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Rated: E · Short Story · Comedy · #2162879
Written for The Dialogue 500 Contest
"Hi again, Sammy!"
"H-hi ..."
"What happened? You look sad now."
"I am very very very sad."
"Don't be sad Sammy ... but why are you sad?"
"I think about it all the time, Sylvita."
"About what?"
"My mommy. S-she won't come back. Ever."
"Why not?"
"Because so ..."
"Why not?"
"The teachers said that the parents can stay in the other room, waiting, right?"
"Yeah. So?"
"She's not there."
"What do you mean?"
"S-she's not THERE. She should be there, sitting, reading a book, and waiting, till I feel OK and safe. And, she is not THERE."
"How do you know, Sammy? Maybe, maybe, she went to the restroom..."
"I checked. She's not there."
"Maybe she went to her car."
"I asked. The lady said she left. She LEFT me HERE forever! She will never ever ever ever come back."
"Yes. She will, Tommy."
"How do you know that, Sylvita? And and and ... why aren't YOU sad too?
"Because I - know."
"Know what?"
"That my mommy will come back and pick me up after school. I know she will."
"Is your mommy in the other room, waiting, with all the other parents?"
"She told me she was going to do something called "errands."
"Mine didn't tell me that, Sylvita. See? They just left. They left us."
"No. My mommy didn't, Tommy."
"But my mommy didn't mention anything about errands."
"Because she's not your mommy. She is my mommy. She said she was very busy."
"My mommy is very busy too... See? They won't come back. We will stay here forever and ever in this room."
"Did she give you a snack, Tommy?"
"Yes. A peanut butter sandwich, my favorite."
"Did she give you juice?"
"Yes. My favorite everrrrrr watermelon Go-Gurt."
"Did she pack a set of clothes?"
"Yes. And my PJ's too ..."
"Mine too. But my stuff were different than yours, and she packed my teddy bear inside my bag ..."
"SEE? I told you Sylvita. They are never coming back. Never again. I-I want my teddy bear ..."
"Wait! I know. I know. I really know. Listen. THIS is important. Tell me: did she give you something else, Tommy?"
"What do you mean, something else?"
"Did she give you something else ... for you to keep for her?"
"Huh?What? No.What-what do you mean, Sylvita?"
"I know my mommy is coming back because she told me to keep her favorite blue scarf, real tight. Look. See? Here it is. She needs it tonight. That's why I know that she's coming back for me!"

Word Count: 420
© Copyright 2018 ChrisDaltro-Chasing Moonbeams (chrisdaltro at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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