Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2160675-My-Daughter
Rated: E · Short Story · Death · #2160675
A night out with friends was all that it was supposed to be
After a long night in the city, a young woman stumbles into her home. Along her side is two of her best friends, they of which were lost in their own world due to being drunk. Cindy, the owner of the home, helps her friends onto a nearby couch, where they would sleep and awake the next day, with no memories of the nigbt out. Cindy makes her way up the stairs and into her bathroom. Looking in the mirror, she notices how roughed up she looked, and started a shower. Once the water was warm enough, she stepped in and started to get her hair wet. All of a sudden, she heard a loud noise, prehaps something falliing, come from her room. Quickly she turns the water off and listens, waiting to see if she could hear another sound. Then, she hears the shattering sound of glass coming from her room, which is located down the hall, and she grabs a towel and puts it around her body. Cindy makes her way down the hall and into her room... Only to find one thing, something that would scar Cindy for life. Her daughter, Maggie, was sitting on the edge of the bed saying "mommy why did you leave me all alone in the ground? Why mommy? Why?" Cindy couldn't move nor could she make a sound. The reasoning behind if is, her daughter dies three years ago.
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