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Rated: 18+ · Chapter · Detective · #2160822
Sable of Kimba continue as Sable has more questions for a person of interest.
The next day, Sable with Kimba in tow returned to headquarters, this time going to the back entrance where all the other officers went at the beginning of the day. Usually Sable would stay in the car while Kimba would go in and get everything they needed for the day, but today was different, when the feline got out of the car, so did the detective. She looked over to him in a bit of shock, knowing that the human always dreaded actually going inside unless he needed something like yesterday.

"You going in, Sable?" She asked, the human looking at her with a smirk,

"Yeah, I called in last night after I got home to have them bring someone in, gonna ask them a few questions." He replied as the two walked towards the building and entering the back hallway. Walking down, not everyone had gotten there yet with only a few other officers and workers in at the time, they greeted Kimba as they walked by and were surprised to see the detective with her as they all knew he usually didn't come in here often.

After clocking in, the two headed to where the questioning rooms were, Sable didn't really like using them as he felt they intimidated those being questioned too much, but in this case, he felt it necessary. Just before getting there though, a voice called out from one of the offices they passed,

"My my, the great detective graces us with an appearance." The two stopped and turned to see a male rat hybrid standing in a doorway named Michael, he was about six feet in height and wore a white shirt with a black tie and pants, and had light grey fur with a long rope like tail; he also had a great distain for humans. Sable looked at him for a moment then continued on to where he needed to be,

"Come on Kimba, we got more important things to worry about." He said before starting to walk off with the lioness following behind. Not liking being snubbed so easily, Michael caught up to them, walking beside Sable with a smile on his face,

"What's the matter, does the human feel he doesn't have to acknowledge those he feels he's above?" The rat prodded, wanting to get a rise out of the detective,

"No Michael, I have business to take care of, and it doesn't involve you."

"Business that doesn't involve me, eh, it wouldn't happen to be that murder case I heard you got assigned to is it; you do know I usually handle those, right?"

The human glanced over at him while still keeping his pace down the hallway,

"Yes, I do know, but chief felt that me and Kimmy would do just fine."

"And, Sable and me were first on the scene, while you were probably sitting here ogling at females like you always do." Kimba add, which made Michael snicker,

"Hey, what can I say, they look so good." He said before reaching across behind Sable and giving the feline a firm slap on the rear, causing Kimba to jump, and then hiss as she went to grab at the perverted rat, but Sable held her back, the three stopping in the middle of the hallway, the human looking at Michael,

"Unless you wanna recreate what happens between a lion and a rat, I would suggest going about your day and leaving us alone, Michael." The rat just snickered as he turned around and walked the other direction from where they came. Kimba sneered back at him then up at Sable,

"You should have at least let me rough him up some."

"Ah, don't waste your time on him, he's not worth it." Sable said before continuing down the hall,

"Come on, we don't wanna keep them waiting." He said, referring to the person he was going to question. The lioness wondered who it could be, not like Sable to keep something like this a secret, he always kept her up to date with what they would be doing that day, but she guessed this was a last minute thing and he didn't have to time to.

A few moments later they were at the part of the building where the interrogation rooms were and standing in front of one was Chief William who gave the two a stern look, which he gave everyone, but it seemed this time the german shepard was in a sterner moon than usual.

"Hey chief, how's it goin'?" Sable greeted his superior knowing why he was here, William made sure to be present at as many questionings as possible, no matter if it was important or not, he wanted to make sure the ones being questioned were being treated fair.

"Sable, what's the nature of this questioning?" The dog asked with crossed arms.

"Ah, someone I questioned yesterday." Sable answered,

"Learned a few new things and I need to know more than they were telling me at the time."

"Are you sure they weren't telling you everything?" William pushed, raising one of his brows.

"You really gotta ask me that, William?" The human pushed back, knowing the chief's precautions, but he knew that this person was holding something back.

"Alright, go on in." William replied before going into the door next to the one Sable would be going into.

