Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2162834-Two-Onis-Fun
Rated: XGC · Fiction · Erotica · #2162834
Shuten and Ibaraki discover a new power possessed by oni. A Fate/Grand Order story.
Chaldea Security Organization, an organization dedicated to the monitoring and preservation of mankinds' future, a feat made possible thanks to Chaldeas, a perfect replica of the Earth's soul that can be used to 'peer into the future', in a manner. Recently, an incident occurred that has resulted in the incineration of human history; mankind and all things related to it burned to a crisp, leaving behind only 7 Singularities that must be fixed if Chaldea is to have any hope of restoring the human order. To that end, the agency has made liberal use of the Servant Summoning System to bring forth powerful Heroic Spirits to aid their Master, Ritsuka Fujimaru, in his mission. However, despite the urgency and importance of such a mission, it is also understood that Servants, much like normal humans, cannot work constantly 24/7; they must be allowed to rest and relax. Which brings us to today...

Shuten-douji laughed happily as she downed her... 10th? 12th? She couldn't even remember how many glasses of sake she'd had already. Not that she'd been counting in the first place. The only people who watched how much they drank were those trying to hold back, and Shuten never held back, especially not on a day like this. She had just earlier today returned from aiding Ritsuka in the restoration of one of the Singularities, and after being given the order to relax, had immediately gone off to celebrate with her companion and fellow oni, Ibaraki-douji. And as anyone would tell you, a celebration with Shuten could only mean one thing: alcohol, and tons of it.

Of course, alcohol wasn't the only thing present. Even a heavy drinker like Shuten understood alcohol did not a party make, so she had... 'persuaded' Chaldea's kitchen staff to prepare some food for them, a veritable feast for the oni duo. Rice balls, meat buns, all sorts of dishes were arranged on a table, their heavenly smell filling the entire room. She'd even gone through the trouble of asking Master to lend her some of his movies, a request he had been more than happy to grant, and one such film was currently playing, though neither oni was paying any particular attention to it, instead using it more for the background noise than anything else.

Ibaraki looked up to Shuten, her cheeks bulging from the food she was trying to shovel down. She opened her mouth to speak, but whatever she'd said was far too muffled to make out. Shuten sighed and slowly shook her head, leaning forward and poking the yellow oni in her overstuffed cheek. "Ibaraki, how many times have I told you? Don't speak when your mouth's full."

The other oni blushes as she swallows down her food before immediately trying again. "Shuten, are you sure this is okay? This is a lot of food and... Well, that's a lot of sake..."

Shuten quirked an eyebrow at that. Ibaraki always had been the more cautious of the two (Shuten liked to joke she had been a mouse in a past life), but to even call her drinking into question? "Oh, really? Because I feel I haven't even begun to celebrate." To illustrate her point, she reaches out and grabs yet another bottle of sake, tipping it bag and draining the entire thing in a single drink before tossing it over her shoulder, the sound of its shattering signalling it had landed on the floor.

Ibaraki simply clicked her chopsticks together nervously, averting her eyes from her superior. "I just- I mean- is this really okay? For the two of us alone to be celebrating like this?"

The Assassin simply grinned, her cheeks starting to take on a rosy tint. "It's fiiine, Ibaragin~. Master even lent us some of his old movies. Do you think he'd have done that if it wasn't okay?" That seemed to shut her up, as she began busying herself with the food before her once more, her chopsticks becoming a blur as she shoveled as much as she could into her mouth as though her life depended on it. Shuten sighed, grabbing another sake bottle before draining it just as quickly as before. She might enjoy teasing Ibaraki at times (okay, most of the time), but right now she didn't want her fellow oni to be meek. It was a celebration, she should be enjoying just as much as, if not more than, Shuten herself was!

