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Rated: E · Assignment · Writing · #2159012
Adjectives and Adverbs
Lesson Three Assignment - Part A

In the following sentences, add adjectives where the blanks occur.

Remember Free Words (article adjectives) may NOT be added. DO NOT use free words (article adjectives) to fill in any of the blanks in our assignment questions.

Make sure only 50% of your adjectives answer the question "what kind of?".

In your sentence patterns: Once you use a word, you may not use it again in any part of your lesson. I purposely used words over so I would not use up too many for your use. Write two sentences for each uncompleted sentence given.

EXAMPLE of what your sentences will look like for Questions 1 - 4:

#0. _________ girls watched _________ _________ movies.

Your ANSWERS should look like this:

Several girls watched boring long movies.
The beautiful girls watched two scary movies.

Note that both sentences fit the blanks in the sentence as given, but use very different adjectives. Hence, different meanings.

Here are our sentences:

1. Stodgy old accountants sent several expensive bills.

2. Several young writing students won many honors.

3. Some teachers failed John Simpson.

4. Two beautiful elegant queens hired seven tiny intelligent dwarfs.

DO THE FOLLOWING for questions 5 - 7

5. List four adjectives that tell which one.


6. List three adjectives that tell how many, but only one may be a specific number.


7. List four possessive adjectives with the noun they could modify.




#0. Adj - Subject - Verb
The three kittens hid.

Here are our sentence patterns:

8. Adj - Subject - Verb - Adj - DO

The beautiful woman married a handsome man.

9. Subject - Verb - Adj – DO

She brewed lemon tea.

10. Adj - Adj - Subject - Verb - DO

The large horse pawed the ground

Lesson Three Assignment - Part B

In the following sentences, add adverbs where the blanks occur.

Once you use a word, you may not use it again in any part of your lesson. I have purposely used words over in the Lesson in order to leave you more choices.

Write one sentence for each uncompleted sentence given.

EXAMPLE of what your sentences will look like for Questions 11 - 14:

#0.The beautiful girls _________ watched the football game _________.

Your ANSWERS should look like this:

The beautiful girls happily watched the football game yesterday.

11. Tonight both little boys excitedly played football.

12. Several small boys ran quickly.

13. Wearilly teachers failed John Simpson.

14. Last week the cheerleaders practiced energetically.

DO THE FOLLOWING for questions 15 - 17

15. List four adverbs that tell how.


16. List three adverbs that tell where.


17. List three adverbs that tell when.




Adj + Subject + Verb
The three kittens hid.

18. Adv + Adv + Subject + Verb + Adj + DO

Last week we ran five miles

19. Subject + Adv + Verb + Adj + DO

John bravely climbed the tall mountain.

Story Project

This week's story project is much longer than those we've had so far. Don't let it scare you. The concept we're working on with this week is one that can make or break your chances of having your work published professionally. Give yourselves plenty of time to work through it, and to understand how the adjectives and adverbs contribute to or detract from the overall meaning and flow of the piece.

Lesson Three Story Project Instructions

1. Copy and paste the story below into your assignment document.

2. Label all of the adjectives tan and the adverbs orange. I did the first paragraph so you can see what the rest should look like.

3. Once you color code all of the adjectives and adverbs go to the end of the story and answer those questions.

Lesson Three Story Project: Circle of Life

I did the first paragraph so you can see what your work should look like.

Deliciously sweet flower scents were in the air. It was a bright, refreshing day. The longhouses were surprisingly filled with loud activity. It was as if they too were slowly awakening from the winter sleep. The anxiously awaited time of the Flower Moon filled everyone with new hope and vigor.

"Grandfather, Grandfather!" Yellow Feather's face was a brightly colored red. He was seemingly worried. "Come. I have found a dreadfully hurt bird. We must help him!"

Chuckling to himself, Soaring Eagle lifted his aging body up as his joints loudly creaked. He went to see what his lively grandson of eight winters, Yellow Feather, had found. He was such a kind, loving, and curious child. He was sturdily built with beautiful deer eyes that touched hearts. His long ebony hair glistened. "Well, Grandson, let's have a look." The two quickly walked up the hill a bit amongst the cottonwood trees, some Palo Verde, and the ever-present acacia. This is beautiful land you have shown to us, Mother Earth, thought Soaring Eagle.

"See! Right here it is, Grandfather. We have to help him tenderly."

Soaring Eagle put his hand up to cover his eyes and quickly{.c} block out Father Sun as he slowly looked around for a nest. He spied one just above his head and near where the baby bird lay.

"Can I take him home, Grandfather?"

"No, Grandson," said Grandfather wisely. "Mother Earth surprisingly deals with humans and animals that are in need very carefully. If we move the bird, his mother will not be able to find him when she returns. If you were hurt, wouldn't you want your mother to quickly come and get you? If some strangers took you with them, then she might not ever find you."

"Mama would be very sad. She might even cry," said Yellow Feather sadly and thoughtfully.

"I'm sure she would, Yellow Feather. And you are a very clever boy to understand that."

"But what if the bird suddenly dies, Grandfather?"

"Then Mother Earth has another plan for this baby. We must not unjustly question Mother Earth because she is extremely smart and holds all—even our friendly animal brothers—in her big heart. She certainly knows what is best for each of us."

"Come, Grandson, let's quietly go down and lazily sit by the beautiful creek while we wisely discuss these things. Listening to the gentle brook should be a wonderfully refreshing treat for us today. You might even get to see some beautiful Butterflies. Perhaps the Frogs will speak to us also."

4. Look again at our Circle of Life story. What do you think about the writing style and craftsmanship?

It’s loaded with adverbs. More than what should be there. Although I wonder if that was more for the practice of this assignment.

5. How many LY adverbs are included?

6. How many do you think you can take out and maintain the meaning of the story? Explain your answer.

You could probably take out all of them. Most of the adverbs end in ly and are not necessary.

8. Submit your color-coded story and your answers to these questions with your Lesson Three Assignment e-mail.
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