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A former bodyguard must survive an entire year in a hostile world after being exiled. |
FADE IN: EXT. TWO-LANE HIGHWAY - DAY A sign on the side of the road reads. New York City 40 miles. Walking in the middle of the highway, is TERRY ROBBINS. A hood covers his face. A brown book-bag is strapped around his back, a large tear on the side of the bag is visible. On his left hip is a holstered .44 Magnum revolver, on his opposite hip is a sheathed katana with a black handle. Terry comes across a mini-van. It's the only car he's sound that looks its in drive-able condition. He pulls hard on the driver's side door. Ice is heard CRACKING as he pulls on the handle. The door won't budge. Terry places his other hand on the handle and with all of his force pulls hard on the door again. The door swings open as ice CRACKS. Terry leans into the car. He is surprised to see that the keys are still in the ignitions. He turns the key. The engine REVS up a bit but won't start completely. TERRY Start you piece of shit! He tuns the key again but its no use. The engine is dead. TERRY Fuck! Looking around the van he spots a medium sized book-bag on the passenger seat. Terry then unzips the bag and tips it upside down. A few diapers, bottles, some baby clothes and one pack of peanut butter crackers lay on the driver's seat. Before leaving the van he takes one last glance and finds a water bottle laying under the brake pedal. A small bit of water is at the bottom of the bottle. Terry's hands shake as he twists the cap off. He takes a drink, trying to savor every last drops. He then tosses the bottle on the ground. Terry steps away from the van with the new book-bag in his hand. INT. HOUSE - LIVING ROOM - NIGHT Terry sits on a couch in a dimly lit room. The light is coming from a small fire. Terry stands up from the couch and walks to the fire place. He places the last remaining logs of wood carefully into the fire. Terry takes a seat on the couch again, and takes off his boots. His socks are covered with black dirt and soaked with water. He then takes his socks and throws them near the fire. Propping up his foot on his knee, a bloody bandage is reveled on the bottom of his foot. Terry takes the bandage off, reveling a large blister. He places a fresh bandage on the blister. After taking care of his foot, Terry unsheathes his Katana and begins to polish the blade. The light from the fire allows Terry to see his reflection in the blade. Terry appears to be in his mid-thirties. A small beard is starting grow. His eyes look tired from a long day of walking. He then places the katana back in its holster and leans it against the couch. Taking out his revolver, he opens the chamber and counts the remaining bullets. Five bullets remaining, with one spot open. He runs his hands through the pockets on his jeans and jacket. TERRY Running low. I got to start looking more carefully. The chamber closes with a CLICK and he places it back in the holster. He sets the holster on the ground. Terry then lays down on the couch, keeping his right hand above the gun. INT. OFFICE - NIGHT BANG! An ELDERLY MAN falls to the ground with a bullet hole in his chest. Blood pours from the wounds. The door to the office is kicked opens. Terry runs into the room with a 9mm pistol aimed. Terry drops the gun when he sees the old man laying on the ground. Terry rushes to the man's aid tries to stop the bleeding. It's no use. The man is dead by the time Terry is even able to get his hands on the man. CLICK! Terry looks up and is staring into the barrel of an REVOLVER. UNKNOWN VOICE I didn't want you to find out like this Terry. INT. HOUSE - LIVING ROOM - MORNING Terry wakes almost jumping from the couch. Sweat covers his forehead. Wind can be heard HOWLING from the outside. Terry then sits ups and then begins to CRY. EXT. BRIDGE - DAY Terry is walking on a set of railroad tracks, high above the ground. He's had replaced his old book=bag with the one he found in the van. Wind continues to HOWL. Heavy snow is starting to fall, covering Terry's winter coat white. TERRY (V.O.) The year is 2081. Forty years ago The United States, Russia, and China declared war on each other; causing the third World War. Three years after the war began, the war was at a stalemate. It had looked like the war was going to be over soon. Then one morning the first nuclear bomb was fired. Once the bombings stopped, those who survived took shelter underground; at least till it was safe to return to the surface.
