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Rated: 18+ · Other · Erotica · #2157620
A glaceon happens upon a pink little thief

[10:18 PM] *Angel Siren sniffed at the open doorway of a butcher's shop, letting the savory smell of meats galore fill her nose. The little alien was hungry, and her hunger had only ever been worse since one of the stray dogs had managed to pin her down and breed her. Weighed down by a round little belly (which was big for her) full of some random pups, wandering was tiring. She simply ran in, stole some raw meats, and darted back out. She speed waddled her way down the road a couple blocks and ducked into an alley to eat, sighing proudly
[10:27 PM] *Noahlyn huffed annoyedly as he relaxed against a building. "There's gotta be something fun to do around here.. I keep finding the most dull boring humans today" He sighed to himself "If only.. oh what's that over there~" Noahlyn's ears perk up as he spies the strange, small pink creature hide away in the very same alley he's lounging in. "Looks like I found a new toy" The large glaceon snickers to himself as he gets up and starts approaching Angel. "My, my I haven't seen anything like You before!" Noahlyn calls out "I don't remember hearing about a pokemon that looks quite like you, and you're clearly not a human, I wonder if it has a name?"
[10:32 PM] *Angel Siren yelps in surprise, flinching at the sudden voice and dropping her food, eyes wide and ears stiff. A very deer-in-the-headlights look. "Angel not a-" she began, then blinked, remembering her cover; she pretends to be a dog. Sitting in a dog fashion, she tried to look innocent. "Uh....bark bark!" Her very sweet, high voice said, clearly fake.
[10:37 PM] *Noahlyn Scoffs dismissively "Ah come on, you don't think I saw you running with that meat? No dog looks or even sounds like that" Noahlyn takes a few steps closer to Angel and leans over her, staring her down with his icy eyes " I really don't like being lied to. Now I'm going to ask again.. What's your name if you can even talk?" The air around the pokemon seems do get colder and colder.
[10:44 PM] *Angel Siren weakly takes a few steps backwards on all fours, blushing just slightly beneath her fur. Not used to walking like a dog, she stumbled, fell onto her butt, and caught herself with one arm before she could fall on her back, her belly and front exposed now. She gulped and shuddered, noticing the cold. Temperatures didnt affect her much, but it was still unusual. "Ok, ok....my name Angel. Meega Alien..." she admitted
[10:52 PM] *Noahlyn 's expression lightens up and the air returns to normal temperature. "That wasn't so hard now was it? So you're an.. Alien? Well that certainly unusual enough for me to care hehe" The glaceon sits down on his impressive butt so he's not as imposing to Angel "My name is Noahlyn, I have a bit of a following around here, I'm not sure why though~" The glaceon looks at Angel's rounded belly inquisitively "I wonder what's up with that tummy of yours? You don't look like that big of an eater but I could be wrong.."
[10:55 PM] *Angel Siren cautiously eyes him, blushing worriedly. As he sat, she slowly calmed down, leaning forward until she was sitting up again, still looking a bit startled. She nodded a greeting as he gave his name. At his query about her belly, she looked down at in and blushed, looking ashamed and defeated. "Angel....Angel is pregnant" she admitted again, sighing. "It not my fault. Dog wanted Angel to mate, so he mated."
[11:04 PM] *Noahlyn tilts his head a bit confused "You let a dog breed with you? Ha that's amazing I love someone with such unchecked lust!" Noahlyn reaches out and traces a circle on her belly with a pudgy finger. "You know~ I just Love a pre-stuffed meal.." The pokemon looks up at Angel with a smirk on his face. He then quickly gets up on his hands and knees before grabbing the pink alien and pinning her under his much more massive, plump body. "You may go ahead and struggle if you want, I do enjoy playing with my food before eating hehe" Noahlyn licks across Angel's face with his wide slobbery tongue.
[11:09 PM] *Angel Siren blushes deeper, looking back at her full belly in shame. "Angel not let...dog force Angel to breed" she said. She was almost tempted to explain her genetic fertility condition. Her blush was as deep as possible when he traces a finger on her full belly. She opened her mouth to explain herself, then suddenly froze when she heard the word "meal". She looked up, confused and surprised. Then suddenly he grabbed and pinned her and her eyes went wide in horror. "Gaba? Naga! Naga!" She screamed, scrambling and struggling for freedom. "Angel not food!" She begged
[11:17 PM] *Noahlyn looks down at the fighting alien with a wry smile on his face "Angel is not food? I don't know about that~ You sure look like food to me cutey, definitely taste like it. How about this, if you can think of a good reason for me not to devour you I'll let you go~ Better think quickly though because my gut is crying out for you and I can't wait to see what part of me you'll go to"
[11:19 PM] *Angel Siren blinked, gagging in disgust at the powerful smell of his breath when he licked her face and left her fur wet. She was heavily and frantically breathing, squirming. "A-angel can breed with you! Angel good for mating! Angel can bring you other food!" She offered desperately and hastily
[11:27 PM] *Noahlyn seems lost in thought for a while. "I'm not allowed to breed without my master's permission and besides looks like your womb is a bit full at the moment. I don't care about normal food! It's not about filling my belly it's about the despair I see in my prey's eyes and the pitiful pleads that spill from their mouths. And you've been doing a good job of that so far Angel but this meal has had enough seasoning, time to eat!" With that Noahlyn's maw opens wide, wider than you've ever seen a mouth open before shoving the pink Alien's head into the dark, wet cave.
