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Two kids tired of their parents reputations find themselves in eachother. |
Rose made her way onto platform nine and three quarters with her family. It was her first time going through the wall and the sensation was amazing. A smile crossed her face as the blood red steam engine came into view. The plaque on front read The Hogwarts Express. Smoke billowed from the top as the whistle sounded, warning the students to start boarding. The platform was packed with Weasley's. Rose could see her cousin Victorie snogging Teddy in the shadows. Each family was wishing their children luck during the school year. Rose felt a hand gently touch her shoulder. She looked up to see her mother's gentle, knowing face. "You just have fun Rose, study hard and make some friends." Hermione kissed her daughter on her forehead. "Now Rosie," Ron turned his daughter to face him, "you see that blonde boy over there." Ron nodded where Draco stood with his son and wife. Rose glanced over and then looked back up at her father. Laugh lines crinckled his eyes and mouth, making him look older. "i want you to beat him at everything Rosie. Show him how smart you are." Hermione swatted her husband over the head as the final whistle sounded. "Don't listen to your father sweetheart, you just do your best." Rose hugged her family goodbye and kissed her father on the cheek. She quickly loaded her trunk onto the train and found a compartment with her cousin Albus. He was all alone. The trunk where the rest of the Weasley's sat was full. "I hope I don't get sorted into Slytherin." Albus's eyebrows furrowed together as he spoke softly. He glanced over at Rose before looking back out the window. As the train pulled out of the station Lily Potter ran after it, waving until she could no longer be seen. "You've been saying that all summer, Albus. When are you going to get it into your head that you'll be in Gryffindor just like Uncle Harry and Aunt Ginny?" Albus rolled his eyes and opened his mouth to speak. His attention, however, was caught by the sound of the compartment door opening. Rose glanced up to meet the eyes of the blonde boy from the platform. She turned her head and grabbed a book from her trunk. She, just like her mother, enjoyed books very much. Rose loved to read her school books, especially potions. "Do you mind if I join you? All the other compartments are full." The boy's voice quivered slightly as he spoke. Albus shook his head and the boy stepped inside, taking a seat next to Albus. "I'm Scorpius Malfoy." His voice now lacked the quiver from earlier. He seemed to have gained a little confidence since sitting down. "Albus Potter. The bookworm over there is my cousin, Rose." Rose peered over her book to see Scorpius staring at her. His look was not one of disgust, but of pure curiosity. "Shouldn't you save the textbooks for when class actually starts." A smirk played across Scorpius's face as Rose's cheeks warmed. She flashed him a glare, determined not to give him the satisfaction of seeing her blush. "For your information, I happen to like reading the textbooks. Just because you couldn't be bothered to open one doesn't I can't." Scorpius's mouth gaped open at her response. Rose pulled the book in front of her face to cover her smirk of satisfaction. The compartment door opened again to reveal a tiny witch with grey hair poking out of her pointed hat. "Hello dearies, would you like anything from the trolley?" Albus jumped up from his seat and wrangled some coins out of his pockets. He bought a few chocolate frogs, bertie botts beans, and some sugar skulls. Albus tossed the beans at Rose who caught them easily. Albus offered Scorpius a chocolate frog then settled back into his seat. "We should be at Hogwarts soon," Rose spoke as she glanced out the window. The sky was beginning to darken. "We should get changed into our robes." They ate their candy as they changed. Albus and Scorpius continued to talk as Rose dug her nose deeper into the book. She barely noticed the train slowing until Albus nudged her with his foot. They unloaded their trunks from the overhead racks and followed the rest of the students onto the platform. "First years this way!" A huge, bearded man bellowed throughout the crowd of students. He waved a lantern above his head. As Rose, Albus, and Scorpius gathered around him, the gigantic man placed a heavy hand on Albus's shoulder. "Well, you must be Harry's son, He wrote saying ye were gonna be a first year. I'm Hagrid." Rose smiled up at the man that their parents talked so fondly of. Hagrid shifted his gaze from Albus to Rose. "And you must be Hermione's girl. Smartest witch of her age, that one." Rose looked down at the ground as Hagrid began to lead the group of the first years down to the lake. "Now everyone, four to a boat! That's