Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2159295-Marvel-Fanfiction-Part-1
Rated: E · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #2159295
The Avengers find Charmer

"Captain, we're ready to go." Clint said as the other Avengers entered the room.
"Good, and remember, she is tricky and can be in any person we see. Our mission is to find her and bring her to Avengers Tower. Understood?" Steve said putting on his mask.
They nodded their heads and went into the abandoned town.
"Stark, can you figure out where she is?" Steve asked as he looked through a house.
"Yeah, hang on a sec..... I got it. She's in the barn, two blocks from here."
"Clint, Tony, and Natasha, corner her. Bucky and I will get her knocked out. Everyone else do what you can to make sure she doesn't get away." Steve said running towards the barn.
They cornered her and she started fighting them. She threw Tony into Clint and Natasha. Thor ran towards her, but she froze the particles around him so he couldn't move. Pietro quickly tied her up and Bucky knocked her out with sleeping gas. They brought her back to the tower and Bruce did some tests on her. She awoke in a room, still tied up, and Tony walked in with a pop in hand.
"I see you're awake." Tony said sitting in a chair.
"What do you want with me?" She snapped.
"I'm Tony Stark, a.k.a. Iron Man. We want you for our team."
"I know who you are Mr. Stark. You won't be fooling me with your immature actions. You are probably the most annoying man in the history of the world." She said giving Tony the stare down.
"You're a keeper for sure. Might I ask what your name is?" Tony said taking a sip of pop.
"Why should I tell you? I would much rather talk to anyone on your team besides you." She hissed back.
"No need to be rude now. I guess I should tell everyone else you're awake and talking. JARVIS tell everyone Little Miss Spitfire is awake."
"Yes sir." It said as Tony took another sip of his drink.
Steve and the rest of the Avengers walked into the room.
"Great, a bunch of people that are going to annoy my head off." She mumbled to herself.
"I heard that Little Miss Spitfire." Tony said setting down his drink.
"That's not my name Mr. Playboy." She said as everyone sat down.
Tony just smiled and didn't reply. She rolled her eyes in annoyance.
"You guys have known each other for one minute and you already have nicknames? That was fast." Pietro said as the girl just glared at him.
"Hello, I'm Steve Rogers, or as you might know me Captain America. What is your name?" Steve asked.
"Maybe I would be more willing to talk if you untie me." She said.
"Promise you won't hurt anyone?" Steve asked.
"That should be easy except Mr. Playboy here is getting on my nerves." She said glancing towards Tony.
"Untie her." Steve said to Bucky.
Bucky did as instructed and she let out a sigh of relief.
"Friends call me Charmer. Nice to meet you Mr. Rogers." She said extending out her hand.
Steve gave Charmer a firm handshake and said,"Please, just call me Steve."
"Alright then, Steve. Can you give me a better understanding of why I'm here. Mr. Stark didn't give me much explanation."
"Well, we've known about you for a while. It was getting you that was hard. You were always disappearing and never really let us get close to you. You seemed like a strong person for this team. Some big threats have arrived and we needed someone strong to join our team."
"Look, I'm thankful for your offer, but I work alone. I've got my own problems to deal with." Charmer said getting up.
"Wait, Tony would pay you." Steve said.
"I would?" Tony said with a confused expression.
"Sorry, but I'm not bribed by money. Good day Mr. Rogers." Charmer said walking out the door.
"Wait Charmer. Will you work for us if I tell you about your parents?" Bucky said walking to the door.
Charmer froze and turned around.
"You know about my parents?" She said looking into his eyes.
"Well kind of. I've skimmed through some files and I have come across some things that pertain to your parents."
"Fine, but some trouble might come your way for having me here."
"Why?" Bucky asked.
"A group of people called Power Searchers, want to strip away my powers for their evil purposes. They've been trying to get me for several months now. I have tricked them that I am underground in Spain, but that won't last for long. When they find out I'm here, you might have some big problems."
"We've faced some big problems before. I'm sure we'll be fine." Bucky said with a smile.
"Alright then." Charmer said walking back into the room with Bucky.
