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Rated: E · Fiction · Fanfiction · #2160622
The Avengers play baseball.
Steve left and Charmer closed the door. Last time Clint tried to her wake up, she wouldn't wake up, so he dumped a bucket of ice water on her. She still hasn't forgiven him for that. She went to her closet to choose something to wear. She picked a green T-shirt, blue jeans, and a light black jacket. She teleported to the living room.
"She's finally awake." Clint said. "I thought I would have to come wake you up, but I see you have learned."
"Be quiet Clint. I was helping Tony with his suit almost all night. Give me a break." Charmer said walking into the kitchen.
"Here." Steve said handing her a cup of milk and a two chocolate muffins.
"Thanks. How did you know I liked chocolate muffins?"
"I have my ways." Steve said cleaning up the kitchen.
"Steve, you work too much. Let me clean up the kitchen." Charmer said setting her food down.
"No Charmer, that's okay. Just eat your food." Steve said with a chuckle.
"Sorry, but I'm cleaning it already Steve." Charmer said grabbing some dishes and putting it in the sink.
Steve quickly started cleaning up, but Charmer started going fast too. They finished cleaning the kitchen in no time.
"Two people are better than one." Steve said.
"That is unless that person is someone trying to kill you." Charmer added.
"Good point, but I'm your friend you know."
"I know Steve, I was just making a point." Charmer said walking into the living room.
"Hey Charmy, haven't seen you in a while." Bucky said motioning for her to sit next to him on the couch.
"I know, just been busy I guess. What's new Bucks?" Charmer said sitting down.
"Nothing much, I've just been hanging around I guess."
"I see. Wait, do you like sports?"
"Why?" Bucky questioned.
"It's a yes or no answer."
"Yes, but..."
"Do you like competition?"
"Yes, but Charmer can you please tell me what is going on?"
"You'll see." Charmer said getting up as the Avengers all came into the living room.
"Ok guys. We have no plans for today, so, how about a game of baseball?" Charmer said as everyone considered the thought.
"Pllleeeeaasssse!" Charmer begged. "Powers may be used."
"We're in!" They all said.
In the baseball field
"Okay, so it's Thor, Tony, Clint, Natasha, and Me on the first team. Steve, Wanda, Loki, Pietro, Bucky, and Bruce are on the second team. My team is up to bat first because we have less players." Charmer said as her team went to bench.
"I'll go first." Tony said grabbing the bat and walking to the plate.
Pietro was pitcher, which wasn't going to end well. Tony gave a nod and Pietro threw the ball.
"Strike one!" Bruce called from behind Tony as he threw the ball back.
Tony took a deep breath and Pietro threw another fastball.
"Strike two!"
"Come on Tony, get your head in the game." Charmer called.
"I'm trying, sheesh." Tony said getting ready to swing.
Pietro looked him in the eye and threw another fastball.
"Strike three! You're out!" Bruce said as Tony gave a threatening glare.
"I'll show you how it's done." Charmer said grabbing the bat and walking to the plate.
"Easy out." Bucky called from outfield.
"Ha, ha, very funny." Charmer said positioning herself.
Pietro smirked at her and threw the ball. She swung and...
"Strike one!"
"Oh, what did you say earlier?" Tony called from the bench.
"Shut it Tony." Charmer snapped as Tony smiled.
Charmer got ready and Pietro pitched the ball. Smack! The ball went hurling through the air, all the way out of the fence. Charmer started running as fast as she could. Bucky and Steve stood in awe, as Loki and Wanda went after the ball. Charmer ran to second base where Steve was and stopped for a second.
"Impressed?" Charmer asked.
"Pfft. I could do better." Steve said as Charmer playfully pushed Steve and continued running.
She got a home run and everyone on her team cheered. Pietro finally got the ball back in his hand.
"What did you say about easy out Bucky Boy?" Charmer said.
"Pietro went easy on on you." Bucky said crossing his arms.
"Uh huh, sure Buck, sure." Charmer said sitting by Tony.
Thor was on second and Clint was on third. Natasha was up to bat.
"I'll be back." Tony said getting up.
Natasha got Thor and Clint home and she got second base. Tony came back in his Iron Man suit.
"Seriously?" Charmer asked.
"Seriously." Tony said walking up to bat. "Come at me Pietro."
Pietro wound up and threw the ball. Tony swung and hit it, right into Bucky's mitt.
"Two outs." Bruce called.
Tony looked at Charmer and shrugged. Charmer grabbed the bat from him and went to the plate.
"Watch outfield!" Steve called.
Pietro pitched and Charmer did a little hit just to make Steve mad. She ran quickly and made it to first base.
"Or not." Steve mumbled. Thor went up to bat and struck out.
"Three outs!" Bruce called as his team went to the bench.
"It's okay Thor, better luck next time." Charmer said as she grabbed a mitt.
"Hey! Why didn't you tell me that when I struck out?" Tony called.
"Because I didn't feel like it." Charmer said grabbing the ball. "Now go outfield."
Tony walked to left field and Loki went up to bat first.
"You're going down Lokes." Charmer said winding up.
"Lokes, seriously?" Loki said getting in position.
*Boy, that guy is hot. Ah, focus.* Charmer thought.
Charmer nodded and pitched the ball. Loki hit it high and it was going out of the fence.
"Tony!" Charmer yelled.
"I'm on it." He said flying up and catching the ball.
"One out!" Clint said.
Loki sadly walked back to the bench. Steve went up to bat and smiled.
*Wow, he looks cute. Come on hold it together Charmer.* Charmer thought.
"Any day now." Clint said.
