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A young woman wakes up in a hospital with no memory and learns of a looming threat. |
The girl awoke from her slumber. She opened her eyes only to shut them quickly again. The lights on the ceiling were far too bright. She sat up as her eyes adjusted. She was in what seemed to be a hospital room. The evening sun shined through the open window to her left. She could hear the wind gently blowing the leaves on the trees outside and every now and again a vehicle of some sort would drive by in the distance. Looking around the room she seen what one would normally see in a hospital room. A couple of chairs for visitors, a side table next to the bed a clock on the wall and of course the usual medical equipment that one normally sees next to the bed. As the girl examined her surroundings a nurse walked by the open door to her room. The nurse stopped quickly and peered into the room with a look of surprise on her face. "You're awake!" She exclaimed. "Stay right there! I'll get the doctor!" The nurse bolted before the girl had a chance to say anything. She was left alone again in her quiet room with only the sound of the wind through the window and voices outside her door. Minutes later a man in a white coat, presumably the doctor, rushed into the room with the nurse at his heels. "So you've finally awaken." The doctor said moving next to the girls bedside. "How do you feel?" "Confused..." the girl said not sure what had happened to her. "Otherwise, thirsty." "Very good. Easily remedied." The doctor said with a chuckle. "Nurse, could you fetch this young lady a glass of water and then call that Detective. He would probably like to know she is awake." "Yes doctor." The Nurse said smiling to the girl before turning to leave. "Why am I in a hospital?" The girl asked as the Nurse left. "What happened?" "That can wait for now." The doctor said calmly. "First I would like to ask your name." "My name?" The girl asked thinking about it. Such a simple question to answer, yet the girl was drawing a blank. No matter how hard she tried she just couldn't recall her name....or anything for that matter. "Amnesia." The doctor said sadly when the girl informed him. "This complicates matters." "What do you mean?" The girl asked. "Well, when you were brought here, you didn't have any form of identification on you." The doctor said. "No licence, no birth certificate. You didn't even have a wallet or purse on you at all. Because of this we have no way of contacting anyone close to you, because we don't know who YOU are." "I'm sorry..." the girl said looking down at her hands which were sitting on her lap. "No need to apologize." Came the Nurse's voice from the door. The Nurse had returned with a glass of water and had just walked in and handed it to the girl who gladly accepted it. "It may make things complicated, but none of this is your fault." The Nurse said before turning to the doctor. "I asked Debra to call the Detective for us." "Thank you." The doctor said with a nod. "I assume you overheard our talk?" "Just you saying she had Amnesia." The Nurse said as she started brushing the girls bangs to one side. "Such a young girl. I'm going to guess she's about....14? Maybe 16 years of age." "Ah yes. You have a sister about the same age." The doctor said. "We'll run some test to be doubly sure but that seems an accurate enough guess." "Do you...know what happened to me?" The girl asked after taking a gulp of water. The Doctor and the Nurse looked at each other as if they both wanted the other to explain. The Doctor clearly lost as he let out a huge sigh. "You were attacked." He said. "By a murderer." "SMASH!" The sound of the girl's glass hitting the floor made others walking by the room look in. The girl was shocked. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. "A...murderer!? W-why would he want to kill me?" She asked in a shaken voice. "Calm down dear." The Nurse said placing a hand on the girls arm. "You weren't the target. You just happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time." "I'm sorry. That was my fault." The Doctor said. "Attacked may not have been the right word. The culprit was fleeing the police when he turned a corner and bumped into you. You must have hit your head when you fell. Which knocked you out and probably caused your amnesia." "Did the police catch him?" "That's what I'm hoping you can help me with." Came a rough voice from the door. The girl looked over to see a scary looking man wearing a dress shirt and pants with a jacket hung over his shoulder. The man had a stick in his mouth and seem to glare at everyone in the room, or rather glaring was his normal look and he was just looking at everyone. He stepped forward once his eyes fell on the girl. "Detective Tarmlaw!? How did you get here so quickly?" The Doctor asked. "I was around." The apparently Detective said not taking his eyes off of the girl making her feel very uncomfortable. "So is she well enough to answer some questions?" "I doubt you would get anything from her either way." The Doctor said. "She has Amnesia." "Well then fix her so she can help me catch that monster." The Detective demanded. "Amnesia is not something you can just 'fix'!" The Nurse snapped. "We have to wait until her memory comes back on it's own." "Then why the hell did you call me!?" Detective Tarmlaw asked raising his already loud voice. "You are the lead detective on the case." The Doctor said. "You asked us to inform you when she woke up. We did just that." "You useless lot!" Detective Tarmlaw said turning his back. "I don't have time to be visiting little girls who can't help me when there is a monster on the loose." "A monster?" The girl asked getting more confused. The detective turned his head quickly to glare at the girl once again. He pulled out the stick in his mouth which let the girl see that it was actually a sucker. "The one who attacked you is no man." He said to her. "He is a monster. A cold blooded killer. He