Annoyed, Shuten's eyes began wandering around the room. Another problem of there only being two onis in Chaldea: it could make their gatherings remarkably boring in the blink of an eye. With nobody else to keep her entertained, her gaze eventually fell on the TV before them and the movie that was playing. It was an old samurai film (ugh, of course), where the protagonist is trying to defeat the villain in order to restore his family's honor and blah blah blah blah, whatever, all these movies were the same to her. It seems she just caught it as it was ending, too, as (who she assumed was) the hero runs to embrace (who she assumed was) his lover. Tears fall, names are screamed, they lived happily ever after, roll cre- wait, what? Shuten's eyebrow quirks as her hand subconsciously reaches for another sake bottle, straightening her posture she turns fully to watch the movie that had now captured her attention. The girl on screen suddenly pulls away from the hero, her happy smile now replaced by a malevolent grin. She exposits a bit before she starts to jerk around, obviously in pain, before- did an oni just pop out of her?

Well, obviously it wasn't a real oni, it was just what the humans making this film thought an oni looked like, but nonetheless. Shuten giggled as she brings the sake bottle up to her lips, not bothering to hide her joy from that scene. What a twist, what a twist! Whoever made this film, surely they were a master cinematographer! She heard Ibaraki begin to speak up, but quickly hushed her, not wanting to miss a scene now that she was giving this film her attention.

The rest of the film passed about as you'd expect: the hero defeats the demon that had possessed his lover and goes on to travel to the underworld, defeating yet more demons as he makes his way to the demon king's palace before defeating the demon king himself. Despite how predictable it was,Shuten found herself loving every second of it, a fact more than likely helped by the copious amounts of alcohol she continued to drink while watching. By the time the credits began rolling, her vision was swimming and her entire body was swaying, looking like she'd fall over at the slightest breeze. And fall over she did- right onto the table, pushing a number of empty and not-so-empty food dishes out of her way as she did so. Ibaraki immediately jumped up, running around the table to Shuten's side, grabbing on to the purple oni's arm and beginning to question her. Shuten, however, was too preoccupied with thinking about the film, particularly the scene that had caught her attention in the first place.

As an oni, Shuten had, of course, heard numerous tales about onis possessing people. Not just from the humans she so enjoyed eating, but even from the other residents of Mt. Ooe. In fact, the scene that had enraptured her so was really just another of these tales she could throw on the metaphorical pile in her mind. But of course, it wasn't the newness of the scene that had caught her eye, it was the wickedness. Possessing a person's loved one and using their body to get close to them? How delightfully devilish! Oh, if only she could do that...! Actually, why couldn't she do that? Shuten suddenly realized she'd never actually tried it before, having always been content with her lifestyle as it was. But now that she'd seen the joys such a power could bring her, she desperately want to try it out! But who would be her guinea pig... It didn't take long for her to make up her mind, of course. There was a certain fat-titted demon slayer who was in desperate need of some payback. What better way to deliver it then with her own body? Shuten sat up, a wicked grin on her face. Oh yes, tonight would certainly be a celebration!


The rest of their celebration passed normally (well, as normally as an oni party can), with Shuten and Ibaraki eating, drinking, and yelling to their respective hearts' content. Laughs were had and tears were shed as the two of them pushes their bodies to the utmost limits of joy. But eventually, like all good things, it ended, and the two oni were forced to go their separate ways. Shuten, in a rare moment of kindheartedness, elected to escort Ibaraki to her room personally, rather than letting the yellow oni try to make her way back alone (as enjoyable a sight that would be). Once she was safely squared away in her bed, Shuten once more began stalking the halls, a wicked grin slowly starting to inch its way across her face. Her destination, of course, wasn't her own room. No no no, quite the opposite. She'd been waiting for Ibaraki to get tired so she could be rid of her and finally test her theory.

Chaldea was quiet, and just as well; it was incredibly late at night, after all, so the staff and even most of the other Servants should be fast asleep. The few nocturnal Servants that had been summoned were no obstacle to her; her Presence Concealment might've been low for an Assassin, but it was still more than enough it hide her from any prying eyes she might encounter. But thankfully, it didn't come to that, as she made it to her destination without any trouble. Shuten looked at the nameplate on the door: Minamoto no Raikou. Japan's greatest demon slayer, and current wannabe mother for their shared Master. The wicked oni giggled maliciously as she cracked open the door without so much as a creak, swiftly creeping inside before shutting it just as quietly.