[11:32 PM] *Angel Siren gasps, whimpering and shaking in terror as her pleas fell upon deaf ears. He just seemed hungrier. As he opened his mouth, her frantic thrashing was more desperate as she oressed on him, trying to push him away. Then suddenly her head was wrapped in a tight, wet, fleshy trap, squeezing her jaws shut and pinning her ears and antennae to her back. She let loose a muffled scream
[11:39 PM] *Noahlyn just seemed to enjoy his prey's scream. The powerful muscles within the glaceon's mouth squeezes over Angel and starts massaging her further towards his throat. Noahlyn's tongue laps all over the Alien's soft fur, probing all over Angel's pregnant belly and soon reaching her sex. The pokemon leans his head back to allow gravity to help guide his food to it's final destination. She soon slips into the pokemon's throat and quickly descending to his near bottomless stomach, vanishing as if she were never there.
[11:43 PM] *Angel Siren whimpered, continuing to let out muffled screams as her entire body started to be pulled and yanked down into the tight, fleshy tunnel of his throat. So tight it kept her mouth squeezed shut. As she went down, her entire body went through this vicelike squeeze, even her sensitive belly, the pups within kicking in irritation. As she was curled into his gut, she was frozen for a moment, shell-shocked. Then she desperately and frantically fought to escape. She punched, kicked, thrashed, everything. "Naga! Let Angel out! Let Angel out!"
[11:52 PM] *Noahlyn Sighs happily upon feeling his food reach his belly. "Ah~ that feels so much better! I haven't had a decent bite to eat all day~" Noahlyn lays back and looks down at his swollen belly, a round bulge represents where his food rests but Angel is too small to create any well-defined bulge. The glaceon places a hand onto his belly and presses downward on it, holding the unfortunate alien hard against the soft fleshy walls. "Hmm also I wouldn't recommend fighting in there too much, You're not going to get out instead my stomach will start working a bit.. earlier than normal" Inside the glaceon's gluttonous belly the walls squelch and massage against Angel's fur endlessly, wet gurgles can be heard emanating from all sides. Signally that digestion is going to start soon.
[11:55 PM] *Angel Siren was yelling and whimpering too loud to really understand him. Her punches and desperate kicks were her entire focus, and she shuddered as the occupants of her own belly did the same. She yelped as he suddenly pressed down, squeezing her tighter and pressing her pregnant belly against the walls of his gut, the pups within kicking at the disturbance. Unfortunately for her...she was built with dense skin. Acid would work a lot slower, probably. She was hyperventilating, filling her prison with her exhaled air and building up the pressure, making her breathing a bit harder.

[12:05 AM] *Noahlyn raises an eyebrow at his meal's tenacity "You're really not giving up are you? Okay let me make this clear to you.." Noahlyn sits up and leans over, putting his head as close to his engorged belly as he can. "You're food now, you always were. All you are, your hopes, desire, and body are Mine now. You always were meant to be nothing more than a passing meal for me, to add another layer on my ass for my master to fawn over. No amount of begging or struggling will change that. So I hope you've said your prayers and lost your faith because not even god could help you now" The glaceon's belly lets out a series of increasingly loud groans as it starts trying to digest Angel in earnest now, eager to melt her down into more glaceon.
[12:12 AM] *Angel Siren yelped, his voice suddenly and ominously echoing through the prison as well as close outside the walls, she froze, petrified and frightened. She listened to his words, feeling weaker and weaker by the moment. The tight walks around her had grinded enough juices into her fur to be soaked. And it felt a little tingly. "Naga...please....angel know..." she began, ready to betray even her own family. "Where 625 other aliens like Angel are. Can be feast if...you let Angel go!" She pleaded. She couldn't see anything but she FELT the acids
[12:21 AM] *Noahlyn laughs at that suggestion "You're willing to betray your own kind just for the smallest chance of escape? Do you fear becoming one with me that much?~ How do I know you're not just lying through your teeth?" Noahlyn suddenly belches causing his stomach to bounce slightly before tightening around her pregnant form so much so moving is nearly impossible.
