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change is to risk it all. |
saving mars its april 20 3098 and its my birthday. today isnt so special to me though, life on mars isnt so good. everyone lives in big biuldings called tower houses and its fucking awful in there. everyone hates themselves or each other. we all literally live to serve the elites who dont even live on mars. these guys live on mars' 5th moon and they live fucking splended. all who live on mars works in the mines to find gamma rocks just for 50 unites a day. you cant buy shit with that. we literally get paid just enough to support ourselves with rent and food. i hate this place. when i was little my dad told me stories he heard about earth and how there is a huge amount of water there and all sorts of creatures that live in it. he told me the sky is always blue and with white fat bubbles called clouds. earth is where all the magic and power came from that the elites have. my dad once told me that on earth theres a such thing called "the language of nature", which can help you understand the universe and everything around you. not only that, but theres a such thing called a book. he said those held much wisdom and the key to unlocking imagination. i was facinated by all of these stories that i knew i had to get to earth some how. my dad told me these stories right here in my bed room. the same stories that were told to him by his dad and his dad and so on. all of that in the same damn room my families have always lived in. i hate living here. 1 year ago the elites decided to be nice for once in their lives and wanted to show thanks to the oppressed for making their lives easier. they built a shopping tower. now all of those who choose to starve or ruin their budget for a bit would go there and spend some unites. i was one of them but i wasnt going for the good looks or to simply spend unites like a dumbass. i was looking to invest into a brighter future for myself. they sold all kinds of shit there. nice shoes, clothes, accessories, alcohol, good foods and the best water you could find. they sold a space ship there for 5000 unites. these guys never expected anyone to buy it but i did. i took me a good 10 months to save for it. i wouldnt eat or drink a lot of water. i lost over 20 pounds and now i look like a fucking skeleton, but its all going to be worth it. this thing doesnt rely on fuel and it could get to earth in 10 light minutes. its a perfect get a way viechle. the elites didnt guard their skys when i left but some of the guards tried to shoot me down when i was leaving orbit. those fuckers never gave a damn about anyone and they suddenly do when someone makes a break through. i also hate sell-outs. the momment i bought it i hopped in it and took off. i regret doing that. i killed a few when i flew throught the multitude of people watching me and through the building. i know i broke the rules by leaving mars and i know theyll try to find me in space but i dont care anymore. im tired of living only to serve the elites. all what they have ever done was scare my people and kill my poeple. when i flew out of mars i didnt know what way to go. i dont know how to locate earth but i will find it. And when i do i will look all over the planet for a "book" and study the launguage of nature and teach it to everyone on mars. ill open my mind to "creativity" and create something beautiful to benefit my society. i will become wise and powerful with that knowledge and free my people from the slavery we live in. ill challenge the elites and kill each and every single one. i will start a new beging. i will change history. so from this day forth, im tarring off the chains that keep me oppressed and lead my misguided will to a brighter path. no longer will we work for anyone else. no longer will we believe we're just meant to live, work and then die. no longer will we have hunger, pain, sorrow and misery. i will free everyone and leave my mark in martian history as a savior. |