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Rated: E · Article · Family · #2164689
God used the rubbish pile on my curb to teach me a lesson
We had some construction debris that was supposed to be picked up. I thought it would be "easier and less expensive" if I used a one-time rubbish hauler rather than our reliable trash service, and I didn't think they would haul BULK JUNK. We called not one, but 3 other companies, and they either "forgot to come" or they never showed up. Then I called our reliable and regular rubbish removal service. and they came out the next morning..Thank You COUNTY WASTE by the way!

It was almost two months of looking at that rubbish in the front yard near our curb. It was getting me depressed. Anytime I went out or in, I saw it. But the day they came and took that MESS away?...I did a happy dance. I high-fived my husband, and we said"whoo-hoo!".

Then I got a God-wink. He said that the trash pile I had sitting was the sin,burdens, and needs in my life that I refused to call on Him for. It was there in front of me 24-7, and always on my mind. But when I finally release that MESS to him and ask Jesus to handle it,to forgive,to cleanse? He begins working on me and my life immediately! It didn't matter how LARGE or how SMALL the mess was! Because God is still the same God who said
ISAIAH 59:1-3
1Behold, the LORD'S hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; neither His ear heavy, that it cannot hear:
2But your iniquities have separated between you and your God, and your sins have hid His face from you, that He will not hear.

And it is so true. We ignore those messy things in our life, they pile up on our heart and soul, and soon, they grow into a wall that keeps us from hearing from or speaking to God. We have to call on HIM and acknowledge the mess. No one else can do it. No religion, no pope or priest, only the cleansing of JESUS CHRIST, that we ask for, then the path to the Heavenly Father becomes clear. I called on another rubbish company , and they didn't even show up. But GOD ALWAYS SHOWS UP when our heart truly desires Him to.

And while the trash company removes my MESS to a nearby landfill? JESUS removes my mess farther than the east is from the west, He takes it and buries it deeper than the deepest ocean...AT THE FOOT OF HIS CROSS. AMEN??? Isn't that wonderful? Don't you want to high-five someone over that glorious fact? I just wanted to Bless somebody with that today and let you know that the God I serve is ever-faithful, as is Jesus Christ.
PSALM 103:11-13
…11For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is His loving devotion for those who fear Him. 12As far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our transgressions from us. 13As a father has compassion on his children, so the LORD has compassion on those who fear Him.…

It's not just about sin, it's about the things we keep carrying around and refusing to let him help us with. I guess that is sin too though, PRIDE. Some of us have had to do so much on our own that we feel a sort of pride in never depending on others, not even our LORD. Some of us have been so let down by others that we are afraid to trust our NEEDS to anyone. We even think we are earning Brownie Points with our stoic and stupid refusal to let Him come in and get that BURDEN out of our hands. I got the funniest but cool mental image of Jesus Waving a white flag like a road crew worker, and God coming in with a huge backhoe that bulldozed the mess all up and drove it away it away our of sight.

Let the God of eternal love and power take YOUR mess and burdens now! He loves you very much and wants to be close to you.

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