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Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Fantasy · #2163655
In a fantasy medieval society ruled by a Fire Empress, a knight does his duty to the last.
The man stretched out in his hiding spot, the tree swaying ever so gently in the wind. It was here he laid the trap, a fallen tree in the middle of this forested road there was no way around. The man looked out in the distance, his green eyes squinting "almost noon....he should be arriving shortly." A duke had the gall to not only insult his Empress, and the equal stupidity to travel through her domain. While not the most powerful of her servants, he was certainly one of the most loyal and eager to serve. Today, hed teach the rest of the empire a lesson in respect.

This man stood six foot tall, his brown hair kept short, neat, and tidy. He was used to wearing heavier armor, but today's assignment called for a more calm and stealthy approach, so he left the heavy plate in favor of a much lighter leather. The plan was simple, the fallen log would occupy some of the guards, and others would be pulled away by his distraction. That would, in theory, give him just enough time to go in and kill the duke. With their employer dead and the threat of their own demise, most of the others would probably run and let him have a nice, easy mission to go back to his mistress and relax.

His thoughts drifted and his ear twitch...the sound of horses and wheels being pulled along a dirt path "here they come" he draws a small short sword and gets into position, holding as still as possible as several horses and a large open carriage began to approach. Ten guards on horseback, one in the carriage with the target. the number was higher than it was supposed to be. He'd have to adapt.

They came up onto the fallen tree, the horses coming to a stop in protest as them men began talking amongst themselves and jsut as their was talk of trying to move it their was a sudden cry of terror! A feminine voice calling out shrilly for help in the distance. 5 of the gaurds draw their blades and, despite the protests of the duke, begin riding off in the distance of the shout and screams.

Left on their own now the remaining five were ordered by the almost nasally duke to move that tree out of the carriage's way. with several loud complaints and grumbles, the five men figuring theyd at least need to make an attempt to satisfy the whining noble, they dismounted and headed over to the tree.

"Perfect" he whispers to himself...waiting and watching as the men began to attempt to lift the tree. It was then he sprang into action, leaping from the tree he drove his blade through the neck of the guard inside the carriage, ending his life in a swift and bloody motion. The duke barely even had time to scream, confronted by the muscular and armed man he cried out as the blade sliced across his throat.

By the time the guards turned and drew their blades the assassin had sliced once more, blood spewing out of the stump of the neck that remained as the body slumped forward. A smirk crosses the man's now blood splattered face as he stands with the frightened and severed head of his target "Your employer is dead!" he shouts with confidence "Dont get in my way, and you get to live to find a new job".

He expected at least a few to go running...or a tleast shake a bit and doubt whether it was worth fighting any more. what he got instead...was a response of laughter. Each man looked amused at what he had stated, the one in heavy armor raising his blade and pointing it at the assassin. "Oh him? Protecting him wasnt our real job" he replies. his men slowly moving into position, weapons drawn and at the ready "our mission, is to bring you in dead or alive Lycan"

Lycan was puzzled and shocked to say the least. This was trap, but why him? He was not high up in the ranks, he was just 'the empress' dog'. Why go to such lengths just for him. There was not time to think about that now, dropping the head he hops out from the carriage, moving so the bulk of it was on his left, blocking a full encirclement. This was bad, outnumbered in lighter armor and without his preferred weapon, he would be lucky to get out of this with alive....however.

"So are you going to come quietly" the apparent commander calls out to him "or are we going to have to bring you back in pieces?" A grin crossed his face...it was clear he was fine with either option.

Lycan Slowly raises his blade, pointing it back at the commander "if you want me...come and kill me" he was given his orders, and he would follow them to the end.

"Good" was the only reply and the battle began the men rushing him, knowing they had numbers and better equipment on their side they expected a quick victory. That confidence ended when they witnessed his speed.

The youngest of the group, a half elf looking for a promotion for a big target swung his long sword toward Lycan's unprotected neck, but when the sword should have connected it was instead the half elf falling to the ground, his own sword plunged into his chest before being pulled back out, lycan now holding his bloodied weapons in hand, facing the rest as they backed up, caution in their steps now.

"Four" he says to himself.

A weapon in each hand now he took up a different and more defensive stance, ready for them to come again, and come they did. THe sound of their blades connecting sang throughout the forest. If he had his usual armor on he could be much more aggressive, unafraid of the blows coming towards his arms or torso and simply retorting with blows of his own. However in this light leather he could not afford to ignore any strike. The swords in his hands were much lighter than the war hammer he usually brought into battle, it felt so awkward and almost clumsy to swing them about nin an attempt to deflect what he could not outright dodge
Dodging and parrying was his main concern, his footwork loose and fluid as he moved about them, trying to close distance, make their strikes awkward and look for any opportunity he could to take a strike of his own. Of course without the practice in such stances or movement, he could only avoid so much. Slices and nicks along his flesh began to appear as he ferociously defended against the onslaught.