The room was, as expected, pitch black, but Shuten's eyes were well-adapted to seeing in even the darkest of locations, allowing her to pick out every detail of the room with ease. There was her target, lying down on the bed and snoring lightly, fast asleep. The cow wasn't even under the covers, her near-naked body on display for anyone who walked in! Shuten's eyes narrowed as she began creeping towards her target; Raikou was currently turned away from her, so thankfully she wasn't able to see those obscene udders hanging off her chest, but she was able to see the samurai's rear, big, round, and juicy, seemingly straining against the purple panties trying desperately to cover those pale cheeks.

She wasn't jealous! Why would she be jealous?! Who cared if Shuten was the product of a botched ritual that summoned her with a body more fit for a small child, rather than the oh-so-voluptuous one she should've had?! Who cared if her boyfriend's mother, the same woman that had killed her so many centuries ago, had the body she should've had and didn't even put it to good use?! She was still the most seductive woman at Chaldea, bar none, and could put even the greatest of prostitutes to shame at how easily she could get a man in her bed! She was not jealous!

Shuten growled and shook her head. Those thoughts were not helping her. What was helping her, though, was her speed, as she'd already managed to cross the entirety of the room and was now looming over Raikou's bed. The samurai was still completely oblivious to the presence of her greatest enemy, a fact that brought a grin to Shuten's face. She'd never been one for karmic justice, or, really, any kind of justice, but there was some just oh-so-delectable about what she was about to do! She'd though long and hard about how she would do this, go about testing these possession abilities she may or may not have. After much thinking and internal debate, she came to the conclusion that there was only one way these powers possibly could work.

Reaching out, Shuten hooked her fingers into Raikou's panties and began tugging on them, pulling them down and freeing the samurai's ass. Next, she placed her hands on Raikou's cheeks and pulled them apart, exposing her asshole to the open air. Raikou didn't seem to notice this, not even making a single peep. Good. Reaching down, Shuten poked one of her fingers into Raikou's asshole, wiggling it around a bit to drive it in before hooking it and pulling. To her surprise, Raikou's hole spread fairly easily, and she swiftly mimicked her actions with her other hand. Shuten was now stretching Raikou's ass completely, inhumanly open, a feat she could only attribute to her oni magic.

A wicked chuckle escaped her lips as she shot a glare at the samurai. "Pardon my intrusion~." With that, she began pushing her hands deeper into Raikou's ass, then her arms. She was elbows-deep in the samurai before Raikou suddenly moaned, causing Shuten to freeze. She had no way of explaining herself, so if Raikou woke up now, she had to be ready to run. Seconds passed, but Raikou remained still, allowing Shuten to sigh in relief before continuing her invasion of the other woman's body. Sliding the rest of her arms inside, she pulled Raikou's asshole open a bit more before fitting her head in, her horns making an already difficult job even harder. Eventually, she managed to get in, along with the rest of her torso. The sounds of the outside world became muffled as Shuten was now quite firmly in the body of Minamoto no Raikou. There was no way she could pull out quickly at this point, so she was left with one option: press onward. Grabbing hold of Raikou's innards, she groaned as she began pulling her legs in, Raikou's asshole having become quite tight now that she wasn't holding it open. Somehow, though, she managed to succeed, and the small oni had managed to completely stuff herself inside the samurai's ass like some perverted magician's trick. Shuten smirked, proud of her success, only to be hit by a sudden wave of dizziness. Her eyes fluttered, and she tried her best to keep them open, but eventually they closed as she lost consciousness.

Hours later, as dawn broke on the world, she awoke. With a groan, her eyes fluttered open, a hand immediately going to her forehead. 'Oh, my aching... head?'she thought, blinking in confusion as she realized her head, in fact, was not hurting. Strange, as even she was not immune to the accursed affliction known as a hangover. And with how much she drank last night, there was no way she couldn't wake up with one... right? In fact, now that she thought about it, her whole body felt off. Not 'off' in a bad way, mind you. Off in a... familiar way. She began to sit up, only for a wave of violet hair to fall into her vision as she felt a notable sway on her chest. Her eyes shot open at that. Could it be? Had she done it? Mirror! She needed a mirror, stat!

Looking around, Shuten noted that whoever's room she was in, it wasn't her own. Had she gotten so drunk she seduced one of the male Servants for a night of debauchery, a night that had resulted in her return to her true form? But if that were the case, why didn't she have a hangover? Thankfully, the room had a full body mirror near to the bed, so maybe looking in it would give her the answers she needed. Standing up, she sauntered over to the mirror... and gasped.

