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by GREKy
Rated: 18+ · Novel · Action/Adventure · #2162386
A preview of volume 1 of the novel. Url to the full version at the end of chapter 2
The Dimensional Traveler (FanFicDimension Neptunia) Vol.1

Chapter 1. Welcome to Gamindustri

“Huh?” When I opened my eyes, I couldn’t believe what I saw. Only a split second ago I was still in my bed. And now? I was standing in a middle of a completely unfamiliar street.

Did I doze off and it was just a dream? Everything seemed surprising real, but just in case, I pinched myself in a cheek. This cliché was utterly useless, so of course, it gave no results. My surroundings remained unchanged. Confused, I took a closer look around.
The street I was on seemed strange, although there was nothing out of ordinary here. The sense of oddness was menacing even from such trivial things like pavement. I was sure that I had seen similar ones many times, but still, there was something so out of place about it that I tried to avoid gazing down on purpose. However, it didn’t improve my mood. After taking a few steps in a random direction I noticed a row of lamps. Of course, there was nothing wrong with them but still, I felt like if they came from another planet. Trying to get away from all of this I nearly began to run. I was hoping that I could find something I knew or at least, unlike this surrounding was welcoming, but it was all pointless. Quickly enough I discovered that I was locked out from both sides by crowds of people.

I stopped breathing for a moment. What the hell was going on?! I felt that everyone was closing up on me, so I desperately began to search for an escape path. Nothing! Not even a back alley, nor a ladder to the rooftops. Only direction I could run was inside of one of the buildings. And then what? Would I be able to break free? No, I should stop thinking like that! Being paranoid wouldn’t help me figure out what on earth was going on. I deeply inhaled to calm myself down.

Those people must have been unaware of my existence. They were focused on themselves. I noticed that many of them had shopping bags in their hands, while others were walking around with their noses in mobile phones. Nothing unusual, see? Even though their clothes were a bit too ‘modern’ for me, they were certainly fellow humans. There was nothing to be worried about…
Since I got one of the troubles out of the way, I should start thinking how to get home. Knowing how I ended up here would probably only terrify me, so as for now, I decided to ignore it. Unfortunately, before I could start enjoying this moment of inner peace, I suddenly heard a voice coming from behind of my back.

“Товарищ, дайте пятерым водки.” A tall stranger in a black hoodie with two white strips on it engaged me. The language he used had quite a familiar sound to it, but I couldn’t understand any of what he was saying. Because of that, an idea sprung into my mind. After putting all the pieces together, I deducted what happened to me was a summon to a parallel universe. Or worse, I was drugged and abducted to Russia! Damn, if it was the latter, I was already a goner… To prevent myself from losing sanity right off the bat, I decided to unanimously agree on the option A. I would rather blindly believe that I had become a protagonist of some adventure/fantasy book, because if that was the case, from now on I would start living an easy and satisfying life. Also, I would soon meet my beautiful main heroine with whom I would eventually fall in mutual love. Ah, since when I was so lucky? In all of these delusions, I didn’t even notice that guy walking away with a short “И ебать.”

“Do you need any help, darling?” An old lady appeared out of nowhere scaring a fantasizing grin off my face. Seriously, just ignore my thoughts from the second ago… Somehow, I could clearly comprehend with her words. “Oh, yeah. I think I’m kind of lost. Could you tell me the way to the town hall, please?” I thought that using this opportunity was the best course of actions. “Town hall?” She looked at me curiously like if she had heard this expression for the first time. “I’m sorry, I can’t be of assistance to you. I’m not really familiar with places for youngsters anymore…” Her genuine reaction proved me that I indeed might had entered another dimension. “Maybe it’s called in a different way in this region. I meant the most important building of this town. Usually local governments reside there.” “Oh, I see. You must be a tourist. I should have known better. So, you are looking for Basilicom, aren’t you?” “I guess. How can I find it?” I didn’t mean to sound rude, but I hastened the friendly granny. “Right… You have to go straight in that direction and then turn the third left. It’s quite far away from here, but you shouldn’t miss it. If you are afraid of getting lost, you may ask someone else on the way. I’m sure they will help you. Oh, and Basilicom is that big purple building on the hill. If you look around you should find signs too.” Basilicom… I tasted the unfamiliar word in my thoughts. “Thank you. I think I got it. Is there anything I could do to repay this favor madame?” “Oh hoho, such a gentleman. It’s fine. Please enjoy your stay, that’s all I will ask you for!” Eventually, I went my way, sent off by the old woman with a smile and a wave of her hand.