Eventually news got out that three communities were being built in the ruins of a few major cites. One in the New York City, Los Angeles and the last in Washington DC. A WOMEN is heard SCREAMING. Terry looks down and... He spots a woman running. A few ARMED MEN with what looks like SHOTGUNS closely behind her. The women stumbles a bit, this allows one of the men to catch up to her. The man tackles her to the ground. She tries to fight him off. Terry takes out his GUN and aims at the mans head. From this distance it would be an easy shot from him. A little too easy. TERRY Put the gun away and turn around. Terry lowers his gun and places it back in the holster. The women can still be heard SCREAMING as he enters a dark tunnel. BANG! A loud GUNSHOT echoes throughout the tunnel. TERRY (V.O.) One thing I've learned to live out this world, you got to look out for yourself. One life isn't worth saving if it means putting your own at risk. EXT. TOWN - ROAD - DAY What used to be a small town, filled with life is now just ghost town. Buildings are worn down, covered with moss and some even have tree growing from the inside. Terry makes his way to the middle of the town. Across the street he spots a small grocery store. INT. STORE - CONTINUOUS The building appears to have already been looted. The selves are completely bare. Terry kicks a rat away from a small bag of chips on the ground. Crumbs pour out a small hole at the bottom of the bag, when he picks it up. TERRY Damn it. Suddenly there is the ROAR of an engine. A blue truck parks in front of the store. The ENGINE cuts away and three doors open. Terry can see three SHADOWS approach the store. The door open and three MEN enter the store. Each of them are holding a baseball bat and have masks on. Each mask is a different color. Red, black, and white. WHITE MASK Jim, do your impression of that bitch we just shot. JIM Please mister don't kill us! We'll give everything we got. Just don't kill us! The three men then LAUGH. The man in the white mask LAUGHS the hardest. WHITE MASK I don't think that will never been funny. Jim the stops LAUGHING. JIM Look like it's our lucky day boys. We got us an intruder in out store. Everyone then stops LAUGHING. Terry in standing in the middle of the store, with his hand close to his revolver. TERRY (smiles) Didn't realize you owned this store. JIM We own everything in this town boy! TERRY Well, as an owner you're doing a rather poor job. There're rats everywhere and I can't seem to find anything to buy. JIM Shut the fuck up! Terry's smile fades. Jim starts to pace in front of his men with his baseball bat on his propped on his shoulder. JIM The way I see it you have two options. Option A: you give us all your stuff and just maybe we'll let you leave with just a few bruises (pauses) Option B: we kill you and we sill take your stuff. As for me. Personally I prefer option b but I'll let you decide. Terry places his hand over his gun. He's ready for a fight. TERRY How about option C? I kill all three of you before you can even land a single hit on me. Then I'll take everything you have. Jim LAUGHS. JIM Option b it is then. Jim walks toward Terry. The baseball bat still on his shoulder. He has a smug look on his face. One Jim is a few inches from Terry, he pulls the bat back looking like a baseball player who's about to hit a home-run. BANG! In the blink of an eye Terry pulls out his revolver and fire. The bullet hits Jim directly in the head. As soon as Jim's body hits the floor, the other two men move into attack. The fight is over before it can really even begin. Terry takes both men down quickly, using their own weapons and his Katana. Terry wipes the blood from his Katana and sheathes it. He then picks up his revolver and holster it. The door kicks open. A large MAN wearing a bloody apron, and necklace made from fingers; walks into the store. He is holding a chainsaw. Bits of skin are stuck in between the teeth of the chainsaw. The man pulls on a cord and the chainsaw turns on. He raises the chainsaw and runs towards Terry. Terry doesn't even let him get close. His gun is aimed and FIRED before he reaches Jim's dead body. EXT. FRONT OF STORE - CONTINUOUS Terry looking into the bed of the truck. There are two gallons of brown water and one canister of gasoline. He opens the truck door and get in. INT. TRUCK - CONTINUOUS Terry opens the glove-box and finds one 9mm and two fully loaded magazines. A few basked beans and canned peaches lay on the back seat. As Terry turns the key, he notices a bottle of whiskey on the passenger seat. He picks up the bottle and looks at the amber liquid. Terry then rolls down the window and tosses the bottle out. EXT. DRIVEWAY - AFTERNOON Terry stands in front of the truck parked in front of what he hopes to be a vacant house. His book-bag is on the hood of the