Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2154626-I-would-have-loved-you-if-Id-known-you
Rated: ASR · Poetry · Death · #2154626
Written in memory of a neighborhood stray cat that was killed by a car yesterday
I would have loved you if I'd known you.
You would have had a safe and loving home.
You would have been healthy and happy
and never would have died alone.

I would have loved you if I'd known you
You would have been fed and warm.
You would have been spoiled rotten
and never would have braced another storm.

I would have loved you if I'd known you
You would have had a name.
You would have been so comfortable
and never would have known such pain.

Sadly, you had no home to go to.
Sadly, you were a stray,
Left to the mercy of a passing car.
I'm sorry that you died today.

(Written in dedication to the poor stray cat who was hit in my neighborhood and left to rot at the side of the road.
I put out a notice but no one claimed him so I went and picked him up and buried him under a shady tree by my fence so he wouldn't just lie there and be picked up by the trash.
As I was picking him up and putting him into a bag, the song Mr. Bojangles was playing on my car radio, so I've decided to call him that, just so he has a name.
I like to think an angel has a new kitty to play with today. Run free, Mr. Bojangles. Dance.)

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