Basilicom truly turned out to be a place I couldn’t miss. A large, church-like structure was giving me a vibe of a slightly futuristic version of Sistine Chapel. However, unlike the one in Vatican, it had something warm and hospitable to it. For some strange reason, as I made my way towards the entrance I couldn’t help but to feel like if I was returning home.
My first connotation was also right about the interior. In a spacious hall there were four stands and to each of them there was a long line. I didn’t want to spend there a whole day, so before I were to join any of them I probably had to do some research. Luckily, I didn’t have to go far to find what I exactly needed.

‘Welcome to Planeptune Basilicom of Lady Purple Heart.’ The sign informed me. I decided to keep that name in mind, just in case. It sounded more like a nickname than an actual one, but without a doubt, she was the most important person in here. Underneath, there was additional info thanks to which I figured out that I should go to the number 4 – general affairs and tourism.
“Good morning, how can I help you?” When after around half an hour in queue it was finally my turn, a clerk wearing unusual purple robes as his uniform greeted me. He was looking a bit of eccentric to me, especially considering that big hat-like object on his head, however, since I made it this far… “I was told that I could get some touristic information here. It’s my first time in this area and to be honest, I feel kind of lost.” Playing a slightly dumb traveler would be the safest option, I thought. If I were to start screaming ‘hello I came here from another world’ I would certainly be quickly transported to a ‘secure’ place. “Ah, first time in Planeptune? We’re always glad to welcome new visitors. Please, hang on a moment. I have something which may help you, sir.” Saying that, the man dove under his desk and after few moments reappeared with a booklet in his hands. “Here, you can have it, sir.” He pushed it towards me. ‘Welcome to Gamindustri’ said richly decorated tittle. “It has all kind of useful stuff. Map of the town, important numbers and even a bit of history. I hope you can find everything you need here, but if there’s anything else troubling you, feel free to ask either me or one of my colleagues. I’m sure we will be able to find a solution to any of your worries.” Nah, it wasn’t possible. Nonetheless, I smiled back at him and showed my gratitude. “Will do. Thank you very much.” After acquiring the first key item, my next quest was to find a sitting spot on the side and study all I could about my current whereabouts.

Gamindustri – a land over which CPUs rule. It is made up of four nations, each ruled over by one of the goddesses. CPU White Heart rules Lowee, CPU Black Heart Lastation, CPU Green Heart – Leanbox and CPU Purple Heart resides in Planeptune. Each nation battles over dominion of the land, with the CPUs keeping one another in top form, creating a balance.’ Though reading all of this still seemed like a joke to me, I was sure that learning it was critical if I wished to survive in this new setting. Goddesses? Were they really ones or was it just a title used to refer to a ruler in this world? If it was true, maybe if I somehow managed to meet and talk to one of them… Argh, whom I was kidding, there was no way that would actually happen! Looking like that, I wouldn’t be even allowed to see them closely, not to mention if I were to tell them my ridiculous story I would probably risk more than being thrown into asylum. Ugh, I checked on the giant clock on the wall of the lobby. It was still 1 pm. I still had a chance to do something to at least secure my first night. But first, I should finish reading the guide. It could… “HUH?!”

When I turned the page over, a large blob of yellowish substance dropped on the paper. Some portion of it bounced over, staining my trousers. “NEPU! Rest in peace Mr. Pudding. You will be missed.” In front of me there was a small girl holding an already empty plastic pack. Considering how close to me she stood and that she was still leaning forward, she must have been peeking on what I was reading. “Oh, I nearly forgot. Sorries about that. I guess I should do something now.” She didn’t look exactly troubled as she gracefully jumped a step back and grinned, scratching her head.