"Go with him Kimba, I'm doing this alone." Sable said as he walked forward.

"You don't want to do the good old good cop, bad cop thing?" She asked, wanting to help if she could,

"Don't think I'll need that this time, Kimmy." The human turned to her with a smirk,

"Besides, I'm not a bad cop." With that, he opened the door and went in, Kimba doing the same with the other. The lioness went to stand beside the chief who was looking through the two way mirror that was looking into the room Sable was in, who was sitting down at the table in it, and across it was the tigress from yesterday.

"Good mornin' Mrs. Moon, I hope I didn't keep you waiting long?" He greeted Samantha, who looked a little worried being in there,

"Um, no I was bought back just a few minutes ago before you came in." She started, fidgeting some with her hands,

"So uh, why am I here actually, did you find out something about my husband already?" She asked, and then the human held up his hands in front of him,

"Please, try to not be nervous, this is standard procedure, I just have some more questions for you." He said to try and reassure her

"But yes, there is something that I've found out about your husband." He leaned back in his chair, resting his hands on the table and lacing his fingers together, his demeanor seeming to change before the hybrid and the two looking on behind the glass.

"Mrs. Moon, when I asked you yesterday about your marriage with your husband, you told me it was fine, am I correct?" He asked, his eyes peering out from under the brim of his hat at Samantha who looked back with unease,

"Um, yes, we've never had a problem."

"Are you sure?" The human persisted, wanting the truth that he knew that she was keeping back.

"Yes, I'm sure." The tigress glared back, not knowing why he was questioning her like this. Sable then bought his arms in and brought his hands up to prop his chin on,

"Well, your husband seemed to think other wise." Sable started, he noticed Samantha's sudden expression change as he said that from annoyance to one of concern,

"You see, after me and my partner left your house, we went to Jonathan's place of work and spoke to some of his coworkers, and I learned quite a few things, one of which was that you were cheating on him." As he said that, the tigress quickly went from being calm to being angered at the human,

"I would have never!" She snapped, bracing her hands on the table, giving Sable a fierce glare and Sable just shrugged his shoulders,

"Hey, I'm just telling you what I was told, no need to get angry, but let me ask you this, does the color red mean anythin' to you?" He asked, causing Samantha's eyes to go wide for a second before regaining her composer,

"Um, no, why should it?"

"Well, there was a red scale found on the body and one of Jonathan's coworkers said he showed them one that was similar and was told that Jonathan found it in your bed." He continued as he lend forward and placed his elbows on the table,

"Wouldn't happen to know about that, would you?"

Samantha looked down for a moment, looking as though she was trying to think of something, but then the detective rose up his hand to her,

"Samantha please, whatever you're tryin' to come up with, don't." He said, giving the feline a stern look, but it didn't deter her one bit,

"No, I was just... ah... thinking of I did know anything like that, but I don't, I didn't cheat on Jonathan!"

She held firm, obviously not wanting to cooperate, and Sable just let out an audible sigh,

"Look, I wanna help you find whoever killed your husband, but I can't if you're not goin' to tell me what I need to know, now could you please tell me who you were seein'?"

Samantha didn't answer though as she got up out of her chair and started for the door, but Sable got up and stood in front of her,

"If you don't wanna to help, that's fine, but are you willin' to let your pride get in the way, this person killed once, they could do it again if we don't get the information we need."

"I already told you, I don't know anything." Samantha let out a small growl as she tried to walk by the human, but Sable slammed his hand against the wall, his arm blocking her way. Seeing this, Kimba thought it might be a good idea to go in there, she started to move when William put an arm on her shoulder,

"Let him do his job." He said as he continued to watch what unfolded before him, the K9 usually didn't like such methods, but this tigress was being stubborn in such a manner he didn't like.

"I put up with a lot of things durin' an investigation." Sable said, looking at Samantha with a determined stare,

"But one thing I will not put up with is bein' lied to."