[12:24 AM] *Angel Siren yelps in terror as the walls squeeze even tighter, expelling most of her air and making her gasp for a breath. Barely able to squirm in the tiny, compacting stomach squeezing acids into her fur, she assumes he was trying to pressure her. "Hawaii....they in Hawaii!" She blurted, not thinking that statement through. She figured he'd believe her and let her put. Her fur, which had been tingling, started to itch. When she scratched a path on her belly, the fur just fell off. She screamed in horror, trying and failing to squirm and make room, shaking loose some more fur.
[12:30 AM] *Noahlyn giggles to himself "Hawaii huh? Looks like I know where my master and I should take a vacation at! Thank you Angel you were a model prey, You filled me up nicely and told me where to find more toys to play with. I guess I can let you out now~" The gastric prison around the alien suddenly starts convulsing as Angel is mercifully squeezed upward towards the glaceon's mouth.
[12:32 AM] *Angel Siren yelps in surprised as she was forced UP! Back through that tight squeeze of his tight throat. She felt herself getting hopeful, fur clumps being rubbed away from her by his throat as her pregnant body went up, feet first. She shuddered in relief
[12:37 AM] *Noahlyn 's belly grumbles unhappily as it's food was taken from it. Once the exhausted feminine alien reaches his mouth he opens his maw wide allowing the refreshing outside air blow across Angel's feet and legs. Then she felt something press against her butt and start to force her back into the digestive hell. Noahlyn starts swallowing once again guiding her small body back down into the dark depths of his gut.
[12:40 AM] *Angel Siren kicked at the fresh air, kicking off a bit of fur. As she allowed her exhausted for to go slack, her pregnant belly bulging his throat...he switched his mind and shot her back into the familiar gut, tighter than before. She sighed and whimpered....not even bothering to fight. She just slumped against the walls and tried to allow herself to pass up. She had given up. "Naga...." she softly whimpers
[12:48 AM] *Noahlyn breaks out laughing "HeheheHAHA! I just love to do that! It just Breaks my prey every time. You don't know how tempted I am to let you out for real now just to see the look on your face, I'm sure it's just.. Amazing~" Noahlyn looks down at his hand and sees a bit of pink fur on it. "Oh? looks like you're getting pretty soft in there huh? Well just lay back and relax and let your favorite glaceon Noahlyn take care of you and your puppies." The pokemon's belly immediately starts roughly churning against her pregnant body again this time determined to break her down.
[12:52 AM] *Angel Siren felt the acids begin to work into her more actively than ever. It occurred to her that he may have been holding his stomach back to toy with her. And if she gave up and refused to excite him....he was speeding it up. She closed her eyes, trying to pass out. The thin air, toxic acid and low in oxygen, was helping to lull her to rest. Though she didnt want the pups...her hand restes on her belly instinctively as she waited to pass out for the last time
[1:00 AM] *Noahlyn notices that she's not moving all that much anymore. "Looks like this toy is about done.. hmm" Noahlyn considers prolonging her suffering, gulping down air to keep her conscious through every moment of digestion but he found a shred of mercy in him, perhaps due to his food being pregnant. He forces any remaining air out of his gut with one large burp, allowing Angel to pass out completely within his stomach. "Hmph well I guess that's that, At least that managed to kill a few hours. I wonder if my master has dinner done?~" Noahlyn stands back up and pats his belly as a symphony of gurgles, churning, and sloshing bubbles from it. "Maybe I can find a some of your kin to come join you Angel, perhaps later"
[1:06 AM] *Angel Siren remains conscious for longer than she wanted. She whimpered as he belched a loud, monstrous belch again, entirely out of air. She felt her entire form become encased in the active acids and felt him oat his stomach. And she knew, once and for all, that she was food. Sooner or later, his body would melt her down. Her entire form would be gone. Just bones for awhile.
[1:19 AM] *Noahlyn leisurely walks back to his home, each step seemingly causes his belly to bounce lower and lower. Soon the audible movement of liquids can be heard with each step. Noahlyn presses a finger into his gut and smiles upon seeing how far it sinks in. "Welcome home Angel" The glaceon can feel the thick soup of what used to be an alien drain deeper within him, to be absorbed onto his already gluttonous frame. "mmm~ feels like you're going to go to my ass aren't you?" He teases no one in particular. "Good choice everyone picks back there hehe" Noahlyn's belly steadily shrinks until the entirety of Angel is absorbed into his body, one would never know she was even there.
[1:40 AM] Angel Siren has disconnected.

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