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He returned home to find that everything he had ever known was gone. What now? |
He kneeled, head down, not paying any attention to the rain pouring down around him. He leaned on his sword and wondered what he'd do now. His entire life had been one fight, one war after another. For as long as he could remember he was told it was God's will for him to be a soldier, a killer in the name of God. He wondered how he had gotten here, how did he end up with the brotherhood. How could his Mother or Father just give him to the brotherhood and never see him again. He heard the crack of wood and heard a tree as it crashed to the ground. He heard his horse as she began to stir. They had been together for long time, he had raised from a colt. He was there the during stormy night she was born. She was as dark as midnight, and that became her name, Midnight. She was well muscled, even as a colt. He was with her everyday after that, and now it was as if she could read his mind. She knew what he wanted even before he knew it himself. In another time, another place, he would be taking her actions now as a warning that danger was near. He opened his eyes, pushed his long dark from his face and back over his left ear and listened. Something was moving, something big was moving and it was moving his way. For the first time in hours he stood up, his legs were stiff. He was a tall, lean, handsome man, with blues eyes that showed he'd seen far to much blood for his twenty-five years. The years of war and fighting had begun to wear on him, he was tired but his body's reactions were fast and automatic. The sword, in his hand now, felt as if it were a part of him. He felt safe and secure with it there, as if belonged there. He moved quickly to his horse to clam her down. He rubbed her head telling her softly to be quite. He strained his ears to hear. It was still moving and still coming his way. He mounted fast, getting ready for whatever was coming. Midnight backed into the trees giving them some cover and they waited. Suddenly the movement stopped! Everything went quite, even the hard rain had stopped. He heard a low grumble, then a small flame shot through the trees to the area where he had just been. The trees were burning filling the air with smoke. Another low grumble and then a cry as if an animal was hurt. Through the flames and smoke a small face began to appear. He could see yellow eyes, and a small set of horns mounted on a small blue dragon's face. It continued to come closer until it saw him and Midnight in the trees. He saw that wasn't to old yet and it reacted like it was afraid of him and Midnight. "Please Sir knight do not killed me," the voice surprised him and Midnight. "I'm lost and mean no harm to anyone. I just want to get back to my cave." As he stepped down off Midnight he said, "I wont harm you if you promise you wont harm us." "I promise," answered the small dragon. "Alright then. My name is Logan and this is Midnight." Midnight wasn't to sure what to make of this thing that stood front of he. She showed her displeasure at being so close to this strange thing. "What is your name little one?" Logan asked. "You couldn't say it or understand it even if I did," the dragon answered. He looked the little dragon over. It was a blue color, which could mean ice or water. Then it had shot fire through the trees. There were two small wings on its back, but they didn't look as if they could left it off the ground. It's underbelly was a light yellow and it matched it's eyes. "Well you have to have a name I can say," said Logan. "Maybe I can give you one, I name her." The dragon looked around him at Midnight. Midnight didn't like this and said so very loudly as well as a horse could. The dragon wasn't quite sure what Midnight really was, but shook it's head okay. "First can you start another fire," asked Logan. "One not so big this time so we can dry off and warm up." The dragon again shook its head yes and set a large tree stump close by on fire. Midnight and Logan moved closer to the flames to get warm. The storm was gone but night was coming on fast. The dragon moved closer to the fire and laid down. "Now what should we call you? Boy or girl?" Logan ask as he sat down by the fire. "Girl of course can't you tell!" said the dragon surprised. "Oh, excuse me my Lady. I haven't known many dragon," he giggled. "I thought that dragons were just stories told to scare children." " No, we are very real and have been around for a long, long time." she answered. "We have stayed hidden from your kind because you kill us. We were almost completely gone when we moved underground." "If you've never been around people how is it you can speak our language?" he ask. "My Father makes all of us learn to speak it," her tone was sharp. " I don't like it but he's the King and everyone has to as he said." "You mean you're a Princess?" It was Logan turn to be surprised. "Then how is it you ended up here?" "I ran away!" she exclaimed. "I'm tired of rules and being told what to do all the time." |