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Rated: E · Other · Action/Adventure · #2157369
An adventure story about Princess Twilight and a destructive filly called Tyson.
5 Years ago, a destructive filly named Tyson teared the universe apart due to him having a destroyer's power. However, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, pulled the universe back together and sealed Tyson in 'The Orb Of Avalon' which is realm that not even gods could escape from. And now...

"Are you sure this is even a good idea? I mean...there's no telling what could happen" Said Princess Luna. "He's been sealed for 5 years, surly his power must have died down" Said Princess Celestia. They opened a golden door that was hidden behind the thrones. The room was a surrounded by rainbow stones. Both of the Princesses horns started to blow causing the orb to hover in mid-air making the orb slowly crack open to reveal the filly Tyson asleep on the floor. "We can only hope he's changed during those 5 years" said Princess Luna. Celestia nodded in agreement. Meanwhile at Twilight's castle, after receiving a letter from Princess Celestia, Twilight was reading a book about destroyers and this could be her hardest test ever. "So destroyers can use all their energy to tear the universes apart!" Twilight exclaimed. "It shouldn't matter now. He's been sealed away for so long that he might even have forgotten he's a destroyer" said Starlight. "We can only hope" said Twilight. Twilight began making her journey to Princess Celestia's castle. "I'm here" said Twilight whilst bowing down. "There's no need to bow Twilight" said Princess Celestia. Twilight instantly stood up straight and noticed a filly with a neon blue mane with dark blue fur and purple eyes. "Twilight this is the destructive pony Tyson. I only gave him another chance because I know he can become something much greater than a...sleepy destroyer" said Princess Celestia. Twilight looked at Tyson with a confused face. "Can destroyers really be reformed?" Twilight asked. "Only one way to find out" said Princess Luna. Twilight put the sleeping destroyer on her back. "Nothing to worry about. His powers have died down and we're keeping his horn and wings a sacred chest" said Princess Celestia. Twilight nodded and took her leave. Finally arriving back at the castle, Twilight put Tyson on a spear bed to rest. "So what happened?" Spike asked. "They took away his horn, wings and his powers died down, he won't be making much destruction" said Twilight.
The next day, Tyson finally awoken from his slumber. "HUH! This isn't Avalon...and this isn't my bed" Tyson panicked. Twilight enters the room. "Your in Ponyville Tyson. I know your a destroyer but the Princesses have believe that you can become something much greater" Twilight explained. Tyson pulled a confused face and began to look around. "I know what happened to my destructive powers, but where's my horn and wings?" Tyson asked. "You'll get them back when I think your even trust worthy" Said Twilight. "I'll do whatever as long I don't have to go back to Avalon" said Tyson. Twilight about what she just heard. "It doesn't say anything bad about Avalon in the book. Why don't you wanna go back?" Twilight asked. Tyson pulled a confused face. "What's a book?" asked Tyson trying to change the subject. "A book is something you can read. They give you a lot of information about...anything" Twilight explained. Tyson just nodded. "You don't seem like you'll cause destruction" said Twilight. "Well that's because I don't wanna get sealed again and I definitely don't want to go back home. So I'll do anything you say" said Tyson. "Um...I don't even know what to say" Twilight thought to herself. "I forgot ask. What's your name?" Asked Tyson. "Oh yeah! That would be nice to know. My name's Twilight Sparkle. But you can just call me 'Twilight'" said Twilight with a small smile on her face. "Okay! Twilight" said Tyson. Earlier that evening, Twilight began showing Tyson around Ponyville so he can learn the layout. "WOW! This place sure is full of other ponies" said Tyson. "Only means you can make a lot of friends" said Twilight. "Well destroyers don't do...friends" said Tyson looking down at the floor. "Well you can't be a destroyer without your powers" said Twilight. Tyson gasped. "So does this make me a normal filly?" Tyson asked. Twilight just nodded. "Well it wouldn't be 'natural' if I didn't have my powers...but..."Tyson stopped his speech. "...But what?" Twilight asked. Tyson shook his head. "Forget I said anything. I'd love to make friends" said Tyson. "But you just said...nevermind. Glad your...happy?" said Twilight. Tyson just looked at the floor again, looking like he was about to.cry. "Do you miss having your parents?" Asked Twilight. "Actually, my parents were too aggressive...well my dad was...my mom...she..." Before Tyson could finish he began crying. Twilight dried the tears from his eyes. "There is one pony I know who MUST be able to cheer you up" said Twilight. Twilight took Tyson is Sugarcube Corner. "What's this place?" Tyson asked. "This is Sugarcube Corner and contains the funnest pony in Ponyville if not Equestria" said Twilight. They walked inside then the light switched on and they were greeted with confetti. "SURPRISE! Hello little pony! I'm Pinkie Pie! What's yours?" Pinkie yelled. "Um...Tyson but..." Tyson was interrupted. "Tyson...what?" Pinkie