Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2158609-Marvel-Bucky-x-reader
Rated: E · Fiction · Fanfiction · #2158609
Bucky Barnes has a crush on you.
Bucky was staring off into space on the couch. Thoughts swirled around in his mind and he was enjoying the peace.
"Hey, Bucky. Thinking about your girlfriend?" Tony said sitting beside him, a pop at hand.
Everyone in the tower knew that Bucky was crushing on you, but you didn't notice.
"W-what?!? That's crazy talking." Bucky said shifting his position.
"Suuurre." Tony said taking a sip of pop.
"Can a man think around here without being questioned?"
"Nope." Tony replied.
Then you walked in.
"Hey Buck."
"H-hi." Bucky stuttered.
*Darn it. I sounded so dumb.* Bucky thought.
"Ah, y/n. How are you?" Tony said with ease.
"Good Tony, and you?"
"Fine. Just fine." Tony said taking another sip of his drink.
"How about you Bucks?" You asked sitting by him.
"I'm, um, uh, doing fine, I mean good, or um, uh, I'm doing well." Bucky finally said.
*Ugh, pull yourself together.*
"That's good." You said with a smile.
You thought it was really cute when Bucky got all flustered. Steve rushed into the living room.
"Tony." Steve said.
"What?" Tony said looking towards him.
"Well, I, kind of need help, with, you know, the thing." Steve said making eye contact with you for a second.
"Oh yeah. The thing." Tony said getting up. "Well see ya. Capsicle and I have some things to attend to."
You and Bucky looked at each other with confused expressions as Tony and Steve left.
"This is perfect." Tony whispered to Steve as they walked away. "Bucky will thank us later."
You were sitting in the living room reading a book, when Bucky got pushed into the room and someone locked the doors.
"What's going on?" You asked Bucky, marking your spot.
"I actually don't know, but Tony just shoved me in here." Bucky said. "So I guess we're going to be stuck in here for a while."
"Alright. At least I can read in peace." You said looking back at your book.
Bucky sat down and took out his phone. He put it on camera, so he could look at you without you noticing.
*How do I even confront her?* Bucky wondered. *Every time I'm around her, I get nervous and stumble over my words.*
"Good evening ladies and gentlemen. Today, I will be your host, the one and only strikingly handsome Tony Stark, but enough about me. Would y/n and Bucky please step to the middle of the room?" You heard Tony say over the intercom.
You and Bucky exchanged confused glances, but did not move.
"Come on. No need to be shy. We're all friends here, right?" Tony said said from the intercom.
"You locked us in a room!" You said angrily.
"Well, besides that, obviously. Come on, just dance." Tony said with frustration.
Bucky looked at you and his face turned red. He shuffled over to you and sighed.
"Y/n, would you like to dance with me?" He asked with hope in his eyes.
You gave him a heart melting smile. "Sure Buck."
You two went to the middle of the room, as Tony put on some music. You could tell Bucky was really nervous while dancing with you, so you tried to loosen things up.
"Well this is interesting." You said with a laugh.
"Yeah." Bucky agreed. "Y/n."
*I'm going to tell her.*
"Yeah?" You said looking into his eyes.
*Never mind. Way too nervous.*
"I enjoy dancing with you."
*Nice recovery, well sort of.*
"Me too." You said with a smile and resting your head on his chest.
*Whoa! Does she like me? Calm down. Take this slowly. Relax, that's it. I'm soooo, going to hurt Tony for locking me and y/n in a room, then I'm going to thank him.* Bucky thought as he looked down at you.
"Isn't that cute. Okay folks, for your next thing, you must declare your feelings about one another." Tony said with happiness.
You and Bucky scowled at the intercom.
"Ouch! That hurt. Your guys expression really got me deep, but you still must declare feelings." Tony said.
"You're recording this aren't you?" You said, now stepping away from Bucky.
"Ah, you're smart, but not smart enough my dear."
"Don't call me 'dear'. It just makes me more ticked off." You replied.