The first thing I noticed about her was the color of her hair and eyes. Both of them were light purple, nearly pink. Fixing her matching hoodie dress, she glanced over me once again without dropping that contagious smile. I didn’t know why but I immediately felt happier after seeing it. “Uh huh, not really talkative? Well, not every day such a cute girl like me talks to you, I guess.” “Sorry. I’m still a bit confused and stuff…” “Yep. I can see that. Hah, from where didya come from with a face like that? From some different dimension?” Obviously, she wasn’t being serious but my eyes widened upon hearing that anyway. I was nearly about to answer her positively, when another person joined us.

“What’s the matter Lady Neptune? Is this man troubling you?” One of the clerks rushed over to our position. Hold on, did he say ‘lady’? “Dude, can’t I just talk to my people when I wanna to? Go back to your work. Everything is A-Okay around here! Thanks for concern, I guess. Now bye, bye!” The man bowed apologetically and without any complains went back to his duties as fast as he appeared.
“For reals… Do they really think I can’t handle myself? Geez…” The pink girl sighed and sat down on a chair next to mine. I didn’t know how to answer to that, so I remained silent. “Back to main point, why are you reading like that? Tell me at once!” She perked up in her sit while using a nearly accusatory tone. “Like what? Is wanting to learn more about this world a crime?” “That’s not what I meant! Don’t you have friends to hang out or something instead of reading boring stuff everyone knows in a such lame place as Basilicom?” Ouch. That unexpectedly stung harder that intended. Seeing my reaction, she pointed her finger at me. “I knew it! Doctor Nep successfully diagnosed this patient. You just have no friends! I know someone who would understand this pain though…” “Like yourself?” “He’s talking back! I can’t believe it!” “By the way…” I decided to steer the conversation to a different topic before that guy would come back, this time with security. “That person from before referred to you per lady. I’m sorry if I’m being rude to ask, but are you perhaps a relative of this CPU Purple Heart?” I didn’t have to be a Sherlock to unveil this mystery. That girl had to be someone important here, so if I were lucky enough, my chances of seeking an audience with goddess would skyrocket. Though it definitely was still a risky scheme. “Hehe, relative he says.” She chuckled at me mockingly. “Since I feel like talking to you is somehow putting on the first flag of a new epic plot, it’s time for a big reveal! Ta ta ta! It’s still only the first chapter and you already met the main heroine – Neptune aka Purple Heart aka the most awesome person in Gamindustri!!!”

“Say what?” That probably wasn’t a reaction she anticipated. “He didn’t believe, did he?! What a guy!” “Well, in that book your snack landed on there was a photo of her and she was kind of, umm… different, you know.” “Like how?!” “Like she was an adult for instance. She also had long purple hair, braided behind her back. Not to mention those eyes… They were rather intriguing.” I didn’t understand why I said the last two sentences aloud, but somehow, I felt that I could be fully honest around this self-proclaimed goddess. “Uh, so you must already be head over heels for her, huh?” “That’s not my point. Please, be honest with me. Are you perhaps her daughter?” At that moment my head was turned away from her as I was dumping the destroyed guide into the closest bin. Nonetheless, I still noticed a pillar of blinding light filling the room out of sudden.

When I finally could open my eyes, I didn’t see anything out of ordinary. Was I just imagining things? The life in Basilicom didn’t show any proof of any anomalies which could have occurred and because of that, I felt like if I was the only one to witness it. What the hell? “So, you can see the transformation, can’t you? That’s rather unheard of…” The voice came from my right. Unlike Neptune’s squeaky and childish, this one was deeper and more dignified. The change startled me to a point where I felt like if I was having a heart attack. In the end, from that direction and distance, the only one who could speak to me was… I slowly turned my head to confirm it.
“Fufu, you look as if you have seen a ghost.” Although there was no way they could actually switch places without me noticing it, a second ago there was a girl sitting on my side, now it was a fully-grown woman. As her appearance went, she looked exactly like Purple Heart I had seen on paper, however, the real one was somehow far more beautiful. “Geh?” I couldn’t stop myself from articulating a weird sound. No doubt, this was a goddess. I was in a different world. I just had to roll with it from now on. “You’re making funny faces.” The CPU giggled and stretched her long legs, putting one on the another. “There’s nothing that can surprise me even more at this point.” “I assume I gained your trust now.” “Yeah, sorry about that. You said it’s not common to see a transformation, right? Did you mean that light?” “Yes. I thought it’s impossible for humans. As far as I am aware, you must be the first one. That’s quite impressive.” “Is it? So, allow me to confirm one thing. That child Neptune is your human disguise while Purple Heart is the real you, am I correct?” “The answer is yes and no. Both of them are me. It would probably take a bit to explain the theory behind it, but let’s not only talk about me. I’m sure you have an interesting secret or two on your own too. I’m curious to hear about them.” The tone of her voice was like if the goddess had already seen through me. I hesitated for a moment. Could she know about cases like mine and for that reason she had spoken to me in the first place? Maybe it wasn’t such rare occurrence and people were taking casual strolls through dimensions on regular basis. So far, I was rather skeptical about confiding my story to others, but after meeting Neptune I changed my mind. I shared all of my worries with her.