"Shut it Clint. It takes focus." Charmer said winding up and pitching the ball.
Steve easily hit the ball and ran to first. Natasha threw the ball to Charmer and Bruce came up to bat. Bruce hit the ball and Thor caught it.
"Two outs! Clint said.
Bucky came up to bat and got positioned.
*Bucky's pretty cute too. Wait, stop letting boys distract you.* Charmer thought as she pitched the ball.
"Strike one!" Clint called throwing the ball back.
Bucky shook his head and got positioned again. "Come on Charm, throw some better pitches."
"You're the one who swung at it, so it must have been good." Charmer said.
"I was trying to make you feel better. That was the worst pitch ever."
"Bucky, I swear I am going to seriously hurt you."
"Come at me." Bucky said with a smile.
"You want a good pitch? Well, here you go." Charmer's said throwing the ball as hard and as fast as she could.
Bucky swung and the hollow aluminum bat broke in half because of the impact of the ball.
"Well I guess we're done here." Tony said looking at the bat and the ball, which was completely destroyed.
"I guess I have more strength than I thought." Charmer said.
"If you two love birds wouldn't have been fighting this wouldn't have happened." Natasha said.
"Love birds?!?" Bucky and Charmer said at the same time.
"I think you have the wrong idea." Bucky said hesitantly.
"Yeah, we were just having a playful argument." Charmer chimed in.
"We're not together." Bucky and Charmer said in sync.
"Sure whatever you guys think." Natasha said grabbing the destroyed ball and bat.
"What do we do now?" Wanda asked.
"Well, we could got for a bite to eat." Tony said looking at Charmer."If Spitfire is willing to pay."
"What?!? Why don't you pay? You're the rich one."
"I was just playing with ya Charmer. I'll pay for everyone, well except for you." Tony said as Charmer gave him a threatening glare.
"I was kidding." Tony said now backing away from her.
"Mr. Playboy, has anyone told you you're cute when you're scared?" Charmer said with a smirk.
"I don't think anyone has. Do I really?" Tony replied.
"Yes, and I wasn't meaning that as a complement." Charmer said walking away.
"If you're trying to make a move with her, you're doing pretty bad." Thor said.
"Really? I thought I was doing well." Tony said.
"Well, let me just say, you have to step up your game because you've got competition."
"Really who?" Tony asked.
"Steve, Bucky, and I think Loki might have an eye for her." Thor replied.
"And I suppose you have an eye for her."
"Of course not. I'm not getting into some lousy girl game with you guys."
"Well, I am going to go offer her a ride, so bye." Tony said walking away.
"Too late, Steve already offered." Thor said walking after him.
"Dang it. I really do have to step up my game. Where are we going to eat?" Tony asked.
"They said that we were going to Chili's." Thor said.
"Chili's! I thought we were going somewhere cheap like Burger King, or Wendy's." Tony exclaimed.
"Well, you have to be specific next time." Thor said.
"Thor, Tony! Get in a car, cause we're leaving." Clint said.
~Time Skip to after dinner at Chili's and they're back at the tower~
"I forgot to thank you Tony for paying." Charmer said as they walked inside.
"Oh, anything for you." Tony replied.
"(Coughs) What?"
"I mean, your welcome." Tony said.
*Darn it Tony. Keep your words in check. Don't let her know.* Tony thought.
Charmer walked away and everyone else walked in.
"Tsk,tsk, tsk. You gotta try harder Tony." Thor said clapping him on the back.
"Like you know anything about love." Tony said sitting on the couch.
"As a matter of fact I do."
"Well, I don't want tips or anything. I'm fine on my own." Tony said with a sigh.
"Whatcha guys talking about?" Steve said sitting down.
"Nothing." Tony and Thor said in unison.
"Really, well don't let me stop what you guys were doing. Please continue."
"Well, we were just finished so, I'm going to go now." Tony said getting up. "By any chance did you see where Charmer was headed?" Tony added.
"Bookstore, with Loki." Steve replied.
"Dang it." Tony mumbled.
"Why did you want to know?" Steve asked.
"No reason, no reason at all." Tony said walking away.
Meanwhile at the bookstore...
"So many to choose from." Charmer said grazing her fingers along the spines of the books.
"Get two and I'll buy." Loki said with a smile.
"No, that's okay Loki I can pay myself."
"Really, I insist." Loki said.
"Fine, but only this once." Charmer said.
~Time skip to after Bookstore~
"Ah, now I can peacefully read." Charmer said sitting on the couch.
Bucky walked in and sat on the couch with a book.
"Since when did you read for fun?" Charmer asked.
"What? I've always loved reading. You don't know everything I do in my free time." Bucky said now scooting closer to her.
"Uh, that's nice, but I'm just going to read in my room." She said teleporting to her room.
*I said that wrong didn't I? Yep, way wrong now that I think of it.* Bucky thought. *Steve's usually better at this sort of thing.*
"Bucky, have you seen Charmer?" Steve asked walking in the living room.
"Yeah, she just went to her room, why?"
"I'm taking her out to dinner." Steve said with a smile.
"I see. Well, I'm going to leave now." Bucky said walking towards the lab.
*What's his problem? Oh well, this is my night.* Steve said walking to the elevator.
In Charmer's room...
"Steve said something formal, so this blue dress should do." Charmer said changing quickly.
Knock, knock.
"Yes?" Charmer called.
"Are you ready?" Steve asked from outside of the door.
"Yeah, just a sec." She said fixing her hair real quick.
© Copyright 2018 Angelnerd (marvelfan124 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2160622-Marvel-Fanfiction-Part-2