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by si-uzi
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Crime/Gangster · #2155175
Akarui Hikari fights for the Light Army and believes her dad is not what he says he is...
The Light Collides With The Dark
Hikari Wa Kurayami Ni Shōtotsu Suru
By: si.uzi
Story:1 The Beginning of Hidden Secrets

Hello, my name is Akarui Hikari I fight for the Karui Guntai or called the Light Army. For years my family has been fighting for the sake of Japan against the Kurayami or the Darkness, many members of my family have died fighting. I, my sister Tanoshi Hikari and my father Shi-no Hikari are the only ones left of the Hikari family. My father runs the Light Army and we are considered royalty, me and my sister run Tokyo missions so we are often busy, my father runs the rest of the country and is responsible for any missions other than ours. Now that you’re caught up we can start the story…

It was 5am, I woke up to the sounds of gunshots rattling the practice field, I went down to get ready “ Oh good morning Akarui, breakfast is ready.” That’s Kana-san the closest thing I have to a mother, she’s always around, “ Like always you look great Kana-san” “Oh Thank you Akarui, I always love when you’re happy” The phone rang. “Hello father” “ Akauri, I need you to go to the forest, there’s some mysterious activity going on, according to my sources 5 men are reportedly doing a top-secret deal with a hitman. I’ll have a army ready for yo-”
“I’m fine I just need two knights and a sword” “Being brought to you be safe.” “ok bye” (hangs up) I rushed to finish my breakfast “Ok Kana-san gotta go thank you for the lovely breakfast” “Always a pleasure”. I walked to the lobby, got the knights and we walked to the Citizen's forest next to the Hinohara Village. It looked off, no smoke from cooking, no noise, nothing was happening in the village, I soon realized why. This was a horrible view, people on the floor unconscious they looked lifeless, children crying, houses destroyed, I walked into the forest without the knights ready to kill who did this. I was so furious I think I was burning the trees down, I felt like someone was behind me, I turned...to see my knights almost giving me a heart attack. I was gonna give them a good taste of when you scare me but then *sliiiiiiing*, I turned to see swords drawn and 5 men surrounding me and my knights. They pulled into action fighting the men and I pulled my sword on the hitmen “wait, you are-” “Raito Kurayami Leader of the Darkness and top-notch hitmen I have come here to do a deal and you rats have foiled my plan, we will duel to the death”. I agreed furious of what she did to the village, we pulled our swords like knives and she played dirty slashing my right arm “Shit!” I carried on not giving two shits about my arm. Our swords were left and right like chopsticks, then I quickly moved slashing her legs, she fell to the ground “well slashing my arm didn’t do much when you can’t stand” she pulled a gun from behind, I froze.

Ready to kill she said, “I’ll kill you like all of your family....cold-blooded” I was about to die but then, “Stop Raito” a voice from the trees came down, I heard that voice before “Kuraya, why stop me from killing this scum” “ she is not scum let me talk, take those shitty goons and go back to the castle to get treatment.” He saved my life, but he’s part of the Kurayama family. “ Why did you save me,” I said confused. “ I have to talk about your family, meet me at Shinjuku Golden Gai, and I’ll explain” He gave me a paper with the note, Golden Gai Friday 10 PM, I should have known what I was getting into because I was about to be in some real shit...

Part 1 Out Of ?

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