Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2155061-The-Exorcist
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Horror/Scary · #2155061
Only the pure of heart may enter
Chase watched a priest stand before the metal door. The ritual began with the adjustment of the clothing, shoulders shook seeming to gather courage, then a firm grip on the Bible or book containing the exorcism ritual. Last but not least, the man crossed himself and kissed the cross hanging from a chain around his neck.

Chase ticked off the number eight. The number of priests to enter and be thrown or crawled out of the room. He'd looked in as he passed that first day two weeks ago. Her notoriety preceded her and his reason for even being there. Carolyn was possessed. Most days she acted like a normal six year old. She did her studies, a TV monitor teacher taught her lessons. She didn't seem to mind, though at times he'd seen her stand at the window looking out at the valley in the distance.

She caught him looking at her on the second day he'd staked out her room and came to the door. Terrified he stood frozen, expecting to be mauled through the door. It didn't happen.

"You're a reporter." Carolyn stated.

He nodded.

"You want to write about me," Again he nodded.

"You were called." She looked him in the eye. Then her eyes turned black and her face contorted. Chase couldn't move. He watched as whatever resided inside her took its form. It spoke to him. Not like some growling demon shown on TV.

The voice sounded deep and smooth to his ear. "You're here, but you cannot fight me. You think to remove me from my home? Think again."

The evil dissipated, leaving a smiling little girl in its place. "Can you come and play with me?"

Shaking, he wagged his head and looked for the nearest bathroom.

After the first two men entered and came out with their clothing torn, scratches on their arms, face and legs, Chase approached them. At first they resisted his request. When the Doctors left the room after attending to Carolyn, they agreed. Each of them told the same story.

"When I began the ritual, the thing showed itself. It laughed at me. Then the beast began to tear my clothes and scratch me. The Holy Water did nothing. It didn't burn it, or hurt it in any way. The only thing that stopped me from being killed was when I began to recite the Lord's Prayer. I ran out."

Chase wrote in his notebook then returned to the hallway. It wouldn't hurt to pray for the girl. He'd been a Christian most of his life. He'd had a few trials come his way and learned the power of prayer.

Standing in front of the door, he began to pray for the little girl. She sat at her desk when he started his prayer as he always talked to God.

In a flash the girl stood before the door. Her body shook and Chase gripped the handle to keep from running away. His words seemed to grow louder and fill the hallway, but no one came. His eyes remained on her.

The transformation began and the smooth voice echoed his words, mocking him. The door shook. In the next second he found himself inside the room. He didn't have time to think. The child's form began to change. This was nothing like the actions he'd witnessed before. This form grew from Carolyn to stand before him. Scales in iridescent black, purple, green and blue filled out to form a human like body.

"You wish to talk to me?" The demon asked. Its glowing eyes bore into me and I quoted Psalms 23.

"You know your scripture."

"Who are you? What is your name?" The words came from Chase's mouth before he even thought to close his lips.

The demon laughed and looked around the room as if expecting someone. "You know who I am." It spoke into the air. "You send this child with a few spears to stop me?" The laugh shook the room.

The memory of Carolyn asking him to play with her superseded the demon's form. From somewhere inside came the words of an old hymn. "The love of God is greater far than tongue..." He continued to sing. The demon roared and came directly to him, talons outstretched, fire glowing in his eyes and steam billowing from his nostrils. He heard the sound of voices joining him.

The demon skidded to a stop inches from Chase. Talons scraped his arm drawing blood. Pain, a burning pain shot to his brain.. He saw blood dripping from the gash. Still the song bubbled from his heart. "The Love of God, How rich, how pure, how measureless and strong.." The beast grabbed his arm, but jerked back howling in pain. It came at him again large fists reaching for his neck, but never made the grasp, it flew backwards sliding across the floor and smashing against the wall.

Chase began the last verse, "If we, with ink, the ocean fill...." The wounded beast crawled, its nails clicked on the floor and its back hunched. Chase stiffened against the oncoming assault. His voice rose along with the unseen choir, "Oh Love of God, How rich how pure, how measureless and strong, it shall forevermore endure the saint's and angels' song." The words and notes poured over the beast, and its body fell , writhing. Its eyes and teeth gnashed at him, claws reaching out, but not touching him.

"You are powerless before the Almighty God. You are defeated." Chase spoke the words and there seemed to be a great echo reverberating around the room. Silence fell and the demon began to lose its form. It tried to grab Chase, then pulled itself toward the girl standing in a trance. Before it could get to her the form melted into the floor.

Chase looked around him. All was as it had been. A little girl's room.

"Will you play with me? A sweet voice asked.

Word count:998
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