"I'm in." She said to Steve.
"Great, but first. What are your powers?" Steve said now looking relieved that she joined.
"Particle motion. That's how I froze Blondie over there." She said pointing to Thor. "I made the particles around him stop, and that froze him in place. I can make the particles vibrate fast, therefore creating waves of heat. I also have super strength, teleportation and shape shifting."
"Interesting, well I'm glad you agreed to join us." Steve said.
"You can live here Spitfire." Tony said. "Floor 45 is all yours."
"I have a floor all to myself?" She asked.
"Of course. Every Avenger has their own floor." Tony replied.
"Oh, and Mr. Playboy?"
"The name's Charmer, not Spitfire."
"Duly noted, Spitfire. Have a nice day." Tony said walking out of the room.
Charmer just growled in annoyance.
"Don't worry. He'll get over it soon." Bucky said from behind her. "Follow me and I'll show you around, by the way I'm Bucky."
"Nice to meet you." She said as she followed him around the tower.
"Here are the files. I haven't looked through much, but it has some useful information." Bucky said handing her the files.
"Thanks." Charmer said grabbing the files.
"Looks like Bucky and Charmer are getting along well." Tony said to Steve.
"It's not often that Bucky warms up to strangers that fast." Steve said. "But we'll see how the first week turns out."
~Time skip~
"SPITFIRE!" Tony yelled from his lab.
"Yes Mr. Playboy." Charmer said walking into the lab.
"Why would you do this to my precious baby? I can't save people in a bright pink and purple suit."
"April fools, and don't worry it's washable." She said walking out of the lab.
Tony sighed and started to wash off the paint.
"CHARMER!" Steve yelled.
"Yes Cap?" She said teleporting to his room.
"Why is my suit on the flag pole?" Steve said with a 'seriously' look.
"Heh, heh, April fools." She said running out of his room.
"Three, two, one." Charmer counted down.
"CHARMER!" A chorus of voices yelled.
"One moment. I will get to each of you in a timely manner." Charmer said teleporting to Thor's room.
"Can you explain to me why my closet says: Charmer4ever, and why my hammer is spray painted rainbow colors?"
"Yeah, I have nothing to do with the hammer, but your closet was all me. April fools." She said as she teleported to Clint's room.
"Why are my arrows in the toilet, and where are my arrowheads?" Clint said trying to act serious.
"April fools." She said teleporting away.
"Wait!" He said as she went away. "(Sigh) She never told me where my arrow heads were."
She got to Natasha's room.
"Why did you put superglue in the shampoo bottle?" She yelled from her bathroom.
"April fools." Charmer said as she teleported to Pietro's room.
"Why is there frogs in my dresser?" Pietro said irritated.
"April fools." She said as she teleported to Wanda's room.
"Charmer, why would did you put rotten egg yolks in the lotion bottle."
"April fools. See ya." She said as she teleported to Bruce's room.
Charmer had a fake creature in her hand.
"Bruce look what I found! Can you tell me what it is?"
"Wow, what a strange specimen. Where did you find it?" He said grabbing some books.
"Out back. "
"Very strange indeed. I must test it, wait a second. This is a mere toy."
"April fools." She said as she teleported to Bucky's room.
"Ah, I've heard your name quite a lot this morning. What will you do to me?" Bucky said as she entered his room.
"I can't tell you what I'm going to do, because that would ruin it. Anyways, nice touch by spray painting Thor's hammer."
"Thank you, but how did everyone know that you did all those pranks?"
"I honestly don't know." Charmer answered. "So what do you want to talk about?"
The rest of the Avengers were in the living room.
"As all of you know, Charmer has pranked us. We must do something to get back at her." Tony said.
"I suggest we plaster posters of ourselves in her room." Wanda suggested.
"No, too easy." Tony replied.
"We could change her toothpaste with egg whites." Thor said.
"That is an option. Any other ideas?" Tony said taking a sip of Coke.
"I know. We all know how Charmer loves her Sprite. We could change her Sprite with vinegar." Steve said.