asked. "Tyson..." Tyson was struggling coming up with a second name, then he looked at Twilight. "...Sparkle! Tyson Sparkle!" Tyson answered. Twilight looked at Tyson in shock. "WOW! You didn't tell me you had won Twilight" said Pinkie. "But I...but he's...and I'm...I guess I didn't" Twilight stutted. "How did you even know was in Ponyville?" Tyson asked. "Pinkie sense" Pinkie answered. Tyson just nodded. "Your pinkie sense sounds awesome!" Tyson exclaimed. "Why thanks!" Said Pinkie. "Well the we must be going" said Twilight. "Just to let you know we're gonna be throwing a surprise party" said Pinkie. "I don't know what a party is...but I look forward to it" said Tyson. Twilight and Tyson left the building. "Your friend Pinkie is awesome and I can't wait to meet your other friends" said Tyson. "Just one question : why did you make Pinkie think your my son?" Twilight asked. "I was panicking! Destroyers don't have second names" said Tyson. "Well it doesn't matter now! If your friends Pinkie, then your must instantly be friends with everyone" Twilight said excitedly. "Having even just one friend makes a big difference. With destroyers, we can't even say 'hello' and 'Hi' or you'll get eliminated on the spot" said Tyson. "Now I see why you don't want to go home" said Twilight. Tyson nodded. "If you want to make more friends you can try going to school. Three of my friends' sisters go school" said Twilight. "What's school?" Tyson asked. Twilight just rolled her eyes. Meanwhile at Celestia's castle, "Do you think Twilight doing okay?" Luna asked. " Well, Twilight can seal him back in the orb if he were to try anything" said Princess Celestia. "That's unlikely to happen since he doesn't have his powers" said Princess Luna. "True! But we shall see" said Princess Celestia. Luna nodded. Back in Avalon, Tyson father, Arthur, was planning a way to get Tyson back after 5 years. "It's about time they released him. All we need to do now is to go get him. However, he will not come home a failure" said Arthur. Tyson's sister, Layla, walks in. "Fathur, how about I go pick him up. I haven't been out of Avalon in ages and I really want to see big brother Tyson again" said Layla. "Whatever! Just make sure he eliminates that universe...NOT you!" Arthur demanded. "Yes sir" said Layla.
Back at Twilight's castle, Twilight was putting Tyson to bed. "Can't wait for that surprise party!" Tyson said excitedly. "Speaking of parties, when's your birthday?" Twilight asked. "You mean the day I was born? September 17th" Tyson answered. "If I let Pinkie know, she can throw you a birthday party and that's only in a week" said Twilight. "Wait you get a party when it's your birthday? That's awesome!" Said Tyson. "It's really hard where live, isn't it?" Twilight asked. Tyson was already asleep whilst she was saying. "Sleep tight...my little pony" said Twilight. "Has he caused trouble yet?" Starlight asked. "Actually, no he hasn't...but we'll see how well get on at school without me" said Twilight. "School? Are you sure that's a good idea?" Starlight asked. "Only one way to find out" said Twilight. Next morning, Tyson woke up bright and early and hype for school. "Twilight c'mon! I wanna go to school and make friends!" Tyson said excitedly. "Your the first pony who's been this excited to make friends...well apart from Pinkie Pie" said Twilight.
As soon as Tyson arrived at school, he was actually nervous considering he wasn't with Twilight but he wanted to make her proud. "Ok every pony! We have a new student today. Tyson would you like to introduce yourself?" Asked Miss Cheerlee. Tyson slowly walked to the front of the class. At this point he was as nervous as ever. "Um...my name is Tyson Sparkle and..." Tyson was interrupted by the entire class yelling. "I can't believe your related to the Princess of friendship!" Everyone yelled. "What are you to her?" Asked Diamond Tiara. "Her...son" Tyson answered. Diamond Tiara tell into his hoofs and said "I thought so, we were destined for eachother" said Diamond Tiara. Tyson blushed. "Say, Tyson, we're actually friends with your mother" said Applebloom. "Really? My mom told me about you three" said Tyson. Diamond Tiara's face turned red of rage when she sees her beloved one get taken by the cutiemark crusaders. Finally school ended and Tyson, Applebloom, Sweetiebelle and Scootaloo have been talking the entire afternoon, "How come we haven't seen you before Tyson?" Asked Sweetiebelle. "Well...um...huh...because I was meant to be kept a secret...for seven...years" Tyson answered. "WOW! Twilight's really good at hiding secrets" said Scootaloo. Diamond Tiara walks in before he leaves home. "Soooooo Tyson. If your the son of the princess of friendship, doesn't that make you the Prince of friendship?" Asked Diamond Tiara. The crusaders just rolled their eyes. "I believe so" Tyson answered. Diamond Tiara falls into Tyson's hoofs again. "What's your name?" Tyson asked. "Diamond Tiara, your future wife and princess" Diamond Tiara. "Haha! Okay...we'll see what happens" said Tyson with a wink. Diamond Tiara fainted. Tyson began his journey back to the castle. "Tyson" a whisper came from the bushes. Tyson slowing walked over to the bush revealing his sister Layla. "Layla! What are you doing here?" Asked Tyson in panic. "What do you think? I'm here to take you home!" Layla answered . Tyson shook his head. "No way!" Said Tyson.