truck. He loads one of the magazines into the 9mm. Terry then zips his book-bag and tosses it around his back. Terry walks to the front door. He aims the gun at the door and with his free hand opens the door. Flies are heard BUZZING. A trail of blood is on the floor. Terry steps into the house. INT. HOUSE - HALLWAY - CONTINUOUS With his gun still aimed, Terry follows the trail of blood. The floorboard CREAKS as he walks forward. The trail turns to the right, leading into the living room. LIVING ROOM Upon entering Terry lowers his gun. TWO KIDS and their MOM are tied to chairs. Their throats are slit. In front of them is their FATHER who has been beaten bloody and hung from rope connected to a ceiling fan. Terry uses his Katana to cut the rope. The body falls to the ground with a loud THUD. He then grabs the man by the legs and drags the body out of the room. EXT. BACKYARD - EVENING Terry places a shovel into the ground. It's the only grave he was able to dig. Terry then pulls out a pack of cigarettes, pulls one out and uses a small lighter to light it. He takes a long hit as he watches the sun set. INT. HOUSE - LIVING ROOM - NIGHT Terry sleeps on the couch. His hand as normal is right above his revolver. There is a small flame in the fire place. FOOTSTEPS are heard. Terry immediately jumps awake with the revolver in hand. KITCHEN Terry enters the dark room. He uses his lighter to provide some light. Someone is in the room with him. Whoever it is, they are crouched in the corner, with their back turned to Terry. TERRY Stand up slowly with your hands in the air! If I see you reach anything I can promise you I won't hesitate to shoot. The INTRUDER stands up with its hands in the air. A can is in their right hand. TERRY Turn around slowly. Once turned is around, Terry is facing a smiling YOUNG GIRL. She appears to be around the age of 15. Terry keeps his gun aimed. TERRY Who the fuck are you? GIRL The name's Alice. TERRY What are you doing here? ALICE still has her hands in the air. ALICE Well I was hoping to sleep here for the night but then I saw you on the couch. Terry finally notices the can. It's his canned peaches. TERRY So you decided to steal from me? ALICE (smiles) Just one can. You wouldn't even have noticed that it was gone. Terry pulls up a chair and motions for Alice to sit. She takes a seat, still keeping her hands raised. Terry then grabs the can. His gun still aimed. TERRY I don't have a lot of food. Trust me I would have noticed. ALICE Could you stop pointing that gun at me now? Terry takes a seat across from here. He doesn't lower the gun. TERRY Not till I know I can trust you. ALICE Why wouldn't you be able to trust me TERRY You came into where I was sleeping and stole from me. ALICE It's not like I killed you, or even tried. TERRY You could have. ALICE I am 15! Why would I want to do that? TERRY Maybe you won't try to kill me, but you could just be a scout and there's a group waiting outside. Alice rolls her eyes. ALICE You figured it out. That's exactly why I am here. Terry starts to lower the gun at bit but still as it aimed. TERRY What exactly are you doing out here? ALICE I ran away from the DC Community. TERRY Why the fuck would you do that? ALICE (shrugs) No real reason. I just didn't want to live there anymore. TERRY There as to be a reason. No one just decides to run away. Especially when wanting to leave the DC community. Alice pauses and shrugs again. ALICE I guess I just wanted an adventure. I've been living in that community all my live; I just want to see what out in the real world...and maybe go out to Los Angeles. TERRY There's nothing out here to see. ALICE What are you doing out there then? TERRY That's my business. Look, I've been to the Los Angeles Community and you better off just returning home. A huge smile appears on Alice's face. ALICE I just thought of a perfect idea! Why don't you help me get there. TERRY Los Angeles? ALICE Yeah. TERRY That's not going to happen. ALICE Why not? You look like you know hoe to protect yourself and to be honest I really don't know the way. TERRY I am not going to help to you sorry. Terry finally lowers the gun. ALICE But you've already been there. I could really use your help. TERRY I have things that I need to take care of around here. Terry stands up. TERRY Tomorrow I'll help you get some supplies and then we go our separate ways. From there I don't give a fuck what you do after that. Terry start to leave. ALICE I never got your name. Terry stops and looks at her. TERRY Terry. Terry then tosses her the peaches. TERRY Go ahead and finish those off. He then leaves the room. EXT. WOODS - MORNING Terry and Alice are walking through deep snow. The snow