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Rated: 13+ · Article · Political · #2154893
Liberalism's continued success depends on dark factors-Push Back!
DON'T WAIT FOR 2020!.....

Liberalism's continued success depends on dark factors. First, it must fictitiously paint Conservatism, as the faction of social injustice, as anti-immigrant, anti-entitlement, anti-regulation and so on. This is what they are doing now, trying to find fault and nit-pick the opponent,while covering their far-worse deeds. Obama's continuous slander and lying was Joseph Goebbels-worthy. The less-informed and easily coerced fell for it hook,line,and sinker, and led to the liberal win for two terms. Most damaging was the fact that there was little Conservative response or push-back.

As Conservatives, we simply cannot afford to keep taking the passive route of response. Why do you think the fact that Conservative politicians, and President are Tweeting and responding angers the liberals?..Because it is beating them at their own game, using facts and truth, but using the same method, That being an equally aggressive response. They hate it. They thought they had trained Conservatives into "tolerance" and submissiveness, and it rankles their cages when they realize they have not beaten us into quiet submission. makes the Liberal Dems(AKA Fascists) job of keeping up their fake image much harder.

2020 is just around the corner really, and we're wasting time spinning our wheels in the fake news mud, responding to every distraction, rather than being just as aggressive in public speaking, promoting ideas, etc. We simply cannot afford to be polite or genteel any longer.

People will learn that "Liberalism" is just a nametag given to hide what Liberals really are all about, that being Fascism. When we confront the mechanisms of the Liberal Democratic party, Exposing it to the core of it's treachery upon liberty, by recounting their failed policies, it's deleterious effect upon the Nation , then we will succeed in advancing the Conservative Republican Party.

So gather the troops, your friends, family, business associates, small newspapers, school newspapers, encourage writing gifted youth to be active in writing and reporting, speaking, and making their little corners of the world a vocal, vibrant and active place. This is a war for our beloved Nation, and we cannot afford to take the "wait till election time" response. We must be vigilant, constant, for our freedom is a living and breathing element that must be fed, nurtured, and promoted for it to thrive, Like a person, for it is a type of person, a unified, collective person of "WE the People". Get busy...2020 is just around the corner.

-Public reading of Declaration of Independence, Constitution, and accurate historical accounts of how we fought oppression using the Republican, Godly module.
-Films and books that detail the positives of Republican Conservatism, and remind that America was founded upon a Republican framework , NOT a democracy. We have a democratic "process: within, but it is not the same thing, explain it as well
-Churches must not be encumbered by the fear of being accused of breaching church and state...Churches have a voice, we are after all people that make the church. Utilize your church for organizing public group speaking. If the atheists can do it? And FYI, Atheism was ruled and classified as a religion by the United States Supreme Court, so if an Atheist group can be politically active? So can a theist-type group, such as Christianity.
-Get creative...bake sales with hand out cards and flyers, car washes, contests, all types of gatherings and events can be utilized for public and community outreach.
-Take group trips to places, one especially, the Pilgrims Memorial at Plymouth, to see and feel it's presence in person is more effective. Or watch then discuss positive films about it , such as those by narrated by Kirk Cameron , other Christians describing the meaning behind this vital historic place. Read the tenants upon it, view the sculptures,inscriptions, discuss the content and meaning. It is very enlightening
I digress, 2020 is coming, get busy!
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