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How often do you put things before God? |
Woke up this morning with a question on my mind. Do I still put God first in "EVERYTHING" that I do? There are a few scriptures about this concept, but this one focused my thoughts: Matthew 6:33 "But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you." Then I thought about this directive: Proverbs 3:6 King James Version (KJV) 6" In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths." Can I honestly say that I still put God first in everything that I do? NO. I remember going around daily when I was younger making sure that I prayed before I did things because I wanted God to be first. I also remember trying to pray all day without cease. I learned that I could pray while talking, before going into a meeting, while sitting at a bar, and yes even when I was just on the verge of entering into a conflict. Somewhere along the way, I stopped making a concerted effort to do all those things every time I was doing something, and eventually, I stopped putting God first in "EVERYTHING." It is so subtle, that eventual turning God's hand a loose. You pop out of bed and run to the bathroom. I used to lay there and give thanks for waking up and all those other wonderful things that happen to you on coming out of deep sleep. I used to lay there and pray about how my day will go and would give God full control. I used to pray for the children, grandchildren, other family members, friends, and YES, my enemies. This morning, I popped out of bee and made haste for the bathroom, then washed the dishes that were left in the sink and showed up here at my computer. Only when I checked my messages did I remember that I had not prayed, had not thanked God for my life, health, strength, sight, movement, hair on my head, low blood sugar level, working feet, hands, arms, nor anything else. That stopped me in my tracks. When we have arrived (where ever that is) we tend to remember God less. It made me ask myself, when did I stop putting God first? When did I start inviting God into my day when I remembered Him? When did God become my second thought and not my first thought? I don't know the answer to any of those question, but I do know that it did not make me feel good to know that I had made my God a second thought rather than my first thought of the day. I know that there is a lack of faith in our world, that we are taught that everything can be explained by science or that we are just passing through this world, but I decided a very long time ago that I would rather live as if there is a God and die and maybe find out that there isn't than to live as if there is no God, and maybe find out that there is. I would rather live believing in God than to spend one day thinking that there is no God. Just looking at the misery on some people's faces, the lack of hope, the willingness to do and get away with anything (total lack of control or discipline) reminds me daily that is NOT FOR ME. Control and discipline are necessary. When there was more of both in our world, we had better children; when there were more control and discipline, we had better parents; when there were more control and discipline there was more respect for adults, more integrity, more honor, and yes, I believe people were more innocent and happy. NOPE, I am not talking about abuse, denial of rights, taking away of freedoms, but I am talking about respecting the rights of others; controlling one’s self, recognizing that together we can do many things, but there must be some rules and some consequences and that they must be applied fairly and equitably. It is true, NO MAN/WOMAN is an island unto themselves. We need each other to survive and to make our journey here as smooth as possible. Growing up, my Mother taught me that charity began at home and spread abroad. It was at her knees that I learned about respect, integrity, love, peace, hope, humility, giving, serving, and character. The belief in something greater than one’s self-allows us to see, appreciate and understand our vulnerability and in some way allows us to be just a little more humble. Peace and blessings today and always. |