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You and Loki meet in a library. |
Y/n = your name, f/c = favorite color, e/c = eye color. B/f/n = best friend's name, f/m = favorite movie. You were walking down the street, a f/c book bag at hand. You stopped in front of a small library that people hardly ever went to and walked inside. You went there everyday to read and since no one else ever came there you had a chair that you liked to call your own. You waved hi to the librarian and went to your spot, only to be taken by a young man with raven black hair. He was sitting as if he were on a throne and was peacefully reading, not taking any notice that you were there. "Ahem." You said standing in front of him. He looked up from his book and stared into you e/c eyes. "Yes." "That is kind of my seat, so could you move?" You asked politely. "Sorry." He said. "But I got here first, so leave me alone Midguardian." He said flicking his wrist and turning his eyes back towards his book. You mumbled something underneath your breath and sat down on a beanbag chair, which wasn't that bad. You caught him sometimes glancing over at you and eventually he said, "I'm sorry, but I do not know your name." "Y/n." You replied not looking up from your book. "Loki." He said shifting slightly in his chair. "Loki?" You asked surprised. "As in god of mischief?" "Yes." He replied. "Is that a problem?" "Of course not." You said now looking up from your book. "I think it's cool to be in the presence of such a handsome god." Loki's face tinted pink. "Ok, you can stop talking. All I wanted to know was your name, now shhhhhhhhh." "For a god, you should work on your demanding skills." You said, a smile crossing your face. "You want to see demanding?" Loki asked getting up and walking towards you. You quickly teleported into the chair and relaxed. "Thanks for the seat, Loki." Loki glared at you. "Mere mortal, how dare you take my seat." Loki roared. "Mere mortal, how dare you take my seat." You mimicked. "You are quite the annoying person." Loki said sitting down on the beanbag chair. "Here." You said tossing him his book. He caught it and started reading again. You got comfortable and started reading, you guys read until the library closed. "See you around Loki." You said grabbing your book bag. "Next time I get that chair." Loki said walking out of the room. You both left and the same feud of who got the chair went on for days, until one day... You rushed to the library to get your seat only to find the chair was gone and replaced with a two person love seat. "Those librarians." You mumbled. You sat down in it and put your legs across the other side of the seat. You pulled out a book and started reading. Not a minute later Loki appeared and walked towards you. "Move." He said looking at you. "I got here first." You said defensibly. "There's room for two." He said. You groaned and moved your legs as he sat down. There was just enough room for the both of you and a little room to spare. You sighed and started reading your book, which was Romeo and Juliet. Loki started reading over your shoulder, which you tried to ignore, but was getting harder. "Interesting." Loki mumbled. You set you book down and went to a shelve of books. You grabbed a book that had Romeo and Juliet, and other stories from Shakespeare. "Here." You said handing him the book. "It has the story you were reading over my shoulder and more." Loki grabbed he book and immediately started reading. You smiled, sat down, and continued reading. After a while Loki freaked out. "THEY BOTH DIED! WHAT KIND OF STORY IS THIS?" Loki yelled. "Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" The librarians said. "It's just a story Loki calm down." You said nudging him. Loki stared at you. "Sometimes you yell at stories." "It's for a good reason." You defended. "Sure, y/n. Like saying, get out of there you're about to get bombed." "The were going to die. I couldn't help but yell out." You said. You both started laughing. It was getting time to go and you both parted ways. Loki started walking away when you said, "Loki wait." He turned his head with with a smile. You caught up to him and asked, "Do you want to come over for pizza and a movie tonight? My other friend is coming and I thought you might want to join." Loki's face lit up. "Yeah, what time?" "Right now. You can follow me." You said as you both started walking. "Quick question." Loki asked. "Shoot." You said as you continued walking. "That day I first met you, you teleported into the chair. Does anyone know you have powers?" "Actually no. You are the only one." You said turning a corner. "Why would you show me if we had just met?" Loki questioned. "I guess you wouldn't see it as strange, being a god and all. It felt like you wouldn't judge me or anything." You said staring at the ground. "Why would anyone judge you?" Loki asked matching your steps. "I don't know, I guess the one time I showed my parents they mocked me, but they died in a house fire long ago." You said as you got to your house. Your house was light