comes up to Terry's ankles and almost to Alice's knees. Alice is wear a light jacket. ALICE I've got a question. TERRY I thought I told you not to talk when we left? ALICE I know you did but this is important. TERRY (sighs) Fine. What is it? ALICE Don't you have a truck? TERRY I do. ALICE Then why the fuck aren't we using it? TERRY I don't have a lot of gas for it and need to make it last. ALICE Well as you can tell I am not really dressed to walk in the snow. TERRY Should've thought about that before running away in the middle of December. There is a loud SNAP in the distance. Terry stops and places his hand in front of Alice. TERRY Wait! Another SNAP. Terry's eyes dart around the area. All he sees is the white snow and trees. ALICE What's going on. TERRY Don't talk. Another SNAP... Two ropes then emerge from the snow. They wrap around their legs, pulling them high into the air from a tree. Terry unsheathes his Katana but before he can cut the rope, the handle slips from his hand. ALICE What are we going to do? TERRY Just give me a second. THREE MEN appear from behind a tree. A FAT MAN walks towards Alice and Terry. The man picks up the Katana and runs his hand down the blade. He then looks at Terry and smiles. His teeth are completely rotten. FAT MAN This is a nice sword. WHAM! The fat man hits Terry hard in the head with the handle. INT. CHURCH - BASEMENT - EVENING Terry walks up with his hands chained to wall. Alice is chained to the wall next to him. Alice is still unconscious. They room they are in is dark. There is some light in the room coming from lit candles scattered around the room. Terry can see the bodies of men, women, and children chained to tables with their stomachs cut open. Alice finally comes to. ALICE Where the fuck are we? Terry shakes his head. TERRY I am not sure. A door at the end of the room opens. A BALD MAN enters the room. He walks over to them and light a candle. Along with being bald, the man has strange red and black tattoos covering his face and head. BALD MAN I've been wondering when you'd wake. I've just been dying to talk to you. TERRY Who the fuck are you and where are we? BALD MAN Now is there really the need for that type of language, after all we are in place of worship. My name is Father Isaac and you are in my church. TERRY Odd place for a priest. FATHER ISAAC walks over to a table and picks up a bloody knife. FATHER ISAAC (laughs) Well, I am not really priest...at least not anymore. (pauses) No, I offer something much different. TERRY And what exactly would that be? FATHER ISAAC (smiles) I offer gifts. In your case...sacrifices. You see I don't read from any scriptures from a book or offer any wise sayings. I am here for one purpose to please my Lord Satan. TERRY So you plan on killing us? FATHER ISAAC You yes. (looks at Alice) AS for the girl. We have other plans for her. Father Isaac sets the knife down. FATHER ISAAC Now I have a few preparations to make and sadly must leave you for a bit. Don't worry I shall return. He starts to leave. FATHER ISAAC Enjoy your last few minutes of life. ALICE Wait! He stops and face Alice. ALICE Don't you think you should give him a final meal. FATHER ISAAC (laughs) And why would I do that? Alice takes a moment to think. ALICE Don't you think Satan might be more please if his sacrifices were well fed? It might...I don't know make the sacrifice stronger. FATHER ISAAC I don't think that would do anything but it would be nice to have a civil conversation during dinner for once. Father Isaac leaves. The door closes behind him and one of the candles goes out. ALICE That should give you enough time to think of plan. INT. CHURCH - DINNING ROOM - EVENING Terry and Alice are bound to the arms of the chairs they are sitting in. The table is long and filled with all sorts of food. Different cuts of meat, vegetables, and fruits. Father Isaac enters and pours a red liquid into their cups. He notices that their hand are tied. FATHER ISAAC (cuts the ropes) Sorry about that. I told them that you'd need your hands to eat. Father Issac takes a seat at the end of the table. He then pours himself a drink. He uses a knife to pick up a bloody steak. TERRY Surprised to see that you don't eat your sacrifices. Father Isaac cuts into his steak and take a bite. FATHER ISAAC Why would you think that? We're not savages. My sacrifices have a purpose. TERRY And would purpose would that be? FATHER ISAAC Satan requires sacrifices and in return he grants me immortality. TERRY You know at first I thought you were just a psychopath but now I just think you're fucking delusional. Father Isaac glares at him. FATHER ISAAC Are you doubting my powers? TERRY Not at all. Father Isaac