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Rated: NPL · Short Story · Fantasy · #2154497
a tale of love

Thick, extremely curvy and nubile.an extra layer of makeup and that purple lipstick, a plain white yet revealing crop top with matching white skinny jeans.as she takes one final glance at the perfect image she knows will surely secure her financial stand at least for the next six months. The streets of hillbrow, in all its nebulous and ruthless nature had never quite crossed paths with a force of nature as kedibone was. Everywhere she stood and passed, a magnetic pull cast whoever dared to look or interact with her, naturally the other girls were victim to jealousy and envy for her ability to fully control all the men she interacted with, including her "pimp".
Kedibone,originally born and bred in QwaQwa to an unemployed and uneducated mother, her father was killed by a magnate highly infamous for settling scores with his enemies rather grotesquely.at the tender age of fifteen,kedibone had acquired a heretic mentality and together with her partner in crime refiloe. The first night of their arrival in Johannesburg was both piquant and tumultuous. Their bags firmly saddled on their backs, they couldn't help sharing unspoken but understandable looks seeing as they did not know a single person in this city, and more importantly, they collectively had a sum of r.825. Which would certainly run out in a day or two at most? They needed a plan, and fast. Reclining for a meal interval, seated at the outdoor table, a peculiar looking man approached them. Offering to attend the next round in exchange for some refreshing company. Seeing no plausible reason to object, they accept the strangers offer. Immersed in alcohol elation, the trio are laughing like old friends deprived of each other's refreshing company. Pardoning herself to the girls room, refiloe is left alone with this man who says his name is Emilio, "do you think in your absence kedibone would look and listen to me according to her personal judgment?", shocked by his blatancy she shrugged off his question with a light answer which led to some more laughing.
Upon her return from the toilet, the conversation still went on ,yet the air was not quite the same. Choosing to ignore the now pungent feeling,kedibone managed to end the conversation in a subtle but inconspicuous manner. Enticed by kedibonis dazzling personality, he begged insistently for her phone numbers, choosing rather to let him down gently they get up and prepare to leave when suddenly..."ladies, in all hopes that everything is still well, may I suggest that you reconsider calling it a night, as this town is infamous for having insane people and situations willing to do whatever to get what they want."
"thank you very much sir, I mean, however blind and mercurial our first actions may have been or seemed, we are most certain of now being extremely awake and aware "said refiloe.
On the taxi back home, reminiscing on the quaint events that had transpired tonight, finding themselves gridlocked on extensive analysis. Back at the flat, slightly tipsy and therefore non-challantly loud, they storm inside laughing and dancing. Feeling unnaturally emotional,kediboni stares refiloe straight in the eyes and suddenly confesses "no person in my entire life has shown me the amount of loyalty and condor quite the way you have friend, you have shown me the true meaning of what friendship really is, for that im entirely grateful friend". "OH wow, ofcouse friend, I love you".

Early the next morning, kedibone is woken up by the vibration of her phone, a slight turn, picking up the phone it shows that it's from refiloe, a bit strange she thought, considering that her bed is unmade, almost as if she bolted out of the house in an extreme rush, which is peculiar as they had planned to go job hunting together. Opening the text she reads "hey kid, sorry for just disappearing, but you will be thrilled to know that I had to rush to a job interview, see you later". Stunned at this extremely suspicious and quaint text, she chooses to not over analyses it and rather go ahead with her day.
A slight stroll into various resturants, she enters a baroque looking bar/restaurant in upmarket Newtown. A quick scan of this environment, she asks for the manager from the waiters on duty. The sound of a door closing, headed in her direction, she locks sight with a black man, slightly tall with a lean figure, wearing a casual outfit. Now standing directly before her,"yes, good day mam.are you the one looking for me?",how on earth is it possible for a person to look this hot,she thought,
"uhm...ye..yes,sir uhm"."
oh okay,how may I help ".
"sir, I wanted to inquire whether you have any vacancies",
"what type of work were you looking for?"
His accent,I wonder where he comes from she thought.
"preferably waitering sir,but im willing to whatever".
"impeccable timing,we have a waitering postion available,you can leave your c.v with me,come back tomorrow at 9p.m sharp for an interview,formalities,but the job is yours if you want it".
Sooo hot,oh god.
"oh my word,ofcouse,wow,yes id love that sir,thank you so much".
Walking out of newtown eat,overcome by malignant jubilation at having gotten the job,she begins feeling and thinking optimistaclly about the future. Having arrived in this town having no clue about where she would live or what to eat, she felt an abundance of gratitude within her.eager to share the news,she dials refiloes number when suddenly...,a red b.m.w with four male passengers suddenly comes in her direction.assuming that its just men trying their luck with her,she ignores them and firmly stares straight ahead.failing to notice how empty the street shes in is,one of the passengers comes out of the car and takes a jog to catch up with her.voluble and severly bad breath,seeking to let him down easily,she fabricates a story of her "boyfriend" who is five minutes away.
Biting the bait, a sly signal to the passengers in the car, two men step out and head toward their direction.
A sudden blustrey pair of hands grabs her from behind,the guy beside her picks up the contents falling out from her bag.
Now inside the veicle ,the virulent looking man binds both her legs and hands,opting to maintain her equanimity and fortitude to avoid loosing her life.

