointed inside the house. Frightened, Pyro spun around only to be smacked face first into the butt of a Rifle. "Target secured, delivering package now..." He heard as his world morphed into darkness. Chapter 3: Pyro came to in a dimly lit room, his head lying on the cold grey floor. "arf.." Pyro moaned groggily as he got up from his forced slumber. Looking up to the ceiling he was oblivious to the situation. "Where am I, wtf happened " He thought "Ilimite C2 , welcome back" A large voice boomed Instinctively pyro clasped his ears from the excessive sound. "Ilimite C2, the Naijain Hulu will be here in T-1 minutes." KrrrK , the voice cut off. Pyro turned lazily over to his left side. h Wiping the crust from his blood shot eyes he looked around his new abode. All 4 sides of the room were the same lifeless grey color.Even the door fit perfectly into the wall, exposed only by the protruding metallic handle. "Where am i.. " Pyro croaked. Suddenly the metallic door was pushed wide open, Behind it stood a sneering man in military fatigues. His eyes staring judgingly at Pyro with overt disgust. "Ilimite C2 , I am an agent of the Naijan Military.We have sufficient belief you are a spy" "gaah" Pyro could only manage a groan while he stood up. "For that reason , you will undergo interrogation... Refusal to comply shall be met with extraneous force" "W..." Pyros eyes widened with fear. "We wouldn't want that would we young Ilimite?" The man smirked as he strolled into the room "uhh...No..." "Well then lets get started" The man. He clapped his hands in glee and stepped away from the entrence.Two soldiers marched into the room in unison.They held onto a square metallic desk along with a small chair. "Place it down!" The interrogator barked The men slammed the furniture's down with a hard clang! One of the men then grabbed Pyro roughly by the shoulder, while other grabbed onto his soles. "Please no" Pyro shouted . But instead of inflicting harm they forced pyro into the a seat, exhibiting the same face of disgust all of the other military men gave pyro. "Leave us! Now!" The would be interrogator growled , pointing towards the entrance. The two men marched out ,slamming the steel door with a large bang. "You see Pyro ... I can call you pyro right??" The interrogator asked coyly "Uhhh"Pyro hesitated Taking it as affirmation he continued arrogantly. "Well Pyro , your mum has been hiding something from you" The interrogator sauntered over to Pyro , staring into his eyes. "A secret, a deep secret young man" "What is he on about " Pyro pondered Sensing confusion , the interrogator struck. "Pyro you are a bastard ilimite" He chuckled unashamedly "I don't understanding any of this" "Before the war, your mother most liklely ... you know how children are made I hope?" He grinned "Uhhh..." "Well , she fell in love with a man.. your abandoning father. We followed your treacherous mother throughout all the border towns she hid in.Our agents reported all the details back to us, your parents were ignorant to our mission" "No..." The interrogator slammed his fist onto the desk, shocking Pyro with his bipolarity. "Oh yes Pyro , you are an ilimite an inherent enemy."He yelled Unable to reply , Pyro sat still darting his eyes away from the reddened interrogator. "Pyro" He began "The Naijan government is .....merciful.We have an offer for you" he stepped closer to Pyro, keeping eye contact. Sweating profusely pyro murmered a reply. "How do you mean sir" "You have ilimite blood within you, we can use you in our war effort." Silence filled the room as Pyro still couldn't grasp the offer "What im saying is , you will work for us and in return we will let you live." Further silence, Pyros inner voice began talking. "Wait, it might be a trick" Growing impatient , the interrogator stepped even closer.He placed his hand onto the back of his slippery neck.Leading the boy to close his eyes in avid anticipation. "The other choice is ... " He trailed off omniously with a clicking of his tongue. "What do I have to do " Pyro stammerred The interrogator twisted pyro neck to the left and lurched down. "Help us win" he whispered staring into his eyes intensely. "I will!" Pyro stuttered After a brief pause the grown man began laughing at the thought of Pyro helping anyone to do anything. "We'll see.." He trailed off , walking onwards to the door. "I also... for you and your familys sake.. hope you can" with that he jerked open the door marching head first into the bright light. "Order -889199!" He yelled as he walked off. Two towering figures stomped into Pyros cell.They wore gas masks and contrasting yellow vests.In both hands they held red caskets mimicking