“What do you think? Is there a way for me to get back home now?” When I was done, I gazed on my interlocutor. For the whole time she had been actively listening, asking for more details, so even though we were pretty much complete strangers, I found it surprisingly easy to talk to her. However, when I was expecting answers and reassurance, all I received was disappointment.
“Hehe, you know…” Purple Heart nervously played with her hair. From the puzzled look on her face I deducted it wasn’t that she disbelieved into my story, rather, she was simply as clueless as I was. “…” I lowered my eyes in dejection. If even one of the CPUs didn’t know how to help me, that could only mean I would have to start getting used to Gamindustri from now on. “Don’t be so sad. Look, I have an idea. Let’s go talk to Histy. Though it may be a bit shaming for me to admit, she’s more knowledgeable than me in such instances.” Neptune suddenly sprung out of her seat. “Histy?” “She’s the Oracle of Planeptune. She is home now, so follow me and stay close. It would be a problem if you got lost.” Not waiting for a response, she grabbed a corner of my sleeve and pulled forward. Definitely, that wasn’t a scenario I expected. Not that I wasn’t fine with it, although as I was still greatly confused, all I could do was to follow CPU Purple Heart as she led me through crowds of greeting her people towards the back of the Basilicom.

“You see… We had a little ‘difference in opinions’ earlier today. Could you stay here for a sec, please?” Once we reached a certain door, Neptune had stopped. “I’ll call you in. If I survive, that is.” She added and loudly inhaled. “Well, wish me luck. I’m going in.” I didn’t know how to reply, so I just nodded as she went inside, like if to receive a capital punishment. Whoever this Histy was, she had to be a truly terrifying person… Ten minutes later the door swung open again, inviting me to enter.

Design of the room clearly indicated feminine hand, not only in terms of color selection, but also in scattered around items. Most of the furniture was white and pink, while the walls had light purple wallpaper on them. Because of that, the interior seemed to be nearly illuminating. Even if there were spots with a bit of mess, like comics or gaming accessories out of their shelves, I could easily say that someone had been regularly cleaning here. I probably shouldn’t judge people or goddesses by my own standards…

Both of them were waiting at the living room’s table. Or rather, one was literally on it. A tiny girl in a purple gown was sitting on a large book placed at the far end of the wooden surface. Her medium sized blonde hair was peacefully falling down on her back fairy-like wings. She must have been Histy. “Ummm… Good morning.” I threw awkwardly to her. “Greetings. Please sit down. Neptune had already given me a short briefing, nonetheless I would like to confirm a few details. (welcoming face)” Invited by Neptune’s hand gesture, I took a chair next to hers and repeated everything, hopefully for the last time.

Histoire (because that apparently was her full name) kept intensively browsing her tome during our discussion. She seemed to be highly intrigued by what I was telling them and when I finished, it took her a while to come back to reality. “Please forgive me. By all means, I do not doubt your words, however, this is just remarkable. Dimension you came from is like nothing I have ever read about. And the other fact… I am terribly sorry, but I cannot send you home yet. (apologetic face)” “Huh, why?” “I probably should have rephrased that. I am not able to. It is most likely possible, though it would require a lot of research on my side. (thinking face)” “How long do you think it would take?” “30 years or so. (sorry face)” “30 years?!” I didn’t think it would be easy to get back, but 30 years? I would be 49 by that time, so even if I were to return, what would I do there? Having lost my entire youth, no education, no job, no family… Not to mention, how would I explain where I was until then? I didn’t know how long it took, but eventually I would be proclaimed dead anyway. So, what was the point? I fixed my stare on my feet. All I could do was to stay here, in Gamindustri. No other solution popped into my head. Definitely, that would be a hard task. I would have to learn all basic skill and knowledge from the start, like if I was reborn. This concept overwhelmed me, especially since Gamindustri seemed to have something which my world didn’t – magic. Who knows, maybe even I would be able to learn a spell or two? Knowing that it was the most important moment of my life, I finally made up my mind.