She hadn't returned to her true form. Those weren't her luscious violet locks hanging in her vision, her full, round breasts barely contained by whatever underwear she decided to wear, nor her smooth, heart-shaped pillow of an ass that rocked with her every step. No, this was... Minamoto no Raikou. Her arch-rival, the woman that had killed her, the woman that fought so fiercely to protect Shuten's favorite boy-toy, Kintoki. All at once, her memory seemed to return to her: fixing the Singularity with Master, celebrating the victory with Ibaraki, the movie, and her plan. A devilish grin began to spread across her face, looking sorely out of place with Raikou's gentler features. Reaching up, she cupped her stolen breasts with her stolen hands, gently squeezing them and moaning as a small shock of pleasure shot through her before looking into the mirror. "Thank you for being such a generous host, Raikou-san~. Not just letting me sleep in your bed, but your body as well? Truly, you're a role model for all!" Winking to her reflection, she turned around and headed for Raikou's closet. She had to get dressed, then she had to find Ibaraki. If Shuten knew her subordinate well, her fellow oni would still be asleep right about now, which meant Shuten had the chance to give her an extra special wake-up call!


Ibaraki-douji awoke with a groan. As anyone in Chaldea would tell you, this was a dangerous thing, as an Ibaraki who didn't wake up in a good mood was nightmarish to deal with until something or someone was able to put her in a good mood. Today's awakening was particularly dangerous as she was also being woken up far earlier than normal. An Ibaraki that hadn't gotten enough sleep was impossible to put in a good mood, and was just barely able to be kept in line by Shuten. The yellow oni's eyes fluttered open, swiveling around the room to try and find the insolent fool who had dared wake her. Whoever they were, they were either very brave or very foolish to be... what the hell was happening to her chest? It felt hot, hotter than usual, and... wet? Looking down, she gasped, and her heart nearly flew out of her chest.

Lying next to her in bed, suckling gently on her exposed chest, was none other than Minamoto no Raikou, dressed in a lavender turtleneck sweater that did little to obscure her curvy figure as well as a pair of tight, light purple booty shorts that left much of her long, smooth legs exposed. The demon slayers eyes were closed, apparently concentrating on whatever she was trying to do. Was this some sort of new demon-slaying technique? Whatever it was, Ibaraki didn't want any part of it! She had to get away, fast! But the moment she moved her arms to begin pushing away, Raikou's eyes opened, and a soft smile spread across her face as she pulled away from the oni. "Oh, good, you're awake~."

"R-R-R-Raikou, w-w-what are you d-doing here?!"

Raikou purred and ran a hand across Ibaraki's exposed chest, pinching one of the oni's nipples and sending a small shock through her body. "Hmmm, what indeed~. Maybe I just... realized how cruel I was to you, Ibaragin? Sending my Four Heavenly Kings after you and Shuten, chopping off your arm, slicing off her head... Perhaps I simply wanted to make amends for the sins of the past~?" Her tone was gentle and breathy, and in fact it almost sounded oddly familiar, but Ibaraki didn't have time to worry about that now. The woman who had killed her and Shuten was lying in her bed speaking crazytalk, she had to get out of there now. She tried to inch her way out of the bed- maybe if she went slow enough, Raikou wouldn't notice until she could make a break for it- only for one of the demon slayer's hands to grip her wrist, pinning her to the one. Raikou's lip puffed out in a pout as she looked Ibaraki in the eye. "Aw, Ibaragin, leaving so soon? But I haven't even begun to make it up to you~." The oni simply sat there, heart racing, not bothering to struggle. She knew she wouldn't be breaking out of Raikou's grip any time soon. But, slowly, something changed. Raikou's lips began to curve upwards, into a smile, and... was she giggling? "Oh Ibaraki, you're so easy to tease~."