grey and had two bedrooms and a comfy living room and kitchen. You and Loki walked inside. "This is a nice little place you got here." Loki said looking around. "Thanks, it's nothing much, but it will do. My friend should be here soon." You said setting down your book bag. "What movie are we watching?" Loki asked. "I was thinking about f/m." You replied. "I love that show." Loki said with delight. You smiled at him. He looked so cute when he was excited. Then the doorbell rang and you opened the door and let b/f/n in. "Who's this hot guy." B/f/n asked looking at Loki. "B/f/n this is Loki, my friend you could say. Loki, this is b/f/n." You said hanging up b/f/n's coat. They both awkwardly made introductions and then the doorbell rang again. You answered the door. It was the pizza man and you paid him and then you all got ready for the movie. You all ate and were watching the movie peacefully. You were sitting in between Loki and b/f/n and you started to get tired. You rested your head on Loki's shoulder and he looked down and blushed. Loki wrapped his arm around you and rested his head on yours. B/f/n looked over and started whooping and whistling. Loki's face went red and you were asleep, so you didn't even know. Loki shifted slightly and turned his eyes back towards the movie. The movie ended and B/f/n and Loki were about to wake you when loud knocking came from the door. You woke up and walked towards the door. "Is Loki here?" A blond an a muscular guy asked. "Um, who are you?" You asked sleepily. "Thor. Now I would like to know if my brother is here." He boomed. "He's in the living room. Go ahead and come in." You said moving out of the way. Thor walked inside and stared Loki down. "What have you been doing?" Thor said trying to keep his cool. "You said that you would be back after the library." "Well, I, kind of got invited to watch a movie and...wait. How did you know I was here?" Loki asked. "I know everything." "That's kind of creepy." You added. "Might I add, who are you?" Thor said turning towards you. "Y/n, an friend of Loki's you could say." You said looking at looking at b/f/n to leave. She nodded and left quickly. "Loki it's time to come home." Thor ordered. "Okay, let me say good bye." Loki said. "So, I guess I'll see you at the library tomorrow." "Yeah." You said with a smile. Loki started walking out the door, and you quickly kissed him. Loki's face went bright red. "Uh, I, um..." Loki stuttered. "Come on lover boy." Thor said. "Nice seeing you Lady y/n." Thor said closing the door behind him. You smiled and went to your room. You were happy and tired, so you drifted off to sleep. The next day... You woke up and got ready for the day. You were looking forward to seeing Loki today. You headed down to the library, only to see Tony Stark sitting in Loki and yours chair. As you walked towards the chair, Tony looked up from his book. "I'm assuming you're y/n?" He asked with a warm smile. "Yes, and that is also my chair." You said putting your hands on your hips. "I was beginning to think that Loki was lying that he had a girlfriend." Tony said with a chuckle. "I'm not Loki's girlfriend. We're just close friends." You said. "Well, he sure talks a lot about you for just a close friend." Tony said. "Anyway, I only came here to see if Loki's 'friend' was real. Chow!" He said getting up and walking out of the library. *Weirdo.* You thought to yourself. You sat down and began reading. Loki soon came running in, tripped and fell in front of the chair. "Are you okay Loki?" You asked helping him up. "Yeah, totally fine." He said brushing off his clothes. "Shall we read?" You nodded and you both sat in the seat. Loki was sitting closer to you than usual, so you rested your head on Loki's shoulder and began reading. Loki didn't seemed to be bothered, actually he seemed really happy. # Bloopers "Ahem." You said standing in front of him. He looked up from his book and stared into you e/c eyes. "Yes." "That is kind of my seat, so could you move?" You asked politely. "Sorry." He said. "But the script told me to sit here. You look beautiful by the way." Loki added. "Cut! Loki, that wasn't in the script." The producer said. "Sorry." He said quickly. ... "Here." You said tossing him his book. It hit Loki in the head and he glared at you. "Cut!" The producer yelled. "Y/n, wait till he's ready. Loki, pay attention." "Sorry Loki." You said giving him a hug. Loki's face reddened. "It's okay. It's hard to stay mad at you." "Okay, enough of that. We have a movie to run." The producer said quickly. ... "Is Loki here?" A blond an a muscular guy asked. "Um, who are you?" You asked sleepily. "Thor. Now I would like to know if my brother is here." He boomed. "Hold on now, you're not the police. You can't come parading in my home like some weirdo." You said as Thor gave you a confused expression. Loki walked up to you and started laughing with you. "I don't think that was in the script." Thor said scratching his head. "Cut! It wasn't. Y/n, try better next time." The producer said. "Sorry." You mumbled. ... The End |