“I’m staying here. You don’t need to look for it. I’m sorry for troubling you.” I didn’t even notice when I stood up. I tried to hide it as much as I could, however, my knees were nearly giving out. I was afraid of what would happen next and I didn’t want them to see me breaking. A ruler of this nation and her Oracle genuinely wished to help me. I was just one face of many, a completely random guy. So why were they so kind to me? Especially Neptune. Even now she seemed worried about me. For what reason was she concerned about me? No matter how hard I thought, I couldn’t find a single rational explanation for her actions. “I should be going. You must be busy.” Forcing myself to act as calm as it was possible, I slowly began to walk towards the exit, when suddenly, a hand which must have been Neptune’s grasped my outfit from the back.

I froze. “Going? Where? You don’t even know the town, do you?” She clearly had a point. My actions were irrational due to the stress I just underwent. First, I probably should clear my mind and then try to look for a first job and a shelter. “You know, in most of MMORPGs you can’t be a solo player forever. One day you will need help from others or you won’t be able to make any further progress in the game.” “What’s your point?” “I can see you are smart. You will quickly figure everything out yourself, I’m sure of it. And you have a special gift… There may be even more to that. That is why I’m not going to let you walk out now.” We knew each other for like 15 minutes, so why was she acting this way? There had to be a limit how kind one could be. “Would you perhaps be interested in working for me? I can provide you with a place to sleep, food and everything else. I want to help you.” “And what would I have to do?” “Become my secretary.” Unlike mine, her answer was instant. I had never done anything like that before so I wasn’t certain I would be able to fulfil duties with such high responsibility. I wasn’t a type to do things halfway. Besides, if I were to fail on this post, not only my pride would be damaged, but also there was a possibility that a person who was willing to go that far without even knowing me would suffer. For some reason, I didn’t want that to happen… “Please…” Neptune added in a low voice and I felt like if something inside of my heart cracked. “Although it’s a bit of late, how should I address you?” “Huh? Just my name is fine.” “Alright, Neptune.” Turning around, I grasped her beautiful hand. She clearly didn’t expect that and backed away but didn’t shake off my grip. “It will be my honor and pleasure, so please take good care of me. I promise I will do my best not to disappoint you.” “Y-yes.” Though she stuttered, a smile appeared on her face. Right after that, she reemerged from a pillar of light in her immature version. “Woo hoo! I already can’t wait to see jealous faces of others. Haha, Planeptune will take over the world! Be right back, I’m gonna check if our guest rooms are usable, so don’t go anywhere!” Happily jumping, Neptune stormed out of my sight.

“It is rare to see her excited about actual work. She is always lazing around all day. (curious face).” Histoire started a conversation when we were alone. “Is she?” “Yes. You would not even believe how much trouble she gives us because of that. As a goddess she should finally learn her duties. (slightly annoyed face)” “By the way, does she do things like that often?” “What do you mean? (confused face)” “I meant picking up strangers and offering them jobs.” “No, no. Of course, not. Even though Neptune might be a little capricious, she has never done anything as random before, so I am as surprised as you. Luckily, you do not seem to be a bad person. Everything should be fine, I hope. Who knows, maybe she had seen something in you that I cannot notice yet…? (thinking face)” “So the CPU Purple Heart is quite an individual, huh?” I whispered to myself. “Anyway, I’ve got to work hard from now on.” “I am glad to hear at least you understand that. (relieved face)”  

Chapter 2. Adventure time begins

As for someone who was restarting his life in a fantasy world I was really lucky to start with such a well-paid job. Since I could move into the Basilicom from the first day, I didn’t have to worry about anything. I could focus on learning by reading borrowed from Histoire books or by joining Neptune on her walks around the town. On the first glance, such life may have sounded perfectly, haven’t it? However, there was a ‘tiny’ drawback.