The woman released Ibaraki's hand, and the oni used her freedom to scurry as far from as she could while still staying on the bed. "Wh-What do you mean? Y-Y-You were just m-messing with me?!" She felt her eyes narrow and her cheeks flare up at that realization! She was an oni, damn it! A proud one! To think some human would try to mess with her, even if it was a famous demon slayer, was unforgivable! There was only one person who could mess with her, and that was-

"Of course I was. I'm the only one who's allowed to, after all~." Ibaraki blinked, confused. The only person she let mess with her was Shuten. But this wasn't Shuten, this was clearly Raikou. But... Raikou had never bothered trying to mess with her (or Shuten, for that matter) before. No, she usually just tried to exterminate them. So... Raikou laughed as she watched Ibaraki's eyes cross, the oni obviously struggling to comprehend what was going on. She leaned in, gently cupping Ibaraki's face with her hands. "Maybe this will help you figure it out~." And with that, she pressed her lips against Ibaraki's.

Instinctively, Ibaraki forced her tongue into Raikou's mouth, intertwining it with the other woman's. This wasn't her first makeout session; back on Mt. Ooe, when things got particularly heated and she lost control of herself... Well, let's just say Shuten taught her a few things. And speaking of Shuten... Raikou's taste was distinctly different from the violet-haired oni, but there was something very familiar about, a certain tang... The taste of... alcohol? As Ibaraki closed her eyes and concentrated on the kiss, briefly forgetting who exactly she was with, she realized yes, that was definitely the taste of alcohol. The exact same taste she remembered Shuten having.

Raikou pulled away, a thin trail of saliva connecting their mouths before breaking. A mischievous smile was on her face. "So, now do you get it, Ibaragin~?"

Ibaraki was floored. There was no way it could be... How? And yet, with the evidence before her, was there any other option? "Sh-Shuten...?" Raikou nodded and grinned. "But... But how?" She began explaining everything, from the scene that gave her the idea in the first place to actually putting it into place. Ibaraki sat there, listening with rapt attention. She'd heard other onis talk about this sort of thing before, but she'd always assumed they were just making it up! After all, she was an oni, and she'd never possessed someone! Though, come to think of it, she'd never actually tried, had she? She was always too busy terrorizing humans to even think about being one...

She was pulled from her thoughts as Raikou- no, Shuten wrapped an arm around her. "Now, my dear Ibaragin, would you be willing to help me put this new power to good use~?" Ibaraki didn't hesitate as she nodded her head. Whatever Shuten said, went! It didn't matter whose body she was in! "Excellent! Now, you're going to..." She leaned in and whispered her plan into Ibaraki's ear, the yellow oni nodding along as blood rushed into her cheeks. She'd always known Shuten could be... lewd, but this was her first time experiencing it first-hand! Eventually, Shuten pulled away with a smile. "Well then, let's get to work~."

The two of them left Ibaraki's room and began wandering the halls of Chaldea, looking for their next target. Eventually, they found her meditating in one of the many break rooms of the building: none other than Xuanzang Sanzang, dressed in her usual outfit with her hair hanging freely. Shuten smiled down at Ibaraki, the two of them nodding to each other before she stepped inside. Time to execute their plan. Shuten made a show sauntered over to one of the bookshelves, seemingly looking it over before bending over, trying to pull something from the bottom shelf only to 'fail'. With a huff, she straitened herself before turning back to Xuanzang. "Xuanzang?"

The monk cracked an eye open. "Yes, Raikou?"

"Could you help me get something from this shelf?"

She nodded. "Sure thing, Raikou!" Getting up from the floor, she walked over to Shuten, scanning over the shelves. "Which book ya need?" Shuten pointed down to the bottom shelf, making sure to not actually point to any one book in particular. Xuanzang nodded and bent over, straining as she looked over the numerous novels that had been forced onto the shelf. With their target now in place, Shuten turned back and looked to Ibaraki, flashing her a thumbs-up. Now it was her turn.