Finally though he found his opening, a man going for a foolish overhead strike he lunged forward, his longsword swinging and connecting with the mans armored head. The resounding clang sounded an unsuccessful hit, the sword merely causing a racket, but the force of the blow was enough to stagger him and Lycan moved in leaping up and stabbing his short sword deep into his chest, finding a softer gap in the armor and sliding that sword deep into him. As they both fell tot eh ground lycan tried to use the momentum to roll over and away...but the sword stuck in the man, unable to come out. This slowed him and as a result he felt the sting of steel and cried out as his left arm was sliced deep just below the shoulder, causing him to release the sword as eh rolled away. blood poured from the wound as he braced himself on the ground. he expected a blade to come down and finish the job but instead they held back

"last chance to surrender, theres no way you can fight the rest of us with only one hand. Come quietly and our employer might just give you mercy, besides, we get payed more if we bring you in alive"

The lack of care about the others falling, these were trained mercenaries, not mere hired goons. In all his caution he had still underestimated them. Any attempt to move his left arm was futile, only pain and the dripping of blood along his skin responded. he slowly began to stand, the short sword lost all he had was the mercenary's long word. It was easy enough to surrender at this point, but he knows the fate of those who fail his mistress. "I dont think so, I fully plan to return with that man's head on a platter for my empress, and if you stand in my way your heads will simply add to the pile!" he shouts, tightening his grip on the sword and gritting his teeth. he needed an escape plan, a way out. The problem being....he needed his targets head, now on the other side of the three mercenaries Lycan readied himself.

His movements were slowly growing more sluggish and his enemies far more cautious, coming at him two at a time while the other would circle to flank. He could not find any opening and any attempt made to retreat or go for the head was blocked by one or more of them. He was on the back foot and losing ground. Pushed back against a large tree he lost sight of the third combatant, parrying as he was he suddenly felt a sharp pain and a sickening sound filled his ears, his leg buckled as the sword was driven through his right leg. He could not help but cry out in pain...but turning his sword and with a yell comprised of equal pain and rage he managed to drive it right between the slits in the helm for his eyes, stabbing him full force and sending him reeling back before falling to the ground dead as well.
Panting Lycan was left leaning against the tree, one leg and one arm completely shot. Still he held his blade out, ready for the next one

"T....Two" he breathes out, his body shaking. He didnt have much left in him, how was he going to get out of this.

"You know what" the commander growls, a fierce and annoyed look in his eyes as he rushed forward on his own "you're worth enough dead!" he swings the sword down onto him. Lycan is barely able to get his blade in the way, however fatigued as he was he was unable to parry the blow and barely held his grasp as he held the man at bay "is...that all y-" he was interrupted as he saw a flash of steal from the man's off hand, he didnt have time to react!!

His body sang out in pain, his head ached and his vision was almost entirely dark, a hand grasped at his eyes...no...his eye, he lost one, a bleeding bess that now blurred all on his right side, he couldnt see-.

There was a sicking sound.....and a numbness that overwhelmed the pain for a moment. His body shook...and his good hand reached out, grasping at the sword that had driven itself so deep in his chest.

"Heh, guess you really were more of a dog than a wolf. Looks like the Empress' pet's bark is far worse than his bite" the commander boasted, twisting the sword in the wound and earning a grunt and cry of pain from Lycan

"Damn it Vash, do you know just how much money we lost by killing him?" the last remaining mercenary groaned, taking off his helm and wiping his brow of sweat

"What does it matter? we only have to split the amount seven ways now, unless any of those idiots actually died chasing after that distraction, then its even less we have to split"

"Thats a bit cold boss" he replied "still, i think its impressive he managed to last even that long"

Darkness clouded Lycan's mind, his vision fading. He could not feel, he could not move, he could scarcely breathe. Even the pain was fading from existence. Was this death? was this his last breath to take. His mind wandered and in the haze he remembered those words told to him

"Make sure to bring me his head, i want a trophy to remind those what happens when I am crossed"

'That is right' he thought himself, his good eye opening again, seeing the two men bicker about price and how well they would be payed "i still...have a job to finish" he choked out

The commander turned in shock "you're still able to talk? just die already you damn mutt" he tried to pull out his sword but Lycan's arm shot out, grasping the man by the neck with surprising force, his nails digging into the flesh with his crushing grip

"I am not permitted to die" he says in almost a whisper, holding the now struggling man as the subordinate watched on in horror as the commander was lifted from his feet, half plate and all.

"W what the hell are you" the struggling commander chokes out

Adrenaline pumping through his body and a fire burning in his eye he shouts at the top of his lungs "I AM THE EMPRESS' WOLF! AND I AM NOT PERMITTED TO DIE AT YOUR HANDS!!" These words were followed by a swift and loud crack as Vash, the commander's body suddenly goes limp, his eyes rolling back and glazed over....dropping to the ground as lycan lets him go, his neck crushed and broken under his strength. Panting and near death Lycan looked towards the final Mercenary

"Y YOU BASTARD I'LL" A noise, the sound of a soft twang followed by the sound of a hard thunk interrupts his shouting. THe man frozen in place as an arrow had lodged itself in the backl of his head, digging as deep as it could go the man fell dead to the ground

"Sorry I took so long" a cocky and feminine voice cooed as a woman with long black hair, leather armor and a bow in hand began walking up to the carnage of the fight "but as I'm sure you're aware, fighting five men on your own can be quite difficult" she smirked, looking over to him...and frowned "they really got you didnt they" she sighs

Lycan didnt reply, all his energy was spent as he went down onto his knees, his breathing ragged and his body quivering with pain and numbness. His eye began to close as the last thing he saw was the woman bagging the head of his target

"Dont worry brother" she coos as she turns back to face him "I'll get you back to our mistress, and if you're lucky" she began to lift him up and onto one of the horses.

"She just might have your life spared for a job well done"
© Copyright 2018 Kirentol (kirentol at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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