Three long years come and go since her abduction,she is forced into the life of prostitution and opiate abuse.
A while after arriving here,around 10-11p.m,a anaemic,invidious individual enters her room forcefully,startled,she observes him making his way her in bed,virulently himself onto her,she intrepidly tries to fight him off but all to no avail,overpowering her, he tells her "if you don't want the same fate as your friend refiloe you will do exactly as I say,believe me,you would much rather co-operate and avoid a shallow grave like your dearest friend".feeble,overwhelmed by this mans words,she freezes and does exactly as he says.
Lacking all dacrity for the day ahead,let alone life itself,the unequivocal words of that man keep repeating over and over in her head,her friend of over twenty years lies in some shallow grave,probably slaughterd like a worthless dog, she cant help the overcoming flood of tears that come next.

kedibone-the lady of the night
(part 2)
Another four years came and went with her being a prostitute in hillbrow.because of her nubile and atrractive physical appearance,she falls victim to bitter envy from the other girls,choosing to keep to herself to avoid animus and vilification from the other girls.
One September evening, a client approaches her looking for "fun",a casual consensus is reached and they head to her room.upon arrival,as shes about to undress,the guy quickly stops her,asking her that he would rather they talk.revealing how he had watched her almost every night convincing himself to go and approach her,how he had known her from back at their homestead but never being able to gather the courage to speak to her.upon having discovered that the girls eloped from home,he had resorted at once to save up enough money to follow the girls and start afresh in Johannesburg.
Now,after two gruesome years spent searching tirelessly for the girls,he explains how excited he is to have finally found them.
Having a quandary at wrapping her head around this new information,they ultimetly agree to keep meeting up,as long as he keeps up the "client" facarde.

The progress of time, further intensifies the mutual attraction between the two. Every other evening,thabiso pays the fee to spend thirty minutes in the company of kb,a nickname he gave her.the sparks reach a whole new echelon, kedibone now feels nothing but love for thabiso,a caring,amiable and virile gentleman,not to mention his exquisite handsome looks.
One evening,sitting on the bed in a romantic,cuddly embrace,thabiso suddenly goes cold.noticing the sudden shift in his mood,she asks "baby, I hope im not boring you tonight,I mean,you seem so cold and distant,whats the matter?"
"im sorry love,its just..,iv been having a certain train of thoughts as of late".
"talk to me love"
"please promise to keep an open mind first"
"I promise"
"okay,ever since I found you again,I have been nothing short of abundant joy,seeing you again has completed me In ways you cant begin to imagine,so,I have been thinking,why don't I get you out of here and take you back home to my house,our house,we can settle in and build a family of our own,what do you think?"
"o god,baby,yes,I love you,,I will do anything and everything to continue growng what we have."
The next few months,thabiso assembled a team of hughly skilled men,briefing them on the mission and the exact details of the ins and outs of the brothel,the carious people,and the securtys routines.
Taking care to avoid mercurial work,they take all the time necessary to acuretly study and learn all there is to know about the brothel.six full months spent staking out the brothel,on the night of june 16,the most busiest of all,they decide to excecute the plan tonight.

A man enters the brothel,he requests the very finest of the girls as he is ready to pay very well for their "service",they immediately mention kedibone to him and further point out just how much she is worth to them and their business,undeterd,he agrees on the price but makes a special request.
Scribbling a large sum on a piece of paper for the owner to see,he tells them that he seeks strictly three hours with her,undisturbed under any circumstances,immediately agreeing,he pays and is swiftly escorted to her room.
Minutes after,two people,man and woman approach the main pimp,producing their badges as s.a.p.s officers,he panicks slightly,fully aware of the brothels happenings.instructing him to evacuate everything and everyone in the builing as they are going to search the premises.
Panicking at the level of commodities with the potential to send him behind bars for many years,he attemts to strike a deal with them.he proposes that he is willing to give them R10 000,r5000 now,5000 tommorow,
In response,"the officers"act shocked and disturbed by his offer to taint their inviolable nature.allowing him to drown in spurious prospects of going to jail, one officer approaches him.fully aware of his now ghost like nature,the officer starts :
"my man,the last thing you want is for us to take you away now,you will get a pretty sever sentence because the judges want to make examples of foreign nationals who are involved in such deeds.but I can offer you a way out believe it or not,are you interested?"
"yes sir,ill do anything,please ,just don't take me away"
"there is a certain woman who lives here,a worker of yours,this girl has a lot of loved ones back home,if you release her,I will see to it that you walk away free"
"alright,fine,whats her name?"
Taken aghast by this request,the pimp is momentarily lost in thought over the amount of profit she has brought him,the daily requess of magnates willing to pay high prices exclusively for her and her alone.would he be able to replace her with anyone else at all, if ever,yet again,is she the price of his freedom.
"take me to her"
Signaling to one of his workers,the kid no older than twenty years kneels before his master,attentively rising and heading to the house,the officer watches in anticipation.a few seconds later,emerging from the houses main entrance/exit,stands kedibone.
Maintaining the impudent look,the officer now rises from his seat and says:"smart choice today,you are free to walk,as per our agreement.

Ecstatic and still in unbelief that their plan was an actual success.everyone cant help but express their happiness and relief at kedibones long awaited arrival.pensive,kedibone has thabiso alone in mind and their future that awaits them.
They pull up into thabiso,s driveway,and at first glance,the lovers lock eyes,and then,hastily opening the cars door and charging towards thabiso.throwing herself at him she finally gives way to a flood of tears,tears of never thinking shed actually leave the brothelalive or let alone find true love.
Months pass and kedibone and thabiso settle into their new lives together in the comfort of their own home.
Twlve months later,kedibone gives birth to a healthy baby boy,thabiso decides to name him siphon(gift),a fitting name for the tumultuous start of their lives together.

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