Ibaraki nodded and silently entered the room, slowly creeping her way over to Xuanzang. Once the oni was right next to her, she acted quickly; in a flash, she reached out, grabbed Xuanzang's exposed panties, pulled them down, and then shoved both her hands into the monk's ass. Xuanzang's reaction was immediate, yelping as she turned to see what was going on. "What the- Ibaraki?! What are you doing?!" The oni didn't answer, instead grinning wickedly as she continued to force more of her body into the monk. Xuanzang moaned loudly as Ibaraki's arms disappeared inside her, tears welling up in her eyes as an odd combination of pain and pleasure rocked her body. The monk was forced to her knees as Ibaraki's weight pulled her down, the yellow oni stretching her asshole apart to fit her head inside. Xuanzang's arms wrapped around her stomach. She could feel the oni inside her, feel her smaller body moving around inside the monk's own. How was she doing this? And more importantly, why? Had she inadvertently offended Ibaraki, and now the oni was executing her in a particularly cruel and unusual way? Or was this some strange oni sex act? Whatever the case, she wouldn't be finding out any time soon as the last of Ibaraki's body disappeared inside her. Xuanzang began jerking and shaking, an odd sensation overtaking her before her vision went dark and she lost consciousness.

Shuten smiled as she stood over the monk's unconscious body. Truth be told, she was happy she was able to watch this from an outside perspective. It allowed her to see just exactly how delightfully twisted the act was, though it also raised a few concerns. For example, when Shuten had possessed Raikou, she didn't wake up until this morning. Was that true for all possessions, or was it simply because Raikou was already asleep when Shuten took over? Not to mention how much pain Xuanzang seemed to be in and Ibaraki crawled inside her. 'I wonder if there's some way to stop that...'

At that moment, Shuten was pulled from her thoughts as Xuanzang suddenly shot up, gasping and panting heavily. The monk looked around the room frantically, a wild look in her eyes, before she spotted Shuten. "Sh-Shuten?" Her hand reached up and grabbed her throat as her eyebrows shot up. Shuten watched with a smile as 'Xuanzang' looked herself over, poking and prodding her body as if not believing it was real, even going so far as to cup her large breasts, a small moan escaping her lips as she did so. That seemed to satisfy her as she looked up at Shuten with a triumphant smile. "I... I did it! I took over Xuanzang's body!"

Shuten smirked as Xuanzang, or rather, Ibaraki in Xuanzang's body, stood up. "Very good, Ibaragin~. Now then..." She looped her arms around Ibaraki's neck, pulling her close enough that their noses were nearly touching. "How about we go somewhere and break in these new bodies of ours~?" Ibaraki simply nodded, but that was all Shuten needed. Grabbing hold of the other woman's hand, she dashed off, dragging Ibaraki through the halls of Chaldea as fast she could, licking her lips hungrily. She was so excited for what was about to come, and to think she'd be doing it in Raikou's body! Maybe the fat-titted cow wasn't as useless as she thought...

Soon enough, the duo were bursting through the door to Shuten's room, Shuten slamming it shut once they were both inside. Ibaraki's eyes were wide, her breaths coming in short, quick gasps as Shuten rounded on her. "Shuten, wa-" She was cut off as her super grabbed hold of her face and pressed their lips together, Shuten's tongue immediately diving into Ibaraki's mouth in a hungry kiss. Ibaraki moaned lightly as she gave in, wrapping her arms around Shuten as her tongue twisted around the other oni's. For a few seconds, they stood there, simply attacking each other with their tongues, but eventually, they pulled apart, each with a grin on their face. Ibaraki panted, her cheeks growing red as her body heated up. "Shuten, that was-"

Once more, she was cut off, this time by her companion raising a finger to her lips. "Ah, ah, ah~. No words, Ibaragin. Let's just... enjoy this~." Shuten reached down and grabbed the hem of her sweater, pulling it up and over her head in one fluid motion. Ibaraki gasped as she discovered that Shuten hadn't been wearing a bra, allowing Raikou's breasts to bounce freely, their rosy nipples stiffening as they were exposed to the cool air. Next she reached down and pulled off her shorts, revealing she hadn't been wearing any underwear whatsoever. Now completely nude, Shuten smiled lazily at Ibaraki, cocking her hip out to the side and resting her hand on it. "Well? Are you just going to keep me waiting~?"

Ibaraki gulped, getting the message loud and clear. Reaching down, she began fiddling with the buttons on Xuanzang's coat, eventually managing to undo them and taking it off. Next, she reached up and undid her bra, the article falling away almost immediately, causing Ibaraki to gasp as her own nipples stiffened from the room's cool air. Finally, she hooked her thumbs into her panties and pulled them down before kicking them away, leaving Ibaraki almost completely nude, the only thing covering her being Xuanzang's odd, footless socks. She gave Shuten a shaky smile, feeling oddly embarrassed. "H-How's this?"