Samantha looked at him for a second, then in a blink of an eye; she wound up her arm and slapped the human across the face,

"And I don't like being talk to in that tone of voice." She said with another low growl and Sable wiped his cheek with his hand and looked to see that she drew blood with her claws, then he looked at her,

"I'm gonna pretend you didn't do that." He said, wiping his hand on his coat, the side of his face still soar.

"And I'm going to pretend this conversation never happened." The feline scuffed, ready to get out of the room as soon as possible. Sable glanced at her as a streak of blood rolled down his cheek, he was about to say something when a voice over the room's intercom,

"Let her go." It was Williams from the other room holding down the com button, it was clear that they were going to get anything out of the feline and he decided to stop it before things escalated. Sable was reluctant to let Samantha go so easily, but bit as the chief said, stepping aside with arms folded, and the hybrid huffed as she made her way to the door, but before leaving, she turn to the human,

"Unless it's about my husband or who may have killed him, I do not wish to be bothered again." Sable did respond as she walked out, leaving him to his thoughts, he brought a hand up to his forehead. A few seconds later, the door opened and he looked to see Chief William standing there with his arms crossed,

"Well?" Was all he said, looking at the human with an authoritative stare,

"Well, obviously she knows somethin', and if you had let me have more time with her..."

"She would have done more than give you a scratch on the cheek, and I would like to prevent unnecessary arrests." William interrupted, walking over to the human and putting a hand on his shoulder,

"Now I allowed this to be a learning experience for you, I know this is your first murder case as well as dealing with hybrids by yourself, but next time you'd better have expedience before bring someone in for questioning." He stated, removing his hand,

"You can't go into this at full force Sable, this isn't a thief or con you're dealing with, you have to learn when to push and when to pull back, intimidation will not always get you what you need, do you understand?" He said, but Sable just stood there, looking at the wall in front of him, William just smirked and turned to leave the room, the human was a brilliant investigator, but he still had much to learn.

As William left the room, Kimba entered shortly after, Sable still standing there with his hand over his eyes and deep in thought. By a now, the cut on his cheek wasn't bleeding as much and the blood was starting to dry. She walked up and gave him a tap on the shoulder, Sable moving his hand from one of his eyes to look at her, the feline giving him a grin as she held up a bandage and sanitary wipe. Sable just took them with a smirk,
"Thanks." He said, walking over to the two-way and looked into the mirrored side as he used the wipe to clean off the half dried blood from his face.
"So..." Kimba started, watching the human patch himself up,
"What now?"

Sable took the bandage out of it wrapping and carefully placed it over the cut on his cheek, then turn back to the feline,

"Well, looks like we need to find more evidence and look more into this." He says before his pocket started to vibrate, the vibration coming from his phone, the human pulling it out and looking to see that it was Marcus calling him.

"Hey Mark, what's up?" Sable answered, his friend on the other end going through some papers while listening.

"Sable, was just calling to tell you I got done with that autopsy and figured you'd like to look at it." He replied, Sable having a raised brow,

"Really, that didn't take long."

"Yeah, there really wasn't that much of the body to look at." Mark replied, looking at some of the pictures he took of it,

"Which I actually want to talk to you about, but not over the phone, do you and Kimmy want to meet up for lunch?"

Putting the phone to the side, Sable looked to Kimba,

"Hey, Mark wants to meet for lunch, you wanna come?"

"Would love to." She answered with a smile, always loving to spend time with friends, whether on the job or not.

"Yeah, we can make it." Sable said as he brought the phone back and Marcus tell him when and where, and then Sable ends the call and turns back to Kimba,

"Well, we got three hours to kill, and I think I got the perfect place we can go." He said as he made his way to the door.

"And where's that?" Kimba asked, following close behind,

"Ah, you'll see." He responded, the feline rolling her eyes, wondering why she even put up with him, the two making their way back through the building from where they came, passing by Michael who was giving theme a smirk, obviously have overheard what had happened. Kimba gave him a dirty look but Sable paid him no mind as they continued on, making their way back outside to Sable's car, getting in, and off they drove.

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