"Perfect. Pietro could you do that?" Tony asked.
"Already done."
"Good, but has anyone seen Bucky?" Tony asked.
~Back at Bucky's room~
"Bucky, I made these cookies for you. Here."
"Charmer you can't fool me." Bucky said pushing away the cookies.
"If you insist." Charmer said taking a cookie and eating it.
"Give me those." Bucky said as he grabbed a cookie and took a bite. "That was disgusting. (Coughs) What was in that?"
"Some vinegar, extra cup of salt, and some bacon bits."
"That was literately the worst cookie ever. How did you eat that cookie before?" Bucky said drinking some water to get the taste out of his mouth.
"Simple. The cookie I ate was one I took out of the cupboard. I put it on the plate, because I knew you wouldn't eat the cookies if I just gave them to you, I would have to eat one first for you to trust me, and it worked. Anyway April fools. Bye." Charmer said as she teleported to the living room. Charmer walked into the kitchen and poured some "Sprite" into a cup.
"Guys, she's about to drink it." Tony whispered as the Avengers spied on her.
She smelled her drink and quickly poured out her drink and the bottle of "Sprite".
"Nice try guys. You can't fool me." Charmer said as she took a cookie out of the cupboard and took a bite.
"(Coughs) That was disgusting." Charmer said getting a cup of milk.
"Now you know how I feel." Bucky said with a smirk.
Charmer took a drink of milk and quickly spit it into the sink.
"What was that?" Charmer said now totally disgusted.
"Milk with lemon juice, vinegar, and salt, like it." Tony said as the other Avengers laughed.
"I'm going to kill you Tony." Charmer said as she took a drink of water. "And Bucky, how did you get up here before I did?"
"I have my ways."
~Time skip to dinner~
"Well today was fun." Charmer said eating the last of her food.
"Yeah it was." Steve said picking up some of the dishes as the Avengers started to leave the table.
"Wait guys I have cake." Charmer said.
"I'll pass." Wanda and Natasha said at the same time.
"Clint, Thor, Bruce?"
"No thank you."
"Pietro, Bucky?"
"Not a chance." They said as they walked to the living room.
"Clint if you eat the cake, you'll find something useful, just saying." Charmer said taking her dishes to the sink.
Clint quickly ran to the cake and started smashing the cake, and when he got to the middle he said, "My arrowheads. Very clever, Charmer, and just when I though all the pranks were over too."
"I'm sorry Clint, but I just had to." Charmer said. "Has anyone seen Tony?"
"He's probably in his lab or something." Steve said.
"Well I'm off to bed." Charmer said as she teleported to her room.
Charmer got in bed, and it was filled with spiders.
"TONY!" Charmer yelled.
"Yes?" He said walking into her room.
"You are one evil soul, did you know that?"
"April fools." Tony said leaving the room.
Charmer grabbed a blanket and went into the living room.
"Whatcha doing?" Steve asked from the kitchen.
"Sleeping on the couch. Tony filled my bed with spiders, and I don't feel like sleeping in there tonight." Charmer said laying on the couch.
"Alright, well I'm just going to finish up in here and then go to my room." Steve said washing the last of the dishes.
"Okay." Charmer said sleepily.
The Next Day…
"Should we wake her up?" Thor asked.
"No, we should let her sleep." Steve said.
"Watch this." Bucky said. "Charmer wake up there's a snake in your blanket!"
Charmer quickly jumped off the couch and yelled, "Where?"
Bucky and a couple of the other Avengers were laughing, while Steve and Tony just face palmed.
"What a wonderful way to wake up." Charmer grumbled as she walked towards the elevator and went to her room.
"Great going Bucky, now Charmer is in a grumpy mood." Steve said.
"Aw, come on. You have got to admit it was funny." Bucky said.
"A little, but not much." Steve said walking to the kitchen.
"Guys, just so you know Loki is coming for a visit and he should be here in about..." Thor said.
*Ding Dong*
Tony opened the door and let Loki in. Loki had a suitcase full of books and a bunch of other stuff.