"What do you mean no!? This place is full of...ugh...friends" said Layla disgustedly. "Making friends is the best thing that ever happened to me. Plus, I can't come failure, if I don't come home at all!" Tyson exclaimed. Layla couldn't believe the words coming out her brother's mouth. "I...I can't believe you! What happened to you in those 5 years!?" Layla asked. "Well I guess...I guess I'm...REFORMED!" Tyson exclaimed. Layla gasped but then tried to calm down. "What can you possibly see in friendship? It just leaves to broken hearts" said Layla. "If we had stuff like 'friendship' back in Avalon I wouldn't of been sealed in the orb for 5 years!" Tyson yelled. "Whatever! We need to go home. Father is probably worried" said Layla. "Doubt it! Do you even like father?" Tyson asked. Layla thought about that question. "I have two questions. Where are you staying? And where are your wings and horn?" Layla asked. "I'm staying at a castle and I don't need them" said Tyson. "Wait! Did you say your staying at a castle? After spitting the universe in half?" Layla asked. "I guess" said Tyson. "Really? Show me!" Layla demanded. Tyson shook his head. "I can't just bring you back. Now go home! I'm in Equestria and I'm fine where I'am" said Tyson. "Grrr! Wait till father hears about this!" Said Layla angrily. "Well he's not my father! He doesn't even treat like his son. I should know considering the Princess I'm living with treats me very nice unlike father" said Tyson. Layla just rolled her eyes and left. Tyson arrived back to Twilight's castle. "Twilight, I think a found 3 ponies you were talking about!" Said Tyson. "How can be so sure?" Twilight asked. "Applebloom, Sweetiebelle and Scootaloo said they were friends with you. But then again, that's what everyone said. " Tyson answered. "Really? So I take school went fine?" Twilight asked. Tyson nodded. "Thank god! You make friends faster than I ever could" said Twilight. "Um...well...that's because they think I'm the Prince of Friendship" said Tyson. "Are you just gonna keep telling everyone your my son? I'm not sure you keep I'm your mom...but if that's one you want" said Twilight. Then there was a knock at the door. Twilight answered to reveal her friends. "Hello Twilight! Is it true you actually have a son?" Asked Fluttershy. "Well..." Twilight was interrupted. "Can we see him?" Asked Rarity. "Maybe tomorrow. He's very...tired?" Twilight said. "It's the afternoon" said Rainbow Dash. "Indeed it is. I guess you can see him. Tyson, my friends want to see you" said Twilight. Tyson peeked around the door. "He's so cute! I can just eat him up!" said Rarity. Tyson froze after Rarity said that. "How old is he?" Asked Applejack. "He's seven years old!" Twilight answered. "...And his birthday is next week! September 17th!" Pinkie yelled. "We'll be there! Hopefully he'll be able to socialise more. We can't expect him to say anything thing after we just met" said Fluttershy. Everyone took their leave but then Pinkie whispered in Twilight's ear. "I know he's a destroyer. But I totally didn't just tell you that" Pinkie whispered in Twilight's ear then disappeared into the nearest bush. Twilight smiled and closed the door. Tyson was still frozen. "Tyson are you o...?" before Twilight could finish her question, Tyson jumped on her back and gently grabbed her around the neck. "Did you hear what Rarity said? She wants to eat me up!" Tyson exclaimed. Twilight rolled her eyes. "Rarity doesn't want to eat you up. She was just saying how cute you were" Twilight explained. Tyson curled up into a ball. "Maybe having party isn't such a good idea" said Tyson. "Fine, but nothing bad was going to happen. Anyway, since you haven't done anything wrong...yet, You can have your...wings back" said Twilight. "What about my horn?" Tyson asked. "Don't push it!" Twilight demanded. During that night, Tyson was in a dream surrounded by a black good with just him and Princess Luna. "Princess Luna? What are you doing here? Where are we?" Tyson asked. "This is nothing but dream, Prince Tyson" Luna answered. "Did you say 'Prince' Tyson?" Asked Tyson. "Indeed. We are both very aware of Twilight's decision. Now I need you to listen" said Luna. "Ok! What's up?" Asked Tyson. "There's a ruin about a mile away from Equestria. However, during your journey there, you'll face challenges beyond expectations. When you reach the Ruins, You'll find the 'Baby Super Nova'. Twilight's decided if you manage to bring the Nova back to me in one peice, we'll let you stay in Equestria" said Princess Luna. Tyson nodded and immediately woke up to see broad daylight. "Should I tell Twilight?" Tyson asked himself. He then got out of bed and walked over to Twilight. "Are you ready?" Twilight asked Tyson. "Ready for what?" Tyson asked. "...For our big journey" said Twilight. "Ummm...wait...are you coming as well?" Tyson asked. "Of course, Luna told me to" said Twilight. After that speech, there was a knock at the door. Twilight opened the door to reveal her friends
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