"Bucky doesn't have to, but I can." You said.
*Does she know I already have a crush on her?*
"Bucky, I've liked you for a while now and..." You were cut off by Bucky kissing you.
*That feels right. Oh, no! Was that too sudden?*
You and Bucky stepped away from each other and you were both blushing.
"Look, I'm sorry if that was a little sudden, but I've been waiting to do that since I laid eyes on you." Bucky said nervously.
"You're really cute Barnes." You said pulling him into another kiss.
"This is working better than it said it would on Pintrest." Tony said from the intercom.
"You got this idea off of Pintrest?" You questioned.
"I couldn't think of any ideas, so I had to look it up on Pintrest." Tony stated.
"Well, can you unlock the doors now?" Bucky asked.
"Yeah right."
"TONY!" You and Bucky yelled.
"Okay, okay. I'm working on it." Tony said. "Sheesh."
The doors opened and you and Bucky walked out. You walked to your room and Bucky was stopped by Steve.
"So this was the 'thing'." Bucky said.
"Yeah. I was just trying to help you out Buck." Steve said. "So did it work?"
"Yeah. Surprisingly well." Bucky said as a blush crept up his face.
"I knew it would work." Steve said clapping Bucky on the shoulder.
"How long had you and Tony been planning for that?" Bucky asked.
"Not too long, but we knew we needed to get you two together." Steve said happily. "I'm glad she likes you back."
"Me too. I was worried she had a crush on someone else." Bucky said.
"We knew she liked you." Steve said. "Well, now's your cue to ask that beautiful y/n on a date."
"A date? I can't do that. I'll make a total fool of myself." Bucky said quickly.
"James Buchanan Barnes, I know that you're a flirt, you'll do just fine." Steve said with a chuckle.
"Sure I'm a flirt, with girls I don't really like. I like y/n very much, so I stumble over my words and get too self conscious."
"Bucky, you'll do fine. Now, go and ask that girl."
"Okay, okay." Bucky said walking towards your room.
Bucky knocked on the door lightly and you opened the door.
"Hey Bucks, what do you need?" You asked with a smile.
"I um, uh, just wanted to ask you if, well, uh, if you wanted to go on a date, um, tomorrow night, with me?" Bucky asked nervously.
"Yeah, that would be great, where and when?" You said.
"Be ready at 4. Wear something casual." Bucky said.
"Alright." You said as Bucky walked away.
*Yes, yes, yes! I'm going on a date with y/n! Just be cool. Yeah.* Bucky thought as he went to his room.
"How'd it go?" Steve asked.
"She said yes. I'm really nervous about this, though." Bucky said showing his metal arm.
"Bucky, it doesn't matter if you have a metal arm, or if you've worked with Hydra, she likes you for who you are, don't forget that." Steve said looking into Bucky's eyes.
"You're right Cap. Thanks." Bucky said.
You put on a black T-shirt with some dark blue jeans. You thought you looked casual enough and you did your hair. You heard a knock on the door. You opened the door and saw Bucky standing there. His hair was neatly combed and he was wearing a fitted black T-shirt with his dog tags, and some regular jeans.
"You ready?" He asked.
"I guess." You said as you guys walked out.
He drove you to a place with a lot of mountains.
"What are we doing?" You asked.
He smiled and said, "Rock climbing."
"I love rock climbing." You said happily. (If you don't, just roll with it.)
"Alright, let's go." He said as you guys got out of the car.
You guys got geared up and started climbing.
"Do you climb much?" Bucky asked.
"Yeah, I used to do it a lot growing up." You responded.
"That's really cool, I just recently started, and I grew to love it."
"We should do this more often." You said as you guys got to the top.
"Yeah." Bucky agreed.
Then Bucky edged closer.
*Take this slow.* Bucky thought.
You guys leaned in and kissed.
"Thanks for the wonderful time, Bucky Boy." You said with a smile.
"Anytime." He said happily.
The End.
© Copyright 2018 Angelnerd (marvelfan124 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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