When I was informed about Neptune’s laziness, I had no clue how terrible it really was. The last thing that girl had in mind was working, which basically meant the entire nation was pretty much ran by Histoire. Despite all of my efforts to help, we were still constantly overwhelmed by piling up paperwork. Because of that my free time was rather limited, nonetheless, I still couldn’t complain.
On the third day I received my first payment in advance, so I went to buy new clothes and other items of personal use. With assistance and advice provided by my employer’s best friends – IF and Compa, I managed to successfully complete this mission by purchasing a bunch of quality goods at decent pricing.

There was no strict dress code at my workplace, however, as I was supposed to make public appearances from time to time, I decided to give up on my old casual style and start wearing more elegant clothing. The set of my selection was rather simple, yet still good looking. Well, at least in my humble opinion. A purple plaid shirt, comfortable T-shirt underneath, pair of classy blue jeans and black sneakers. For the time being I obtained five similar sets, which was surely enough.

No matter how peaceful this period seemed to be, I knew it was only a matter of time before my first adventure in Gamindustri would finally begin.

On the fifth morning Histoire asked both of us to come to the living room. “Yesterday was the day when Nepgear was to come back home. (concerned face)” She said. I already knew about whom we were talking about. Nepgear was Neptune’s younger sister and a CPU Candidate, which meant one day she could become the next goddess. “Uh, did Nep Jr. do something bad again? Geez, I haven’t raised her like that. I bet she created a Robot of Total Destruction or got caught up in some legendary sword ordeal.” Neptune sighed without any concern on her face. “Goodness! It is your own sibling. Aren’t you at least worried a bit, Neptune? (angry face)” “Theoretically, she’s in Lastation visiting her friend, right?” I interrupted, so this rant wouldn’t transform into a long lecture. “Yep, she went to see Uni. Those two probably lost track of the time while tinkering with sparky machinery. It’s quite typical for them. But Histy, why are you trying to imply we have to do something? Can’t you just contact Noire and make her do that for us?” “You see, here lies the main issue. No matter how many times I call, I cannot reach her. (worried face)” “Noire? You mean CPU Black Heart?” “That’s her. Also known as Tsun Heart or Friendless Heart.” “If that’s the case, then I think something bad happened in Lastation.” “I agree. It is unlike Noire not to pick up phone calls and I am sure she would let us know if Nepgear wanted to stay a bit longer. That is why I believe we should go there and investigate. (concerned face)” “Okay. I’m in, though I’m probably not big of a help.” I volunteered. Most likely I wouldn’t be able to assist them anyhow, but curiosity won over. I intended to use this opportunity to visit a different nation and meet the second goddess while on it. “Thank you. We do not know what to expect, so Neptune should go with you as well. As a matter of fact, conversing with that nation’s goddess can be quite… Troublesome on the first meeting. (thankful face)” “Oh man, what a bummer… I hate walking.“

By foot we were able to get to Lastation in around 4-5 hours, so we would arrive more or less in dinner hours. Instructed by Histoire I took care of our equipment. Matches, rope, some basic tools and of course, food and water. Just in case, I also packed spare clothes for both of us, but there was a possibility we would be back home on the same day. Like that, we departed from Planeptune, setting our goal on east.

Halfway there, we agreed to take a breather and eat something good on a small break in Virtua Forrest. “Whoa, Secretary, you know how to cook?” Neptune peered over my shoulder as I was reheating the tomato soup. It was a ready-made one so I wouldn’t exactly call it cooking. “Well, someone has to since you can’t. I assume it’s your sister who usually prepare meals, isn’t she?” “Yeah. She’s no master chef, but she can handle herself in the kitchen. Nep Jr. is quite good at baking sweets, you know?” “Oh, that’s nice. Anyway, it’s ready. Can you grab plates for me, please? I have to look after the fire.” As I asked, she took out crockery from my backpack and handed them to me. “Thanks. You go can sit down. I’ll bring it in a second.”