"How long is he staying?" Tony asked.
"Just until he finds a place." Thor sighed.
"(Sigh) You can have floor 46." Tony said to Loki.
"Thanks." Loki said going to his room.
Loki got settled in and came to the living room with a pile of books in hand.
"What's with all the books?" Natasha asked.
"I'm going to read them. I love reading you know." Loki said as he plopped onto the couch and started reading.
Charmer walked into the living room with her own books in hand and sat on the couch.
"Who are you?" Loki asked book marking his spot.
"Charmer, a new member of the Avengers, and I'm guessing you're Loki."
"Yes, as a matter of fact I am. Well, I'll let you get to your reading." Loki said starting to read again.
Charmer started reading and was really into the book when she heard the rest of the Avengers talking in the living room. She turned and saw Loki had an irritated look as he tried to focus on his book.
"Loki, do you want to come with me to my room and read where it is quiet?" Charmer asked.
"Yeah sure." Loki said grabbing his books and walking into the elevator with Charmer.
Charmer and Loki read for hours, and didn't speak a single word.
"Guys have you seen Spitfire?" Tony asked.
"Nope haven't seen her. Have you checked her room?" Natasha said.
"No, I'll go see." Tony said getting into the elevator.
He got to Charmer's room and walked in. Loki was in a rocking chair reading peacefully and Charmer was laying on her bed reading her book. They didn't even bother to look up. They acted as if no one was there.
Loki and Charmer both looked up.
"I uh, was looking for Charmer." Tony said.
"What do you need?" Charmer asked.
"Well I was wondering if you wanted to come to the lab with me? I hear you're good with science."
"Well I suppose. I'll meet you down there when I finish this chapter."
"Alright then. Loki, I've got my eye on you." Tony said walking out of the room.
Charmer looked at Loki and he just shrugged his shoulders and continued reading. Charmer finished the chapter and got up.
"Loki, I'm sorry, but I kinda don't trust you in my room when I'm gone, so..."
"I completely understand. " Loki said getting up. "Have a nice day Charmer."
"Yeah, you too." Charmer said as Loki left. "Loki is not that bad of a guy. They just need to not get on his bad side." Charmer said as she went to Tony's lab.
Tony and Bruce were in deep conversation, so Charmer went to a chalkboard full of calculations. Charmer started making some minor corrections, when Tony and Bruce walked over and watched silently. Charmer didn't know they were watching and continued making corrections.
"There." She stated. "That seems about right.
"Yes it does." Tony said from behind.
"Uh, sorry if I interrupted your conversation. I was just fixing some calculation errors."
"That's fine, but how did you know all that stuff?" Tony asked.
"Well, I do quite a lot of reading in my spare time, and it comes in handy. Also, my parents were really good scientists, and they taught me a thing or two.
"Interesting. You are quite the math whiz Spitfire." Tony said examining the calculations.
"Thank you Mr. Playboy." Charmer said.
"I still don't understand those nicknames." Bruce said. "But I don't quite understand you guys either."
Tony and Charmer just looked at each other and laughed.
"Well, see ya later Tony." Bruce said leaving the lab.
"See ya." Tony called.
"So, want to help me with building my new Iron Man suit?" Tony asked shyly. "I am kinda having trouble with the some of the equations."
"Sure Tony. All you had to do was ask."
Charmer and Tony worked on the suit most of the day and late into the night.
"Good night Tony." Charmer yawned.
"Good night." Tony said. "Maybe we can do this again some time?"
"Yeah sure, but right now I'm going to my room to sleep." Charmer said walking out of the lab.
"I've only reached the surface of her personality." Tony mumbled as he went to his room to sleep.
~Time Skip~
"Wake up sleepy head." Steve called from her door frame.
"Mmmmmm." She groaned.
"Come on, or I'll send Clint to wake you up."
"Okay, I'm up." Charmer said stretching. "You can go now Steve."
"Okay. I expect to see you in the kitchen in 10 minutes."
"Alright, now go." She said pointing out of the room.

© Copyright 2018 Angelnerd (marvelfan124 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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