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Testimony shows the extent of bias in the bureaucracy. |
The corruption of many of the highest institutions in the United States of America is evident in Congressional testimony and the Inspector General Report released by the Department of Justice. The seeds of this corruption were planted by the Obama Administration, took root during Obama's first term as President and blossomed during the second. What happened on his watch is a sad chapter in the history of this nation. Once the liberal Democrats came to power they saw an opportunity to weaponize the National Bureaucracy and use it as an instrument to further their political goals. No longer did the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Department of Justice (DOJ) and Internal Revenue Service (IRS) see their role as apolitical but immersed their culture and top leadership in a political bias not intended to serve the American People but rather to further the parochial views of the party in power. When the time came to elect a new president, these venerable institutions leaned on the scales of justice to favor the Democrats over the Republicans in ways here-to-for unimaginable in American politics. Hillary Clinton in her bid to become President and in the run-up to the election set up a server to circumvent the oversight of information and the activities she was involved in. James Comey, then director of the FBI, went to extraordinary lengths in an investigation to exonerate her actions and avoid having Hillary prosecuted for her crimes. It was only when classified emails appeared, syphoned off the illegal server by Huma Abidin and redirected to a personal computer belonging to both her and her husband Anthony Weiner, that the whole scheme began to unravel. The timing for the Democrats could not have been worse. James Comey had to reopen the investigation to prevent an open mutiny by some still honest cops, appalled by the lengths their Directory had gone in his political coverup. To the Democrats, Comey's reopening of the investigation and the bad press it received, cost their candidate the election. The Democrats, realizing they would soon no longer control the levers of power, hatched a scheme to frame the incoming President and implicate him in a plot in which they were more complicit than President Trump. If anyone had colluded or conspired with the Russians it was Mrs. Clinton in the Uranium 1 deal and the false dossier that was faked by a British spy and and paid for by the Democratic National Committee. It was truly one of the great ironies of our times that the sins of the Democrats were used to project their sins onto the incoming president and attempt to frame him for something he never did. Yet no sooner did President Trump begin standing up his new government than the Democrats tried to pin the Russia Collusion rose on his chest and demand the appointment of a special counsel to dredge up some factual underpinning. The newly elected president was outmatched and naive to begin with. Despite their loss the Democrats were determined to impeach Trump and not give him an opportunity to complete his first term. They realized that if he wasn't hamstrung before learning how to apply the full extent of his abilities and powers that all the nefarious activities of the past eight years were going to come to light. Despite having won the House, Senate and Presidency partisans from the old administration were still embedded in key positions of the Government and the newcomers were far from being up to speed. As a consequence the new President made some poor decisions early on. The first was appointing Jeff Sessions as Attorney General. Little did Trump realize that Sessions would recuse himself and throw the President to the mercy of a DOJ staffed with more partisans than the State Department. The second bad decision was allowing the Deputy at the DOJ, Rod Rosenstine, to keep his job. The basis for Donald's initial trust of the Deputy Director was that Rod had just thrown James Comey under the bus. Trump initially believed Rosenstein was an honest and unbiased public servant and took this action out of a genuine belief in the merits and justice of the case. Trump was duped. Rosenstein was as much a partisan as everyone left at DOJ and his memo to disparage the FBI Director was a carefully calculated business decision. He knew his memo recommending Comey's firing would ingratiate him to the new and inexperienced president and allow him to continue on in his job. If Sessions recused himself then Rod would be in the catbird's seat to engineer the resistance and frustrate the Republicans. At the top echelons of the Democratic Party, a carefully orchestrated course of action was designed that would hamstring President Trump and slow the momentum of his administration. It would cast a cloud over the legitimacy of his election and possibly lead to impeachment. Once confirmed the Deputy Director met with the President and recommended that Robert Muller be appointed once more, director of the FBI. The idea was that Muller would keep a lid on the abuses of the Clinton server cover-up and put a lid on further disclosures of Democratic abuses. Fortunately President Trump didn't bite and required Rosenstein to implement his back-up plan. The fallback plan or "Insurance Policy" was to appoint Robert Muller as Special Counsel to look into the Trump Russian Collusion hypothesis. Even Peter Struke knew there was "No There There," however desperate times called for desperate actions. Muller was appointed to go forth and find dirt to support the false hypothesis. Rosenstein reasoned that even if nothing impeachable was forthcoming, this narrative, fueled by a partisan openly biased media, would take some of the wind out of the new president's sails and keep the focus on Russia and not the misdeeds of the Obama Administration. For those who remember, a year ago, virtually every Democratic member on House and Senate Committees, began and ended their "Questioning" with the words...."We need to appoint a special counsel." Talk about orchestration! Well the rest is history. The Democrats got what they wanted and the irony is that it resulted in the lid being completely blown off much of the second term hanky-pankey the Obama administration. God must like President Trump because these plots to embroil him in a false narrative have blown up in their faces. If they had just kept silent and not appointed a special prosecutor... who knows.... the whole matter might well have blown over. Talk about unintended consequences and being careful what you wish for. |