Shuten purred as she looked over Xuanzang's body. Her breasts and all were almost as large as Raikou's, and were definitely just as perky. The monk herself might not have realized it, but her body was definitely built for sin. All the better that it now had a sinful oni piloting it. "Delicious~." Once more, Shuten pulled Ibaraki into a kiss, though this time she began leading her over to the bed instead of simply standing there. With a grunt, Shuten broke off the kiss and forced Ibaraki onto the bed, quickly straddling her before she had a chance to react. Shuten gave her companion a lascivious smile as she began running her hands along Ibaraki's stolen body, eventually coming to a rest on her thighs. "You know, Ibaraki, you've been such a good girl... I think you deserve a reward~." Applying a bit of pressure, she forced Ibaraki's legs apart, revealing Xuanzang's pussy: clean-shaven, pink, and already slightly slick with juices. "Itadakimasu~." Leaning in, Shuten stuck her tongue out and began running it over Ibaraki's pussy, lapping at the outer lips before finally sticking it in.

Ibaraki moaned as Shuten began to eat her out, moving her tongue within her lower depths with the kind of skill you could only expect from the most lascivious oni around. Even though it wasn't her pussy, even though it wasn't Shuten's tongue, it didn't change anything as she felt the rough organ scrape against her inner walls, each movement bringing a fresh wave of pleasure to crash over Ibaraki's mind. This situation wasn't new; Ibaraki had been eaten out by Shuten before, and had done her fair share of eating herself. And yet, this pleasure, this feeling... It was unlike anything she'd felt before! Was Xuanzang just not used to sexual pleasure? That had to be it, that was the only explanation for why this situation felt so familiar yet so new at the same time.

Shuten continued to lick Ibaraki's pussy, like a dying man drinking from the oasis he'd just found. As she did so, Ibaraki's juices began to gush forward, staining Shuten's face, their taste driving her to go even faster. Eventually, Ibaraki's moans reached a crescendo... and Shuten suddenly pulled away, chin dripping with Ibaraki's fluids. Ibaraki looks at her lover, confusion and lust clear in her eyes. "Did you really think you'd be having all the fun~?" Re-positioning herself slightly, Ibaraki brought Raikou's own pussy into view: a small triangle of purple hair above it, juices already dripping out. With a wicked grin, she pressed her lower half forward and began rubbing their pussies together.

The possessed women moaned loudly as they scissored each other, their pussies releasing their natural lubricant and ensuring they didn't stick together. Each movement brought fresh pleasure to the both of them, and even Shuten began to feel overwhelmed by the sensation. She was used to sex, loved it almost as much as she loved alcohol, but it was obvious Raikou wasn't, as the woman's body seemed like it had never been stimulated in her entire life. A burning heat erupted in her core, spurring her on, driving her to pump her hips faster with every second. She wanted this, needed this! For a second, everything seemed to fade away; she wasn't Shuten-douji, possessing Minamoto no Raikou, and having lesbian sex with Ibaraki-douji, possessing Xuanzang Sanzang. There was simply... pleasure. A mounting, growing pleasure hat threatened to consume her, wipe her away in a flood of mind-numbing warmth. And she wanted that oh so badly! The fire in her body spread throughout, encompassing her entire being from the top of her head to the tips of her toes. Her pleasure grew, and grew, and grew, until finally...!

Both women screamed as they reach mutual climax. For a few, glorious seconds, they forgot everything. All their pains, all their woes, their past and their present. They forgot these weren't their bodies, and they forgot how wrong this was. All they remembered, all they knew, was the blinding white pleasure of orgasm. Slowly, eventually, they calmed down, both breathing heavily. Shuten laid down on top of Ibaraki, her strength having left her with her climax, and sloppily wrapped her arms around her lover, a rather doofy grin present on her face. "That... Was... Amazing~..." She buried her face in Ibaraki's neck, and with neither woman saying another word, they both drifted off to sleep in their stolen bodies. And when they wake, who knows what else they'll get up to...
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