A minute later, we were already sitting together on a blanket and consuming the dish. “Slurp, slurp. And I’m stuffed. Thanks for the meal!” “No problem. Want to rest a bit longer or shall we get going?” I finished right after her. “I wanna dessert.” “And what my lady wishes to eat?” “Pudding!” “Hah, I should’ve figured it out.” “What?! You didn’t bring any?!” “I did. Since I had a premonition, I took one for you.” “Oooh, that’s my boy! As a bonus for that, I will tell you a story about when I last…” “Shhh! Something’s coming.”

I didn’t know how I picked it up, but I clearly heard a movement in nearby bushes. According to my research, there shouldn’t be any dangerous beasts in this area, however, if we were to encounter people with ill intentions… As the last resort, I slowly hid one of the knifes behind my back.

Fortunately, that wasn’t the case. A pack of small and slimy dog-like creatures cheerfully bounced into our camp. They didn’t look especially harmful, but that could be only a façade to lure in a potential prey. “Dogoos. Aren’t they kinda cute?” “What do we do with them?” “Of course, we kick their asses! It’s the easiest exp around. I can leave one for you if you want.” “I think I’ll pass…” “Suit yourself. Okay, it’s time to show off my cool side. Nepcalibur!”

Suddenly a white sword with purple accents and a big letter N on its hilt materialized in her grasp. “Dogoo. Dogoo.” The monsters probably weren’t even aware of what was coming their way. Neptune charged right into their pack, firmly slashing the three of them at once. Their bodies liquidized on the grass, leaving blue stains which quickly evaporated. “There are more on your left.” I hinted, feeling a bit useless. “Got’em.” Once again, a sequence of rapid attacks easily took care of majority of targets, save one. “Are you sure you don’t wanna? Man, level 2 is within your hands and stuff…” “I said I’m fine. By the way, I don’t think we should have such casual talks during a battle. Even if it isn’t anything lethal we’re dealing with.” “Oh, don’t be afraid. There’s absolutely nothing that Dogoo can… HAAGH!” As to be expected when someone was boasting too much, in that moment the creature jumped up on her face.

“Waaagh! I can’t see anything!!! I can’t see anything!!! And it tickles!” Neptune began to roll over the ground in panic. She was desperately trying to shake the Dogoo off, however, it wasn’t willing to cooperate. “It’s getting into my ears, nose and all other holes! I’m gonna die in here because of that tickling!” If that kept up, she would eventually suffocate in front of my eyes. I had to do something! Even if I didn’t know how to fight with it I grabbed the knife. Would it be enough? No. The edge wasn’t big enough. Crap! What should I do? What should I do?! Then I noticed Nepcalibur.

The sword laid not so far away from my position. She must have forgotten about it in fear and accidently threw it in my direction. That was it! Not giving it a second thought, I picked it up.

As my fingers connected forming a solid grip, I felt like if a spark went throughout my entire body. Suddenly all of my senses became razor sharp. I locked on my target. “Neptune, don’t move! I have no clue how to do it, so I might scratch you.” “Easily said, harder done!” There was nothing more to consider. Just swing to kill. Or rather, swing to protect. I thought a weapon would be heavier, but I had a hunch that a normal steel wasn’t used to produce it. Somehow, I was able to sense magic circulating inside of the blade as I raised it up and slashed the blue Dogoo.

“Are you okay?” I knelt down next to her to wipe the goo out of her face. Thank goodness I didn’t hurt her… “Yup, I think so.” “There was a small pond on the way here. Do you want to go back to wash it off?” “Definitely. And something sweet to eat. I must have swallowed a tad. Yuck.” “I’m returning to the owner.” “Oh, right.” She took the Nepcalibur and made it vanish. In the meantime, I got up and started to collect our equipment. “Secretary…” Neptune called out to me still from the ground. “What is it?” “Nothing. Just wanted to tell you were really cool today. Thanks for saving me.” “It’s only natural. Besides I didn’t do that much…” I turned around trying not to let her see my embarrassed face. “A-anyway. Let’s get going! I don’t even want to think what would happen if someone saw me with a goo covered little girl…” “Then I can transform.” That would make it even harder to explain… “Or you can just clean it up. C’mon or I’m leaving alone.” “Ugh. Such a tyrant.” Nonetheless, in spite of having some complains, she quickly caught up to me.
After that small adventure and a short detour, we went back on the trail and without any further difficulties, we eventually arrived to our destination – Lastation.

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