right, hop on in!" Once everyone was seated, Hagrid climbed into his own boat and they all began to move forward across the lake. Scorpius's hand shot out and grabbed onto Rose's arm as a giant tentacle rose out of the water and went back under. The darkness hid the redness of his cheeks as he quickly let go. The first years climbed out of the boats and made their way up the steps of the castle. Rose couldn't stop herself from gasping at how big it was. They gathered outside of the great hall and waited to be escorted in. A door opened and a man with messy brown hair and dirt covered robes came out. His smile was soft and kind as he glanced at the first years before him. "I'm professor Neville Longbottom as some of you may know. I will be escorting you into the great hall. Once you step inside you will be sorted into your house: Gryffindor, Slytherin, Ravenclaw, and Hufflepuff. Each house has its own qualities that make it exceptional. While you are here for the next seven years your house will be your family. As for behavior, any good doings will earn you house points. While any misdemeanors will get those points taken away. The house with the most points at the end-of-the-year feast will be rewarded the house cup. Now if you’ll please follow me inside.” Professor Longbottom opened the doors to the great hall and stepped inside. Gasps left the mouths of all of the first years. The ceiling was enchanted to look like the night sky. Candles levitated above four long mohogany tables. Another long table sat at the head of the room. From there the other professors watched them with looks of amusement. “Line up in front please,” Professor Longbottom stopped in front an old, scraggly hat with a tear near the brim, “When I call your name please sit on the stool and I will place the sorting hat on top of your head. After you are sorted please take a seat with your house.” He continued to unroll a long scroll that fell to the ground and unfolded near the first years feet. “Parkinson, Maisie.” A tiny, brunette girl with a mouse shaped face stepped forward and sat on the stool. The hat was placed on top of her head. Her eyes became hidden from everyone’s view. “HUFFLEPUFF!” Maisie’s smile was contagious as she climbed down and sprinted over to her table. The cheers from the hufflepuff table was deafening. “Genivie Wood.” Another brunette girl stepped up to the stool. Her lips were pursed as she sat down. “RAVENCLAW!” Her pursed lips transcended into a dimpled smile as she walked towards the cheers. “Rose Weasley.” Rose felt her a flutter in her stomach as she grabbed Albus’s arm before walking forward. Thoughts of what she were to do if she wasn’t a Gryffindor surged through her mind. She sat down, almost missing the stool, a giggle errupted from a few of the first year girls. Rose felt the hat touch her hair and then stared into the dark leather material. A voice appeared in her ear. “GRYFFINDOR!” It called softly from inside. Clapping and whistles came from outside as the hat was lifted off her head. She found the familiar faces of her cousins as she made her way towards the table. She glanced over at Albus who was smiling brightly at her. She sat down next to her cousin, Dominique. Dominique was a girl with natural beauty. She was one eighth veela from her mother. Blonde hair cascaded down her back and a smirk of trouble played across her face. Rose found her attention being brought back to the sorting as a name she recognized was called. “Scorpius Malfoy.” The great hall became silent as the blonde boy walked forward. The hat was placed upon his head and another moment of silence went by before the hat made its decision. “SLYTHERIN!” A smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes made its way onto Scorpius’s face as the table cheered. Rose watched him walk over quickly, their eyes met for a moment before Rose whipped her head around. Her fiery red hair flicked her face slightly. Only a few more students were left to be sorted before the feast would begin. “Albus Potter.” The hall once again became silent. Headmistress McGonagall sat up a little bit as her lips turned up slightly. Albus sat down upon the stool and closed his eyes as the hat was placed ontop of his head. He heard the voice whisper to him from inside the hat the word that he had not wanted to hear. “SLYTHERIN!” The great hall remained silent as Albus hurried over to Scorpius. Albus hid his face in his hands as he sat down at the table. Crimson crept across his face and onto his ears. He looked up to meet the eyes of his cousins who were all looking at him with reassurance. Albus heard none of the Headmistress’s announcement as the feast started. He barely ate anything as Scorpius tried to console him. He wished more than anything that the sorting hat had given him time to bargain like it had given his father. |