shifts in his seat. FATHER ISAAC I don't appreciate your tone. (holds his knife up) Maybe before I kill, I'll cut out that fucking tongue of yours and then we can see how your tone is then. Both men stare at each other. They are waiting to see who will make the first move. Father Isaac then LAUGHS. TERRY What's so funny? FATHER ISAAC I just didn't expect catching you would be this easy. I meant the way he talked about you. (smiles) Said you were a fighter. Terry you don't look like a fighter to me. Father Isaac takes another bite. FATHER ISAAC To be honest I am a bit disappointed. Killing women and children is starting to bore me. I was hoping this job would provide a challenge. ALICE What do you mean by job? FATHER ISAAC (looks to Alice) I was hired to find Terry and kill him. TERRY Who hired you? FATHER ISAAC Sorry but I can't revel that information. Let's just sat it was someone very close to you. ALICE What's the harm in telling him? I mean you are going to kill him. FATHER ISAAC You know Terry I am starting to like this girl. I may even just let her join me. The person who hired me was... Mayor Jordan. Terry doesn't react at all. He just watches as Father Isaac puts another steak onto his plate. FATHER ISAAC You don't look surprised Terry. I must say that your relationship was very fascinating to hear. It's going to make killing you a lot more fun. Terry grabs his gun and drinks the liquid in one gulp. TERRY I could use some more wine. Father Isaac gets up. Terry hides a knife on his lap. Father Issac then pours the wine into Terry's cup. TERRY How about you test that immortality of yours? Terry dives the knife deeps into Father Isaac's throat. Blood drips onto Terry's hand. With the knife still in hand, Terry stands up and pushes Father Isaac against the wall. He then pulls the knife out and stabs Father Isaac multiple times in the stomach. Father Isaac falls to the ground. Blood smears on the walls. Terry grabs Alice's arm. TERRY Let's get the fuck out of here! As they run out of the room, an alarm goes off. INT. CHURCH - HALLWAY - CONTINUOUS They are running down a long hallway with door on both sides. The floor is covered in thick blood. Once they reach the end of the hall, they make a right which leads to another almost identical hallway. TERRY This place is a fucking maze! A door in front of them opens. A MAN WITH A MEAT CLEAVER comes out of the room. He widely swings at Terry but misses. The blade gets stuck in the wall. Terry slams the man's head against the wall and then pulls the cleaver out of the wall. WHAM! Terry drives the cleaver into the man's skull. SANCTUARY They enter a large room. It looks to have once been the church's sanctuary. Hanging on a wall is three crucified bodies. The wounds on the bodies appear to be fresh. Next to a door are sorted piles of clothes, bags and other supplies. On a table Terry finds his supplies. The only things missing is his Katana. He gathers his gear, plus two sleeping bags, and a blue winter coat. BANG! A bullet just barely misses Terry. Terry looks behind him and can a see a MAN ON A BALCONY. He is holding a rifle. He struggles to load the gun. Terry aims his revolver. Just as the man manages to load the rifle.... Terry pulls the trigger on his own gun. The bullet hit the man in the eye, he CRASHES to the ground. Terry tosses Alice the coat. TERRY We need to go before more show up! EXT. WOODS - CONTINUOUS Terry and Alice run as fast as they can through the deep snow. Branches hit them as the run. From this point Father Isaac's men will be refereed to as FOLLOWER or CULTIST. FOLLOWER 1 (O.S.) Find those fuckers! Just make sure Terry comes back alive. The girl can be killed if needed. Alice starts to fall behind. Terry is running too fast for her to keep up. TERRY You need to keep up! ALICE I am trying! A bullet WHIZZES past Terry's right ear, hitting a tree in front of him. FOLLOWER 2 (O.S.) I found them! Hurry the're this way. Terry turns around and can see three cultists chasing after them. One of them is the fat man who still has Terry's Katana. TERRY Son of a bitch! (points to a tree) Hide there. If anything happens to me run. Alice does as she's told. Terry uses a tree of his own as cover. A barrage of bullets hit the tree. Bark breaks off from the impact of each bullet. Terry pops out of cover and shoots one of the followers. Blood splatters on the snow. Terry then runs to another tree to the right of him. He fires blindly as he runs. Terry holsters his revolver and switches to the 9mm. One of the Followers manages to flank Terry. Terry notices him and manages to grab the Followers arm before he can pull the trigger. They both struggle for the gun. During their