murdered another man with just his bare hands and he attacked a fellow officer and then fled." The girl couldn't believe what she was hearing. How could anyone be that horrible. She began to shake in fear. "Okay that's enough!" The Nurse said seeing the girl shake. "She has already been through enough as is! If you don't have any questions for her then you can just leave!" Tarmlaw let out a low sort of growl and turned his attention to the doctor. "If she remembers anything let me know and ONLY if she remembers something about the monster." He said before putting the sucker back in his mouth and storming off. "Honestly, how did he get to be detective anyway?" The Nurse asked crossing her arms. "Look at it this way, would you comit a crime knowing that you would have him on your tail?" The doctor asked. "Don't even joke about that!" The Nurse said. "Hehheh. Anyway even though he could have put it in a nicer way, the detective is right. We need to focus on getting her memory back." The Doctor said looking at the girl. "Yet we need to in order to locate her family or any friends she may have." "What if I don't regain those memories." The girl asked. "You will. I'll help you." The Nurse said. "But we'll need to at least give you a name that we can call you in the meantime." "How about Jane Doe #28!?" The Doctor said with a chuckle. "NOT! FUNNY!" the Nurse said glaring at the Doctor. "Jane..." the girl said under her breath. "I like it." "What? Oh you don't need to listen to him." The Nurse said. "We only keep him around because he's a good doctor. Other than that you can ignore him." "Ouch." The Doctor said. "Even so, I like the first name." The girl said. "Well in that case, we'll call you Jane." The Nurse said with a smile. "Nice to meet you Jane. I'm Sylvia." "And I'm the Doctor." "Doctor....wh-" Jane started but Sylvia covered her mouth with a hand. "Don't ask! Lame joke. He does it every time." She said. "Just call him Dan." "You are no fun at all." The Doctor said putting his hands in his coat pockets. "Anyway, I have many more patients I must attend to. I leave Jane to you Nurse." "I'll let you know if there are any developments." Sylvia said. Doctor Dan left the room after giving Jane a smile and a wave. Sylvia started to carefully clean up the shattered glass that Jane had dropped earlier. "So who is this 'monster' that the detective was talking about?" Jane asked. "From what I heard on the news he was just an average guy who worked at the local E-Mart." Sylvia said taking the chunks of glass and throwing them into the garbage can nearby. "Apparently the guy he killed was trying to rob the place." "Wouldn't that make him a hero?" Jane asked tilting her head in confusion. "You would think. However the story goes he flew into a rage for some reason and beat the robbers face in." Sylvia said taking the garbage bag out of the can and wrapping the top up. "He just kept punching and punching even after the robber was dead." "Wow that's scary." "Tell me about it. When the cops tried to get him off that's when he attacked one of them and made a break for it. The cops, and even the news, say that a monster awakened inside of him. Hence why they refer to him as such." "Wouldn't he know that I am still alive and would try to come after me?" Jane asked the question that was on her mind for a while. "Doubt it." Sylvia said after a pause. "He was in a hurry to get away. Probably didn't even see your face." Sylvia smiled as she held the garbage bag full of glass. Jane still felt uneasy about the whole thing however. What if her attacker came back to finish the job? Sylvia probably could tell what Jane was thinking because she put a hand on her arm. "Everything will be alright." She said. "Let's just focus on getting your memory back so we can get you back to your family." "Thanks." Jane said feeling a little better. "Do...you think we could head to the E-Mart then?" "Why would you want to go there?" Sylvia asked. "I won't feel truly safe until this 'monster' is caught." Jane confessed. "If that's where I met him then-" "Actually that's not where you were pushed." Sylvia said. "It isn't? But you just said..." "Yeah, he killed the robber there but he ran away after attacking the cop and tried to lose them behind the hardware store down the road. THAT is where you were found. Lying unconcious face down on the ground. At least that is what Detective Tarmlaw said anyway." "That scary Detective? Was he the one who found me?" Jane asked after a shiver went down her spine. "Yup. He chased the monster all the way around but had to stop chasing when he found you." Sylvia confirmed. "He said the monster could only have run through a back door of the hardware store but when the police surrounded it and searched the area he was nowhere to be found." "So that's what happened..." Jane said. "But we can still take a stop at the E-Mart anyway." Sylvia said with a smile. "I need to pick up a few things plus we need to get you some new clothes." "New clothes? What happend to the ones I was wearing?" Jane asked. "They got all ripped up from your fall apparently." Sylvia said. "That and that Detective took them saying they were 'Evidence'. I asked for them back but he refused to return them." "Y-you mean he took everything?" Jane asked starting to go red in the face. "Including my..." "Yup. Real perverted huh?" Sylvia said with a giggle. "Anyway, you are about the same size as my little sister. I'm sure you can borrow a set of her clothes until we get you your own. I'll go and give her a call. You rest up. You've had one heck of a day." Sylvia helped Jane get comfortable and took the bag of garbage and left the room. Jane laid there with so many questions running through her mind. Who is she? Who is this monster? And why did she not have any ID on her when they found her? Better yet where is this monster? Will he come back to silence her? That last question remained in Jane's mind as she closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep. |