extinguishers. "606977 Confirmation initiated" They exclaimed in unison They pulled down the extinguisher leavers producing a pink froth all over the room , the substance grew exponentially across the room.Covering the bland grey floor , sliding its slimy way to pyro. "Wait .. Stop!" Pyro shrieked as he inhaled the pink mess. "Order achieved...." A voice exclaimed as Pyro slowly felt himself fall into a coma. Chapter 3: "Pyro honey" a distant voice whispered "Mum..." Pyro whispered SPLASH Pyro woke up to his clothes drenched in freezing cold water. "Ahh!" He yelled "Get the hell up, You are 3 hours counter Naijan Statute! " An unknown voice bellowed. Only then did Pyro notice his new surroundings.He lay ontop a slippery wooden floor sitting below a reddened man. "Well! If this is our only hope.."The man trailed off shaking his head "Ill be back in T-300 Secs, Be ready!" He finished off as he marched out of the room. Pyro was utterly confused at his predicament. "Where the fk..." he thought He lazily pushed himself off the hard wooden floors.His clothes smelt of swamp water while his body ached from the constant abuse. "Fuck this!" Pyro swore with rage as he fell backwards onto the floor. His escapades wafting back from the fog of forgetfulness while staring up into the stained ceiling/ "Friggin hell... what .." Pyro murmured up into the dead silent room. Scanning the dark green walls for anything of resemblance. Unfortunately he was met with intense unfamiliarity at the dim room.Images of his mother screaming and a devilish man smiling floated into his memory, it was only then that Pyro began to understand his situation. "I have to get of here..." he thought entering into a panic mode. Suddenly light gushed into the room exposing the Pyros limp figure. "Arrgh " Pyro hissed shielding himself from the intense light. A large silhouette of a man barged infront of the door granting pyros eyes respite "Ilun move out now!! You are T-2 secs left, T-1 secs! .." The man yelled as he moved towards pyro "What.." Pyro began only to be roughly pushed outside the door into the bright sunlight. Stumbling over the force of the push Pyro turned around in anger. "Hold the hell up mister.." "Questions! shall be reserved for after my introduction" The giant of a man exclaimed "I don't care..." Pyro protested "I said ... shut the fuck up until I say so Ilun" He sneered daring Pyro to reply. He waited three seconds to confirm his words had hit home. "Now!, Ilun you are probably wondering why you are here in my presence.The Naijan state has granted your pitiful self a chance of redemption.After training you shall be undergoing errands suitable to your low calibre for a number of years.Succeed and you will be free but fail and witness living hell" Pyro looked down at his mushy hands wondering if this was a dream.He pinched his left palm hoping to wake up from this vivid nightmare. "Well... Now that we are done with that , the Names Buya!" the man said as he broke into a smile. Gobsmacked, Pyro squinted at the bear of a man. Searching for any overt signs of deception. "Don't worry about the introduction, its custom" He continued as he marched down the porch stairs. Sighing Pyro returned a smile. "Ok, what do I have to do to get back home Buya strolled towards Pyro flattening the sun flowers beneath his feet.For such a large man the he smelled suprisingly good, almost oozing incense. Pyro grimaced as Buya landed his hand onto his shoulder. "Today, you will start learning the ancient art of NIKR , an acronym for your training" Buya stated as he guided Pyros Body forward into the plains. "I have heard that before" he whispered to himself. He scrunched up his face trying to remember the concept. "Don't worry about what it means, Just Know I will be teaching you!" NATURE! Buya began hummin a low pitched sound as he trudged across the meadow. "Where are we heading?" Pyro pondered "Straight ahead" He smirked "I know that , but where exactly ? " "To the end" "And how long is that" Pyro said starting to redden in frustration "For as Long as she lasts, now shush!" He replied sternly Noticing the weird change in tone Pyro glanced over at the towering bear of a man.Only now did he notice the hundreds of scars lining his Bare arms and face.The man was of fair skin yet reddenned and leathered through God knows what. He wore a green arm less sweat track suit , continuing across the meadow in a muted march. "How in the world did he get those scars "He thought in admiration "probs killed hundreds before." A voice said Shocked Pyro instinctively turned towards Buya "What?" "Hmmm?" Buya raised his bushy eyebrows as he stared questioningly. "You just