struggle, they both fall to the ground. Terry manages to get on top of the man. He's able to put the gun under the Followers chin. BANG! Terry fires till the clip is empty. As Terry stands up... The blade of his own katana manages to cut him a bit. The cut isn't deep but is an open wound. FAT MAN I know we aren't supposed to kill you but fuck it. The fat man smiles showing his rotten teeth. He then runs at Terry with the blade pointed at him. Terry just barely manages to shoot him in the leg. The fat man falls to the ground. The man is trying to crawl away. Terry walks over to him and steps on the shot leg. The man SCREAMS. FAT MAN Please don't kill me! I'll say we couldn't find you! Terry picks up the Katana. FAT MAN Please you don't have to do this! Terry places the Katana on the man's throat. FAT MAN Ple- Terry slowly SLICES the mans throat. The man chokes as blood starts to drip on the snow. TERRY You can come out now. Terry uses of the fat man's shirt to wipe the blood from his blade. Alice comes out of her hiding spot. She notices the cut. ALICE You're hurt. Terry just now notices the cut. The bottom of his shirt is soaked with blood. TERRY It's nothing. Let's just focus one getting away from here. Terry sheathes the Katana and they start to walk away. INT. WAREHOUSE - EVENING Terry sets is book-bag and Katana on a table in the middle of a large room. Terry sits on the table as well. He opens the bag and takes out a bandage. He then takes his jacket and shirt off. Alice walks over to the table. She takes a quick glance around the room. The table apart from human skeletons is the only objects in room. ALICE Are you sure we'll be safe here? TERRY We should be. We'll take turns keeping watch just in case. Terry takes to apply the bandage on the cut. ALICE Who's Major Jordan? He ignores her. ALICE Terry? TERRY It's a long story. ALICE We have time. I answered all of your questions last night. You owe me. Terry puts his shirt back on and SIGHS. TERRY Mayor Jordan is the reason I am out here. 13 days ago I was living in the New York City Community. I had lived there all of my life. Mayor Jordan is the leader of the Community. He's ruthless and corrupt. Terry pulls out his last cigarette and lights it. ALICE I still don't understand why he wants you killed. TERRY I was just getting to that till you interrupted me. My father and Mayor Jordan were close friends even before the world went to shit. So when Mayor Jordan asked for him to let me be his bodyguard, my Father agreed. One night when I was patrolling his home I heard a gunshot. When I entered his office I saw my Father lying on the floor shot.... Mayor Jordan was holding the gun. He accused me of killing my own Father. ALICE Why didn't you tell anyone the truth? TERRY Everyone in that Community knows the truth. They just can't do anything to help me out. You know the consequences for murder in the communities right? ALICE I was never too good at keeping up with the rules. TERRY There's two possible punishments. Death by firing squad or exile for one year out in The Wasteland. If you can survive the year then you're welcomed back inside. Most people choose the firing squad since being out here it's pretty much certain death. Terry takes a long hit on his cigarette. ALICE Why did you choose to come out here then. TERRY Maybe it's because I am fucking crazy. (takes another hit) Or maybe it's because I know I can survive. When I get back inside I am going to kill Mayor Jordan. Even it does mean being sent back out here. ALICE I don't understand why he killed your Father. You said they were friends. TERRY That's something I've been trying to figure out. Over the years Mayor Jordan started to become paranoid thinking someone was out to kill him. It's possibly that he thought it was my Dad. There is a brief silence. Terry is close to finishing his cigarette. ALICE Terry I am sorry about your Father and I now I understand why you want to stay in New York...but you have a year to survive and I could still use your help. Terry throws his cigarette on the ground. TERRY You're right I do need to stay in New York... However the fact is Father Isaac's followers are going to be looking for both of us. We need to stick together now. ALICE So you'll help me? TERRY Yeah I'll help you. ALICE Thank you Terry. Terry tosses her a sleeping bag. TERRY Get some sleep. I'll take first watch. INT. BASEMENT - MORNING MAYOR JORDAN is taking his daily swim in a large pool. Steam is raising from the heated water. As he swims his son JORDAN JR enters walking down a set of stairs. He is around the same age as Terry. Jordan Jr is holding a white bathrobe. He waits at the end of the pool for his father. Mayor Jordan notices his son and swims to the ladder and gets out of the pool. Mayor Jordan is an older heavy set man and is clean shaven. Jordan Jr helps his Father with robe. JORDAN JR. I had the guards bring them to the house. They're waiting in the main hall. Mayor Jordan dries his hair with a towel. MAYOR JORDAN Good. I'll be out after I change. It would be unprofessional for me to conduct business in a robe. INT. MAIN HALL - CONTINUOUS Three MEN are on tree knees with a black bag over their heads. They three men are: HENRY, JACOB, and Ray. The room they are in is stunning to look at. It's large, the tile is completely and at the top of a staircase is a large portrait of Mayor Jordan. A door to the staircase opens. Mayor Jordan and his son enter. Both are dressed in a black suit and red tie. Mayor Jordan and his son stand in front of the three men. GUARDS move behind the three men and remove the hoods. All three of them begin to shake upon seeing Mayor Jordan. Jordan Jr hands his Father a cigar. He then helps him light it with a wooden match. Mayor Jordan takes a long hit on the cigar and Let's out a large cloud of smoke. MAYOR JORDAN Gentlemen we have a slight dilemma. As each of you know payments are supposed to paid in full on the fist of every month. Takes another puff on his cigar. MAYOR JORDAN Unfortunately I've yet to receive a payment from any of you. Now I can be a reasonable man. I understand that time are hard and you might need a little extra time getting the money. However, you three are constantly late. I can not longer let this stand. HENRY Mayor Jordan if you can give me another day I promise you that I'll have your money by then. Mayor Jordan doesn't say anything. MAYOR JORDAN You see my wife has been sick and well, I just haven't been able to work as much. Please just give me another week. Mayor Jordan take another long puff on his cigar. He then looks at his son. Jordan Jr then puts on a pair of black gloves. He walks over to Henry and takes out a large knife. HENRY Please do- Jordan Jr grabs Henry's by the neck and SLICES his throat. The remaining two men are shaking harder now. Blood is moving towards them. MAYOR JORDAN I didn't bring you three here for fucking excuses. I brought you here because I want my fucking money. Can either of you give me my money today? The men don't respond. MAYOR JORDAN Are you two fucking death? JACOB Why do you care so much? Look at the house you're living in. Most people in the community don't even have food...let along a home to sleep in. Again Mayor Jordan looks at this son. Jordan Jr takes this time takes his time. He cuts deep enough that his gloves begin to turn red. Mayor Jordan takes one last puff on his cigar and then throws it on Jacob's body. MAYOR JORDAN I care because money is the only fucking thing keeping order in this place. Money is man's true best friend. (looks at Ray) Now Ray, the only thing I want to hear from you is; Yes Mayor Jordan I can get you your money today. Ray doesn't respond. Mayor Jordan shakes his head. MAYOR JORDAN You disappoint me. Mayor Jordan turns away. Ray can be heard being killed. INT. OFFICE - CONTINUOUS Mayor Jordan rips off his tie and throws it on his desk. He walks to a small table near his desk. His hands a large bowl of ice. He drops a few ice cubes into a glass. Mayor Jordan then fills the glass to the top with scotch. Mayor Jordan takes a seat at his desk and takes a long sip of his drink. Jordan Jr then enters the room. Both gloves are covered with blood. He uses a white cloth to clean the blood off of his knife. MAYOR JORDAN I want you to find three people to take over their positions. Make sure whoever you hire that you remind what happens if someone tries to fuck with me. Jordan Jr pours himself a drink and then takes a seat. JORDAN JR. Any word on Terry yet? Mayor Jordan shakes his head. MAYOR JORDAN Nothing yet. No need to worry yet though. The guy I have looking him is the best. JORDAN JR. You should have just sent me. I know Terry better than anyone. MAYOR JORDAN I don't want you getting involved in this. Jordan Jr takes a drink. JORDAN JR. Why don't you just admit that you don't think I can get the job done? MAYOR JORDAN It's not that I don't think you can kill him. I just don't want you out there. You're too valuable in here to be out chasing after Terry. JORDAN JR. I understand. MAYOR JORDAN Good. Now go do what I asked. I have some work to do. Mayor Jordan puts on his reading glasses and opens a notebook. Jordan Jr places his glass on the desk and starts to leave. MAYOR JORDAN First. Jordan Jr. stops and faces his Father. MAYOR JORDAN Get rid of those fucking bodies before they start to smell. |