said something" "Stop Day Dreaming and move forward child!" Buya scolded unflinchingly "What in the hell.. " Pyro thought . He wanted to snap back but knew better to test such a mans temper "But if it wasn't him ... " He continued in thought "Listen Boy , you're not mad" Pyro turned around in anger "Stop playing games!" He snapped "Listen Child I don't know what has.." "No ! I know its you there is noone else here !" He yelled defensively "Calm down you.." Buya begun Suddenly the ground beneath him swallowed him hole "AHHH!" He yelled in terror only for a Thud to cut him off short once again. "Buya! " Pyro Yelled He scrambled over to the gaping hole, panicking at the his companions injury. "Run, Its dangerous"A voice said "What?!" Pyro yelled as he quickly looked left and right. "Ilun!" Buyas Voice yelled Pyro slowly walked over to hole. Looking at the ground for a split second and looking up in the other. The Tall grass pinched his naked knees red while he creeped towards Buyas voice. "Pyro get a hold of yourself" he thought "I said Go!" The voice from before began raising in amplitude "Who are you.." Pyro whispered as he came up on the hole "I will explain later , for now think of me as your conscious" "Great im going fucking mad" he hissed angrily Pyro looked down the cavernous hole, it seemed the tall grass had demons underneath its exterior. Down in the hole sat the figure of a towering man, he lay down on the dirt facing upwards wincing uncontrollably. "Pyro! This is Nature!" Buya bellowed "What the hell do you mean" Pyro shouted in confusion "Ignore him Pyro, escape" A voice echoed Hesistating Pyro thought about the proposition. "Maybe I CAN escape away from all of this" Pyro looked back towards the green landscape. Witnessing the cool afternoon suns cascading light rays onto the savanna.The bitter beauty of nature reminded him of one thing, there was nowhere to escape.Shrugging he looked back down at Buya "What do I do sir!" "Think Ilun! Find a way to get me the hell out!" He groaned "Ok Pyro think , deep hole.." Pyro frantically looked around him "I need material... hmmm " "Damnt Ilun move it! Dusk is around the corner! " Pyro closed his eyes and began humming up to the sky. Buya laughed through gritted teeth. "Don't make me laugh damnt!" He chuckled Pyro kept humming squinting into the void of darkness. After a few tense seconds he exclaimed gleefully "Ive got an idea , wait here!" "Not going anywhere mate" Pyro swung around skidding off the loose dirt. He sprang towards the cottage running back at full speed.His heart beating rapidly. "Pyro I said run away!" The Voice whispered into his head Ignoring his supposed consciousness he kept running back to the house upon arrival he leapt onto the porch almost crashing into the door.Pyro tried to crack open the wooden door. "Maybe the floors... " Pyro whispered in pride "Pyro ... stop this its not..." The voice suddenly shouted "Shut the fuck up , Shut the fuck up!" Pyro yelled back angrily.He puffed his chest out waiting for the intruder to show up from his surroundings. Pyro opened the door , stepping into the dimly lit room.He Slumped back onto the wall , looking up into the stained ceiling. "Ok lets get back to work" he sighed Pyro pushed his hips out back into the wall whilst grabbing the porous portion of the floor boards.He tensed his muscles and began pulling with all the might he could muster.To his surprise the board split with ease into smaller pieces. Under the waxed timber floor hid a maze of termite mounds and excessive moss accumulation. "Great.." "Pyro! Listen to me now" The voice now yelled "Listen man , I don't know what kind of trick this is but stop it!" "Its not a trick you fool , just listen!" Pyro looked down at the cracked boards.Termites scuttled across the floor back down to the cover of darkness.The moss seemed to exude a disgusting smell of rotten eggs.Pyro didn't know what he would do next , but he knew his plan was bust. "Fine! Doesn't seem I have anything better to do ... " He sat down onto the floor "Pyro its fake , all of this" the voice began calmly "This is a simulation , now don't talk outloud just think! Look outside the planes go off in miles with not a single tree in sight.The cool sun has been in the same place for the last 3 hours..." It continued. Taken aback by such a wild statement. "What???" "SO! I catch you dilly dallying here Ilun! While a comrade was in pain!!"A enflamed Buya bellowed Pyro stared down at his shoes with a mixture of fear and shame. Buya slowly turned around , keeping eye contact for most of the way. "I knew an Ilun wasn't up for this, Section #196061 " Buya called out into the distance. |